#include #include //#include using namespace std; #define lli long long int #define REP(i, s, n) for (lli i = s; i < n; i++) #define INF (1LL << 62) #define mp(a, b) make_pair(a, b) #define SORT(V) sort(V.begin(), V.end()) #define PI (3.141592653589794) #define TO_STRING(VariableName) #VariableName #define LOG1(x) \ if (DEBUG) \ cout << TO_STRING(x) << "=" << x << " " << endl; #define LOG2(x, y) \ if (DEBUG) \ cout << TO_STRING(x) << "=" << x << " " << TO_STRING(y) << "=" << y << endl; #define LOG3(x, y, z) \ if (DEBUG) \ cout << TO_STRING(x) << "=" << x << " " << TO_STRING(y) << "=" << y << " " \ << TO_STRING(z) << "=" << z << endl; #define LOG4(w, x, y, z) \ if (DEBUG) \ cout << TO_STRING(w) << "=" << w << " " << TO_STRING(x) << "=" << x << " " \ << TO_STRING(y) << "=" << y << " " << TO_STRING(z) << "=" << z \ << endl; #define LOG5(w, x, y, z, a) \ if (DEBUG) \ cout << TO_STRING(w) << "=" << w << " " << TO_STRING(x) << "=" << x << " " \ << TO_STRING(y) << "=" << y << " " << TO_STRING(z) << "=" << z << " " \ << TO_STRING(a) << "=" << a << endl; #define LOG6(w, x, y, z, a, b) \ if (DEBUG) \ cout << TO_STRING(w) << "=" << w << " " << TO_STRING(x) << "=" << x << " " \ << TO_STRING(y) << "=" << y << " " << TO_STRING(z) << "=" << z << " " \ << TO_STRING(a) << "=" << a << " " << TO_STRING(b) << "=" << b \ << endl; #define overload6(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ...) g #define LOG(...) \ overload6(__VA_ARGS__, LOG6, LOG5, LOG4, LOG3, LOG2, LOG1)(__VA_ARGS__) template bool chmax(T &a, const T &b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } template bool chmin(T &a, const T &b) { if (b < a) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } mt19937 engine; std::chrono::system_clock::time_point start, endTime; // checker https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc264/tasks/abc264_e struct UnionFind { vector par; // par[i]:iの親の番号 (例) par[3] = 2 : 3の親が2 vector isOk; vector siz; // 素集合のサイズを表す配列(1 で初期化) lli N; UnionFind(int N) : par(N), isOk(N), siz(N) { //最初は全てが根であるとして初期化 for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { par[i] = i; isOk[i] = false; siz[i] = 1; } this->N = N; } int root(int x) { // データxが属する木の根を再帰で得る:root(x) = {xの木の根} if (par[x] == x) return x; return par[x] = root(par[x]); } void setOk(lli i) { isOk[i] = isOk[root(i)] = true; } bool isCheckOk(lli i) { return isOk[root(i)]; } void unite(int x, int y) { // xとyの木を併合 int rx = root(x); // xの根をrx int ry = root(y); // yの根をry if (rx == ry) return; // xとyの根が同じ(=同じ木にある)時はそのまま if (siz[rx] < siz[ry]) swap(rx, ry); siz[rx] += siz[ry]; par[ry] = rx; // xとyの根が同じでない(=同じ木にない)時:xの根rxをyの根ryにつける if (isOk[rx] || isOk[ry]) { isOk[ry] = true; isOk[rx] = true; } } bool same(int x, int y) { // 2つのデータx, yが属する木が同じならtrueを返す int rx = root(x); int ry = root(y); return rx == ry; } lli size(lli x) { return siz[root(x)]; } }; #define DEBUG 0 lli A[800][800]; lli di[2] = {1, 0}; lli dj[2] = {0, 1}; void solve() { // write your code here lli H, W; cin >> H >> W; REP(i, 0, H) { REP(j, 0, W) { cin >> A[i][j]; } } using P = pair, pair>>; priority_queue, greater

> pq; REP(i, 0, H) { REP(j, 0, W) { REP(dir, 0, 2) { lli ni = i + di[dir]; lli nj = j + dj[dir]; if (ni >= H || nj >= W) continue; lli cost = max(A[i][j], A[ni][nj]); pq.push({cost, {{i, j}, {ni, nj}}}); } } } UnionFind uf(H * W); //片方の点の相方を入れる map, vector>> mp; map>> mp2; //クエリ番号を出す map, pair>, lli> pairToQueryNum; lli Q; cin >> Q; vector ans(Q); REP(i, 0, Q) { lli i1, j1, i2, j2; cin >> i1 >> j1 >> i2 >> j2; i1--; j1--; i2--; j2--; mp[{i1, j1}].push_back({i2, j2}); mp[{i2, j2}].push_back({i1, j1}); pairToQueryNum[{{i1, j1}, {i2, j2}}] = i; pairToQueryNum[{{i2, j2}, {i1, j1}}] = i; } REP(i, 0, H) { REP(j, 0, W) { mp2[uf.root(i * W + j)].insert({i, j}); } } while (!pq.empty()) { auto now = pq.top(); pq.pop(); lli cost = now.first; lli i1 = now.second.first.first; lli j1 = now.second.first.second; lli i2 = now.second.second.first; lli j2 = now.second.second.second; if (uf.same(i1 * W + j1, i2 * W + j2)) continue; LOG(cost, i1, j1, i2, j2); //小さいサイズの方のイベントを確認する // i1,j1の方が小さい if (uf.size({i1 * W + j1}) > uf.size({i2 * W + j2})) { swap(i1, i2); swap(j1, j2); } lli smallRoot = uf.root(i1 * W + j1); lli largeRoot = uf.root(i2 * W + j2); //追加予定の点の座標を持って置く vector> addV; for (auto p : mp2[smallRoot]) { lli ni = p.first; lli nj = p.second; addV.push_back({ni, nj}); } uf.unite(i1 * W + j1, i2 * W + j2); //追加予定のものを追加していくときにクエリがあるか見ていく for (auto p : addV) { lli ni = p.first; lli nj = p.second; for (auto np : mp[{ni, nj}]) { lli nni = np.first; lli nnj = np.second; if (uf.same(ni * W + nj, nni * W + nnj)) { ans[pairToQueryNum[{{ni, nj}, {nni, nnj}}]] = cost; } } // largeに突っ込んでおく mp2[largeRoot].insert({ni, nj}); } lli nowRootNum = uf.root(i1 * W + j1); swap(mp2[nowRootNum], mp2[largeRoot]); } for (auto e : ans) { cout << e << endl; } } // Generated by 2.13.0 https://github.com/kyuridenamida/atcoder-tools (tips: // You use the default template now. You can remove this line by using your // custom template) int main() { // Failed to predict input format lli N = 1; // cin >> N; while (N--) solve(); return 0; }