import sys

from collections import defaultdict, deque, Counter
from heapq import heapify, heappush, heappop, merge
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left 
left_binser = lower_bound = bisect_left ; right_binser = upper_bound = bisect_right
from itertools import permutations, combinations, accumulate

# from math import lcm,gcd
# from math import comb, perm
# from functools import lru_cache
# from types import GeneratorType

MOD = 10**9 + 7
_MOD = 998244353

NO = "NO"
ALICE = "Alice"
BOB = "Bob"

def FLOOR_DIV(a, b) :
    return a // b
def CEIL_DIV(a, b) :
    return (a // b) + (not(not(a % b)))

def get() :
    return map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())
def getone() :
    return int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
def getstr() :
    return sys.stdin.readline().split()
def getonestr() :
    return sys.stdin.readline().strip()
def getarr() :
    return list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()))

def _3d_ARRAY_SPAWN(i, j, k) :
    return [[[0 for _k in range(k)] for _j in range(j)] for _i in range(i)]
def _2d_ARRAY_SPAWN(i, j) :
    return [[0 for _j in range(j)] for _i in range(i)]
"never doubt that u can't do this, cause it's an insult to ur determination"
by @deepakgoswami0552 10/03/2024

def solve() :
    # Solution here!
    a,b,c,d = get()
    diff = (31 - a) + b
    assert c > d
    if diff < d :
        return 3
    if diff < c :
        return 2
    return 1

testcase = ""
# testcase = "multiple" # Multiple tc

if testcase == "multiple" :

    for i in range(int(input())) : 
        # solve()
else :
    # solve()