import sys from itertools import permutations from heapq import heappop,heappush from collections import deque import random import bisect input = lambda :sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() mi = lambda :map(int,input().split()) li = lambda :list(mi()) memo = {} def calc(a,b,c,d,which,goal,now): if (a,b,c,d,which,goal,now) in memo: return memo[a,b,c,d,which,goal,now] assert a+b == c+d if a+b == 0: if now == goal: return "Alice" else: return "Bob" res = "Alice" if which == "Bob" else "Bob" nxt = "Alice" if which == "Bob" else "Bob" if a and c and calc(a-1,b,c-1,d,nxt,goal,now^1) == which: res = which if a and d and calc(a-1,b,c,d-1,nxt,goal,now) == which: res = which if b and c and calc(a,b-1,c-1,d,nxt,goal,now) == which: res = which if b and d and calc(a,b-1,c,d-1,nxt,goal,now) == which: res = which memo[a,b,c,d,which,goal,now] = res return res def solve_even(N): p_cnt = 0 for i in range(100): if (N-1)>>i & 1: p_cnt += 1 check = N - (1<>i & 1: p_cnt += 1 check = N - (1<>i & 1: p_cnt += 1 a = 1<>i & 1: p_cnt += 1 a = 1<