import os,sys,random,threading #sys.exit() 退出程序 #sys.setrecursionlimit(10**6) #调整栈空间 from random import randint,choice,shuffle #randint(a,b)从[a,b]范围随机选择一个数 #choice(seq)seq可以是一个列表,元组或字符串,从seq中随机选取一个元素 #shuffle(x)将一个可变的序列x中的元素打乱 from copy import deepcopy from io import BytesIO,IOBase from types import GeneratorType from functools import lru_cache,reduce #reduce(op,迭代对象) from bisect import bisect_left,bisect_right #bisect_left(x) 大于等于x的第一个下标 #bisect_right(x) 大于x的第一个下标 from collections import Counter,defaultdict,deque from itertools import accumulate,combinations,permutations #accumulate(a)用a序列生成一个累积迭代器,一般list化前面放个[0]做前缀和用 #combinations(a,k)a序列选k个 组合迭代器 #permutations(a,k)a序列选k个 排列迭代器 from heapq import heapify,heappop,heappush #heapify将列表转为堆 from typing import Generic,Iterable,Iterator,TypeVar,Union,List from string import ascii_lowercase,ascii_uppercase,digits #小写字母,大写字母,十进制数字 from math import ceil,floor,sqrt,pi,factorial,gcd,log,log10,log2,inf #ceil向上取整,floor向下取整 ,sqrt开方 ,factorial阶乘 from decimal import Decimal,getcontext #Decimal(s) 实例化Decimal对象,一般使用字符串 #getcontext().prec=100 修改精度 from sys import stdin, stdout, setrecursionlimit input = lambda: sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n") MI = lambda :map(int,input().split()) li = lambda :list(MI()) ii = lambda :int(input()) mod = int(1e9 + 7) #998244353 inf = 1<<60 py = lambda :print("YES") pn = lambda :print("NO") DIRS = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] # 右下左上 DIRS8 = [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0),(-1, 1)] # →↘↓↙←↖↑↗ def bootstrap(f, stack=[]): #yield def wrappedfunc(*args, **kwargs): if stack: return f(*args, **kwargs) else: to = f(*args, **kwargs) while True: if type(to) is GeneratorType: stack.append(to) to = next(to) else: stack.pop() if not stack: break to = stack[-1].send(to) return to return wrappedfunc n=ii() g=[[] for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n-1): u,v,w=li() u-=1 v-=1 g[u].append((v,w)) g[v].append((u,w)) h=[[0]*32 for _ in range(n)] #经过i点的,第i位是1的路径数量 global res res=0 @bootstrap def dfs(u,fa): global res for i in range(32): h[u][i]=1 for v,w in g[u]: if v==fa: continue yield dfs(v,u) for i in range(32): if w>>i&1: res+=(1<<i)*h[u][i]*h[v][i] res%=mod h[u][i]+=h[v][i] h[u][i]%=mod yield None dfs(0,-1) print(res)