
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
232082 2018-01-26 23:10:44 KoshStormKoshStorm No.638 Sum of "not power of 2" Python3 AC 28 ms 356 bytes
232081 2018-01-26 23:09:54 KoshStormKoshStorm No.638 Sum of "not power of 2" Python3 WA - 326 bytes
232038 2018-01-26 22:58:15 KoshStormKoshStorm No.638 Sum of "not power of 2" Python3 WA - 423 bytes
232034 2018-01-26 22:57:48 KoshStormKoshStorm No.638 Sum of "not power of 2" Python3 CE - 424 bytes
232033 2018-01-26 22:57:26 KoshStormKoshStorm No.638 Sum of "not power of 2" Python3 CE - 423 bytes
232028 2018-01-26 22:55:30 KoshStormKoshStorm No.638 Sum of "not power of 2" Python3 WA - 332 bytes
232020 2018-01-26 22:53:41 KoshStormKoshStorm No.638 Sum of "not power of 2" Python3 RE - 249 bytes
232003 2018-01-26 22:46:10 KoshStormKoshStorm No.638 Sum of "not power of 2" Python3 WA - 287 bytes