
問題 No.1099 Range Square Sum
ユーザー 双六双六
提出日時 2020-09-16 01:17:36
言語 PyPy3
実行時間 -
コード長 3,017 bytes
コンパイル時間 465 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 87,196 KB
実行使用メモリ 127,860 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2023-09-04 03:12:39
合計ジャッジ時間 13,624 ms
judge11 / judge12


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 75 ms
71,336 KB
testcase_01 WA -
testcase_02 WA -
testcase_03 WA -
testcase_04 AC 72 ms
71,468 KB
testcase_05 WA -
testcase_06 WA -
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diff #

import sys; input = sys.stdin.buffer.readline
INF = float("inf")

def getlist():
	return list(map(int, input().split()))

class lazySegTree(object):
	def __init__(self, N):
		self.N = N
		self.LV = (N - 1).bit_length()
		self.N0 = 2 ** self.LV
		self.ans = [0] * (2 * self.N0)
		self.data = [0] * (2 * self.N0)
		self.lazy = [0] * (2 * self.N0)
		self.lazy2 = [0] * (2 * self.N0)

	def initialize(self, A):
		for i in range(self.N):
			self.data[self.N0 - 1 + i] = A[i]
			self.ans[self.N0 - 1 + i] = A[i] ** 2
		for i in range(self.N0 - 2, -1, -1):
			self.data[i] = self.data[2 * i + 1] + self.data[2 * i + 2]
			self.ans[i] = self.ans[2 * i + 1] + self.ans[2 * i + 2]

	def gindex(self, l, r):
		L = (l + self.N0) >> 1; R = (r + self.N0) >> 1
		lc = 0 if l & 1 else (L & -L).bit_length()
		rc = 0 if r & 1 else (R & -R).bit_length()
		for i in range(self.LV):
			if rc <= i:
				yield R
			if L < R and lc <= i:
				yield L
			L >>= 1; R >>= 1

	def propagates(self, *ids):
		for i in reversed(ids):
			v = self.lazy[i - 1]
			v2 = self.lazy2[i - 1]
			if (not v) and (not v2):
			val = v2 >> 1
			vvv = v >> 1
			self.ans[2 * i - 1] += 2 * vvv * self.data[2 * i - 1] + val
			self.ans[2 * i] += 2 * vvv * self.data[2 * i] + val
			self.data[2 * i - 1] += vvv
			self.data[2 * i] += vvv
			self.lazy[2 * i - 1] += vvv
			self.lazy[2 * i] += vvv
			self.lazy2[2 * i - 1] += val
			self.lazy2[2 * i] += val
			self.lazy[i - 1] = 0; self.lazy2[i - 1] = 0

	def add(self, l, r, x):
		*ids, = self.gindex(l, r + 1)

		L = self.N0 + l; R = self.N0 + r + 1
		weight = 1
		while L < R:
			if R & 1:
				R -= 1
				self.lazy[R - 1] += x * weight
				self.lazy2[R - 1] += weight * (x ** 2)
				self.ans[R - 1] += 2 * self.data[R - 1] * weight * x + weight * (x ** 2)
				self.data[R - 1] += weight * x
			if L & 1:
				self.lazy[L - 1] += x * weight
				self.lazy2[L - 1] += weight * (x ** 2)
				self.ans[L - 1] += 2 * self.data[L - 1] * weight * x + weight * (x ** 2)
				self.data[L - 1] += weight * x
				L += 1
			L >>= 1; R >>= 1; weight <<= 1
		for i in ids:
			self.data[i - 1] = self.data[2 * i - 1] + self.data[2 * i]
			self.ans[i - 1] = self.ans[2 * i - 1] + self.ans[2 * i]

	def query(self, l, r):
		self.propagates(*self.gindex(l, r + 1))
		L = self.N0 + l; R = self.N0 + r + 1

		s = 0
		while L < R:
			if R & 1:
				R -= 1
				s += self.ans[R - 1]
			if L & 1:
				s += self.ans[L - 1]
				L += 1
			L >>= 1; R >>= 1
		return s

	def debug(self):
		ids = [i for i in range(self.N0, 0, -1)]
		print(self.data[self.N0 - 1:])
		print(self.ans[self.N0 - 1:])

def main():
	N = int(input())
	A = getlist()
	lSeg = lazySegTree(N)
	Q = int(input())
	for i in range(Q):
		q = getlist()
		if q[0] == 1:
			_, l, r, x = q
			l -= 1; r -= 1
			lSeg.add(l, r, x)
			_, l, r = q
			l -= 1; r -= 1
			ans = lSeg.query(l, r)

		# lSeg.debug()

if __name__ == '__main__':