
問題 No.1705 Mode of long array
ユーザー n_vipn_vip
提出日時 2021-10-08 22:27:43
言語 C++17
(gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.83.0)
実行時間 -
コード長 5,801 bytes
コンパイル時間 1,238 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 140,720 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-04-27 03:58:25
合計ジャッジ時間 3,947 ms
judge4 / judge2

main.cpp: In instantiation of 'T read() [with T = std::tuple<int, int, long long int>]':
main.cpp:67:96:   required from 'std::vector<_Tp> readV(int) [with T = std::tuple<int, int, long long int>]'
main.cpp:100:35:   required from here
main.cpp:65:41: error: no match for 'operator>>' (operand types are 'std::istream' {aka 'std::basic_istream<char>'} and 'std::tuple<int, int, long long int>')
   65 | template<class T=ll> T read(){ T re; cin>>re; return re;}
      |                                      ~~~^~~~
In file included from /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gcc@12/12.3.0/include/c++/12/iostream:40,
                 from main.cpp:3:
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gcc@12/12.3.0/include/c++/12/istream:120:7: note: candidate: 'std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::__istream_type& std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator>>(__istream_type& (*)(__istream_type&)) [with _CharT = char; _Traits = std::char_traits<char>; __istream_type = std::basic_istream<char>]'
  120 |       operator>>(__istream_type& (*__pf)(__istream_type&))
      |       ^~~~~~~~
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gcc@12/12.3.0/include/c++/12/istream:120:36: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'std::tuple<int, int, long long int>' to 'std::basic_istream<char>::__istream_type& (*)(std::basic_istream<char>::__istream_type&)' {aka 'std::basic_istream<char>& (*)(std::basic_istream<char>&)'}
  120 |       operator>>(__istream_type& (*__pf)(__istream_type&))
      |                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gcc@12/12.3.0/include/c++/12/istream:124:7: note: candidate: 'std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::__istream_type& std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator>>(__ios_type& (*)(__ios_type&)) [with _CharT = char; _Traits = std::char_traits<char>; __istream_type = std::basic_istream<char>; __ios_type = std::basic_ios<char>]'
  124 |       operator>>(__ios_type& (*__pf)(__ios_type&))
      |       ^~~~~~~~


diff #

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#define X first
#define Y second
#define pb push_back
#define rep(X,Y) for (int (X) = 0;(X) < (int)(Y);++(X))
#define reps(X,S,Y) for (int (X) = (int)(S);(X) < (int)(Y);++(X))
#define rrep(X,Y) for (int (X) = (int)(Y)-1;(X) >=0;--(X))
#define rreps(X,S,Y) for (int (X) = (int)(Y)-1;(X) >= (int)(S);--(X))
#define repe(X,Y) for ((X) = 0;(X) < (Y);++(X))
#define peat(X,Y) for (;(X) < (Y);++(X))
#define all(X) (X).begin(),(X).end()
#define rall(X) (X).rbegin(),(X).rend()
#define eb emplace_back
#define UNIQUE(X) (X).erase(unique(all(X)),(X).end())
#define Endl endl
#define NL <<"\n"
#define cauto const auto

using namespace std;
using ll=long long;
using pii=pair<int,int>;
using pll=pair<ll,ll>;
template<class T> using vv=vector<vector<T>>;
template<class T> inline bool MX(T &l,const T &r){return l<r?l=r,1:0;}
template<class T> inline bool MN(T &l,const T &r){return l>r?l=r,1:0;}
//#undef NUIP
#ifdef NUIP
#include "benri.h"
#define out(args...)
void ouT(ll x,int d=3){auto re=to_string(x);if((int)re.size()>d) re=x>0?"oo":"-oo";cout<<string(d-re.size(),' ')<<re<<",";}
#ifdef __cpp_init_captures
template<typename T>vector<T> table(int n, T v){ return vector<T>(n, v);}
template <class... Args> auto table(int n, Args... args){auto val = table(args...); return vector<decltype(val)>(n, move(val));}
template<class A,class B> pair<A,B> operator+(const pair<A,B> &p,const pair<A,B> &q){ return {p.X+q.X,p.Y+q.Y};}
template<class A,class B,class C,class D> pair<A,B>& operator+=(pair<A,B> &p,const pair<C,D> &q){ p.X+=q.X; p.Y+=q.Y; return p;}
template<class A,class B> pair<A,B> operator-(const pair<A,B> &p,const pair<A,B> &q){ return {p.X-q.X,p.Y-q.Y};}
template<class A,class B,class C,class D> pair<A,B>& operator-=(pair<A,B> &p,const pair<C,D> &q){ p.X-=q.X; p.Y-=q.Y; return p;}
template<class A,class B> istream& operator>>(istream &is, pair<A,B> &p){ is>>p.X>>p.Y; return is;}
template<class T=ll> T read(){ T re; cin>>re; return re;}
template<class T=ll> T read(const T &dec){ T re; cin>>re; return re-dec;}
template<class T=ll> vector<T> readV(const int sz){ vector<T> re(sz); for(auto &x:re) x=read<T>(); return re;}
template<class T=ll> vector<T> readV(const int sz, const T &dec){ vector<T> re(sz); for(auto &x:re) x=read<T>(dec); return re;}
vv<int> readG(const int &n,const int &m){ vv<int> g(n); rep(_,m){ cauto a=read<int>(1),b=read<int>(1); g[a].pb(b); g[b].pb(a);} return g;}
vv<int> readG(const int &n){ return readG(n,n-1);}
vv<int> readD(const int &n,const int &m){ vv<int> g(n); rep(_,m){ cauto a=read<int>(1),b=read<int>(1); g[a].pb(b); } return g;}
vv<int> readD(const int &n){ return readD(n,n-1);}
template<class T> vv<pair<int,T>> readG(const int &n,const int &m){ vv<pair<int,T>> g(n); rep(_,m){ cauto a=read<int>(1),b=read<int>(1); cauto c=read<T>(); g[a].eb(b,c); g[b].eb(a,c);} return g;}
template<class T> vv<pair<int,T>> readG(const int &n){ return readG<T>(n,n-1);}
template<class T> vv<pair<int,T>> readD(const int &n,const int &m){ vv<pair<int,T>> g(n); rep(_,m){ cauto a=read<int>(1),b=read<int>(1); cauto c=read<T>(); g[a].eb(b,c); } return g;}
template<class T> vv<pair<int,T>> readD(const int &n){ return readD<T>(n,n-1);}
template<class T> bool erase(multiset<T> &st, const T &v){if(cauto it=st.find(v); it==st.end()) return false; else{ st.erase(it); return true;}}
#ifdef __cpp_init_captures
template<typename T> vector<T> readT(int n, T v){ return readV(n,v);}
template <class... Args> auto readT(int n, Args... args){ vector re(1,readT(args...));rep(_,n-1) re.eb(readT(args...));	return re;}
template<typename T, size_t... Is> void addadd(T& t1, const T& t2, integer_sequence<size_t, Is...>){ cauto l = { (get<Is>(t1) += get<Is>(t2), 0)... }; (void)l;}
template <typename...T>tuple<T...>& operator += (tuple<T...>& lhs, const tuple<T...>& rhs){	addadd(lhs, rhs, index_sequence_for<T...>{});	return lhs;}
template <typename...T>tuple<T...> operator +(tuple<T...> lhs, const tuple<T...>& rhs){ return lhs += rhs;}
template<typename T, size_t... Is> void subsub(T& t1, const T& t2, integer_sequence<size_t, Is...>){ cauto l = { (get<Is>(t1) -= get<Is>(t2), 0)... }; (void)l;}
template <typename...T>tuple<T...>& operator -= (tuple<T...>& lhs, const tuple<T...>& rhs){	subsub(lhs, rhs, index_sequence_for<T...>{});	return lhs;}
template <typename...T>tuple<T...> operator - (tuple<T...> lhs, const tuple<T...>& rhs){ return lhs -= rhs;}
template<class Tuple, size_t... Is> void read_tuple_impl(istream &is, Tuple& t, index_sequence<Is...>){((is >> get<Is>(t)), ...);}
template<class... Args> auto& operator>>(istream &is, tuple<Args...>& t){ read_tuple_impl(is, t, index_sequence_for<Args...>{}); return is;}
#define TT cauto TTT=read();rep(_,TTT)
const ll MOD=1e9+7; //998244353;

int main(){
	ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
	cauto n=read();
	cauto m=read();
	cauto vs=readV(m);
	cauto q=read();
	cauto qs=readV<tuple<int,int,ll>>(q);
	set<pll> st;
	map<ll,ll> cnt;
	rep(i,m) cnt[i+1]=vs[i];
	for(cauto &p:cnt) st.emplace(p.Y,p.X);
	for(cauto &[t,x,y]:qs){
			if(cnt.count(x)) st.erase(pair(cnt[x],x));
		}else if(t==2){
			if(cnt.count(x)) st.erase(pair(cnt[x],x));
			cout<<st.rbegin()->Y NL;
	return 0;