
問題 No.1718 Random Squirrel
ユーザー mtsdmtsd
提出日時 2021-10-22 22:25:00
言語 C++14
(gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.83.0)
実行時間 164 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 11,300 bytes
コンパイル時間 2,295 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 180,932 KB
実行使用メモリ 43,348 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2023-10-24 13:41:33
合計ジャッジ時間 6,896 ms
judge13 / judge15


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_01 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_02 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_03 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_04 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_05 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_06 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_07 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_08 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_09 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_10 AC 2 ms
4,348 KB
testcase_11 AC 87 ms
8,292 KB
testcase_12 AC 18 ms
4,372 KB
testcase_13 AC 57 ms
6,476 KB
testcase_14 AC 93 ms
8,576 KB
testcase_15 AC 92 ms
8,060 KB
testcase_16 AC 41 ms
5,420 KB
testcase_17 AC 85 ms
8,028 KB
testcase_18 AC 133 ms
9,644 KB
testcase_19 AC 87 ms
7,796 KB
testcase_20 AC 30 ms
5,156 KB
testcase_21 AC 132 ms
10,612 KB
testcase_22 AC 163 ms
10,964 KB
testcase_23 AC 140 ms
10,700 KB
testcase_24 AC 133 ms
10,608 KB
testcase_25 AC 164 ms
10,964 KB
testcase_26 AC 74 ms
12,064 KB
testcase_27 AC 75 ms
12,004 KB
testcase_28 AC 76 ms
12,060 KB
testcase_29 AC 124 ms
43,080 KB
testcase_30 AC 127 ms
43,348 KB
testcase_31 AC 127 ms
43,076 KB
testcase_32 AC 126 ms
43,080 KB


diff #

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ld;
#define inf 1000000007
#define MP make_pair
#define MT make_tuple
#define PB push_back
#define fi first
#define se second
#define rep(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < (int)(n); ++i)
#define rrep(i,n) for(int i = (int)n-1; i >= 0; --i)
#define srep(i,a,b) for(int i = (int)a; i < (int)(b); ++i)
#define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end()
#define SUM(v) accumulate(all(v), 0LL)
#define MIN(v) *min_element(all(v))
#define MAX(v) *max_element(all(v))
#define lb(c, x) distance((c).begin(), lower_bound(all(c), (x)))
#define ub(c, x) distance((c).begin(), upper_bound(all(c), (x)))
#define UNIQUE(x) sort(all(x)), x.erase(unique(all(x)), x.end())
#define SZ(c) (int)(c).size()
template<typename T>
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, vector<T>& vec) {
    os << "{";
    for (int i = 0; i<(int)vec.size(); i++) {
        os << vec[i] << (i + 1 == (int)vec.size() ? "" : ", ");
    os << "}";
    return os;
// pair出力
template<typename T, typename U>
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, pair<T, U> pair_var) {
    os << "(" << pair_var.first << ", " << pair_var.second << ")";
    return os;
// map出力
template<typename T, typename U>
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, map<T, U>& map_var) {
    os << "{";
    for(auto itr = map_var.begin(); itr != map_var.end(); itr++){
        os << "(" << itr->first << ", " << itr->second << ")";
        if(itr != map_var.end()) os << ", ";
    os << "}";
    return os;
// set 出力
template<typename T>
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, set<T>& set_var) {
    os << "{";
    for(auto itr = set_var.begin(); itr != set_var.end(); itr++){
        os << (*itr);
        if(itr != set_var.end()) os << ", ";
    os << "}";
    return os;
#define overload2(_1, _2, name, ...) name
#define vec(type, name, ...) vector<type> name(__VA_ARGS__)
#define VEC(type, name, size)                                                                                                                                  \
    vector<type> name(size);                                                                                                                                   \
#define vv(type, name, h, ...) vector<vector<type>> name(h, vector<type>(__VA_ARGS__))
#define VV(type, name, h, w)                                                                                                                                   \
    vector<vector<type>> name(h, vector<type>(w));                                                                                                             \
#define vvv(type, name, h, w, ...) vector<vector<vector<type>>> name(h, vector<vector<type>>(w, vector<type>(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define vvvv(type, name, a, b, c, ...)                                                                                                                         \
    vector<vector<vector<vector<type>>>> name(a, vector<vector<vector<type>>>(b, vector<vector<type>>(c, vector<type>(__VA_ARGS__))))
#define INT(...)                                                                                                                                               \
    int __VA_ARGS__;                                                                                                                                           \
#define LL(...)                                                                                                                                                \
    ll __VA_ARGS__;                                                                                                                                            \
#define STR(...)                                                                                                                                               \
    string __VA_ARGS__;                                                                                                                                        \
#define CHR(...)                                                                                                                                               \
    char __VA_ARGS__;                                                                                                                                          \
#define DBL(...)                                                                                                                                               \
    double __VA_ARGS__;                                                                                                                                        \
int scan() { return getchar(); }
void scan(int &a) { cin >> a; }
void scan(long long &a) { cin >> a; }
void scan(char &a) { cin >> a; }
void scan(double &a) { cin >> a; }
void scan(string &a) { cin >> a; }
template <class T, class S> void scan(pair<T, S> &p) { scan(p.first), scan(p.second); }
template <class T> void scan(vector<T> &);
template <class T> void scan(vector<T> &a) {
    for(auto &i : a) scan(i);
template <class T> void scan(T &a) { cin >> a; }
void IN() {}
template <class Head, class... Tail> void IN(Head &head, Tail &...tail) {
const string YESNO[2] = {"NO", "YES"};
const string YesNo[2] = {"No", "Yes"};
const string yesno[2] = {"no", "yes"};
void YES(bool t = 1) { cout << YESNO[t] << endl; }
void NO(bool t = 1) { YES(!t); }
void Yes(bool t = 1) { cout << YesNo[t] << endl; }
void No(bool t = 1) { Yes(!t); }
void yes(bool t = 1) { cout << yesno[t] << endl; }
void no(bool t = 1) { yes(!t); }
#ifdef LOCAL
void debug_out() { cerr << endl; }
template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
void debug_out(Head H, Tail... T) {
    cerr << " " << H;
#define dbg(...) \
    cerr << __LINE__ << " [" << #__VA_ARGS__ << "]:", debug_out(__VA_ARGS__)
#define dump(x) cerr << __LINE__ << " " << #x << " = " << (x) << endl
#define dbg(...) (void(0))
#define dump(x) (void(0))
template<typename A, typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<T, A>::value> fill(A& array, const T& val)
    array = val;
template<typename A, typename T>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<T, A>::value> fill(A& array, const T& val)
    for (auto& a : array) {
        fill(a, val);
template <class T> T ceil(T x, T y) {assert(y >= 1);return (x > 0 ? (x + y - 1) / y : x / y);}
template <class T> T floor(T x, T y) {assert(y >= 1);return (x > 0 ? x / y : (x + y - 1) / y);}
vector<int> iota(int n) {vector<int> a(n);iota(all(a), 0);return a;}
template <class T> T POW(T x, int n) {T res = 1;for(; n; n >>= 1, x *= x){if(n & 1) res *= x;}return res;}
ll pow2(int i) { return 1LL << i; }
int topbit(signed t) { return t == 0 ? -1 : 31 - __builtin_clz(t); }
int topbit(ll t) { return t == 0 ? -1 : 63 - __builtin_clzll(t); }
int lowbit(signed a) { return a == 0 ? 32 : __builtin_ctz(a); }
int lowbit(ll a) { return a == 0 ? 64 : __builtin_ctzll(a); }
// int allbit(int n) { return (1 << n) - 1; }
ll allbit(ll n) { return (1LL << n) - 1; }
int popcount(signed t) { return __builtin_popcount(t); }
int popcount(ll t) { return __builtin_popcountll(t); }
bool ispow2(int i) { return i && (i & -i) == i; }

template <class S> void fold_in(vector<S> &v) {}
template <typename Head, typename... Tail, class S> void fold_in(vector<S> &v, Head &&a, Tail &&...tail) {
    for(auto e : a) v.emplace_back(e);
    fold_in(v, tail...);
template <class S> void renumber(vector<S> &v) {}
template <typename Head, typename... Tail, class S> void renumber(vector<S> &v, Head &&a, Tail &&...tail) {
    for(auto &&e : a) e = lb(v, e);
    renumber(v, tail...);
template <class S, class... Args> void zip(vector<S> &head, Args &&...args) {
    vector<S> v;
    fold_in(v, head, args...);
    sort(all(v)), v.erase(unique(all(v)), v.end());
    renumber(v, head, args...);
template<class T> inline bool chmax(T &a, T b){
        a = b;
        return true;
    return false;
template<class T> inline bool chmin(T &a, T b){
        a = b;
        return true;
    return false;
template <typename T, typename G, typename F1, typename F2>
struct Rerooting {
  const G &g;
  const F1 f1;
  const F2 f2;
  vector<T> memo, dp;
  T I;

  Rerooting(const G &_g, const F1 _f1, const F2 _f2, const T &I_)
      : g(_g), f1(_f1), f2(_f2), memo(g.size(), I_), dp(g.size(), I_), I(I_) {
    dfs(0, -1);
    efs(0, -1, I);

  const T &operator[](int i) const { return dp[i]; }

  void dfs(int cur, int par) {
    for (auto &dst : g[cur]) {
      if (dst == par) continue;
      dfs(dst, cur);
      memo[cur] = f1(memo[cur], f2(memo[dst], dst, cur));

  void efs(int cur, int par, const T &pval) {
    // get cumulative sum
    vector<T> buf;
    for (auto dst : g[cur]) {
      if (dst == par) continue;
      buf.push_back(f2(memo[dst], dst, cur));
    vector<T> head(buf.size() + 1), tail(buf.size() + 1);
    head[0] = tail[buf.size()] = I;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)buf.size(); i++) head[i + 1] = f1(head[i], buf[i]);
    for (int i = (int)buf.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      tail[i] = f1(tail[i + 1], buf[i]);

    // update
    dp[cur] = par == -1 ? head.back() : f1(pval, head.back());

    // propagate
    int idx = 0;
    for (auto &dst : g[cur]) {
      if (dst == par) continue;
      efs(dst, cur, f2(f1(pval, f1(head[idx], tail[idx + 1])), cur, dst));
bool pp[200010];
int main(){
    vector<vector<int> > g(n);
    rep(i,m)pp[d[i]] = 1;
    int s = 0;
    vector<int> dist(n,-1);
    vector<int> pppp(n,-1);
    auto dfs = [&](auto&& f,int id,int pre,int vv,int dd)->bool{
        bool ff = 0;
        if(pp[id])ff = 1;
        for(auto x:g[id]){
            bool p;
                p = f(f,x,id,id,1);
                p = f(f,x,id,vv,dd+1);
                ff = 1;
            pp[id] = 1;
            pppp[id] = vv;
            dist[id] = dd;
        return ff;
    s *= 2;
    using T = int;
    // identify element of f1, and answer of leaf
    T I = -inf;
    // merge value of child node
    auto f1 = [&](T x, T y) -> T {
        return max(x,y);
    // return value from child node to parent node
    auto f2 = [&](T x, int chd, int par) -> T {
        return x+1;
    Rerooting<T, decltype(g), decltype(f1), decltype(f2)> dp(g, f1, f2, I);
            cout << s - dp.dp[i] << "\n";
            cout << s - dp.dp[pppp[i]] + dist[i] << "\n";    
    return 0;