
問題 No.789 範囲の合計
ユーザー 草苺奶昔草苺奶昔
提出日時 2023-06-14 23:09:30
言語 TypeScript
実行時間 -
コード長 13,951 bytes
コンパイル時間 7,675 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 258,164 KB
実行使用メモリ 191,224 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2023-09-05 08:22:42
合計ジャッジ時間 17,723 ms
judge15 / judge13


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 78 ms
42,536 KB
testcase_01 AC 79 ms
42,448 KB
testcase_02 MLE -
testcase_03 AC 580 ms
62,580 KB
testcase_04 TLE -
testcase_05 MLE -
testcase_06 MLE -
testcase_07 AC 562 ms
61,556 KB
testcase_08 MLE -
testcase_09 MLE -
testcase_10 MLE -
testcase_11 MLE -
testcase_12 MLE -
testcase_13 AC 79 ms
42,340 KB
testcase_14 AC 79 ms
42,364 KB


diff #

import * as fs from 'fs'
import { resolve } from 'path'
type SegNode<E, Id> = {
  left: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined
  right: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined
  data: E
  id: Id

class SegmentTreeDynamicLazy<E = number, Id = number> {
  private static _isPrimitive(
    o: unknown
  ): o is number | string | boolean | symbol | bigint | null | undefined {
    return o === null || (typeof o !== 'object' && typeof o !== 'function')

  private readonly _lower: number
  private readonly _upper: number
  private readonly _e: () => E
  private readonly _eRange: (start: number, end: number) => E
  private readonly _id: () => Id
  private readonly _op: (a: E, b: E) => E
  private readonly _mapping: (id: Id, data: E, size: number) => E
  private readonly _composition: (id1: Id, id2: Id) => Id
  private readonly _equalsToId: (o: Id) => boolean
  private readonly _persistent: boolean
  private _root: SegNode<E, Id>

   * 区间修改区间查询的动态开点懒标记线段树.线段树维护的值域为`[start, end)`.
   * @param start 值域下界.start>=0.
   * @param end 值域上界.
   * @param operations 线段树的操作.
   * @param persistent 是否持久化.持久化后,每次修改都会新建一个结点,否则会复用原来的结点.
   * @alias NodeManager
    start: number,
    end: number,
    operations: {
       * 线段树维护的值的幺元.
      e: () => E

       * 结点的初始值.用于维护结点的范围.
      eRange?: (start: number, end: number) => E

       * 更新操作/懒标记的幺元.
      id: () => Id

       * 合并左右区间的值.
      op: (e1: E, e2: E) => E

       * 父结点的懒标记更新子结点的值.
      mapping: (lazy: Id, data: E, size: number) => E

       * 父结点的懒标记更新子结点的懒标记(合并).
      composition: (f: Id, g: Id) => Id

       * 判断两个懒标记是否相等.默认为`===`.
      equalsId?: (id1: Id, id2: Id) => boolean
    } & ThisType<void>,
    persistent = false
  ) {
    const { e, eRange, id, op, mapping, composition, equalsId } = operations
    if (!equalsId && !SegmentTreeDynamicLazy._isPrimitive(id())) {
      throw new Error('equalsId must be provided when id() returns an non-primitive value')
    if (
      persistent &&
      !(SegmentTreeDynamicLazy._isPrimitive(e()) && SegmentTreeDynamicLazy._isPrimitive(id()))
    ) {
      throw new Error('persistent is only supported when e() and id() return primitive values')

    this._lower = start
    this._upper = end + 5
    this._e = e
    this._eRange = eRange || e
    this._id = id
    this._op = op
    this._mapping = mapping
    this._composition = composition
    const identity = id()
    this._equalsToId = equalsId ? (o: Id) => equalsId(o, identity) : (o: Id) => o === identity
    this._persistent = persistent

    this._root = this.newRoot()

  newRoot(): SegNode<E, Id> {
    return {
      left: undefined,
      right: undefined,
      data: this._eRange(this._lower, this._upper),
      id: this._id()

  build(leaves: ArrayLike<E>): SegNode<E, Id> {
    const newRoot = this._build(0, leaves.length, leaves)!
    this._root = newRoot
    return newRoot

  get(index: number, root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root): E {
    return this.query(index, index + 1, root)

  set(index: number, value: E, root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root): SegNode<E, Id> {
    if (index < this._lower || index >= this._upper) return root
    const newRoot = this._set(root, this._lower, this._upper, index, value)
    this._root = newRoot
    return newRoot

  update(index: number, value: E, root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root): SegNode<E, Id> {
    if (index < this._lower || index >= this._upper) return root
    const newRoot = this._update(root, this._lower, this._upper, index, value)
    this._root = newRoot
    return newRoot

   * 区间`[start,end)`的值与`lazy`进行作用.
   * {@link _lower} <= start <= end <= {@link _upper}.
    start: number,
    end: number,
    lazy: Id,
    root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root
  ): SegNode<E, Id> {
    if (start < this._lower) start = this._lower
    if (end > this._upper) end = this._upper
    if (start >= end) return root
    const newRoot = this._updateRange(root, this._lower, this._upper, start, end, lazy)
    this._root = newRoot
    return newRoot

   * 查询区间`[start,end)`的聚合值.
   * {@link _lower} <= start <= end <= {@link _upper}.
  query(start: number, end: number, root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root): E {
    if (start < this._lower) start = this._lower
    if (end > this._upper) end = this._upper
    if (start >= end) return this._e()

    let res = this._e()
    const _query = (
      node: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined,
      l: number,
      r: number,
      ql: number,
      qr: number,
      lazy: Id
    ) => {
      ql = l > ql ? l : ql
      qr = r < qr ? r : qr
      if (ql >= qr) return
      if (!node) {
        res = this._op(res, this._mapping(lazy, this._eRange(ql, qr), qr - ql))
      if (l === ql && r === qr) {
        res = this._op(res, this._mapping(lazy, node.data, r - l))
      const mid = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)
      lazy = this._composition(lazy, node.id)
      _query(node.left, l, mid, ql, qr, lazy)
      _query(node.right, mid, r, ql, qr, lazy)

    _query(root, this._lower, this._upper, start, end, this._id())
    return res

  queryAll(root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root): E {
    return root.data

   * 二分查询最大的`end`使得切片`[start:end)`内的聚合值满足`check`.
   * {@link _lower} <= start <= {@link _upper}.
   * @alias findFirst
  maxRight(start: number, check: (e: E) => boolean, root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root): number {
    if (start < this._lower) start = this._lower
    if (start >= this._upper) return this._upper
    let x = this._e()
    const _maxRight = (
      node: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined,
      l: number,
      r: number,
      ql: number
    ): number => {
      if (r <= ql) return r
      if (!node) node = this._newNode(l, r)
      ql = l > ql ? l : ql
      if (l === ql) {
        const tmp = this._op(x, node.data)
        if (check(tmp)) {
          x = tmp
          return r
      if (r === l + 1) return l
      this._pushDown(node, l, r)
      const m = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)
      const k = _maxRight(node.left, l, m, ql)
      if (m > k) return k
      return _maxRight(node.right, m, r, ql)
    return _maxRight(root, this._lower, this._upper, start)

   * 二分查询最小的`start`使得切片`[start:end)`内的聚合值满足`check`.
   * {@link _lower} <= end <= {@link _upper}.
   * @alias findLast
  minLeft(end: number, check: (e: E) => boolean, root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root): number {
    if (end > this._upper) end = this._upper
    if (end <= this._lower) return this._lower
    let x = this._e()
    const _minLeft = (
      node: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined,
      l: number,
      r: number,
      qr: number
    ): number => {
      if (qr <= l) return l
      if (!node) node = this._newNode(l, r)
      qr = r < qr ? r : qr
      if (r === qr) {
        const tmp = this._op(node.data, x)
        if (check(tmp)) {
          x = tmp
          return l
      if (r === l + 1) return r
      this._pushDown(node, l, r)
      const m = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)
      const k = _minLeft(node.right, m, r, qr)
      if (m < k) return k
      return _minLeft(node.left, l, m, qr)
    return _minLeft(root, this._lower, this._upper, end)

   * `破坏性`地合并node1和node2.
   * @warning Not Verified.
  mergeDestructively(node1: SegNode<E, Id>, node2: SegNode<E, Id>): SegNode<E, Id> {
    const newRoot = this._merge(node1, node2)
    if (!newRoot) throw new Error('merge failed')
    return newRoot

  getAll(root: SegNode<E, Id> = this._root): E[] {
    if (this._upper - this._lower > 1e7) throw new Error('too large')
    const res: E[] = []
    const _getAll = (node: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined, l: number, r: number, lazy: Id) => {
      if (!node) node = this._newNode(l, r)
      if (r - l === 1) {
        res.push(this._mapping(lazy, node.data, 1))
      const m = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)
      lazy = this._composition(lazy, node.id)
      _getAll(node.left, l, m, lazy)
      _getAll(node.right, m, r, lazy)
    _getAll(root, this._lower, this._upper, this._id())
    return res

  private _copyNode(node: SegNode<E, Id>): SegNode<E, Id> {
    if (!node || !this._persistent) return node
    // TODO: 如果是引用类型, 持久化时需要深拷贝
    // !不要使用`...`,很慢
    return { left: node.left, right: node.right, data: node.data, id: node.id }

  private _set(root: SegNode<E, Id>, l: number, r: number, i: number, x: E): SegNode<E, Id> {
    if (l === r - 1) {
      root = this._copyNode(root)
      root.data = x
      root.id = this._id()
      return root
    this._pushDown(root, l, r)
    const m = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)
    if (!root.left) root.left = this._newNode(l, m)
    if (!root.right) root.right = this._newNode(m, r)
    root = this._copyNode(root)
    if (i < m) {
      root.left = this._set(root.left!, l, m, i, x)
    } else {
      root.right = this._set(root.right!, m, r, i, x)
    root.data = this._op(root.left!.data, root.right!.data)
    return root

  private _update(root: SegNode<E, Id>, l: number, r: number, i: number, x: E): SegNode<E, Id> {
    if (l === r - 1) {
      root = this._copyNode(root)
      root.data = this._op(root.data, x)
      root.id = this._id()
      return root
    this._pushDown(root, l, r)
    const m = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)
    if (!root.left) root.left = this._newNode(l, m)
    if (!root.right) root.right = this._newNode(m, r)
    root = this._copyNode(root)
    if (i < m) {
      root.left = this._update(root.left!, l, m, i, x)
    } else {
      root.right = this._update(root.right!, m, r, i, x)
    root.data = this._op(root.left!.data, root.right!.data)
    return root

  private _updateRange(
    root: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined,
    l: number,
    r: number,
    ql: number,
    qr: number,
    lazy: Id
  ): SegNode<E, Id> {
    if (!root) root = this._newNode(l, r)
    ql = l > ql ? l : ql
    qr = r < qr ? r : qr
    if (ql >= qr) return root
    if (l === ql && r === qr) {
      root = this._copyNode(root)
      root.data = this._mapping(lazy, root.data, r - l)
      root.id = this._composition(lazy, root.id)
      return root
    this._pushDown(root, l, r)
    const m = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)
    root = this._copyNode(root)
    root.left = this._updateRange(root.left, l, m, ql, qr, lazy)
    root.right = this._updateRange(root.right, m, r, ql, qr, lazy)
    root.data = this._op(root.left!.data, root.right!.data)
    return root

  private _pushDown(node: SegNode<E, Id>, l: number, r: number): void {
    const lazy = node.id
    if (this._equalsToId(lazy)) return
    const m = Math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)

    if (!node.left) {
      node.left = this._newNode(l, m)
    } else {
      node.left = this._copyNode(node.left)
    const leftChild = node.left!
    leftChild.data = this._mapping(lazy, leftChild.data, m - l)
    leftChild.id = this._composition(lazy, leftChild.id)

    if (!node.right) {
      node.right = this._newNode(m, r)
    } else {
      node.right = this._copyNode(node.right)
    const rightChild = node.right!
    rightChild.data = this._mapping(lazy, rightChild.data, r - m)
    rightChild.id = this._composition(lazy, rightChild.id)

    node.id = this._id()

  private _newNode(l: number, r: number): SegNode<E, Id> {
    return { left: undefined, right: undefined, data: this._eRange(l, r), id: this._id() }

  private _build(left: number, right: number, nums: ArrayLike<E>): SegNode<E, Id> | undefined {
    if (left === right) return undefined
    if (right === left + 1) {
      return { left: undefined, right: undefined, data: nums[left], id: this._id() }
    const m = (left + right) >>> 1
    const lRoot = this._build(left, m, nums)
    const rRoot = this._build(m, right, nums)
    return { left: lRoot, right: rRoot, data: this._op(lRoot!.data, rRoot!.data), id: this._id() }

  private _merge(
    node1: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined,
    node2: SegNode<E, Id> | undefined
  ): SegNode<E, Id> | undefined {
    if (!node1 || !node2) return node1 || node2
    node1.left = this._merge(node1.left, node2.left)
    node1.right = this._merge(node1.right, node2.right)
    // pushUp
    const left = node1.left
    const right = node1.right
    node1.data = this._op(left ? left.data : this._e(), right ? right.data : this._e())
    return node1
function useInput(path?: string) {
  let data: string
  if (path) {
    data = fs.readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, path), 'utf8')
  } else {
    data = fs.readFileSync(process.stdin.fd, 'utf8')

  const lines = data.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/)
  let lineId = 0
  const input = (): string => lines[lineId++]

  return {

const { input } = useInput()

const seg = new SegmentTreeDynamicLazy<number>(0, 1e9 + 10, {
  e() {
    return 0
  id() {
    return 0
  op(a, b) {
    return a + b
  mapping(f, x, size) {
    return f + x 
  composition(f, g) {
    return f + g
let root = seg.newRoot()
const n = Number(input())
let res = 0
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  const arr = input().split(' ').map(Number)
  if (arr[0] === 0) {
    root = seg.update(arr[1], arr[2], root)
  } else {
    res += seg.query(arr[1], arr[2] + 1, root)