
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
358627 2019-07-10 15:44:22 pengin_2000 No.272 NOT回路 C AC 1 ms 122 bytes
358477 2019-07-09 23:21:10 tsutaj No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 809 ms 6,443 bytes
358475 2019-07-09 23:15:46 tsutaj No.274 The Wall C++14 MLE - 6,470 bytes
357400 2019-07-05 23:50:54 3qvwn No.272 NOT回路 Elixir AC 547 ms 173 bytes
356632 2019-07-05 10:41:09 ninja No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 650 ms 3,114 bytes
356014 2019-07-01 23:40:33 peroon No.272 NOT回路 C++14 AC 2 ms 607 bytes
355377 2019-06-29 03:40:18 kyuna No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 10 ms 790 bytes
355371 2019-06-29 02:23:39 @abcde No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 7 ms 588 bytes
355365 2019-06-29 01:55:47 @abcde No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 577 ms 3,734 bytes
355354 2019-06-29 01:28:39 kyuna No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 426 ms 2,887 bytes
354251 2019-06-27 13:14:58 funakoshi No.272 NOT回路 C#(csc) AC 22 ms 495 bytes
353770 2019-06-24 23:50:06 pof No.272 NOT回路 Python3 AC 28 ms 60 bytes
353140 2019-06-20 19:27:37 beet No.274 The Wall C++17 AC 408 ms 4,848 bytes
353139 2019-06-20 19:24:06 beet No.274 The Wall C++17 AC 465 ms 4,905 bytes
353137 2019-06-20 19:21:10 beet No.274 The Wall C++17 WA - 4,742 bytes
352931 2019-06-19 20:18:10 penguinshunya No.272 NOT回路 C++17 AC 2 ms 1,993 bytes
352915 2019-06-19 16:26:30 komkomh No.272 NOT回路 Kotlin AC 297 ms 147 bytes
352757 2019-06-18 10:33:10 akitsugu777 No.272 NOT回路 Python3 AC 33 ms 32 bytes
352727 2019-06-18 01:57:23 penguinshunya No.273 回文分解 C++17 AC 45 ms 2,266 bytes
352377 2019-06-15 17:25:52 appren No.272 NOT回路 C++11 AC 2 ms 141 bytes
350587 2019-06-08 11:01:58 michonz4 No.272 NOT回路 C++11 AC 2 ms 112 bytes
350536 2019-06-07 20:46:15 hashiryo No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 222 ms 2,043 bytes
348993 2019-05-26 10:13:05 syaro No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 19 ms 8,825 bytes
348992 2019-05-26 10:10:02 syaro No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 17 ms 8,828 bytes
348990 2019-05-26 10:02:17 syaro No.274 The Wall C++14 MLE - 8,690 bytes
348072 2019-05-22 17:00:28 435dgw23 No.272 NOT回路 Python3 AC 30 ms 60 bytes
347483 2019-05-18 13:18:52 Konton7 No.273 回文分解 Python3 WA - 208 bytes
347482 2019-05-18 13:15:00 Konton7 No.273 回文分解 Python3 WA - 182 bytes
347481 2019-05-18 13:12:57 Konton7 No.273 回文分解 Python3 WA - 177 bytes
347242 2019-05-17 12:30:39 maimai8 No.272 NOT回路 OCaml AC 3 ms 106 bytes
347160 2019-05-17 01:03:50 yurara No.272 NOT回路 Python3 AC 30 ms 42 bytes
346782 2019-05-14 22:57:37 ryanak No.272 NOT回路 C++17 AC 2 ms 94 bytes
346325 2019-05-12 00:58:09 Konton7 No.273 回文分解 Python3 WA - 195 bytes
345023 2019-05-04 12:21:50 👑 obakyan No.273 回文分解 Lua AC 2 ms 421 bytes
344094 2019-05-01 13:30:26 EmKjp No.274 The Wall C#(csc) AC 28 ms 3,343 bytes
344085 2019-05-01 12:58:11 lice6613 No.272 NOT回路 C++14 AC 2 ms 149 bytes
343806 2019-04-30 08:37:00 iad_2889 No.272 NOT回路 Python3 AC 31 ms 21 bytes
343805 2019-04-30 08:36:39 iad_2889 No.272 NOT回路 Python3 AC 36 ms 23 bytes
343804 2019-04-30 08:35:57 iad_2889 No.272 NOT回路 Python3 AC 34 ms 30 bytes
342180 2019-04-26 08:51:09 fshuto No.272 NOT回路 Ruby AC 91 ms 28 bytes
342042 2019-04-25 15:58:19 k0825 No.272 NOT回路 Python3 AC 27 ms 34 bytes
340917 2019-04-20 06:43:09 Haar No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 809 ms 4,399 bytes
339899 2019-04-19 08:23:10 peroon No.273 回文分解 C++14 AC 2 ms 1,021 bytes
339793 2019-04-18 20:52:41 bal4u No.273 回文分解 C AC 1 ms 884 bytes
339792 2019-04-18 20:50:01 bal4u No.273 回文分解 C AC 1 ms 927 bytes
339785 2019-04-18 20:27:12 bal4u No.273 回文分解 C WA - 809 bytes
339088 2019-04-16 11:50:58 __matsugen__pro No.272 NOT回路 C++14 AC 2 ms 570 bytes
338794 2019-04-14 21:17:56 bal4u No.272 NOT回路 C AC 1 ms 174 bytes
337209 2019-04-12 12:30:31 Haar No.274 The Wall C++14 AC 931 ms 4,283 bytes
336365 2019-04-09 00:05:48 👑 hos.lyric No.274 The Wall D AC 62 ms 2,482 bytes