
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
898797 2023-08-04 23:09:38 siganai No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 6,343 bytes
898795 2023-08-04 23:08:50 fuppy_kyopro No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17(gcc12) AC 50 ms 6,154 bytes
898794 2023-08-04 23:08:37 erbowl No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 1,868 bytes
898789 2023-08-04 23:04:49 t98slider No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 829 bytes
898787 2023-08-04 23:04:29 kakel-san No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C#(csc) AC 215 ms 2,206 bytes
898786 2023-08-04 23:04:20 gucci0512 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 AC 36 ms 3,350 bytes
898784 2023-08-04 23:03:31 👑 Mizar No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg Rust WA - 58,352 bytes
898783 2023-08-04 23:03:12 erbowl No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 1,862 bytes
898782 2023-08-04 23:03:01 fuppy_kyopro No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17(gcc12) WA - 6,172 bytes
898777 2023-08-04 23:01:41 mkawa2 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 2,001 bytes
898775 2023-08-04 22:59:59 kusirakusira No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 20,245 bytes
898772 2023-08-04 22:59:28 gucci0512 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 3,257 bytes
898771 2023-08-04 22:59:28 gucci0512 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 3,257 bytes
898770 2023-08-04 22:59:22 hudson No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 38,323 bytes
898763 2023-08-04 22:57:33 hudson No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 38,242 bytes
898762 2023-08-04 22:57:20 t98slider No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 3,006 bytes
898761 2023-08-04 22:57:16 kusirakusira No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 20,217 bytes
898760 2023-08-04 22:56:47 dyktr_06 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17(gcc12) AC 34 ms 5,770 bytes
898758 2023-08-04 22:56:39 as277575 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 AC 48 ms 2,853 bytes
898753 2023-08-04 22:55:28 kusirakusira No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 20,267 bytes
898750 2023-08-04 22:55:01 dyktr_06 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17(gcc12) WA - 5,664 bytes
898747 2023-08-04 22:53:36 eQe No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++23 WA - 9,229 bytes
898745 2023-08-04 22:53:04 erbowl No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 2,366 bytes
898743 2023-08-04 22:52:20 ikoma No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 1,970 bytes
898742 2023-08-04 22:52:13 erbowl No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 2,364 bytes
898739 2023-08-04 22:51:08 rniya No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 AC 31 ms 3,085 bytes
898735 2023-08-04 22:50:45 eQe No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++23 WA - 9,113 bytes
898732 2023-08-04 22:50:37 tttttaaa No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 13,114 bytes
898726 2023-08-04 22:49:42 haihamabossu No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg Rust WA - 2,032 bytes
898725 2023-08-04 22:49:36 mkawa2 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 1,890 bytes
898724 2023-08-04 22:49:33 nikoro256 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 1,675 bytes
898722 2023-08-04 22:49:22 hudson No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 38,218 bytes
898721 2023-08-04 22:49:16 silv723 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 AC 107 ms 6,058 bytes
898720 2023-08-04 22:49:01 fuppy_kyopro No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17(gcc12) WA - 6,139 bytes
898718 2023-08-04 22:48:48 👑 SPD_9X2 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 AC 225 ms 1,984 bytes
898717 2023-08-04 22:48:31 rniya No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 2,983 bytes
898713 2023-08-04 22:47:54 sgfc No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 AC 31 ms 3,558 bytes
898710 2023-08-04 22:47:41 Mottchan No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 710 bytes
898707 2023-08-04 22:47:26 hudson No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 38,233 bytes
898701 2023-08-04 22:46:09 sgfc No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 3,542 bytes
898697 2023-08-04 22:45:47 kusirakusira No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 20,153 bytes
898692 2023-08-04 22:45:21 gucci0512 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 3,247 bytes
898691 2023-08-04 22:45:20 rniya No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 WA - 3,030 bytes
898690 2023-08-04 22:45:19 cho435 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17 AC 113 ms 587 bytes
898687 2023-08-04 22:45:16 👑 SPD_9X2 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 1,917 bytes
898684 2023-08-04 22:43:34 dyktr_06 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++17(gcc12) WA - 4,754 bytes
898679 2023-08-04 22:42:48 cleantted No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 AC 943 ms 3,613 bytes
898678 2023-08-04 22:42:15 mkawa2 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg PyPy3 WA - 1,964 bytes
898674 2023-08-04 22:41:40 gucci0512 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 3,212 bytes
898670 2023-08-04 22:41:06 gucci0512 No.2403 "Eight" Bridges of Königsberg C++14 WA - 3,212 bytes