
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
286886 2018-09-24 16:01:48 pracodepracode No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C CE - 130 bytes
286810 2018-09-23 20:32:37 autumn-eelautumn-eel No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 302 bytes
286502 2018-09-21 18:18:04 GBGB No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 266 bytes
286106 2018-09-19 12:48:04 mkanenobumkanenobu No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Nim AC 2 ms 127 bytes
285230 2018-09-15 01:24:07 monburan_0401monburan_0401 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C AC 1 ms 148 bytes
284402 2018-09-11 16:43:30 donkorin_donkorin_ No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 944 bytes
282934 2018-09-06 13:59:26 bluemeganebluemegane No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C#(csc) AC 21 ms 193 bytes
282725 2018-09-05 06:24:55 torus711torus711 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Haskell AC 2 ms 496 bytes
282618 2018-09-04 19:44:28 TiramisterTiramister No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Rust AC 1 ms 673 bytes
282487 2018-09-04 12:42:51 もりをもりを No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 29 ms 44 bytes
282308 2018-09-03 13:33:25 Eclair1015Eclair1015 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++11 AC 2 ms 403 bytes
281948 2018-09-01 17:49:49 Poina15Poina15 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 28 ms 52 bytes
281931 2018-09-01 16:41:10 y_nakamura_CC2y_nakamura_CC2 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 34 ms 51 bytes
281143 2018-08-27 16:38:09 Imperi_NightImperi_Night No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++11 AC 2 ms 580 bytes
280796 2018-08-25 23:10:01 Oh-sushiOh-sushi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 32 ms 65 bytes
279785 2018-08-23 22:41:11 kazuto-horikazuto-hori No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 814 bytes
279714 2018-08-23 20:19:00 Enjapma_kyoproEnjapma_kyopro No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++11 AC 6 ms 1,504 bytes
279713 2018-08-23 20:18:37 Enjapma_kyoproEnjapma_kyopro No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++11 WA - 1,505 bytes
279311 2018-08-21 18:10:28 西尾西尾 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 3 ms 226 bytes
278689 2018-08-17 15:17:22 ykprogramykprogram No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++11 AC 2 ms 139 bytes
278528 2018-08-16 10:48:25 Athena2911Athena2911 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++11 AC 2 ms 172 bytes
278219 2018-08-14 01:25:30 じゃがりこじゃがりこ No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C AC 1 ms 161 bytes
277950 2018-08-12 16:44:56 troro_kelptroro_kelp No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 485 bytes
277390 2018-08-08 23:24:52 playrollerplayroller No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 690 bytes
276917 2018-08-05 09:39:21 Mr.FukuMr.Fuku No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 169 bytes
276916 2018-08-05 09:38:22 Mr.FukuMr.Fuku No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 WA - 170 bytes
276915 2018-08-05 09:35:38 Mr.FukuMr.Fuku No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 31 ms 44 bytes
276914 2018-08-05 09:33:42 Mr.FukuMr.Fuku No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 31 ms 48 bytes
276366 2018-08-03 15:48:48 tailstails No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Bash AC 1 ms 35 bytes
276362 2018-08-03 15:33:50 tailstails No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Bash AC 2 ms 37 bytes
275972 2018-07-31 16:47:29 yukiteruyukiteru No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 1,063 bytes
275709 2018-07-29 14:13:08 tsunabittsunabit No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Java21 AC 124 ms 372 bytes
275565 2018-07-28 15:05:13 pirorirori_n712pirorirori_n712 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C#(csc) AC 22 ms 131 bytes
274992 2018-07-27 20:43:00 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C AC 1 ms 160 bytes
274787 2018-07-26 08:34:39 ApoiApoi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 31 ms 76 bytes
274745 2018-07-25 22:36:45 shioyashioya No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++11 AC 2 ms 168 bytes
274658 2018-07-25 09:46:52 Leo-KazamaLeo-Kazama No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 30 ms 74 bytes
274653 2018-07-25 09:02:31 severrabaen2severrabaen2 No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++11 AC 2 ms 150 bytes
274616 2018-07-24 22:58:16 wotsushiwotsushi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Elixir AC 551 ms 186 bytes
274507 2018-07-24 09:07:07 minezumuminezumu No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 31 ms 79 bytes
274364 2018-07-23 15:26:43 hooooyaerthooooyaert No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 AC 30 ms 79 bytes
274363 2018-07-23 15:24:26 hooooyaerthooooyaert No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 WA - 79 bytes
273532 2018-07-18 08:43:13 xueleixuelei No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 160 bytes
273411 2018-07-17 19:57:25 _matumo__matumo_ No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 C#(csc) AC 20 ms 390 bytes
273046 2018-07-16 02:38:58 Ytz_IchiYtz_Ichi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 WA
- 68 bytes
273045 2018-07-16 02:38:31 Ytz_IchiYtz_Ichi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 RE - 62 bytes
273044 2018-07-16 02:38:12 Ytz_IchiYtz_Ichi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 WA
- 71 bytes
273042 2018-07-16 02:35:09 Ytz_IchiYtz_Ichi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 WA - 66 bytes
273041 2018-07-16 02:33:38 Ytz_IchiYtz_Ichi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 WA - 72 bytes
273039 2018-07-16 02:32:16 Ytz_IchiYtz_Ichi No.692 square1001 and Permutation 1 Python3 WA - 70 bytes