
問題 No.448 ゆきこーだーの雨と雪 (3)
ユーザー femtofemto
提出日時 2016-11-18 23:24:42
言語 C++14
(gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.83.0)
実行時間 -
コード長 1,747 bytes
コンパイル時間 1,533 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 169,444 KB
実行使用メモリ 16,324 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2023-08-17 12:07:51
合計ジャッジ時間 5,200 ms
judge15 / judge11


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 2 ms
9,504 KB
testcase_01 AC 2 ms
9,508 KB
testcase_02 AC 2 ms
9,512 KB
testcase_03 AC 3 ms
9,500 KB
testcase_04 AC 3 ms
9,716 KB
testcase_05 AC 3 ms
9,568 KB
testcase_06 AC 2 ms
9,600 KB
testcase_07 AC 3 ms
9,520 KB
testcase_08 WA -
testcase_09 AC 3 ms
9,520 KB
testcase_10 AC 3 ms
9,604 KB
testcase_11 AC 3 ms
9,528 KB
testcase_12 WA -
testcase_13 WA -
testcase_14 WA -
testcase_15 WA -
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testcase_30 WA -
testcase_31 WA -
testcase_32 WA -
testcase_33 WA -
testcase_34 WA -
testcase_35 WA -
testcase_36 WA -
testcase_37 WA -
testcase_38 WA -
main.cpp: メンバ関数 ‘void MaxSegTree::init(int)’ 内:
main.cpp:15:34: 警告: overflow in conversion from ‘long long int’ to ‘int’ changes value from ‘-1125899906842624’ to ‘0’ [-Woverflow]
   15 |                         dat[i] = -INF;
      |                                  ^~~~
main.cpp: メンバ関数 ‘int MaxSegTree::query(int, int, int, int, int)’ 内:
main.cpp:33:45: 警告: overflow in conversion from ‘long long int’ to ‘int’ changes value from ‘-1125899906842624’ to ‘0’ [-Woverflow]
   33 |                 if(r <= a || b <= l) return -INF;
      |                                             ^~~~


diff #

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int MAX_N = 1 << 20;
const ll INF = 1LL << 50;
typedef pair<ll, ll> P;

class MaxSegTree {
	int n, dat[2 * MAX_N - 1];
	void init(int n_) {
		n = 1;
		while(n < n_) n *= 2;
		for(int i = 0; i < 2 * n - 1; i++) {
			dat[i] = -INF;

	void update(int k, int a) {
		k += n - 1;
		dat[k] = a;
		while(k > 0) {
			k = (k - 1) / 2;
			dat[k] = max(dat[k * 2 + 1], dat[k * 2 + 2]);

	int query(int a, int b) {
		return query(a, b, 0, 0, n);

	int query(int a, int b, int k, int l, int r) {
		if(r <= a || b <= l) return -INF;
		if(a <= l && r <= b) return dat[k];
		else {
			int vl = query(a, b, k * 2 + 1, l, (l + r) / 2);
			int vr = query(a, b, k * 2 + 2, (l + r) / 2, r);
			return max(vl, vr);

	void show() {
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			cout << dat[i + n - 1] << " ";
		cout << endl;

ll T[200010];
ll D[200010];
int nxt[200010];
ll S[200010];
P dp[200010];

MaxSegTree seg;

int main() {

	int N, K;
	cin >> N >> K;

	for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		cin >> T[i] >> D[i];
		seg.update(i, D[i]);
	T[N] = 1e9 + 10;
	for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		S[i + 1] = S[i] + D[i];
		nxt[i] = lower_bound(T, T + N + 1, T[i] + K) - T;

	for(int i = 0; i < N + 1; i++) {
		dp[i] = P(INF, INF);
	dp[0] = P(0, 0);

	for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
			P p = dp[i];
			p.first = max(p.first, D[i]);
			p.second += D[i];
			dp[i + 1] = min(dp[i + 1], p);
			P p = dp[i];
			p.first = max(p.first, (ll)seg.query(i + 1, nxt[i]));
			p.second += S[nxt[i]] - S[i + 1];
			dp[nxt[i]] = min(dp[nxt[i]], p);

	cout << dp[N].first << endl;
	cout << dp[N].second << endl;