
問題 No.1177 余りは?
ユーザー sansaquasansaqua
提出日時 2020-08-21 22:53:51
言語 Common Lisp
(sbcl 2.3.8)
実行時間 -
コード長 3,318 bytes
コンパイル時間 189 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 44,164 KB
実行使用メモリ 33,224 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-04-23 06:43:22
合計ジャッジ時間 14,236 ms
judge2 / judge3


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 217 ms
31,228 KB
testcase_01 TLE -
testcase_02 AC 123 ms
29,316 KB
testcase_03 AC 716 ms
29,304 KB
testcase_04 AC 233 ms
29,300 KB
testcase_05 AC 331 ms
33,116 KB
testcase_06 AC 35 ms
27,048 KB
testcase_07 AC 29 ms
26,788 KB
testcase_08 TLE -
testcase_09 AC 860 ms
31,312 KB
testcase_10 AC 10 ms
26,408 KB
testcase_11 AC 412 ms
29,168 KB
testcase_12 AC 23 ms
26,788 KB
testcase_13 AC 57 ms
29,096 KB
testcase_14 AC 93 ms
29,284 KB
testcase_15 AC 190 ms
31,336 KB
testcase_16 AC 99 ms
31,332 KB
testcase_17 TLE -
testcase_18 AC 275 ms
29,184 KB
testcase_19 AC 503 ms
29,300 KB
testcase_20 AC 60 ms
31,136 KB
testcase_21 AC 370 ms
31,228 KB
testcase_22 AC 935 ms
29,052 KB
testcase_23 AC 292 ms
33,224 KB
testcase_24 AC 107 ms
28,924 KB
testcase_25 AC 757 ms
29,164 KB
testcase_26 AC 987 ms
29,068 KB
testcase_27 AC 56 ms
28,960 KB
testcase_28 AC 417 ms
29,164 KB
testcase_29 AC 336 ms
31,204 KB
testcase_30 AC 317 ms
31,200 KB
testcase_31 AC 500 ms
31,084 KB
testcase_32 AC 10 ms
26,536 KB
; compiling file "/home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp" (written 23 APR 2024 06:43:07 AM):

; file: /home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp
;     (EXPT 10 (- P 1))
; note: unable to
;   optimize
; due to type uncertainty:
;   The second argument is a (INTEGER -1 2147483646), not a UNSIGNED-BYTE.

;     (- (EXPT 10 (- P 1)) 1)
; note: forced to do GENERIC-- (cost 10)
;       unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 1) because:
;       The first argument is a (RATIONAL 1/10), not a FIXNUM.
;       The result is a (VALUES UNSIGNED-BYTE &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM
;                                                                       &OPTIONAL).
;       unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 2) because:
;       The first argument is a (RATIONAL 1/10), not a FIXNUM.
;       The result is a (VALUES UNSIGNED-BYTE &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM
;                                                                       &OPTIONAL).
;       etc.

;     (+ (THE UNSIGNED-BYTE (- (EXPT 10 (- P 1)) 1)) (- P K))
; note: forced to do GENERIC-+ (cost 10)
;       unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 2) because:
;       The first argument is a UNSIGNED-BYTE, not a FIXNUM.
;       The result is a (VALUES (INTEGER -2147483647) &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES
;                                                                        FIXNUM
;                                                                        &OPTIONAL).
;       unable to do inline (unsigned-byte 64) arithmetic (cost 4) because:
;       The first argument is a UNSIGNED-BYTE, not a (UNSIGNED-BYTE 64).
;       The second argument is a (INTEGER -2147483647 2147483647), not a (UNSIGNED-BYTE
;                                                                         64).
;       The result is a (VALUES (INTEGER -2147483647) &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES
;                                                                        (UNSIGNED-BYTE


diff #

(in-package :cl-user)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (sb-int:defconstant-eqx opt
    #+swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 2))
    #-swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))
  #+swank (ql:quickload '(:cl-debug-print :fiveam) :silent t)
  #-swank (set-dispatch-macro-character
           #\# #\> (lambda (s c p) (declare (ignore c p)) `(values ,(read s nil nil t)))))
#+swank (cl-syntax:use-syntax cl-debug-print:debug-print-syntax)

(defmacro define-int-types (&rest bits)
     ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(deftype ,(intern (format nil "UINT~A" b)) () '(unsigned-byte ,b))) bits)
     ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(deftype ,(intern (format nil "INT~A" b)) () '(signed-byte ,b))) bits)))
(define-int-types 2 4 7 8 15 16 31 32 62 63 64)

(defconstant +mod+ 1000000007)

(defmacro dbg (&rest forms)
  #+swank (if (= (length forms) 1)
              `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',(car forms) ,(car forms))
              `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',forms `(,,@forms)))
  #-swank (declare (ignore forms)))

(declaim (inline println))
(defun println (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*))
  (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
    (prog1 (princ obj stream) (terpri stream))))

(in-package :cl-user)

;;; Body

(defun main ()
  (declare #.cl-user::opt)
  (let* ((p (read))
         (k (read)))
    (declare (uint31 p k))
    (println (mod (floor (+ (the unsigned-byte (- (expt 10 (- p 1)) 1))
                            (- p k))

#-swank (main)

;;; Test and benchmark

(defun get-clipbrd ()
  (with-output-to-string (out)
    #+os-windows (run-program "powershell.exe" '("-Command" "Get-Clipboard") :output out :search t)
    #+os-unix (run-program "xsel" '("-b" "-o") :output out :search t)))

#+swank (defparameter *this-pathname* (uiop:current-lisp-file-pathname))
#+swank (defparameter *dat-pathname* (uiop:merge-pathnames* "test.dat" *this-pathname*))

(defun run (&optional thing (out *standard-output*))
  "THING := null | string | symbol | pathname

null: run #'MAIN using the text on clipboard as input.
string: run #'MAIN using the string as input.
symbol: alias of FIVEAM:RUN!.
pathname: run #'MAIN using the text file as input."
  (let* ((*standard-output* (or out (make-string-output-stream)))
         (res (etypecase thing
                 (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (delete #\Return (get-clipbrd)))
                 (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (delete #\Return thing))
                (symbol (5am:run! thing))
                 (with-open-file (*standard-input* thing)
    (if out res (get-output-stream-string *standard-output*))))

(defun gen-dat ()
  (uiop:with-output-file (out *dat-pathname* :if-exists :supersede)
    (format out "")))

(defun bench (&optional (out (make-broadcast-stream)))
  (time (run *dat-pathname* out)))

;; To run: (5am:run! :sample)
(it.bese.fiveam:test :sample
   (equal "587563550
          (run "393727 155695
" nil))))