問題 | No.241 出席番号(1) |
ユーザー | ysuzuki5321 |
提出日時 | 2021-06-21 11:26:45 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.83.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 288 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 29,928 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,859 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 161,508 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 55,492 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-06-22 22:48:40 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 13,403 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge3 / judge1 |
テストケース表示入力 | 結果 | 実行時間 実行使用メモリ |
testcase_00 | AC | 279 ms
54,912 KB |
testcase_01 | AC | 259 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_02 | AC | 251 ms
55,168 KB |
testcase_03 | AC | 272 ms
55,296 KB |
testcase_04 | AC | 278 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_05 | AC | 268 ms
55,168 KB |
testcase_06 | AC | 285 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_07 | AC | 278 ms
55,168 KB |
testcase_08 | AC | 281 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_09 | AC | 279 ms
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testcase_10 | AC | 282 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_11 | AC | 266 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_12 | AC | 280 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_13 | AC | 274 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_14 | AC | 271 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_15 | AC | 273 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_16 | AC | 272 ms
55,296 KB |
testcase_17 | AC | 278 ms
55,168 KB |
testcase_18 | AC | 275 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_19 | AC | 274 ms
55,296 KB |
testcase_20 | AC | 277 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_21 | AC | 272 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_22 | AC | 277 ms
55,168 KB |
testcase_23 | AC | 261 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_24 | AC | 261 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_25 | AC | 270 ms
55,168 KB |
testcase_26 | AC | 280 ms
55,492 KB |
testcase_27 | AC | 280 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_28 | AC | 271 ms
55,168 KB |
testcase_29 | AC | 288 ms
54,912 KB |
testcase_30 | AC | 277 ms
55,040 KB |
testcase_31 | AC | 278 ms
55,040 KB |
#include <stdio.h> #include <sstream> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <algorithm> #include <utility> #include <set> #include <cctype> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <deque> #include <limits> #include <iomanip> #include <ctype.h> #include <unordered_map> #include <random> #include <numeric> #include <iostream> #include <array> #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <bitset> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef pair<ll, ll> pll; typedef pair<ll, double> pld; typedef pair<double, double> pdd; typedef pair<double, ll> pdl; typedef pair<int, char> pic; typedef vector<ll> vl; typedef vector<pll> vpll; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef priority_queue<ll, vector<ll>, greater<ll>> llgreaterq; typedef priority_queue<pll, vector<pll>, greater<pll>> pllgreaterq; typedef priority_queue<pair<ll, pll>, vector<pair<ll, pll>>, greater<pair<ll, pll>>> plpllgreaterq; typedef priority_queue<vi, vector<vi>, greater<vi>> vigreaterq; typedef priority_queue<vl, vector<vl>, greater<vl >> vlgreaterq; template <class o, class p, class q> using tuple3q = priority_queue<tuple<o, p, q>, vector<tuple<o, p, q>>, greater<tuple<o, p, q>>>; template <class o, class p, class q, class r> using tuple4q = priority_queue<tuple<o, p, q, r>, vector<tuple<o, p, q, r>>, greater<tuple<o, p, q, r>>>; template <class o, class p, class q, class r, class s> using tuple5q = priority_queue<tuple<o, p, q, r, s>, vector<tuple<o, p, q, r, s>>, greater<tuple<o, p, q, r, s>>>; int dx[] = { -1,0,1,0 }; int dy[] = { 0,-1,0,1 }; #define bit(x,v) ((ll)x << v) #define rep(x,n) for(ll x = 0;x < n;x++) #define rep2(x,f,v) for(ll x=f;x<v;x++) #define repe(v,x) for(auto v : x) // 許容する誤差ε #define EPS (1e-10) // 2つのスカラーが等しいかどうか #define EQ(a,b) (std::abs(a-b) < EPS) // 2つのベクトルが等しいかどうか #define EQV(a,b) ( EQ((a).real(), (b).real()) && EQ((a).imag(), (b).imag()) ) #define all(a) a.begin(),a.end() #define all0(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a)) #define allm1(a) memset(a,-1,sizeof(a)) #define set_float() cout << fixed << setprecision(10); #define put_float(v) set_float() \ cout << v << endl #define put(v) cout << v << endl #define vinsert(v,p,x) v.insert(v.begin() + p,x) #define vsort(v) sort(all(v)); #define vdesc(v) vsort(v); \ reverse(all(v)) #define dup(v) v.erase(unique(all(v)),v.end()) #define ion(i,j) ((i & (1LL << j)) > 0) #define next(i) i++;i%=2 #define Len size() #define psp(a,b) push_back(make_pair(a,b)) #define psp2(a,b) push(make_pair(a,b)) #define cini(a) a; cin >> a #define infa(a,b) (a + b) % INF #define infm(a,b) (a * b) % INF #define infd(a,b) (a * INFinv(b)) % INF #define infs(a,b) (a + INF - inff(b)) % INF #define inf(a) (a) %= INF #define inff(a) ((a + INF) % INF) #define No cout << "No" << endl #define Yes cout << "Yes" << endl #define NO cout << "NO" << endl #define YES cout << "YES" << endl #define smal -INF*INF #define big INF*INF #define frontpop(q) q.front();q.pop() #define toppop(q) q.top();q.pop() #define arr(a,s) a[s]; all0(a); #define nxt(cu) (cu+1) % 2 bool chmin(ll& a, ll b) { if (a > b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } ll INF = 1000000007; const int MAX = 2000010; void cout2(ll val) { if (val == big) { cout << -1 << endl; } else { cout << val << endl; } } long long fac[MAX], finv[MAX], inv[MAX]; void COMinit() { fac[0] = fac[1] = 1; finv[0] = finv[1] = 1; inv[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < MAX; i++) { fac[i] = fac[i - 1] * i % INF; inv[i] = INF - inv[INF % i] * (INF / i) % INF; finv[i] = finv[i - 1] * inv[i] % INF; } } // 二項係数計算 long long COM(int n, int k) { if (n < k) return 0; if (n < 0 || k < 0) return 0; return fac[n] * (finv[k] * finv[n - k] % INF) % INF; } ll getpow(ll b, ll x, ll md) { ll t = b; ll res = 1; while (x > 0) { if (x & 1) { res *= t; res %= md; } x >>= 1; t *= t; t %= md; } return res % md; } ll getpow(ll b, ll x) { return getpow(b, x, INF); } /// 素数を法とする場合 ll modinv(ll x) { return getpow(x, INF - 2); } ll extgcd(ll a, ll b, ll& x, ll& y) { ll d = a; if (b != 0) { d = extgcd(b, a % b, y, x); y -= (a / b) * x; } else { x = 1; y = 0; } return d; } /// <summary> /// 素数を法としない場合 /// </summary> /// <param name="a"></param> /// <param name="m"></param> /// <returns></returns> ll modinv(ll a, ll m) { ll x, y; extgcd(a, m, x, y); return (m + x % m) % m; } ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { if (b == 0) return a; return gcd(b, a % b); } class mint { int md = 1000000007; public: long long x; mint(ll x, ll md) { this->md = md; this->x = (x % md + md) % md; } mint(long long x = 0) : x((x% md + md) % md) {} mint operator-() const { return mint(-x); } mint& operator+=(const mint& a) { if ((x += a.x) >= md) x -= md; return *this; } mint& operator-=(const mint& a) { if ((x += md - a.x) >= md) x -= md; return *this; } mint& operator*=(const mint& a) { (x *= a.x) %= md; return *this; } mint operator+(const mint& a) const { mint res(*this); return res += a; } mint operator-(const mint& a) const { mint res(*this); return res -= a; } mint operator*(const mint& a) const { mint res(*this); return res *= a; } mint pow(ll t) const { if (!t) return 1; mint a = pow(t >> 1); a *= a; if (t & 1) a *= *this; return a; } // for prime INF mint inv() const { return pow(md - 2); } mint& operator/=(const mint& a) { return (*this) *= a.inv(); } mint operator/(const mint& a) const { mint res(*this); return res /= a; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const mint& m) { os << m.x; return os; } }; int pr[500010]; int lank[500010]; void uini(int _n) { for (ll i = 0; i <= _n; i++) { pr[i] = i; lank[i] = 1; } } int parent(int x) { if (x == pr[x]) return x; return pr[x] = parent(pr[x]); } int same(int x, int y) { return parent(x) == parent(y); } bool unit(int x, int y) { int px = parent(x); int py = parent(y); if (px == py) return false; if (lank[py] < lank[px]) { pr[py] = px; lank[px] += lank[py]; } else { pr[px] = py; lank[py] += lank[px]; } return true; } ll wit[500010]; map<ll, ll> mp[100010]; ll parent2(ll x) { if (x == pr[x]) return x; // 元々の親から変わっている時、wit[pr[x]]には親からの距離が入っている // 同じところを二度通らないので大丈夫なはず ll o = pr[x]; pr[x] = parent2(o); wit[x] += wit[o]; // 親の重みを足す return pr[x]; } int same2(int x, int y) { return parent2(x) == parent2(y); } bool relate(int x, int y, int v) { auto px = parent2(x); auto py = parent2(y); // 自分の距離が取れる ll xd = wit[x]; ll yd = wit[y]; // ↑のydにvを足した値とxdを比較する // yd+v> xdであれば、pyが親となる // yの直接の親はxとしてしまう? // wit[y] = v; if (px == py) return false; if (xd + v > yd) { pr[py] = px; wit[py] = xd + v - yd; // 親同士の距離を入れておく } else { pr[px] = py; wit[px] = yd - (xd + v); } return true; } ll n, m; int ci = 0; struct Node { int key; int priority; Node* parent, * left, * right; Node(int key, int priority); Node() {} }; Node NIL; Node::Node(int key, int priority) : key(key), priority(priority) { left = &NIL; right = &NIL; } Node* root = new Node(); void cenrec(Node* k) { if (k->key == NIL.key) return; cenrec(k->left); cout << " " << k->key; cenrec(k->right); } void fastrec(Node* k) { if (k->key == NIL.key) return; cout << " " << k->key; fastrec(k->left); fastrec(k->right); } void insert(Node* v) { Node* y = &NIL; Node* x = root; while (x->key != NIL.key) { y = x; if (v->key < x->key) { x = x->left; } else { x = x->right; } } v->parent = y; if (y->key == NIL.key) { root = v; } else if (v->key < y->key) { y->left = v; } else { y->right = v; } } Node* find(Node* k, ll v) { if (k->key == NIL.key) return &NIL; if (k->key == v) return k; if (v < k->key) return find(k->left, v); return find(k->right, v); } void delp12(Node* x) { if (x->key == NIL.key) return; Node* l = x->left; Node* r = x->right; Node* pr = x->parent; if (l->key == NIL.key && r->key == NIL.key) { if (pr->left == x) { pr->left = &NIL; } else pr->right = &NIL; } else if (l->key != NIL.key) { if (pr->left == x) { pr->left = l; } else pr->right = l; l->parent = pr; } else if (r->key != NIL.key) { if (pr->left == x) { pr->left = r; } else pr->right = r; r->parent = pr; } } Node* get_next(Node* k) { if (k->key == NIL.key) return &NIL; Node* res = get_next(k->left); if (res->key != NIL.key) return res; return k; } void del(Node* x) { if (x->key == NIL.key) return; Node* l = x->left; Node* r = x->right; Node* pr = x->parent; if (l->key != NIL.key && r->key != NIL.key) { Node* nex = get_next(r); x->key = nex->key; delp12(nex); } else { delp12(x); } } Node* rightRotate(Node* t) { Node* s = t->left; t->left = s->right; s->right = t; return s; } Node* leftRotate(Node* t) { Node* s = t->right; t->right = s->left; s->left = t; return s; } Node* _insert(Node* t, int key, int priority) { if (t->key == NIL.key) { return new Node(key, priority); } if (key == t->key) { return t; } if (key < t->key) { t->left = _insert(t->left, key, priority); if (t->priority < t->left->priority) { t = rightRotate(t); } } else { t->right = _insert(t->right, key, priority); if (t->priority < t->right->priority) { t = leftRotate(t); } } return t; } Node* delete1(Node* t, int key); Node* _delete(Node* t, int key) { if (t->left->key == NIL.key && t->right->key == NIL.key) { return &NIL; } else if (t->left->key == NIL.key) { t = leftRotate(t); } else if (t->right->key == NIL.key) { t = rightRotate(t); } else { if (t->left->priority > t->right->priority) { t = rightRotate(t); } else t = leftRotate(t); } return delete1(t, key); } Node* delete1(Node* t, int key) { if (t->key == NIL.key) { return &NIL; } if (key < t->key) { t->left = delete1(t->left, key); } else if (key > t->key) { t->right = delete1(t->right, key); } else return _delete(t, key); return t; } int H; int left(int i) { return i * 2 + 1; } int right(int i) { return i * 2 + 2; } class edge { public: int from, to, i; ll val; ll cap, rev; edge() {} edge(ll to) : to(to) {} edge(ll to, ll i) : to(to), i(i) {} edge(ll from, ll to, ll val) : from(from), to(to), val(val) {} void flowEdge(ll _to, ll _cap, ll _rev) { to = _to; cap = _cap; rev = _rev; } }; typedef vector<vector<edge>> vve; class LCA { private: vector<vector<edge>> v; vector<vector<int>> parent; vector<int> depth; ll root; void dfs(int n, int m, int d) { parent[0][n] = m; depth[n] = d; for (auto x : v[n]) { if (x.to != m) dfs(x.to, n, d + 1); } } public: LCA(ll N, ll root, vector<vector<edge>>& tree) { v = tree; this->root = root; parent = vector<vector<int>>(21, vector<int>(N + 1, 0)); depth = vector<int>(N + 1, 0); dfs(root, -1, 0); for (int j = 0; j + 1 < 20; j++) { for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { if (parent[j][i] < 0) parent[j + 1][i] = -1; else parent[j + 1][i] = parent[j][parent[j][i]]; } } } int lca(int n, int m) { if (depth[n] > depth[m]) swap(n, m); if (n == root) return root; for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { if ((depth[m] - depth[n]) >> j & 1) m = parent[j][m]; } if (n == m) return n; for (int j = 19; j >= 0; j--) { if (parent[j][n] != parent[j][m]) { n = parent[j][n]; m = parent[j][m]; } } return parent[0][n]; } int dep(int n) { return depth[n]; } }; ll k; int _rank[1010]; int temp[1010]; bool compare_sa(int i, int j) { if (_rank[i] != _rank[j]) return _rank[i] < _rank[j]; else { int ri = i + k <= n ? _rank[i + k] : -1; int rj = j + k <= n ? _rank[j + k] : -1; return ri < rj; } } void construct_sa(string S, int* sa) { n = S.length(); for (ll i = 0; i <= n; i++) { sa[i] = i; _rank[i] = i < n ? S[i] : -1; } for (k = 1; k <= n; k *= 2) { sort(sa, sa + n + 1, compare_sa); // saはソート後の接尾辞の並びになっている、rankは元の位置のindexを保持したまま、更新されている。 // ピンとこなかった部分 temp[sa[0]] = 0; for (ll i = 1; i <= n; i++) { temp[sa[i]] = temp[sa[i - 1]] + (compare_sa(sa[i - 1], sa[i]) ? 1 : 0); } for (ll i = 0; i <= n; i++) { _rank[i] = temp[i]; } } } bool contain(string S, int* sa, string T) { int a = 0, b = S.length(); // sa は 接尾辞が辞書順に並んでいる、入っているのはその位置のインデックス while (b - a > 1) { int c = (a + b) / 2; if (S.compare(sa[c], T.length(), T) < 0) a = c; else b = c; } return S.compare(sa[b], T.length(), T) == 0; } #define bit(x,v) ((ll)x << v) class BIT { static const int MAX_N = 500010; public: BIT() { memset(bit, 0, sizeof(bit)); } ll bit[MAX_N + 1], n; ll sum(int i) { ll s = 0; while (i > 0) { s += bit[i]; i -= i & -i; } return s; } void add(int i, int x) { while (i <= n) { bit[i] += x; i += i & -i; } } }; struct UnionFind { vector<int> A; UnionFind(int n) : A(n, -1) {} int find(int x) { if (A[x] < 0) return x; return A[x] = find(A[x]); } void unite(int x, int y) { x = find(x), y = find(y); if (x == y) return; if (A[x] > A[y]) swap(x, y); A[x] += A[y]; A[y] = x; } int ngroups() { int ans = 0; for (auto a : A) if (a < 0) ans++; return ans; } }; vector<ll> getp(ll n) { vector<ll> res; if (n % 2 == 0) { res.push_back(2); while (n % 2 == 0)n /= 2; } for (ll i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2) { if (n % i == 0) { res.push_back(i); while (n % i == 0)n /= i; } } if (n != 1) res.push_back(n); return res; } vector<ll> getp2(ll n) { vector<ll> res; ll a = 2; if (n % 2 == 0) { while (n % 2 == 0) { n /= 2; res.push_back(2); } } for (ll i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2) { if (n % i == 0) { while (n % i == 0) { n /= i; res.push_back(i); } } } if (n != 1) res.push_back(n); return res; } vector<pll> getp3(ll n) { vector<pll> res; int si = 0; if (n % 2 == 0) { res.push_back(make_pair(2, 0)); while (n % 2 == 0) { n /= 2; res[si].second++; } si++; } for (ll i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2) { if (n % i == 0) { res.push_back(make_pair(i, 0)); while (n % i == 0) { n /= i; res[si].second++; } si++; } } if (n != 1) { res.push_back(make_pair(n, 1)); } return res; } vector<ll> getDivisors(ll n) { vector<ll> res; res.push_back(1); for (ll i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) { if (n % i == 0) { res.push_back(i); if (n / i != i) res.push_back(n / i); } } return res; } struct ve { public: vector<ve> child; int _t = INF; ve(int t) :_t(t) {} ve(ve _left, ve _right) { _t = _left._t + _right._t; child.push_back(_left); child.push_back(_right); } bool operator<(const ve& t) const { return _t > t._t; } }; vector<bool> elas(ll n) { n++; vector<bool> r(n, 1); r[0] = 0; r[1] = 0; ll tw = 4; while (tw < n) { r[tw] = false; tw += 2; } ll th = 6; while (th < n) { r[th] = false; th += 3; } for (ll i = 6; i * i < n; i += 6) { ll bf = i - 1; if (r[bf]) { ll ti = bf * 2; while (ti < n) { r[ti] = false; ti += bf; } } ll nx = i + 1; if (r[nx]) { ll ti = nx * 2; while (ti < n) { r[ti] = false; ti += nx; } } } return r; } bool isPrime(ll v) { for (ll i = 2; i * i <= v; i++) { if (v % i == 0) return false; } return true; } class SegTree { public: const static int MAX_N = 1000100; const static int DAT_SIZE = (1 << 20) - 1; int N, Q; int A[MAX_N]; ll MAX = big; ll data[DAT_SIZE], datb[DAT_SIZE]; void init(int _n) { N = 1; while (N < _n) N <<= 1; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); memset(datb, 0, sizeof(datb)); } void init(int _n, ll iv) { N = 1; while (N < _n) N <<= 1; rep(i, DAT_SIZE) { data[i] = iv; datb[i] = iv; } } void initRMQ(int _n) { N = 1; while (N < _n) N *= 2; // 全ての値をbigに rep(i, 2 * N - 1) data[i] = MAX; } void updateRMQ(int k, ll a) { k += N - 1; data[k] = a; while (k > 0) { k = (k - 1) / 2; data[k] = min(data[k * 2 + 1], data[k * 2 + 2]); } } ll RMQ(int a, int b) { return queryRMQ(a, b + 1, 0, 0, N); } ll queryRMQ(int a, int b, int k, int l, int r) { if (r <= a || b <= l) return MAX; // [a,b)が[l,r)を完全に含んでいれば if (a <= l && r <= b) return data[k]; // そうでなければ2つの子の最小値 // n=16 // 0,16→0,8 8,16 // 0,4 4,8 8,12 12,16 ll vl = queryRMQ(a, b, k * 2 + 1, l, (l + r) / 2); ll vr = queryRMQ(a, b, k * 2 + 2, (l + r) / 2, r); return min(vl, vr); } void add(int a, int b, int x) { add(a, b + 1, x, 0, 0, N); } void add(int a, int b, int x, int k, int l, int r) { if (a <= l && r <= b) { data[k] += x; } else if (l < b && a < r) { datb[k] += (min(b, r) - max(a, l)) * x; add(a, b, x, k * 2 + 1, l, (l + r) / 2); add(a, b, x, k * 2 + 2, (l + r) / 2, r); } } void change(int a, int b, int x) { change(a, b + 1, x, 0, 0, N); } void change(int a, int b, int x, int k, int l, int r) { if (a <= l && r <= b) { data[k] = x; } else if (l < b && a < r) { datb[k] = x; change(a, b, x, k * 2 + 1, l, (l + r) / 2); change(a, b, x, k * 2 + 2, (l + r) / 2, r); } } ll sum(int a, int b) { return sum(a, b + 1, 0, 0, N); } ll sum(int a, int b, int k, int l, int r) { if (b <= l || r <= a) { return 0; } if (a <= l && r <= b) { return data[k] * (r - l) + datb[k]; } ll res = (min(b, r) - max(a, l)) * data[k]; res += sum(a, b, k * 2 + 1, l, (l + r) / 2); res += sum(a, b, k * 2 + 2, (l + r) / 2, r); return res; } }; class Segment; class Circle; class Point { public: double x, y; Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) :x(x), y(y) {} Point operator + (Point p) { return Point(x + p.x, y + p.y); } Point operator - (Point p) { return Point(x - p.x, y - p.y); } Point operator * (double a) { return Point(a * x, a * y); } Point operator / (double a) { return Point(x / a, y / a); } double abs() { return sqrt(norm()); } double norm() { return x * x + y * y; } bool operator < (const Point& p)const { return x != p.x ? x < p.x : y < p.y; } bool operator == (const Point& p) const { return fabs(x - p.x) < EPS && fabs(y - p.y) < EPS; } // 内積 static double dot(Point a, Point b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y; } // 外積 static double cross(Point a, Point b) { return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x; } static bool isOrthogonal(Point a, Point b) { return EQ(dot(a, b), 0.0); } static bool isOrthogonal(Point a1, Point a2, Point b1, Point b2) { return isOrthogonal(a1 - a2, b1 - b2); } static bool isOrthogonal(Segment s1, Segment s2); static bool isPalallel(Point a, Point b) { return EQ(cross(a, b), 0.0); } static bool isPalallel(Point a1, Point a2, Point b1, Point b2) { return isPalallel(a1 - a2, b1 - b2); } static bool isPalallel(Segment s1, Segment s2); static const int COUNTER_CLOCKWISE = 1; static const int CLOCKWISE = -1; static const int ONLINE_BACK = 2; static const int ONLINE_FRONT = -2; static const int ON_SEGMENT = 0; static int ccw(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2) { // 線分はp0とp1でp2がどこにあるかを探る Point a = p1 - p0; Point b = p2 - p0; if (cross(a, b) > EPS) return COUNTER_CLOCKWISE; if (cross(a, b) < -EPS) return CLOCKWISE; if (dot(a, b) < -EPS) return ONLINE_BACK; if (a.norm() < b.norm()) return ONLINE_FRONT; return ON_SEGMENT; } // 交差しているか static bool intersect(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4) { return (ccw(p1, p2, p3) * ccw(p1, p2, p4) <= 0 && ccw(p3, p4, p1) * ccw(p3, p4, p2) <= 0); } static bool intersect(Segment s1, Segment s2); static Point project(Segment s, Point p); static Point reflect(Segment s, Point p); static Point getDistance(Point a, Point b) { return (a - b).abs(); } static double getDistanceLP(Segment s, Point p); static double getDistanceSP(Segment s, Point p); static double getDistance(Segment s1, Segment s2); static Point getIntersection(Segment s1, Segment s2); static pair<Point, Point> crossPoints(Circle c, Segment s); static int contains(vector<Point> g, Point p) { int n = g.size(); bool x = false; rep(i, n) { Point a = g[i] - p, b = g[(i + 1) % n] - p; // 線の上に載っているか if (std::abs(cross(a, b)) < EPS && dot(a, b) < EPS) return 1; // pを基準として上下にあるか // または外積が正か?(→にあるか) if (a.y > b.y) swap(a, b); if (a.y < EPS && EPS < b.y && cross(a, b) > EPS) x = !x; } return x ? 2 : 0; } static vector<Point> andrewScan(vector<Point> s) { vector<Point> u, l; if (s.size() < 3) return s; sort(all(s)); u.push_back(s[0]); u.push_back(s[1]); l.push_back(s[s.size() - 1]); l.push_back(s[s.size() - 2]); for (int i = 2; i < s.size(); i++) { for (int _n = u.size(); _n >= 2 && ccw(u[_n - 2], u[_n - 1], s[i]) > CLOCKWISE; _n--) { u.pop_back(); } u.push_back(s[i]); } for (int i = s.size() - 3; i >= 0; i--) { for (int _n = l.size(); _n >= 2 && ccw(l[_n - 2], l[_n - 1], s[i]) > CLOCKWISE; _n--) { l.pop_back(); } l.push_back(s[i]); } reverse(all(l)); for (int i = u.size() - 2; i >= 1; i--) { l.push_back(u[i]); } return l; } void get_cin() { cin >> x >> y; } }; class Segment { public: Point p1, p2; Segment() {} Segment(Point p1, Point p2) :p1(p1), p2(p2) {} void get_cin() { cin >> p1.x >> p1.y >> p2.x >> p2.y; } Point p1tp2() { return p2 - p1; } Point p2tp1() { return p1 - p2; } double abs() { return (p2 - p1).abs(); } double norm() { return (p2 - p1).norm(); } }; // 直行 bool Point::isOrthogonal(Segment s1, Segment s2) { return EQ(dot(s1.p2 - s1.p1, s2.p2 - s2.p1), 0.0); } // 平行 bool Point::isPalallel(Segment s1, Segment s2) { return EQ(cross(s1.p2 - s1.p1, s2.p2 - s2.p1), 0.0); } // 交差しているか bool Point::intersect(Segment s1, Segment s2) { return intersect(s1.p1, s1.p2, s2.p1, s2.p2); } Point Point::project(Segment s, Point p) { Point base = s.p2 - s.p1; double r = Point::dot(p - s.p1, base) / base.norm(); return s.p1 + base * r; } Point Point::reflect(Segment s, Point p) { return (project(s, p) * 2) - p; } double Point::getDistanceLP(Segment s, Point p) { return std::abs(cross(s.p2 - s.p1, p - s.p1) / (s.p2 - s.p1).abs()); } double Point::getDistanceSP(Segment s, Point p) { if (dot(s.p2 - s.p1, p - s.p1) < 0.0) return (p - s.p1).abs(); if (dot(s.p1 - s.p2, p - s.p2) < 0.0) return (p - s.p2).abs(); return getDistanceLP(s, p); } double Point::getDistance(Segment s1, Segment s2) { if (intersect(s1, s2)) return 0.0; return min({ getDistanceSP(s1,s2.p1),getDistanceSP(s1,s2.p2) ,getDistanceSP(s2,s1.p1),getDistanceSP(s2,s1.p2) }); } Point Point::getIntersection(Segment s1, Segment s2) { // (s1.p1 - s2.p1).norm() auto bs = s1.p2 - s1.p1; auto n1 = s2.p1 - s1.p1; auto n2 = s2.p2 - s1.p1; auto c1 = std::abs(cross(n1, bs)) / bs.norm(); auto c2 = std::abs(cross(n2, bs)) / bs.norm(); return s2.p1 + (s2.p2 - s2.p1) * (c1 / (c1 + c2)); // c1:c2=t:1-t // c2t=(1-t)c1 // t/(1-t)=c1/(c1+c2) // } double arg(Point p) { return atan2(p.y, p.x); } Point polar(double a, double r) { return Point(cos(r) * a, sin(r) * a); } class Circle { public: Point c; double r; Circle(Point c = Point(), double r = 0.0) : c(c), r(r) {} void get_cin() { cin >> c.x >> c.y >> r; } static pair<Point, Point> getCrossPoints(Circle c1, Circle c2) { double d = (c1.c - c2.c).abs(); // 中心点どうしの距離 double a = acos((c1.r * c1.r + d * d - c2.r * c2.r) / (2 * c1.r * d)); double t = arg(c2.c - c1.c); return make_pair(c1.c + polar(c1.r, t + a), c1.c + polar(c1.r, t - a)); } }; pair<Point, Point> Point::crossPoints(Circle c, Segment s) { auto pp = project(s, c.c); auto f = (pp - c.c).norm(); auto mu = sqrt(c.r * c.r - f); // 単位ベクトル auto e = s.p1tp2() / s.p1tp2().abs(); return make_pair(pp + e * mu, pp - e * mu); } ll divRm(string s, ll x) { ll r = 0; for (ll i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { r *= 10; r += s[i] - '0'; r %= x; } return r; } ll cmbi(ll x, ll b) { ll res = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < b; i++) { res *= x - i; res %= INF; res *= inv[b - i]; res %= INF; } return res; } ll digsum(ll x) { ll res = 0; while (x > 0) { res += x % 10; x /= 10; } return res; } bool check_parindrome(string s) { int n = s.size(); rep(i, n / 2) { if (s[i] != s[n - i - 1]) { return false; } } return true; } ll npr(ll n, ll r) { if (r == 0) return 1; return inff(fac[n] * modinv(fac[n - r])); } vl zalgo(string s) { ll c = 0; vl a(s.size()); ll si = s.size(); rep2(i, 1, s.size()) { if (i + a[i - c] < c + a[c]) { a[i] = a[i - c]; } else { ll j = max(0LL, a[c] - (i - c)); while (i + j < si && s[j] == s[i + j]) { j++; } a[i] = j; c = i; } } a[0] = s.size(); return a; } // 数値文字列の除算 string divStrNum(string s, ll v) { ll si = s.size(); ll val = 0; string res = ""; for (ll i = 0; i < si; i++) { val *= 10; val += s[i] - '0'; ll add = val / v; val %= v; if (add == 0 && res == "") continue; res += add + '0'; } if (res == "") return "0"; return res; } // 数値文字列の減算 string difStrNum(string s, ll v) { ll si = s.size(); bool dec = false; for (ll i = si - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (v == 0) break; ll t = v % 10; v /= 10; ll u = (s[i] - '0'); if (dec) { if (u == 0) { s[i] = 9 - t; dec = true; continue; } u--; } if (u < t) { s[i] = 10 - (t - u); dec = true; } else { s[i] -= t; dec = false; } } return s; } // 数値文字列を1減らした数 string decStrNum(string s) { ll si = s.size(); for (int i = si - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (s[i] == '0') { s[i] = '9'; continue; } s[i] = s[i] - 1; break; } return s; } void dateCal(int x) { int lp = x / 7; string date[] = { "月曜日","火曜日","水曜日","木曜日","金曜日","土曜日","日曜日" }; rep(i, 7) { int st = i; rep(j, lp) { cout << "\t" << date[i] << x << "-" << st << "\t" << "NULL" << "\t" << x << "\t" << st << "\t" << 0 << endl; st += 7; } } } // 行列べき乗計算 typedef vector<vl> mat; mat mul(mat& A, mat& B) { mat C(A.size(), vl(B[0].size())); rep(i, A.size()) { rep(t, B.size()) { rep(j, B[0].size()) { C[i][j] = inff(C[i][j] + A[i][t] * B[t][j]); } } } return C; } mat pow(mat A, ll x) { mat B(A.size(), vl(A.size())); rep(i, A.size()) { B[i][i] = 1; } while (x > 0) { if (x & 1)B = mul(B, A); A = mul(A, A); x >>= 1; } return B; } class dinic { public: vve G; vl level; vl iter; dinic(int _n) : dinic(vve(_n + 1)) { } dinic(vve g) { G = g; level = vl(g.size()); iter = vl(g.size()); } void add_edge(ll from, ll to, ll cap) { auto e1 = edge(); auto e2 = edge(); e1.flowEdge(to, cap, G[to].size()); G[from].push_back(e1); e2.flowEdge(from, 0, G[from].size() - 1); G[to].push_back(e2); } void bfs(ll s) { fill(all(level), -1); queue<ll> q; level[s] = 0; q.push(s); while (!q.empty()) { ll v = frontpop(q); for (auto e : G[v]) { if (e.cap > 0 && level[e.to] < 0) { level[e.to] = level[v] + 1; q.push(e.to); } } } } ll dfs(ll v, ll t, ll f) { if (v == t) return f; for (ll& i = iter[v]; i < G[v].size(); i++) { edge& e = G[v][i]; if (e.cap > 0 && level[v] < level[e.to]) { ll d = dfs(e.to, t, min(f, e.cap)); if (d > 0) { e.cap -= d; G[e.to][e.rev].cap += d; return d; } } } return 0; } ll max_flow(ll s, ll t) { ll flow = 0; for (;;) { bfs(s); if (level[t] < 0) return flow; fill(all(iter), 0); ll f; while ((f = dfs(s, t, big)) > 0) { flow += f; } } } }; const ull BS = 1000000007; // aはbに含まれているか? bool rolling_hash(string a, string b) { int al = a.size(), bl = b.size(); if (al > bl) return false; // BSのal乗を計算 ull t = 1; rep(i, al)t *= BS; // aとbの最初のal文字に関するハッシュ値を計算 ull ah = 0, bh = 0; rep(i, al) ah = ah * BS + a[i]; rep(i, al) bh = bh * BS + b[i]; // bの場所を一つずつ進めながらハッシュ値をチェック for (ll i = 0; i + al <= bl; i++) { if (ah == bh) return true; if (i + al < bl)bh = bh * BS + b[i + al] - b[i] * t; } return false; } // ここまでライブラリ // ここからコード vector<tuple<ll, ll, ll> > es[50]; ll ma; ll d[55][5500]; void dij(ll s) { rep2(i, 1, n + 1) { fill(d[i], d[i] + 5500, big); } tuple3q<ll, ll, ll> q; q.push({ 0,s,1 }); while (!q.empty()) { auto p = toppop(q); auto cs = get<0>(p); auto co = get<1>(p); auto cu = get<2>(p); if (d[cu][co] <= cs) continue; d[cu][co] = cs; for (auto v : es[cu]) { auto to = get<0>(v); auto pa = get<1>(v); auto ti = get<2>(v); if (co - pa < 0) continue; if (co - pa > ma) continue; if (d[to][co - pa] > cs + ti) { q.push({ cs + ti,co - pa,to }); } } } } void solv() { cin >> n; vl a(n); vl t(n,0); rep(i, n) { cin >> a[i]; t[a[i]]++; } priority_queue<pll> q; rep(i, n) { q.push({ t[i],i }); } vl res(n, -1); while (!q.empty()) { auto p = toppop(q); bool ex = false; rep(i, n) { if (res[i] != -1) continue; if (a[i] == p.second) continue; res[i] = p.second; ex = true; break; } if (!ex) { cout << -1 << endl; return; } } rep(i, n) { cout << res[i] << endl; } } int main() { COMinit(); solv(); return 0; }