問題 | No.2371 最大の試練それは起床 |
ユーザー | hamath |
提出日時 | 2023-07-07 21:21:51 |
言語 | C++17 (gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.83.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 4,530 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,612 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 214,112 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 6,944 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-07-21 17:00:01 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 3,051 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge5 / judge3 |
テストケース表示入力 | 結果 | 実行時間 実行使用メモリ |
testcase_00 | AC | 2 ms
6,812 KB |
testcase_01 | AC | 2 ms
6,812 KB |
testcase_02 | AC | 2 ms
6,816 KB |
testcase_03 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_04 | AC | 1 ms
6,944 KB |
testcase_05 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_06 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_07 | AC | 1 ms
6,944 KB |
testcase_08 | AC | 1 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_09 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_10 | AC | 1 ms
6,944 KB |
testcase_11 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_12 | AC | 2 ms
6,944 KB |
testcase_13 | AC | 2 ms
6,944 KB |
testcase_14 | WA | - |
testcase_15 | AC | 1 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_16 | AC | 2 ms
6,944 KB |
testcase_17 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_18 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_19 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_20 | AC | 2 ms
6,940 KB |
testcase_21 | AC | 2 ms
6,944 KB |
#ifdef LOCAL //#define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG #else #pragma GCC optimize("O3") #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") //#pragma GCC target("avx512f,avx512dq,avx512cd,avx512bw,avx512vl") #endif #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef long double ld; typedef pair<ll, ll> P; typedef pair<int, int> Pi; typedef vector<ll> Vec; typedef vector<int> Vi; typedef vector<string> Vs; typedef vector<char> Vc; typedef vector<P> VP; typedef vector<VP> VVP; typedef vector<Vec> VV; typedef vector<Vi> VVi; typedef vector<Vc> VVc; typedef vector<VV> VVV; typedef vector<VVV> VVVV; #define MAKEVV(variable, a, ...) VV variable(a, Vec(__VA_ARGS__)) #define MAKEVVc(variable, a, ...) VVc variable(a,Vc(__VA_ARGS__)) #define MAKEVVV(variable, a, b, ...) VVV variable(a, VV(b, Vec(__VA_ARGS__))) #define MAKEVVVV(variable, a, b, c, ...) VVVV variable(a, VVV(b, (VV(c, Vec(__VA_ARGS__))))) #define endl '\n' #define REP(i, a, b) for(ll i=(a); i<(b); i++) #define PER(i, a, b) for(ll i=(a); i>=(b); i--) #define rep(i, n) REP(i, 0, n) #define per(i, n) PER(i, n, 0) const ll INF = 4'000'000'000'000'000'010LL; const ll MOD=998244353; #define Yes(n) cout << ((n) ? "Yes" : "No") << endl; #define YES(n) cout << ((n) ? "YES" : "NO") << endl; #define ALL(v) v.begin(), v.end() #define rALL(v) v.rbegin(), v.rend() #define pb(x) push_back(x) #define mp(a, b) make_pair(a,b) #define Each(a,b) for(auto &a :b) #define rEach(i, mp) for (auto i = mp.rbegin(); i != mp.rend(); ++i) #define SUM(a) accumulate(ALL(a),0LL) #define outminusone(a) cout<< ( a==INF ? -1 : a ) <<endl #define Uniq(v) v.erase(unique(v.begin(), v.end()), v.end()) #define fi first #define se second template<class T>bool chmax(T &a, const T &b) { if (a<b) { a=b; return true; } return false; } template<class T>bool chmin(T &a, const T &b) { if (b<a) { a=b; return true; } return false; } template<class T>auto lb(vector<T> &X, T x){return lower_bound(ALL(X),x) - X.begin();} template<class T>auto ub(vector<T> &X, T x){return upper_bound(ALL(X),x) - X.begin();} ll popcnt(ll x){return __builtin_popcount(x);} ll topbit(ll t){return t==0?-1:63-__builtin_clzll(t);} ll floor(ll y,ll x){assert(x != 0);if(x < 0){y *= -1; x *= -1;}if(y < 0){return (y-x+1)/x;}return y/x;}; ll ceil(ll y, ll x){assert(x != 0);if(x < 0){y *= -1; x *= -1;}if(y < 0){return y/x;}return (y+x-1)/x;}; template<typename T1, typename T2>istream &operator>>(istream &i, pair<T1, T2> &p) { return i>>p.first>>p.second; } template<typename T>istream& operator>>(istream&i,vector<T>&v){rep(j,v.size())i>>v[j];return i;} template<typename T1, typename T2>ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const pair<T1, T2> &p) { return s<<"("<<p.first<<", "<<p.second<<")"; } template<class T>ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const vector<T> &v) {bool f = false;for(const auto &d: v) {if(f) os<<" ";f = true;os<<d;}return os;} template <class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const set<T>& s) {os << "{";bool f = false;for (auto d : s) {if (f) os << ", ";f = true;os << d;}return os << "}";} template <class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const multiset<T>& s) {os << "{";bool f = false;for (auto d : s) {if (f) os << ", ";f = true;os << d;}return os << "}";} template<class T, class U>ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const map<T, U> &s) {bool f = false;os<<endl;for(auto p: s) {if(f) os<<endl;f = true;os<<p.first<<": "<<p.second;}return os<<endl;} void out() { cout << endl; } template <class Head, class... Tail> void out(const Head &head, const Tail &...tail) {cout << head;if(sizeof...(tail)) cout << ' ';out(tail...);} #ifdef LOCAL template<typename T>ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const vector<vector<T>> &vv) {int len=vv.size();for(int i=0; i<len; ++i) {if(i==0)s<<endl;s<<i<<":"<<vv[i];if(i!=len-1)s<<endl;}return s;} struct PrettyOS {ostream& os;bool first;template <class T> auto operator<<(T&& x) {if (!first) os << ", ";first = false;os << x;return *this;}}; template <class... T> void dbg0(T&&... t) {(PrettyOS{cerr, true} << ... << t);} #define dbg(...)do {cerr << #__VA_ARGS__ << ": ";dbg0(__VA_ARGS__);cerr << endl;} while (false); #else #define dbg(...) #endif int solve(){ ll h,m; cin>>h>>m; if(h == 7 and m <= 29 or h < 7){ Yes(1); }else if(h == 7 and m >= 30 or h == 8 and m < 29){ out("Late"); }else{ Yes(0); } return 0; } int main() { cin.tie(nullptr); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cout<<std::setprecision(20); // ll T; // cin>>T; // while(T--) solve(); }