
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
463713 2020-04-13 21:42:43 trineutron No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Python3 AC 30 ms 43 bytes
463712 2020-04-13 21:41:47 trineutron No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Python3 WA - 27 bytes
463292 2020-04-12 19:22:48 tonnnura172 No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 RE
- 970 bytes
463291 2020-04-12 19:22:16 tonnnura172 No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 RE - 960 bytes
463289 2020-04-12 19:20:24 tonnnura172 No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 RE - 930 bytes
463287 2020-04-12 19:15:21 tonnnura172 No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 RE - 932 bytes
463286 2020-04-12 19:14:36 tonnnura172 No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 RE - 918 bytes
462793 2020-04-11 19:21:06 tonnnura172 No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Python3 RE
- 787 bytes
461358 2020-04-10 11:28:20 watarimaycry2 No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 JavaScript AC 76 ms 1,875 bytes
461357 2020-04-10 11:27:24 watarimaycry2 No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 JavaScript AC 61 ms 1,751 bytes
460555 2020-04-08 16:26:12 Ohnuma No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Python3 AC 28 ms 127 bytes
460297 2020-04-08 01:36:41 Mister No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++17 AC 2 ms 382 bytes
459989 2020-04-07 16:06:42 gemmaro No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Elixir AC 538 ms 186 bytes
459907 2020-04-07 10:25:33 ccppjsrb No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Go AC 1 ms 1,448 bytes
458920 2020-04-05 00:42:27 👑 hos.lyric No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Ruby AC 88 ms 24 bytes
457052 2020-04-03 14:38:35 bond_cmprog No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 913 bytes
452655 2020-04-01 08:59:59 👑 hos.lyric No.691 E869120 and Constructing Array 5 D AC 834 ms 3,470 bytes
452654 2020-04-01 08:56:41 👑 hos.lyric No.691 E869120 and Constructing Array 5 D WA - 3,420 bytes
452653 2020-04-01 08:51:35 👑 hos.lyric No.691 E869120 and Constructing Array 5 D TLE - 3,369 bytes
452650 2020-04-01 08:48:35 👑 hos.lyric No.691 E869120 and Constructing Array 5 D TLE - 3,347 bytes
452648 2020-04-01 08:35:10 👑 hos.lyric No.691 E869120 and Constructing Array 5 D TLE - 3,207 bytes
452647 2020-04-01 08:33:30 👑 hos.lyric No.691 E869120 and Constructing Array 5 D TLE - 3,183 bytes
452646 2020-04-01 08:33:00 👑 hos.lyric No.691 E869120 and Constructing Array 5 D TLE - 3,179 bytes
452508 2020-03-31 21:40:19 takakin No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Python3 AC 31 ms 124 bytes
452050 2020-03-31 04:51:25 Shiro_S No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Python3 AC 30 ms 38 bytes
451838 2020-03-30 23:20:22 kya_ski No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 249 bytes
451672 2020-03-30 18:45:05 minimamu21 No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 255 bytes
451047 2020-03-29 12:11:54 Takuya-Ampi No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 JavaScript AC 82 ms 441 bytes
451039 2020-03-29 12:00:34 Takuya-Ampi No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 JavaScript WA - 285 bytes
450595 2020-03-28 17:39:12 cumin No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 365 bytes
450524 2020-03-28 15:52:54 👑 obakyan No.690 E869120 and Constructing Array 4 Lua AC 2 ms 756 bytes
450394 2020-03-28 13:34:05 👑 hos.lyric No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 D AC 1 ms 1,734 bytes
450098 2020-03-27 23:30:17 pitsu_kyo_pro No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 938 bytes
450097 2020-03-27 23:29:12 pitsu_kyo_pro No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++14 WA - 932 bytes
450023 2020-03-27 22:07:30 c-yan No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Python3 AC 35 ms 109 bytes
449725 2020-03-27 14:12:40 koari No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 389 bytes
448641 2020-03-24 13:41:30 maspy No.690 E869120 and Constructing Array 4 Python3 AC 34 ms 779 bytes
447150 2020-03-20 23:16:38 cureskol No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++14 AC 2 ms 113 bytes
445871 2020-03-19 19:37:40 37zigen No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Java AC 92 ms 2,610 bytes
445870 2020-03-19 19:37:40 37zigen No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Java AC 101 ms 2,610 bytes
445867 2020-03-19 19:31:09 37zigen No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Java WA - 2,558 bytes
445519 2020-03-18 22:40:22 fura No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 C++17 AC 3 ms 170 bytes
444212 2020-03-15 14:30:38 ngtkana No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 C++17 AC 2 ms 690 bytes
444211 2020-03-15 14:26:54 ngtkana No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 C++17 WA - 668 bytes
444210 2020-03-15 14:25:35 ngtkana No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 C++17 TLE - 598 bytes
444208 2020-03-15 14:18:28 ngtkana No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 C++17 TLE - 598 bytes
444148 2020-03-15 08:33:38 norioc No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 D AC 2 ms 347 bytes
443696 2020-03-13 22:39:46 hir355 No.687 E869120 and Constructing Array 1 Python3 AC 32 ms 103 bytes
443672 2020-03-13 22:18:15 koyopro No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 C++11(廃止可能性あり) AC 2 ms 1,671 bytes
443392 2020-03-13 14:54:59 けーむ No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 C++14 AC 3 ms 1,107 bytes