
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
706438 2021-10-09 08:44:24 %20 No.1699 Unfair RPS Whitespace AC 2 ms 113 bytes
706436 2021-10-09 08:38:42 %20 No.1699 Unfair RPS Whitespace AC 2 ms 117 bytes
706350 2021-10-09 01:16:50 %20 No.1699 Unfair RPS Assembler AC 0 ms 223 bytes
706328 2021-10-09 00:30:17 %20 No.1699 Unfair RPS Whitespace AC 2 ms 127 bytes
706227 2021-10-08 23:33:36 %20 No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17 AC 4 ms 15,845 bytes
706219 2021-10-08 23:32:35 %20 No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17 WA - 15,838 bytes
706190 2021-10-08 23:26:57 %20 No.1706 Many Bus Stops (hard) C++17 WA - 15,829 bytes
706096 2021-10-08 23:10:10 %20 No.1705 Mode of long array C++17 AC 224 ms 15,969 bytes
706089 2021-10-08 23:09:06 %20 No.1705 Mode of long array C++17 WA - 15,969 bytes
705997 2021-10-08 22:56:55 %20 No.1704 Many Bus Stops (easy) C++17 AC 582 ms 15,861 bytes
705875 2021-10-08 22:44:17 %20 No.1703 Much Matching C++17 AC 300 ms 15,937 bytes
705801 2021-10-08 22:34:43 %20 No.1701 half price C++17 AC 5 ms 15,887 bytes
705780 2021-10-08 22:33:00 %20 No.1702 count good string C++17 AC 63 ms 15,989 bytes
705607 2021-10-08 22:18:25 %20 No.1701 half price C++17 WA - 15,879 bytes
705557 2021-10-08 22:13:49 %20 No.1701 half price C++17 WA - 15,938 bytes
705380 2021-10-08 22:02:36 %20 No.1700 floor X C++17 AC 5 ms 15,719 bytes
705335 2021-10-08 22:00:08 %20 No.1700 floor X C++17 WA - 15,718 bytes
705312 2021-10-08 21:59:14 %20 No.1699 Unfair RPS C++17 AC 3 ms 15,683 bytes