
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
996533 2024-07-20 09:46:43 GOTKAKOGOTKAKO No.2817 Competition C++17 AC 1515 ms 11,859 bytes
996532 2024-07-20 09:43:38 uwiuwi No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time Java21 AC 1158 ms 12,993 bytes
996531 2024-07-20 09:42:35 uwiuwi No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time Java21 AC 1225 ms 12,964 bytes
996530 2024-07-20 09:34:59 👑 p-adicp-adic No.2812 Plus Minus Blackboard cLay AC 9 ms 58 bytes
996529 2024-07-20 09:12:20 👑 seekworserseekworser No.2811 Calculation Within Sequence Nim AC 247 ms 7,424 bytes
996528 2024-07-20 09:10:09 igeeeigeee No.2811 Calculation Within Sequence C++17 AC 52 ms 3,796 bytes
996524 2024-07-20 08:10:27 maeshunmaeshun No.2812 Plus Minus Blackboard C++17 WA - 1,435 bytes
996523 2024-07-20 07:54:15 maeshunmaeshun No.2811 Calculation Within Sequence C++17 AC 167 ms 799 bytes
996522 2024-07-20 06:51:33 GOTKAKOGOTKAKO No.2813 Cookie C++17 AC 16 ms 622 bytes
996521 2024-07-20 06:37:21 GOTKAKOGOTKAKO No.2813 Cookie C++17 WA - 464 bytes
996520 2024-07-20 06:26:41 uwiuwi No.2817 Competition Java21 AC 1095 ms 18,336 bytes
996519 2024-07-20 06:25:57 uwiuwi No.2817 Competition Java21 WA - 18,323 bytes
996518 2024-07-20 06:12:47 GOTKAKOGOTKAKO No.2813 Cookie C++17 WA - 375 bytes
996517 2024-07-20 05:50:29 GOTKAKOGOTKAKO No.2816 At Most Two Moves C++17 AC 6 ms 2,078 bytes
996516 2024-07-20 03:52:45 umezoumezo No.2812 Plus Minus Blackboard C++23 WA - 540 bytes
996505 2024-07-20 02:42:40 👑 potato167potato167 No.2815 Smaller than all PyPy3 AC 117 ms 100 bytes
996504 2024-07-20 02:42:32 👑 potato167potato167 No.2815 Smaller than all C++17 CE - 100 bytes
996501 2024-07-20 02:35:33 👑 potato167potato167 No.2815 Smaller than all Text WA - 629 bytes
996491 2024-07-20 00:59:17 titiatitia No.2812 Plus Minus Blackboard Python3 WA
- 432 bytes
996490 2024-07-20 00:56:37 chro_96chro_96 No.2813 Cookie C WA - 542 bytes
996489 2024-07-20 00:56:16 ecotteaecottea No.2814 Block Game C++17 AC 756 ms 21,176 bytes
996488 2024-07-20 00:44:41 Konton7Konton7 No.2811 Calculation Within Sequence C++17 AC 177 ms 26,961 bytes
996487 2024-07-20 00:38:49 ecotteaecottea No.2814 Block Game C++17 WA - 21,312 bytes
996485 2024-07-20 00:21:58 PNJPNJ No.2813 Cookie PyPy3 AC 142 ms 787 bytes
996481 2024-07-20 00:14:32 👑 kmjpkmjp No.2816 At Most Two Moves C++17 AC 5 ms 1,355 bytes
996480 2024-07-20 00:12:26 👑 rin204rin204 No.2815 Smaller than all C++23 AC 25 ms 10,531 bytes
996476 2024-07-20 00:08:21 KudeKude No.2817 Competition C++23 AC 348 ms 1,246 bytes
996475 2024-07-20 00:08:04 KudeKude No.2817 Competition C++23 WA - 1,247 bytes
996473 2024-07-20 00:06:15 👑 kmjpkmjp No.2814 Block Game C++17 AC 320 ms 1,217 bytes
996472 2024-07-20 00:01:32 👑 kmjpkmjp No.2813 Cookie C++17 AC 28 ms 1,139 bytes
996471 2024-07-20 00:01:21 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++14 AC 500 ms 706 bytes
996470 2024-07-20 00:00:52 👑 kmjpkmjp No.2813 Cookie C++17 WA - 1,147 bytes
996469 2024-07-20 00:00:31 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++14 AC 1797 ms 753 bytes
996468 2024-07-19 23:59:09 KudeKude No.2816 At Most Two Moves C++23 AC 3 ms 1,093 bytes
996467 2024-07-19 23:59:06 👑 kmjpkmjp No.2812 Plus Minus Blackboard C++17 AC 37 ms 1,027 bytes
996466 2024-07-19 23:58:50 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++14 WA - 648 bytes
996465 2024-07-19 23:56:37 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++14 AC 1485 ms 577 bytes
996464 2024-07-19 23:54:43 👑 emthrmemthrm No.2813 Cookie C++23 AC 16 ms 1,756 bytes
996463 2024-07-19 23:53:00 noya2noya2 No.2817 Competition C++23 AC 407 ms 31,921 bytes
996462 2024-07-19 23:48:06 KudeKude No.2815 Smaller than all C++23 AC 28 ms 985 bytes
996461 2024-07-19 23:45:02 leaf_1415leaf_1415 No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++11 TLE - 10,429 bytes
996460 2024-07-19 23:44:47 👑 rin204rin204 No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++23 AC 497 ms 41,105 bytes
996459 2024-07-19 23:44:09 leaf_1415leaf_1415 No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++11 AC 967 ms 10,300 bytes
996458 2024-07-19 23:43:28 leaf_1415leaf_1415 No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++11 TLE - 10,266 bytes
996457 2024-07-19 23:42:18 leaf_1415leaf_1415 No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++11 WA - 10,288 bytes
996456 2024-07-19 23:41:01 kotatsugamekotatsugame No.2815 Smaller than all C++14 AC 27 ms 302 bytes
996455 2024-07-19 23:39:52 leaf_1415leaf_1415 No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++11 TLE - 10,299 bytes
996454 2024-07-19 23:39:49 noya2noya2 No.2816 At Most Two Moves C++23 AC 4 ms 14,714 bytes
996453 2024-07-19 23:37:29 👑 rin204rin204 No.2818 A Game I Play to Pass the Time C++23 WA - 41,013 bytes
996452 2024-07-19 23:35:25 maspymaspy No.2814 Block Game C++23 AC 40 ms 14,489 bytes