
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
489354 2020-05-30 00:38:16 SalmonizeSalmonize No.1066 #いろいろな色 / Red and Blue and more various colors (Easy) Python3 AC 813 ms 3,554 bytes
489351 2020-05-30 00:36:57 SalmonizeSalmonize No.1066 #いろいろな色 / Red and Blue and more various colors (Easy) Python3 AC 216 ms 879 bytes
488533 2020-05-29 21:49:46 SalmonizeSalmonize No.1066 #いろいろな色 / Red and Blue and more various colors (Easy) Python3 TLE - 679 bytes
488525 2020-05-29 21:48:59 SalmonizeSalmonize No.1066 #いろいろな色 / Red and Blue and more various colors (Easy) PyPy3 AC 1058 ms 679 bytes