
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
915123 2023-09-22 22:41:16 PAKACHU No.2479 Sum of Squares C++17(clang) AC 2 ms 692 bytes
915116 2023-09-22 22:39:25 PAKACHU No.2479 Sum of Squares C++17(clang) TLE - 564 bytes
915112 2023-09-22 22:38:54 PAKACHU No.2479 Sum of Squares C++17(clang) CE - 562 bytes
915102 2023-09-22 22:37:06 PAKACHU No.2479 Sum of Squares C++17(clang) MLE - 535 bytes
915097 2023-09-22 22:36:09 PAKACHU No.2479 Sum of Squares C++17(clang) MLE - 528 bytes
915091 2023-09-22 22:34:30 PAKACHU No.2479 Sum of Squares C++17(clang) WA - 524 bytes