
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
129980 2016-11-12 00:07:32 koba-e964koba-e964 No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby AC 90 ms 251 bytes
129979 2016-11-12 00:07:04 hermione17hermione17 No.443 GCD of Permutation Java21 WA - 1,293 bytes
129978 2016-11-12 00:06:32 imulanimulan No.443 GCD of Permutation C++14 WA - 1,241 bytes
129977 2016-11-12 00:06:15 Yut176Yut176 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 901 bytes
129976 2016-11-12 00:05:42 FF256grhyFF256grhy No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,750 bytes
129974 2016-11-12 00:05:20 kurenai3110kurenai3110 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,126 bytes
129972 2016-11-12 00:04:26 nebukuro09nebukuro09 No.443 GCD of Permutation Python2 WA - 635 bytes
129969 2016-11-12 00:02:14 ebicochinealebicochineal No.443 GCD of Permutation PyPy3 RE - 652 bytes
129968 2016-11-12 00:02:09 rapurasurapurasu No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,069 bytes
129967 2016-11-12 00:01:53 FF256grhyFF256grhy No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,652 bytes
129966 2016-11-12 00:00:27 10_oh_fu10_oh_fu No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,545 bytes
129964 2016-11-12 00:00:18 Yut176Yut176 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 752 bytes
129963 2016-11-12 00:00:14 ieneko18ieneko18 No.443 GCD of Permutation Python3 MLE - 228 bytes
129962 2016-11-12 00:00:13 ieneko18ieneko18 No.443 GCD of Permutation Python3 MLE
- 228 bytes
129961 2016-11-11 23:59:33 Yut176Yut176 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 732 bytes
129960 2016-11-11 23:59:02 FF256grhyFF256grhy No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,639 bytes
129957 2016-11-11 23:58:28 miraxialmiraxial No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby WA - 4 bytes
129956 2016-11-11 23:57:54 10_oh_fu10_oh_fu No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,396 bytes
129955 2016-11-11 23:57:10 Mew_1406Mew_1406 No.443 GCD of Permutation Python2 MLE - 209 bytes
129954 2016-11-11 23:56:54 Mew_1406Mew_1406 No.443 GCD of Permutation Python2 CE - 210 bytes
129953 2016-11-11 23:55:30 Mew_1406Mew_1406 No.443 GCD of Permutation Python2 MLE - 209 bytes
129951 2016-11-11 23:54:51 koyumeishikoyumeishi No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby WA - 537 bytes
129950 2016-11-11 23:54:40 Yut176Yut176 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 726 bytes
129948 2016-11-11 23:53:48 Yut176Yut176 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 726 bytes
129947 2016-11-11 23:53:48 miraxialmiraxial No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby WA - 4 bytes
129945 2016-11-11 23:53:33 koyumeishikoyumeishi No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby WA - 581 bytes
129944 2016-11-11 23:53:23 kurenai3110kurenai3110 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,126 bytes
129943 2016-11-11 23:52:58 miraxialmiraxial No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby WA - 521 bytes
129942 2016-11-11 23:52:57 koyumeishikoyumeishi No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby WA - 581 bytes
129941 2016-11-11 23:52:41 10_oh_fu10_oh_fu No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,201 bytes
129940 2016-11-11 23:52:36 miraxialmiraxial No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby WA - 505 bytes
129938 2016-11-11 23:51:43 miraxialmiraxial No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby RE - 519 bytes
129936 2016-11-11 23:50:48 rapurasurapurasu No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,085 bytes
129935 2016-11-11 23:50:35 miraxialmiraxial No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby WA - 521 bytes
129934 2016-11-11 23:50:34 sekiya9311sekiya9311 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++14 WA - 3,099 bytes
129931 2016-11-11 23:49:44 ieneko18ieneko18 No.443 GCD of Permutation Python3 WA - 236 bytes
129930 2016-11-11 23:49:41 ebicochinealebicochineal No.443 GCD of Permutation PyPy3 RE - 670 bytes
129929 2016-11-11 23:49:08 sekiya9311sekiya9311 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++14 WA - 2,950 bytes
129928 2016-11-11 23:49:04 miraxialmiraxial No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby RE - 522 bytes
129927 2016-11-11 23:49:03 ebicochinealebicochineal No.443 GCD of Permutation Python3 RE - 670 bytes
129926 2016-11-11 23:48:44 arukukaarukuka No.443 GCD of Permutation Java21 WA
- 7,415 bytes
129925 2016-11-11 23:48:41 GrenacheGrenache No.443 GCD of Permutation Java21 WA - 5,052 bytes
129924 2016-11-11 23:48:31 nola_suznola_suz No.443 GCD of Permutation PyPy3 RE
- 545 bytes
129923 2016-11-11 23:48:18 arukukaarukuka No.443 GCD of Permutation Java21 WA - 7,401 bytes
129921 2016-11-11 23:47:55 sekiya9311sekiya9311 No.443 GCD of Permutation C++14 WA - 2,807 bytes
129920 2016-11-11 23:47:41 nola_suznola_suz No.443 GCD of Permutation PyPy3 RE
- 545 bytes
129919 2016-11-11 23:47:30 koyumeishikoyumeishi No.443 GCD of Permutation Ruby RE - 641 bytes
129918 2016-11-11 23:47:20 nola_suznola_suz No.443 GCD of Permutation PyPy3 RE - 545 bytes
129916 2016-11-11 23:47:05 nola_suznola_suz No.443 GCD of Permutation PyPy3 RE - 545 bytes
129915 2016-11-11 23:46:59 FF256grhyFF256grhy No.443 GCD of Permutation C++11 WA - 1,647 bytes