
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
223762 2017-12-15 11:04:25 tailstails No.613 Solitude by the window Bash AC 4 ms 112 bytes
223761 2017-12-15 11:01:32 tailstails No.613 Solitude by the window Bash AC 5 ms 114 bytes
223647 2017-12-14 23:53:46 tailstails No.613 Solitude by the window Perl AC 7 ms 192 bytes
223166 2017-12-13 00:06:52 tailstails No.613 Solitude by the window C TLE - 280 bytes
223160 2017-12-12 23:54:24 tailstails No.613 Solitude by the window C TLE - 398 bytes
223158 2017-12-12 23:52:57 tailstails No.613 Solitude by the window C WA - 348 bytes