
# 提出日時 提出者 問題 言語 結果 実行時間 コード長
258714 2018-05-18 23:18:05 kerotonokerotono No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 AC 28 ms 720 bytes
258713 2018-05-18 23:17:40 kerotonokerotono No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 RE - 749 bytes
258710 2018-05-18 23:16:36 kerotonokerotono No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 WA - 719 bytes
258708 2018-05-18 23:15:40 kerotonokerotono No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 WA - 717 bytes
258707 2018-05-18 23:15:25 kerotonokerotono No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 WA - 716 bytes
258667 2018-05-18 23:00:27 kerotonokerotono No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 WA - 682 bytes
258662 2018-05-18 22:58:41 kerotonokerotono No.688 E869120 and Constructing Array 2 Python3 TLE - 675 bytes