
問題 No.2858 Make a Palindrome
ユーザー kemunikukemuniku
提出日時 2024-08-31 00:48:47
言語 Nim
実行時間 893 ms / 3,000 ms
コード長 11,413 bytes
コンパイル時間 4,565 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 91,936 KB
実行使用メモリ 21,428 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-08-31 00:49:06
合計ジャッジ時間 17,394 ms
judge4 / judge5


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 893 ms
10,748 KB
testcase_01 AC 228 ms
10,756 KB
testcase_02 AC 230 ms
10,760 KB
testcase_03 AC 226 ms
10,936 KB
testcase_04 AC 234 ms
10,764 KB
testcase_05 AC 219 ms
10,756 KB
testcase_06 AC 175 ms
10,836 KB
testcase_07 AC 184 ms
10,772 KB
testcase_08 AC 181 ms
10,760 KB
testcase_09 AC 177 ms
10,772 KB
testcase_10 AC 424 ms
10,876 KB
testcase_11 AC 409 ms
10,840 KB
testcase_12 AC 406 ms
11,052 KB
testcase_13 AC 428 ms
10,844 KB
testcase_14 AC 404 ms
10,876 KB
testcase_15 AC 276 ms
11,708 KB
testcase_16 AC 279 ms
11,680 KB
testcase_17 AC 300 ms
11,580 KB
testcase_18 AC 277 ms
11,896 KB
testcase_19 AC 280 ms
11,616 KB
testcase_20 AC 213 ms
18,612 KB
testcase_21 AC 216 ms
18,996 KB
testcase_22 AC 105 ms
15,028 KB
testcase_23 AC 202 ms
18,592 KB
testcase_24 AC 180 ms
17,628 KB
testcase_25 AC 169 ms
17,800 KB
testcase_26 AC 160 ms
17,528 KB
testcase_27 AC 236 ms
19,412 KB
testcase_28 AC 178 ms
17,224 KB
testcase_29 AC 214 ms
18,936 KB
testcase_30 AC 232 ms
19,544 KB
testcase_31 AC 226 ms
19,540 KB
testcase_32 AC 186 ms
19,500 KB
testcase_33 AC 253 ms
19,632 KB
testcase_34 AC 226 ms
19,476 KB
testcase_35 AC 228 ms
19,536 KB
testcase_36 AC 246 ms
19,752 KB
testcase_37 AC 228 ms
21,428 KB
testcase_38 AC 262 ms
19,472 KB
testcase_39 AC 237 ms
19,496 KB


diff #

import macros;macro ImportExpand(s:untyped):untyped = parseStmt($s[2])
import macros
ImportExpand "cplib/tmpl/sheep.nim" <=== "when not declared CPLIB_TMPL_SHEEP:\n    const CPLIB_TMPL_SHEEP* = 1\n    {.warning[UnusedImport]: off.}\n    {.hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]: off.}\n    import algorithm\n    import sequtils\n    import tables\n    import macros\n    import math\n    import sets\n    import strutils\n    import strformat\n    import sugar\n    import heapqueue\n    import streams\n    import deques\n    import bitops\n    import std/lenientops\n    import options\n    #入力系\n    proc scanf(formatstr: cstring){.header: \"<stdio.h>\", varargs.}\n    proc getchar(): char {.importc: \"getchar_unlocked\", header: \"<stdio.h>\", discardable.}\n    proc ii(): int {.inline.} = scanf(\"%lld\\n\", addr result)\n    proc lii(N: int): seq[int] {.inline.} = newSeqWith(N, ii())\n    proc si(): string {.inline.} =\n        result = \"\"\n        var c: char\n        while true:\n            c = getchar()\n            if c == ' ' or c == '\\n':\n                break\n            result &= c\n    #chmin,chmax\n    template `max=`(x, y) = x = max(x, y)\n    template `min=`(x, y) = x = min(x, y)\n    #bit演算\n    proc `%`*(x: int, y: int): int =\n        result = x mod y\n        if y > 0 and result < 0: result += y\n        if y < 0 and result > 0: result += y\n    proc `//`*(x: int, y: int): int{.inline.} =\n        result = x div y\n        if y > 0 and result * y > x: result -= 1\n        if y < 0 and result * y < x: result -= 1\n    proc `%=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x%y\n    proc `//=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x//y\n    proc `**`(x: int, y: int): int = x^y\n    proc `**=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x^y\n    proc `^`(x: int, y: int): int = x xor y\n    proc `|`(x: int, y: int): int = x or y\n    proc `&`(x: int, y: int): int = x and y\n    proc `>>`(x: int, y: int): int = x shr y\n    proc `<<`(x: int, y: int): int = x shl y\n    proc `~`(x: int): int = not x\n    proc `^=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x ^ y\n    proc `&=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x & y\n    proc `|=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x | y\n    proc `>>=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x >> y\n    proc `<<=`(x: var int, y: int): void = x = x << y\n    proc `[]`(x: int, n: int): bool = (x and (1 shl n)) != 0\n    #便利な変換\n    proc `!`(x: char, a = '0'): int = int(x)-int(a)\n    #定数\n    #[ include cplib/utils/constants ]#\n    when not declared CPLIB_UTILS_CONSTANTS:\n        const CPLIB_UTILS_CONSTANTS* = 1\n        const INF32*: int32 = 100100111.int32\n        const INF64*: int = int(3300300300300300491)\n    const INF = INF64\n    #converter\n\n    #range\n    iterator range(start: int, ends: int, step: int): int =\n        var i = start\n        if step < 0:\n            while i > ends:\n                yield i\n                i += step\n        elif step > 0:\n            while i < ends:\n                yield i\n                i += step\n    iterator range(ends: int): int = (for i in 0..<ends: yield i)\n    iterator range(start: int, ends: int): int = (for i in\n            start..<ends: yield i)\n\n    #joinが非stringでめちゃくちゃ遅いやつのパッチ\n    proc join*[T: not string](a: openArray[T], sep: string = \"\"): string = a.mapit($it).join(sep)\n"
ImportExpand "cplib/str/hash_string.nim" <=== "when not declared CPLIB_STR_HASHSTRING:\n    const CPLIB_STR_HASHSTRING* = 1\n    import random\n    type HashString* =object\n        hash* :uint\n        bpow  :uint\n        size: int\n    const MASK30 = (1u shl 30) - 1\n    const MASK31 = (1u shl 31) - 1\n    const RH_MOD = (1u shl 61) - 1\n    const POW_CALC = 500000\n\n    randomize()\n\n    proc calc_mod(x: uint): uint =\n        result = (x shr 61) + (x and RH_MOD)\n        if result >= RH_MOD:\n            result -= RH_MOD\n\n    proc mul(a, b: uint): uint =\n        let\n            a_upper = a shr 31\n            a_lower = a and MASK31\n            b_upper = b shr 31\n            b_lower = b and MASK31\n            mid = a_lower * b_upper + a_upper * b_lower\n            mid_upper = mid shr 30\n            mid_lower = mid and MASK30\n        result = a_upper * b_upper * 2 + mid_upper + (mid_lower shl 31) + a_lower * b_lower\n\n\n    proc inner_pow(a:uint, n: int): uint =\n        var a = a\n        var n = n\n        result = 1\n        while n > 0:\n            if (n and 1) != 0:\n                result = mul(result, a).calc_mod\n            a = mul(a, a).calc_mod\n            n = n shr 1\n\n    let hashstring_base:uint = rand(129u..(1u shl 30))\n    let inv_hashstring_base:uint = inner_pow(hashstring_base,int(RH_MOD)-2)\n    var pows : seq[uint] = newseq[uint](POW_CALC+1)\n    var invpows : seq[uint] = newseq[uint](POW_CALC+1)\n    pows[0] = 1\n    invpows[0] = 1\n    for i in 1..POW_CALC:\n        pows[i] = (mul(pows[i-1],hashstring_base).calc_mod)\n        invpows[i] = (mul(invpows[i-1],inv_hashstring_base).calc_mod)\n\n    proc base_pow(n:int):uint=\n        if n >= len(pows):\n            return inner_pow(hashstring_base,n)\n        else:\n            return pows[n]\n\n    proc tohash*(S:string):HashString=\n        var hash = 0u\n        var tmp = 1u\n        for i in countdown(len(S)-1,0,1):\n            hash = (hash+mul(uint(int(S[i])),tmp)).calc_mod\n            tmp = mul(tmp,hashstring_base).calc_mod \n        result = HashString(hash:hash,bpow:base_pow(len(S)),size:len(S))\n\n    proc tohash*(S:char):HashString=\n        result = HashString(hash:uint(int(S)),bpow:hashstring_base,size:1)\n\n    proc `&`*(L,R:HashString):HashString=\n        result = HashString(hash:(mul(L.hash,R.bpow).calc_mod+R.hash).calc_mod,bpow:mul(L.bpow,R.bpow).calc_mod,size:L.size+R.size)\n\n    proc `==`*(L,R:HashString):bool=\n        return (L.size == R.size) and (L.hash == R.hash)\n\n    proc len*(H:HashString):int=int(H.size)\n\n    proc `*`*(H:HashString,x:int):HashString=\n        var\n            size = H.size * x\n            bpow = uint(1)\n            tmp_hash = H.hash\n            tmp_b = H.bpow\n            hash = uint(0)\n            x = x\n        while x > 0:\n            if x mod 2 != 0:\n                hash = (mul(hash,tmp_b).calc_mod+tmp_hash).calc_mod\n                bpow = mul(bpow,tmp_b).calc_mod\n            if x > 1:\n                tmp_hash = (mul(tmp_hash,tmp_b).calc_mod+tmp_hash).calc_mod\n                tmp_b = mul(tmp_b,tmp_b).calc_mod\n            x = x shr 1\n        return HashString(hash:hash,bpow:bpow,size:size)\n\n    proc removePrefix*(H,prefix:HashString):HashString=\n        var hash = (H.hash + (RH_MOD - mul(prefix.hash,base_pow(len(H)-len(prefix))).calc_mod)).calc_mod\n        var l = len(H)-len(prefix)\n        #TODO:bpowのlogを消したい\n        return HashString(hash:hash,bpow:base_pow(l),size:l)\n\n    type RollingHashBase = ref object\n        S : string\n        prefixs : seq[uint]\n        size : int \n\n    type RollingHash* = object\n        R : RollingHashBase\n        l : int\n        r : int\n\n    proc len*(S:RollingHashBase):int=\n        return int(S.size)\n\n    proc len*(S:RollingHash):int=\n        return int(S.r-S.l)\n\n    proc get_substring(R:RollingHashBase,l,r:int):RollingHash=\n        # 半開区間とする。\n        # 空文字列用にr=0も許容していることに注意。\n        # 空文字列はl=0,r=0のみ許容している。\n        assert l in 0..<R.size and r in 0..R.size and (l < r or (l == 0 and r == 0))\n        result.R = R\n        result.l = l\n        result.r = r\n\n    proc `[]`*(R:RollingHashBase,slice:HSlice[int,int]):RollingHash=\n        assert slice.a >= 0 and slice.b >= 0\n        return R.get_substring(slice.a,slice.b+1)\n\n\n    proc `[]`*(S:RollingHash,slice:HSlice[int,int]):RollingHash=\n        if len(slice) == 0:\n            return S.R.get_substring(0,0)\n        assert slice.a in 0..<len(S) and slice.b in 0..<len(S)\n        return S.R.get_substring(S.l+slice.a,S.l+slice.b+1)\n\n    proc gethash(S:RollingHash,slice:HSlice[int,int]):uint=\n        return (S.R.prefixs[(S.l+slice.b+1)] + (RH_MOD - mul(S.R.prefixs[S.l+slice.a],base_pow(((S.l+slice.b+1)-(S.l+slice.a)))).calc_mod)).calc_mod\n\n\n    proc `[]`*(S:RollingHash,idx:int):char=\n        return S.R.S[idx+int(S.l)]\n\n    proc initRollingHash*(S:string):RollingHash=\n        var rolling = RollingHashBase()\n        rolling.S = S\n        rolling.prefixs = newSeq[uint](len(S)+1)\n        rolling.prefixs[0] = 0\n        for i in 1..len(S):\n            rolling.prefixs[i] = (mul(rolling.prefixs[i-1],hashstring_base) + uint(int(S[i-1]))).calc_mod()\n        rolling.size = (len(S))\n        return rolling[0..<len(S)]\n\n\n\n    converter toHashString*(self:RollingHash):HashString=\n        return HashString(hash:(self.R.prefixs[self.r] + (RH_MOD - mul(self.R.prefixs[self.l],base_pow(self.r-self.l)).calc_mod)).calc_mod,bpow:base_pow(self.r-self.l),size:self.r-self.l)\n\n    proc`$`*(S:RollingHash):string=\n        return S.R.S[S.l..<S.r]\n\n    proc `==`*(S,T:RollingHash):bool=\n        return len(S) == len(T) and (S.R.prefixs[S.r] + (RH_MOD - mul(S.R.prefixs[S.l],base_pow(S.r-S.l)).calc_mod)).calc_mod == \n            (T.R.prefixs[T.r] + (RH_MOD - mul(T.R.prefixs[T.l],base_pow(T.r-T.l)).calc_mod)).calc_mod\n\n    proc LCP*(S,T:RollingHash):int=\n        var ok = 0\n        var ng = min(len(S),len(T))+1\n        while ng-ok > 1:\n            var mid = (ok + ng) div 2\n            if S.gethash(0..<mid) == T.gethash(0..<mid): ok = mid\n            else: ng = mid\n        return ok\n\n    proc cmp*(S,T:RollingHash):int=\n        var S = S\n        var T = T\n        var flg = 1\n        if len(S) > len(T):\n            swap(S,T)\n            flg *= -1\n        var lcp = LCP(S,T)\n        if len(S) == lcp:\n            if len(S) == len(T):\n                return 0\n            else:\n                return -1*flg\n        else:\n            if S[lcp] < T[lcp]:\n                return -1*flg\n            else:\n                return flg\n\n    proc `<`*(S,T:RollingHash):bool=\n        return cmp(S,T) < 0\n"
var T = ii()

for _ in range(T):
    var N,M = ii()
    var S = si()
    var ans = INF
    var HS = S.initRollingHash()
    var HRS = (reversed(S).join("")).initRollingHash()

    proc solve(i,x:int):bool=
        if (i+x) < N:
            return HS[i..<(i+x)] == HRS[(N-1-(i+x-1))..(N-1-i)]
        var tmp1 = HS[i..<N].toHashString()
        var tmp2 = HRS[0..(N-1-i)].toHashString()
        #echo (i,x)
       # echo (tmp1,tmp2,HS[i..<N],HS[0..(N-1-i)])
        tmp1 = tmp1 & (HS * ((x-len(i..<N)) // N))
        tmp2 = (HRS * ((x-len(i..<N)) // N)) & tmp2
        #echo (tmp1,tmp2)
        var nokori = x-(((x-len(i..<N)) // N)*N + len(i..<N))
        #echo nokori
        tmp1 = tmp1 & HS[0..<nokori]
        tmp2 = HRS[(N-nokori)..(N-1)] & tmp2
        #echo (tmp1,tmp2)
        return tmp1 == tmp2

    for i in range(N):
        #echo (i,solve(i,M),solve(i,M+1))
        if solve(i,M):
            ans.min = (M-(N-i)+(N-1))//N + 1
        if solve(i,M+1):
            ans.min = (M+1-(N-i)+(N-1))//N + 1

    if ans == INF:
        echo -1
        echo ans