問題 | No.430 文字列検索 |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2024-10-13 04:51:25 |
言語 | C++23 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 9 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 20,325 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 3,370 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 237,956 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 8,160 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-10 01:13:32 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 3,384 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge2 / judge3 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 4 |
other | AC * 14 |
#define PROBLEM "https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/430"#ifndef DATA_STRUCTURE_TRIE_HPP#define DATA_STRUCTURE_TRIE_HPP 1#include <cassert>#include <cstring>#include <functional>#include <string>#include <vector>namespace kk2 {template <int char_size> struct TrieNode {int nxt[char_size];int exist;std::vector<int> accept;TrieNode() : exist(0) { memset(nxt, -1, sizeof(nxt)); }};template <int char_size, int margin> struct Trie {using Node = TrieNode<char_size>;std::vector<Node> nodes;constexpr static int root = 0;Trie() { nodes.emplace_back(); }int push_node() {nodes.emplace_back();return (int)nodes.size() - 1;}void update_direct(int node, int id) { nodes[node].accept.push_back(id); }void update_child(int node) { ++nodes[node].exist; }void add(const std::string &str) {assert(!str.empty());const int id = nodes[root].exist;auto rec = [&](auto self, int now, int idx) -> void {if (idx == (int)str.size()) {update_direct(now, id);return;}const int d = str[idx] - margin;if (nodes[now].nxt[d] == -1) nodes[now].nxt[d] = push_node();self(self, nodes[now].nxt[d], idx + 1);update_child(now);};rec(rec, root, 0);}template <void (*f)(int)> void query(const std::string &str) {query(str, [](int idx) { f(idx); });}template <class F> void query(const std::string &str, const F &f) {int now = root;for (char c : str) {for (int &idx : nodes[now].accept) f(idx);const int d = c - margin;now = nodes[now].nxt[d];if (now == -1) return;}for (int idx : nodes[now].accept) f(idx);}int count() const { return (int)nodes[0].exist; }int size() const { return (int)nodes.size(); }// return the number of strings which have the prefix// corresponding to the node_idint size(int node_idx) const {return (int)nodes[node_idx].accept.size() + nodes[node_idx].exist;}};} // namespace kk2#endif // DATA_STRUCTURE_TRIE_HPP#ifndef STRING_AHO_CORASICK_HPP#define STRING_AHO_CORASICK_HPP 1#include <algorithm>#include <queue>#include <string>#include <type_traits>#include <unordered_map>#include <vector>// #include "../data_structure/trie.hpp"namespace kk2 {template <int char_size, int margin> struct AhoCorasick : Trie<char_size + 1, margin> {using Trie<char_size + 1, margin>::Trie;using Trie<char_size + 1, margin>::count;constexpr static int FAIL = char_size;std::vector<int> correct, perm;void build() {correct.resize(this->size());int now = 0;perm.resize(this->size());perm[now++] = this->root;for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->size(); ++i) {correct[i] = (int)this->nodes[i].accept.size();}std::queue<int> que;for (int i = 0; i <= char_size; ++i) {if (this->nodes[this->root].nxt[i] == -1) {this->nodes[this->root].nxt[i] = this->root;} else {this->nodes[this->nodes[this->root].nxt[i]].nxt[FAIL] = this->root;que.emplace(this->nodes[this->root].nxt[i]);}}while (!que.empty()) {perm[now++] = que.front();auto &now = this->nodes[que.front()];int fail = now.nxt[FAIL];correct[que.front()] += correct[fail];que.pop();for (int i = 0; i < char_size; ++i) {if (now.nxt[i] == -1) {now.nxt[i] = this->nodes[fail].nxt[i];} else {this->nodes[now.nxt[i]].nxt[FAIL] = this->nodes[fail].nxt[i];que.emplace(now.nxt[i]);}}}}long long all_match(const std::string &str, int now_ = 0) {std::unordered_map<int, int> visit_cnt;for (char c : str) {now_ = this->nodes[now_].nxt[c - margin];visit_cnt[now_]++;}long long res{};for (auto &&[now, cnt] : visit_cnt) { res += (long long)correct[now] * cnt; }return res;}std::vector<long long> each_match(const std::string &str, int now_ = 0) {std::vector<int> visit_cnt(this->size());for (char c : str) {now_ = this->nodes[now_].nxt[c - margin];visit_cnt[now_]++;}std::vector<long long> res(this->count());for (int i = this->size() - 1; i > 0; --i) {int now = perm[i];visit_cnt[this->nodes[now].nxt[FAIL]] += visit_cnt[now];for (int idx : this->nodes[now].accept) { res[idx] += visit_cnt[now]; }}return res;}int move(int now, char c) { return this->nodes[now].nxt[c - margin]; }int count(int node) const { return correct[node]; }};} // namespace kk2#endif // STRING_AHO_CORASICK_HPP// #include "../../string/aho_corasick.hpp"#ifndef TEMPLATE_FASTIO_HPP#define TEMPLATE_FASTIO_HPP 1#include <cctype>#include <cstdint>#include <cstdio>#include <fstream>#include <string>namespace kk2 {namespace fastio {#define INPUT_FILE "in.txt"#define OUTPUT_FILE "out.txt"struct Scanner {private:static constexpr size_t INPUT_BUF = 1 << 17;size_t pos = INPUT_BUF;static char buf[INPUT_BUF];FILE *fp;public:Scanner() : fp(stdin) {}Scanner(const char *file) : fp(fopen(file, "r")) {}~Scanner() {if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp);}char now() {if (pos == INPUT_BUF) {size_t len = fread(buf, 1, INPUT_BUF, fp);if (len != INPUT_BUF) buf[len] = '\0';pos = 0;}return buf[pos];}void skip_space() {while (isspace(now())) ++pos;}uint32_t next_u32() {skip_space();uint32_t res = 0;while (isdigit(now())) {res = res * 10 + (now() - '0');++pos;}return res;}int32_t next_i32() {skip_space();if (now() == '-') {++pos;return (int32_t)(-next_u32());} else return (int32_t)next_u32();}uint64_t next_u64() {skip_space();uint64_t res = 0;while (isdigit(now())) {res = res * 10 + (now() - '0');++pos;}return res;}int64_t next_i64() {skip_space();if (now() == '-') {++pos;return (int64_t)(-next_u64());} else return (int64_t)next_u64();}__uint128_t next_u128() {skip_space();__uint128_t res = 0;while (isdigit(now())) {res = res * 10 + (now() - '0');++pos;}return res;}__int128_t next_i128() {skip_space();if (now() == '-') {++pos;return (__int128_t)(-next_u128());} else return (__int128_t)next_u128();}char next_char() {skip_space();auto res = now();++pos;return res;}std::string next_string() {skip_space();std::string res;while (true) {char c = now();if (isspace(c) or c == '\0') break;res.push_back(now());++pos;}return res;}Scanner &operator>>(int &x) {x = next_i32();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(unsigned int &x) {x = next_u32();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(long &x) {x = next_i64();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(long long &x) {x = next_i64();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(unsigned long &x) {x = next_u64();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(unsigned long long &x) {x = next_u64();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(__int128_t &x) {x = next_i128();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(__uint128_t &x) {x = next_u128();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(char &x) {x = next_char();return *this;}Scanner &operator>>(std::string &x) {x = next_string();return *this;}};struct Printer {private:static char helper[1000][4];static char leading_zero[1000][4];constexpr static size_t OUTPUT_BUF = 1 << 17;static char buf[OUTPUT_BUF];size_t pos = 0;FILE *fp;static constexpr uint32_t pow10_32(uint32_t n) { return n == 0 ? 1 : pow10_32(n - 1) * 10; }static constexpr uint64_t pow10_64(uint32_t n) { return n == 0 ? 1 : pow10_64(n - 1) * 10; }static constexpr __uint128_t pow10_128(uint32_t n) {return n == 0 ? 1 : pow10_128(n - 1) * 10;}template <class T, class U> static constexpr void div_mod(T &a, U &b, U mod) {a = b / mod;b -= a * mod;}static void init() {buf[0] = '\0';for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {leading_zero[i][0] = i / 100 + '0';leading_zero[i][1] = i / 10 % 10 + '0';leading_zero[i][2] = i % 10 + '0';leading_zero[i][3] = '\0';size_t j = 0;if (i >= 100) helper[i][j++] = i / 100 + '0';if (i >= 10) helper[i][j++] = i / 10 % 10 + '0';helper[i][j++] = i % 10 + '0';helper[i][j] = '\0';}}public:Printer() : fp(stdout) { init(); }Printer(const char *file) : fp(fopen(file, "w")) { init(); }~Printer() {write();if (fp != stdout) fclose(fp);}void write() {fwrite(buf, 1, pos, fp);pos = 0;}void put_char(char c) {if (pos == OUTPUT_BUF) write();buf[pos++] = c;}void put_cstr(const char *s) {while (*s) put_char(*(s++));}void put_u32(uint32_t x) {uint32_t y;if (x >= pow10_32(9)) {div_mod(y, x, pow10_32(9));put_cstr(helper[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_32(6));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_32(3));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);put_cstr(leading_zero[x]);} else if (x >= pow10_32(6)) {div_mod(y, x, pow10_32(6));put_cstr(helper[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_32(3));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);put_cstr(leading_zero[x]);} else if (x >= pow10_32(3)) {div_mod(y, x, pow10_32(3));put_cstr(helper[y]);put_cstr(leading_zero[x]);} else put_cstr(helper[x]);}void put_i32(int32_t x) {if (x < 0) {put_char('-');put_u32(-x);} else put_u32(x);}void put_u64(uint64_t x) {uint64_t y;if (x >= pow10_64(18)) {div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(18));put_cstr(helper[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(15));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(12));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(9));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(6));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(3));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);put_cstr(leading_zero[x]);} else if (x >= pow10_64(9)) {div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(9));put_u32(uint32_t(y));div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(6));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_64(3));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);put_cstr(leading_zero[x]);} else put_u32(uint32_t(x));}void put_i64(int64_t x) {if (x < 0) {put_char('-');put_u64(-x);} else put_u64(x);}void put_u128(__uint128_t x) {__uint128_t y;if (x >= pow10_128(36)) {div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(36));put_cstr(helper[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(33));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(30));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(27));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(24));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(21));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(18));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(15));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(12));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(9));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(6));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(3));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);put_cstr(leading_zero[x]);} else if (x >= pow10_128(18)) {div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(18));put_u64(uint64_t(y));div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(15));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(12));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(9));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(6));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);div_mod(y, x, pow10_128(3));put_cstr(leading_zero[y]);put_cstr(leading_zero[x]);} else put_u64(uint64_t(x));}void put_i128(__int128_t x) {if (x < 0) {put_char('-');put_u128(-x);} else put_u128(x);}Printer &operator<<(int x) {put_i32(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(unsigned int x) {put_u32(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(long x) {put_i64(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(long long x) {put_i64(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(unsigned long x) {put_u64(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(unsigned long long x) {put_u64(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(__int128_t x) {put_i128(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(__uint128_t x) {put_u128(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(char x) {put_char(x);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(const std::string &x) {for (char c : x) put_char(c);return *this;}Printer &operator<<(const char *x) {put_cstr(x);return *this;}};char Scanner::buf[Scanner::INPUT_BUF];char Printer::buf[Printer::OUTPUT_BUF];char Printer::helper[1000][4];char Printer::leading_zero[1000][4];} // namespace fastio} // namespace kk2#if defined(INTERACTIVE) || defined(USE_STDIO)struct IoSetUp {IoSetUp() {std::cin.tie(nullptr);std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);}} iosetup;#define kin std::cin#define kout std::cout#elif defined(KK2)kk2::fastio::Scanner kin(INPUT_FILE);kk2::fastio::Printer kout(OUTPUT_FILE);#define endl '\n'#elsekk2::fastio::Scanner kin;kk2::fastio::Printer kout;#define endl '\n'#endif#endif // TEMPLATE_FASTIO_HPP#ifndef TEMPLATE#define TEMPLATE 1#pragma GCC optimize("O3,unroll-loops")// #include <bits/stdc++.h>#include <algorithm>#include <array>#include <bitset>#include <cassert>#include <chrono>#include <cmath>#include <cstring>#include <deque>#include <fstream>#include <functional>#include <iomanip>#include <iostream>#include <iterator>#include <limits>#include <map>#include <numeric>#include <optional>#include <queue>#include <random>#include <set>#include <sstream>#include <stack>#include <string>#include <tuple>#include <type_traits>#include <unordered_map>#include <unordered_set>#include <utility>#include <vector>using u32 = unsigned int;using i64 = long long;using u64 = unsigned long long;using i128 = __int128_t;using u128 = __uint128_t;using pi = std::pair<int, int>;using pl = std::pair<i64, i64>;using pil = std::pair<int, i64>;using pli = std::pair<i64, int>;template <class T> using vc = std::vector<T>;template <class T> using vvc = std::vector<vc<T>>;template <class T> using vvvc = std::vector<vvc<T>>;template <class T> using vvvvc = std::vector<vvvc<T>>;template <class T> using pq = std::priority_queue<T>;template <class T> using pqi = std::priority_queue<T, std::vector<T>, std::greater<T>>;template <class T> constexpr T infty = 0;template <> constexpr int infty<int> = (1 << 30) - 123;template <> constexpr i64 infty<i64> = (1ll << 62) - (1ll << 31);template <> constexpr i128 infty<i128> = (i128(1) << 126) - (i128(1) << 63);template <> constexpr u32 infty<u32> = infty<int>;template <> constexpr u64 infty<u64> = infty<i64>;template <> constexpr u128 infty<u128> = infty<i128>;template <> constexpr double infty<double> = infty<i64>;template <> constexpr long double infty<long double> = infty<i64>;constexpr int mod = 998244353;constexpr int modu = 1e9 + 7;constexpr long double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;namespace kk2 {template <class T, class... Sizes> auto make_vector(int first, Sizes... sizes) {if constexpr (sizeof...(sizes) == 0) {return std::vector<T>(first);} else {return std::vector<decltype(make_vector(sizes...))>(first, make_vector(sizes...));}}template <class T, class U> void fill_all(std::vector<T> &v, const U &x) {std::fill(std::begin(v), std::end(v), T(x));}template <class T, class U> void fill_all(std::vector<std::vector<T>> &v, const U &x) {for (auto &u : v) fill_all(u, x);}} // namespace kk2template <class T, class S> inline bool chmax(T &a, const S &b) {return (a < b ? a = b, 1 : 0);}template <class T, class S> inline bool chmin(T &a, const S &b) {return (a > b ? a = b, 1 : 0);}#define rep1(a) for (i64 _ = 0; _ < (i64)(a); ++_)#define rep2(i, a) for (i64 i = 0; i < (i64)(a); ++i)#define rep3(i, a, b) for (i64 i = (a); i < (i64)(b); ++i)#define repi2(i, a) for (i64 i = (a) - 1; i >= 0; --i)#define repi3(i, a, b) for (i64 i = (a) - 1; i >= (i64)(b); --i)#define overload3(a, b, c, d, ...) d#define rep(...) overload3(__VA_ARGS__, rep3, rep2, rep1)(__VA_ARGS__)#define repi(...) overload3(__VA_ARGS__, repi3, repi2, rep1)(__VA_ARGS__)#define fi first#define se second#define all(p) std::begin(p), std::end(p)// #include "fastio.hpp"template <class OStream, class T, class U>OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::pair<T, U> &p) {os << p.first << ' ' << p.second;return os;}template <class IStream, class T, class U> IStream &operator>>(IStream &is, std::pair<T, U> &p) {is >> p.first >> p.second;return is;}template <class OStream, class T> OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const std::vector<T> &v) {for (int i = 0; i < (int)v.size(); i++) { os << v[i] << (i + 1 == (int)v.size() ? "" : " "); }return os;}template <class IStream, class T> IStream &operator>>(IStream &is, std::vector<T> &v) {for (auto &x : v) is >> x;return is;}void Yes(bool b = 1) {kout << (b ? "Yes\n" : "No\n");}void No(bool b = 1) {kout << (b ? "No\n" : "Yes\n");}void YES(bool b = 1) {kout << (b ? "YES\n" : "NO\n");}void NO(bool b = 1) {kout << (b ? "NO\n" : "YES\n");}void yes(bool b = 1) {kout << (b ? "yes\n" : "no\n");}void no(bool b = 1) {kout << (b ? "no\n" : "yes\n");}#endif // TEMPLATE// #include "../../template/template.hpp"using namespace std;int main() {string s;kin >> s;int m;kin >> m;vc<string> c(m);kin >> c;kk2::AhoCorasick<26, 'A'> ac;for (auto &x : c) ac.add(x);ac.build();auto each = ac.each_match(s);i64 res = accumulate(all(each), 0LL);kout << res << endl;return 0;}// converted!!