問題 | No.2342 Triple Tree Query (Hard) |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2024-10-15 13:42:08 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 5,868 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,790 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 174,024 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 817,920 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-10-15 13:42:20 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 10,746 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge3 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | MLE * 1 -- * 1 |
other | -- * 36 |
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define F(i,x,y) for (int i=(x);i<=(y);i++) #define R(i,x,y) for (int i=(x);i>=(y);i--) #define p2i pair<int,int> #define ll long long #define fi first #define se second #define MT int testcases;cin>>testcases;while(testcases--) #define pub push_back #define ins insert #define puf push_front #define vec vector #define umap unordered_map #define uset unordered_set #define popf pop_front #define popb pop_back #define NOI2024 GG #define m1i modint<998244353> #define m2i modint<1000000007> #define iosoptim ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0); #define uselessline cout.tie(0); using namespace std; namespace melodyextras{ namespace fastio{const int BUFSIZE=1048576;char ibuf[BUFSIZE],obuf[BUFSIZE];int itop=0,iptr=0,optr=0; char getchar(){while(iptr>=itop){itop=fread(ibuf,1,BUFSIZE,stdin);iptr=0;}return ibuf[iptr++]; }void flush(){fwrite(obuf,1,optr,stdout);optr=0;}void putchar(char c){obuf[optr++]=c;if(optr==BUFSIZE)flush();}} namespace iowhl { int read () { int a = 0, x = 0; char c = fastio::getchar(); while (!isdigit(c)) a = (c == '-' ? 1 : a), c = fastio::getchar(); while (isdigit(c)) x = (x << 3) + (x << 1) + (c ^ 48), c = fastio::getchar(); return a ? -x : x; } void write (int x) { if (x < 0) x = -x, fastio::putchar('-'); if (x > 9) write (x / 10); fastio::putchar (x % 10 + 48); } } template<int m> struct modint{ int val; modint(){val=0;} modint(int x) {val=x%m;} modint(long long x) {val=x%m;} modint(const modint &obj) {val=obj.val;} modint operator +(modint b) const {return {(val+b.val)%m};} modint operator -(modint b) const {return {(val+m-b.val)%m};} modint operator -() const {return {val?m-val:0};} modint operator *(modint b) const {return {1ll*val*b.val%m};} modint inversion() const { int a=1,u=val,k=m-2; while(k){ if(k&1)a=1ll*a*u%m; u=1ll*u*u%m; k>>=1; } return {a}; } modint operator /(modint b) const {return operator *(b.inversion());} modint operator +=(modint b) {return (*this)=(*this)+b;} modint operator -=(modint b) {return (*this)=(*this)-b;} modint operator *=(modint b) {return (*this)=(*this)*b;} modint operator /=(modint b) {return (*this)=(*this)/b;} }; template<int m> istream& operator >>(istream &in,modint<m> &x) { return in>>x.val; } template<int m> ostream& operator <<(ostream &out,modint<m> x) { return out<<x.val; } template<int m> modint<m> qpow(modint<m> x,int k){ modint<m> a=1,u=x; while(k){ if(k&1)a=a*u; u=u*u; k>>=1; } return a; } template<typename T> T popc(int x){return __builtin_popcount(x);} } using namespace melodyextras; const int N=1e5+5; int sub,n,q; m1i a[N]; vector<int> g[N]; int top[N],dfn[N],sz[N],hson[N],rd[N],tick,fa[N],dep[N]; namespace st{ int ls[2*N],rs[2*N],ld[2*N]; struct mat{ m1i k,b; mat () { k=1; b=0; } mat (m1i k,m1i b):k(k),b(b){ } mat operator *(mat y)const { return mat(k*y.k,b*y.k+y.b); } }; const mat I; mat tag[2*N][11],all[2*N]; void simp(int p,mat x,int d){ if(d==0){ all[p]=all[p]*x; } else if (d==-1){ all[p]=all[p]*x; F(i,0,10)tag[p][i]=tag[p][i]*x; } else { if(d>=ld[p]&&d<=ld[p]+10)tag[p][d-ld[p]]=tag[p][d-ld[p]]*x; } } void pushdown(int p){ F(i,0,10){ simp(ls[p],tag[p][i],i+ld[p]); simp(rs[p],tag[p][i],i+ld[p]); tag[p][i]=I; } F(i,0,10){ if(ld[ls[p]]+i>ld[p]+10) simp(ls[p],all[p],i+ld[ls[p]]); if(ld[rs[p]]+i>ld[p]+10) simp(rs[p],all[p],i+ld[rs[p]]); } simp(ls[p],all[p],0); simp(rs[p],all[p],0); all[p]=I; } void modify(int p,int tl,int tr,int ml,int mr,int dl,int dr,mat x){ if(ml<=tl&&tr<=mr){ F(d,dl,dr) simp(p,x,d); } else { pushdown(p); int mid=(tl+tr)>>1; if(ml<=mid)modify(ls[p],tl,mid,ml,mr,dl,dr,x); if(mr>mid)modify(rs[p],mid+1,tr,ml,mr,dl,dr,x); } } mat query(int p,int tl,int tr,int k){ if(tl==tr)return tag[p][0]; else { pushdown(p); int mid=(tl+tr)>>1; if(k<=mid)return query(ls[p],tl,mid,k); else return query(rs[p],mid+1,tr,k); } } int cnt; int build(int l,int r){ int p=++cnt; if(l!=r){ int mid=(l+r)>>1; ls[p]=build(l,mid); rs[p]=build(mid+1,r); ld[p]=min(ld[ls[p]],ld[rs[p]]); } else ld[p]=dep[rd[l]]; return p; } } void build(int x){ sz[x]=1; for (int i:g[x]){ if(i==fa[x])continue; dep[i]=dep[x]+1; fa[i]=x; build(i); sz[x]+=sz[i]; } } void deco(int x){ dfn[x]=++tick; rd[tick]=x; if(!top[x])top[x]=x; hson[x]=0; for (int i:g[x]){ if(i==fa[x])continue; if(sz[i]>sz[hson[x]])hson[x]=i; } if(hson[x]){ top[hson[x]]=top[x]; deco(hson[x]); } for (int i:g[x]){ if(i==fa[x])continue; if(i!=hson[x])deco(i); } } void modline(int x,int y,st::mat k){ // we calculate the lca of x y when we are modifying lol while(top[x]!=top[y]){ if(dep[top[x]]>dep[top[y]])swap(x,y); // jump y st::modify(1,1,n,dfn[top[y]],dfn[y],-1,-1,k); y=fa[top[y]]; } if(dep[x]>dep[y])swap(x,y); st::modify(1,1,n,dfn[x],dfn[y],-1,-1,k); } int main(){ iosoptim cin>>sub>>n>>q; int u,v; F(i,1,n-1){ cin>>u>>v; g[u].pub(v); g[v].pub(u); } F(i,1,n)cin>>a[i]; dep[1]=1; build(1); deco(1); st::build(1,n); int op,x,y,z,w; while(q--){ cin>>op; if(op==1){ cin>>x; st::mat res=st::query(1,1,n,dfn[x]); cout<<(res.k*a[x]+res.b)<<"\n"; } else if(op==2){ cin>>x>>y>>z>>w; modline(x,y,{z,w}); } else if(op==3){ cin>>x>>y>>z; st::modify(1,1,n,dfn[x],dfn[x]+sz[x]-1,-1,-1,{y,z}); } else { cin>>x>>y>>z>>w; int lb=-1,rb=-1; while(x&&(y>=0)){ if(lb==-1)st::modify(1,1,n,dfn[x],dfn[x]+sz[x]-1,dep[x],dep[x]+y,{z,w}); else { st::modify(1,1,n,dfn[x],lb-1,dep[x],dep[x]+y,{z,w}); if(rb<dfn[x]+sz[x])st::modify(1,1,n,rb,dfn[x]+sz[x]-1,dep[x],dep[x]+y,{z,w}); } lb=dfn[x]; rb=dfn[x]+sz[x]; x=fa[x]; y--; } } } return 0; }