問題 | No.265 数学のテスト |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2017-01-06 20:45:11 |
言語 | JavaScript (node v23.5.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 17,831 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 60 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 6,816 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 82,260 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-10-13 00:05:32 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 6,652 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge3 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | -- * 4 |
other | TLE * 1 -- * 31 |
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var parser_1 = require("./parser"); var input = require("fs").readFileSync("/dev/stdin", "utf8").split("\n"); var d = +input[1]; var s = input[2]; var blank = function () { var result = new Array(d + 1); for (var i = 0; i <= d; i++) result[i] = 0; return result; }; console.log(parser_1.parser.parse(s, function (arg) { var token = arg.token; var tmp; if (arg.terminal == true) { var value = arg.value; switch (token) { case "DIGITS": tmp = blank(); tmp[0] = +value; return tmp; case "X": tmp = blank(); tmp[1] = 1; return tmp; } } else { var c = arg.children; var pattern = arg.pattern; switch (token) { case "EXP": if (c.length == 1) { return c[0]; } else { tmp = c[0]; for (var i = 0; i <= d; i++) { tmp[i] += c[2][i]; } } case "DIVTERM": return c[0]; case "TERM": if (c.length == 1) { return c[0]; } else { tmp = blank(); // c[2]はATOMなので[1]==1 or [0]>0のいずれか if (c[2][1] == 1) { for (var i = 0; i < d; i++) { tmp[i + 1] = c[0][i]; } } else if (c[2][0] > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= d; i++) { tmp[i] = c[0][i] * c[2][0]; } } return tmp; } case "ATOM": return c[0]; case "DIV": tmp = blank(); for (var i = 1; i <= d; i++) { tmp[i - 1] = c[1][i] * i; } return tmp; } } return null; }).join(" ")); },{"./parser":6,"fs":undefined}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var lexer_1 = require("./lexer"); var parser_1 = require("./parser"); var ParserFactory = (function () { function ParserFactory() { } ParserFactory.create = function (grammar, parsing_table, default_fallback) { var lexer = new lexer_1.Lexer(grammar.lex); return new parser_1.Parser(lexer, grammar.syntax, parsing_table, default_fallback); }; return ParserFactory; }()); exports.ParserFactory = ParserFactory; },{"./lexer":3,"./parser":4}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var token_1 = require("./token"); var Lexer = (function () { function Lexer(def) { this.def = def; // 正しいトークン定義が与えられているかチェック for (var i = 0; i < this.def.length; i++) { var token_pattern = this.def[i].pattern; if (typeof token_pattern == "string") { continue; } else if (token_pattern instanceof RegExp) { // フラグを整形する var flags = ""; // gフラグは邪魔なので取り除く // i,m,uフラグがあれば維持する if (token_pattern.ignoreCase) { flags += "i"; } if (token_pattern.multiline) { flags += "m"; } if (token_pattern.unicode) { flags += "u"; } // yフラグは必ずつける flags += "y"; // フラグをつけなおして新しい正規表現オブジェクトにする this.def[i].pattern = new RegExp(token_pattern, flags); continue; } throw new Error("invalid token definition: neither string nor RegExp object"); } } Lexer.prototype.exec = function (str) { var result = []; var lastindex = 0; while (lastindex < str.length) { for (var i = 0; i < this.def.length; i++) { var token = this.def[i].token; var token_pattern = this.def[i].pattern; var match; if (typeof token_pattern == "string") { var last_tmp = lastindex + token_pattern.length; if (str.substring(lastindex, last_tmp) != token_pattern) continue; if (last_tmp < str.length && /\w/.test(token_pattern.slice(-1)) && /\w/.test(str[last_tmp])) continue; // ヒットした文字の末尾が\wで、そのすぐ後ろが\wの場合はスキップ match = token_pattern; lastindex += token_pattern.length; } else { // token_pattern: RegExp token_pattern.lastIndex = lastindex; var m = token_pattern.exec(str); if (m === null) continue; // マッチ失敗 match = m[0]; lastindex = token_pattern.lastIndex; // lastindexを進める } // tokenがnullなら処理を飛ばします if (token != null) { result.push({ token: token, value: match }); } break; } } // 最後にEOFトークンを付与 result.push({ token: token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, value: "" }); return result; }; return Lexer; }()); exports.Lexer = Lexer; },{"./token":5}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Parser = (function () { function Parser(lexer, syntax, parsingtable, default_callback) { this.lexer = lexer; this.syntax = syntax; this.parsingtable = parsingtable; this.setDefaultCallback(default_callback); } Parser.prototype.setDefaultCallback = function (default_callback) { if (default_callback === null || default_callback === undefined) { this.default_callback = null; } else { this.default_callback = default_callback; } }; Parser.prototype.parse = function (input, cb) { return this._parse(this.lexer.exec(input), cb); }; // parsingtableはconflictを含む以外は正しさが保証されているものと仮定する // inputsは正しくないトークンが与えられる可能性を含む // TODO: 詳細な例外処理、エラー検知 Parser.prototype._parse = function (inputs, cb) { var _this = this; var read_index = 0; // 次に読むべき入力記号のインデックス var inputs_length = inputs.length; var state_stack = [0]; // 現在読んでいる構文解析表の状態番号を置くスタック var result_stack = []; // 解析中のASTノードを置くスタック var flg_error = false; var callback; if (cb !== null && cb !== undefined) callback = cb; else if (this.default_callback !== null && this.default_callback !== undefined) callback = this.default_callback; else { // デフォルトコールバックも設定されていない場合は抽象構文木を構築する callback = function (arg) { if (arg.terminal == true) { return { type: arg.token, value: arg.value, children: [] }; } else { return { type: arg.token, value: null, children: arg.children }; } }; } // 構文解析する while (read_index < inputs_length) { var token = inputs[read_index].token; var state = state_stack[state_stack.length - 1]; if (!this.parsingtable[state].has(token)) { // 未定義 console.log("parse failed: unexpected token:", token); flg_error = true; break; } var action = this.parsingtable[state].get(token); if (action.type == "shift") { // shiftオペレーション // 次の状態をスタックに追加 state_stack.push(action.to); result_stack.push(callback({ token: token, value: inputs[read_index].value, terminal: true })); // 入力を一つ消費 read_index += 1; } else if (action.type == "reduce") { // reduceオペレーション var syntax_item = this.syntax[action.syntax]; var rnum = syntax_item.pattern.length; // 対応する規則の右辺の記号の数だけスタックからポップする for (var i = 0; i < rnum; i++) state_stack.pop(); // rnumの数だけスタックからポップする var children = rnum == 0 ? [] : result_stack.slice(rnum * -1); // rnumが0でないなら、右辺の記号の数だけスタックからポップする if (rnum != 0) { result_stack = result_stack.slice(0, rnum * -1); } result_stack.push(callback({ token: syntax_item.ltoken, children: children, pattern: syntax_item.pattern, terminal: false })); // このままgotoオペレーションを行う state = state_stack[state_stack.length - 1]; token = syntax_item.ltoken; if (!this.parsingtable[state].has(token)) { // 未定義 console.log("parse failed: unexpected token:", token); flg_error = true; break; } action = this.parsingtable[state].get(token); if (action.type != "goto") { // gotoアクションでなければおかしい console.log("parse failed: goto operation expected after reduce operation"); flg_error = true; break; } state_stack.push(action.to); } else if (action.type == "accept") { // 構文解析完了 break; } else if (action.type == "conflict") { console.log("conflict found:"); console.log("current state " + state + ":", JSON.stringify(this.parsingtable[state])); console.log("shift:", action.shift_to, ",reduce:", action.reduce_syntax); action.shift_to.forEach(function (to) { console.log("shift to " + to.toString() + ":", JSON.stringify(_this.parsingtable[to])); }); action.reduce_syntax.forEach(function (syntax) { console.log("reduce syntax " + syntax.toString() + ":", JSON.stringify(_this.parsingtable[syntax])); }); console.log("parser cannot parse conflicted syntax"); flg_error = true; break; } } if (flg_error) { console.log("parse failed."); } if (result_stack.length != 1) { console.log("failed to construct tree."); } return result_stack[0]; }; return Parser; }()); exports.Parser = Parser; },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; exports.SYMBOL_EOF = Symbol("EOF"); exports.SYMBOL_SYNTAX = Symbol("S'"); exports.SYMBOL_DOT = Symbol("."); },{}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var token_1 = require("parsergenerator/dist/token"); var factory_1 = require("parsergenerator/dist/factory"); exports.grammar = { lex: [ { token: "DIGITS", pattern: /[1-9][0-9]*/ }, { token: "X", pattern: "x" }, { token: "PLUS", pattern: "+" }, { token: "ASTERISK", pattern: "*" }, { token: "LDIV", pattern: "d{" }, { token: "RDIV", pattern: "}" }, { token: null, pattern: /(\r\n|\r|\n)+/ }, { token: null, pattern: /[ \f\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]+/ }, { token: "INVALID", pattern: /./ } ], syntax: [ { ltoken: "EXP", pattern: ["DIVTERM"] }, { ltoken: "EXP", pattern: ["EXP", "PLUS", "DIVTERM"] }, { ltoken: "DIVTERM", pattern: ["TERM"] }, { ltoken: "DIVTERM", pattern: ["DIV"] }, { ltoken: "TERM", pattern: ["ATOM"] }, { ltoken: "TERM", pattern: ["TERM", "ASTERISK", "ATOM"] }, { ltoken: "ATOM", pattern: ["DIGITS"] }, { ltoken: "ATOM", pattern: ["X"] }, { ltoken: "DIV", pattern: ["LDIV", "EXP", "RDIV"] } ], start_symbol: "EXP" }; exports.parsing_table = [ new Map([ ["EXP", { "type": "goto", "to": 1 }], ["DIVTERM", { "type": "goto", "to": 2 }], ["TERM", { "type": "goto", "to": 3 }], ["DIV", { "type": "goto", "to": 4 }], ["ATOM", { "type": "goto", "to": 5 }], ["LDIV", { "type": "shift", "to": 6 }], ["DIGITS", { "type": "shift", "to": 7 }], ["X", { "type": "shift", "to": 8 }] ]), new Map([ ["PLUS", { "type": "shift", "to": 9 }], [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "accept" }] ]), new Map([ [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 0 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 0 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 0 }] ]), new Map([ ["ASTERISK", { "type": "shift", "to": 10 }], [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 2 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 2 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 2 }] ]), new Map([ [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 3 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 3 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 3 }] ]), new Map([ [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 4 }], ["ASTERISK", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 4 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 4 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 4 }] ]), new Map([ ["EXP", { "type": "goto", "to": 11 }], ["DIVTERM", { "type": "goto", "to": 2 }], ["TERM", { "type": "goto", "to": 3 }], ["DIV", { "type": "goto", "to": 4 }], ["ATOM", { "type": "goto", "to": 5 }], ["LDIV", { "type": "shift", "to": 6 }], ["DIGITS", { "type": "shift", "to": 7 }], ["X", { "type": "shift", "to": 8 }] ]), new Map([ [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 6 }], ["ASTERISK", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 6 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 6 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 6 }] ]), new Map([ [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 7 }], ["ASTERISK", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 7 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 7 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 7 }] ]), new Map([ ["DIVTERM", { "type": "goto", "to": 12 }], ["TERM", { "type": "goto", "to": 3 }], ["DIV", { "type": "goto", "to": 4 }], ["ATOM", { "type": "goto", "to": 5 }], ["LDIV", { "type": "shift", "to": 6 }], ["DIGITS", { "type": "shift", "to": 7 }], ["X", { "type": "shift", "to": 8 }] ]), new Map([ ["ATOM", { "type": "goto", "to": 13 }], ["DIGITS", { "type": "shift", "to": 7 }], ["X", { "type": "shift", "to": 8 }] ]), new Map([ ["RDIV", { "type": "shift", "to": 14 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "shift", "to": 9 }] ]), new Map([ [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 1 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 1 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 1 }] ]), new Map([ [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 5 }], ["ASTERISK", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 5 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 5 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 5 }] ]), new Map([ [token_1.SYMBOL_EOF, { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 8 }], ["PLUS", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 8 }], ["RDIV", { "type": "reduce", "syntax": 8 }] ]) ]; exports.parser = factory_1.ParserFactory.create(exports.grammar, exports.parsing_table); },{"parsergenerator/dist/factory":2,"parsergenerator/dist/token":5}]},{},[1]);