問題 | No.274 The Wall |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2017-07-31 18:23:22 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 764 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 3,339 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,917 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 188,260 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 386,048 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-06-22 02:20:26 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 4,054 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge2 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 4 |
other | AC * 22 |
#include "bits/stdc++.h"#include <sys/timeb.h>#include <fstream>using namespace std;#define repl(i,a,b) for(int i=(int)(a);i<(int)(b);i++)#define rep(i,n) repl(i,0,n)#define replrev(i,a,b) for(int i=(int)(b)-1;i>=(int)(a);i--)#define reprev(i,n) replrev(i,0,n)#define repi(itr,ds) for(auto itr=ds.begin();itr!=ds.end();itr++)#define all(a) a.begin(),a.end()#define mp make_pair#define mt make_tuple#define INF 2000000000#define INFL 1000000000000000000LL#define EPS (1e-10)#define MOD 1000000007#define PI 3.1415926536#define RMAX 4294967295typedef long long ll;typedef pair<int, int> P;typedef vector<int> vi;typedef vector<ll> vll;typedef vector<bool> vb;typedef vector<char> vc;typedef vector<string> vs;typedef vector<double> vd;typedef vector<P> vP;typedef vector<vector<int> > vvi;typedef vector<vector<bool> > vvb;typedef vector<vector<ll> > vvll;typedef vector<vector<char> > vvc;typedef vector<vector<string> > vvs;typedef vector<vector<double> > vvd;typedef vector<vector<P> > vvP;typedef priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > pqli;typedef priority_queue<ll, vector<ll>, greater<ll> > pqlll;typedef priority_queue<P, vector<P>, greater<P> > pqlP;struct Edge {int from, to;};typedef vector<Edge> Edges;typedef vector<Edges> Graph;class SCCD {public:stack<int> post;vb used;void dfs(int pos, int par, const Graph &G) {used[pos] = true;rep(i, G[pos].size()) {int to = G[pos][i].to;if (used[to])continue;dfs(to, pos, G);}post.push(pos);}void dfsrev(int pos, int par, const Graph &rev, vi &group) {used[pos] = true;group.push_back(pos);rep(i, rev[pos].size()) {int to = rev[pos][i].to;if (used[to])continue;dfsrev(to, pos, rev, group);}}void SCC(Graph G, vvi &scc, vi &n2g) {int N = G.size();Graph rev(N);rep(i, N) {rep(j, G[i].size()) {Edge e = G[i][j];rev[e.to].push_back(Edge{ e.to,e.from }); // 書き間違い注意}}used = vb(N, false);rep(i, N) {if (!used[i])dfs(i, -1, G);}fill(all(used), false);while (!post.empty()) {int pos = post.top();post.pop();if (used[pos])continue;vi group;dfsrev(pos, -1, rev, group);scc.push_back(group);}rep(i, scc.size()) {rep(j, scc[i].size()) {n2g[scc[i][j]] = i;}}}};class SAT {public:Graph G;int N;// falseなら番号+N(変数数)void clause(int a, int b) {G[(a + N) % (2 * N)].push_back(Edge{ (a + N) % (2 * N),b});G[(b + N) % (2 * N)].push_back(Edge{ (b + N) % (2 * N),a });}bool satisfiable() {vvi scc;vi n2g(2 * N);SCCD sccd;sccd.SCC(G, scc, n2g);rep(i, N) {if (n2g[i] == n2g[i + N])return false;}return true;}// Nは変数の数SAT(int n) {N = n;G = Graph(2 * N);}};int main() {int N, M;cin >> N >> M;vi l(N), r(N);rep(i, N) {cin >> l[i] >> r[i];}SAT sat(N);rep(i, N - 1) {repl(j, i + 1, N) {if (max(l[i], l[j]) <= min(r[i], r[j])) {// !(i and j) <=> (!i or !j)sat.clause(i + N, j + N);sat.clause(i, j);}if (max(l[i], M - 1 - r[j]) <= min(r[i], M - 1 - l[j])) {// !(i and !j) <=> (!i or j)sat.clause(i + N, j);sat.clause(i, j + N);}}}if (sat.satisfiable()) {cout << "YES" << endl;}else {cout << "NO" << endl;}}