
問題 No.3 ビットすごろく
ユーザー ducktailducktail
提出日時 2018-06-06 15:48:25
言語 Haskell
実行時間 -
コード長 1,147 bytes
コンパイル時間 4,760 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 151,420 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-12-20 09:15:59
合計ジャッジ時間 5,303 ms
judge5 / judge1

Loaded package environment from /home/judge/.ghc/x86_64-linux-9.8.2/environments/default
[1 of 2] Compiling Main             ( Main.hs, Main.o )

Main.hs:5:1: error: [GHC-87110]
    Could not load module ‘Data.Sequence’.
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-0.6.8’.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
5 | import Data.Sequence ((|>), ViewL(..), Seq)
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Main.hs:6:1: error: [GHC-87110]
    Could not load module ‘Data.Sequence’.
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-0.6.8’.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
6 | import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


diff #

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.List (unfoldr, foldl')
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector, (!), (//))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Data.Sequence ((|>), ViewL(..), Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq

main :: IO ()
main = solve <$> readLn >>= print

solve :: Int -> Int
solve n = loop ique ivec
  where loop :: Seq Int -> Vector Int -> Int
        loop que vec = case Sq.viewl que of
                        (x :< xs) -> if x == n then vec ! n
                                     else let d = bitNum x
                                              ys = [y| y <- [x+d, x-d], y >= 1, y <= n, vec ! y == (-1)]
                                              nque = foldl' (\q y -> q |> y) xs ys
                                              nvec = vec // (zip ys (repeat ((vec ! x) + 1)))
                                          in loop nque nvec
                        EmptyL -> vec ! n
        ivec = (V.replicate (n+1) (-1)) // [(1,1)]
        ique = Sq.empty |> 1
bitNum :: Int -> Int
bitNum = sum . unfoldr f
  where f x | x == 0 = Nothing
            | otherwise = Just (x `mod` 2, x `div` 2)