問題 | No.133 カードゲーム |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2019-03-13 20:16:50 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 2 ms / 5,000 ms |
コード長 | 19,065 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 3,330 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 207,516 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 6,944 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-06-23 22:25:45 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 4,200 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge5 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 4 |
other | AC * 19 |
#include <bits/stdc++.h>#include <boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp>typedef long long lnt;#define LOOP(n) for (lnt _ = 0; _ < (n); _++)#define REP(i, n) for (lnt i = 0; i < (n); i++) // 0, 1, ..., n-1#define INVREP(i, n) for (lnt i = (n)-1; i >= 0; i--) // n-1, n-2, ..., 0#define FOR(i, a, b) for (lnt i = (a); i < (b); i++) // a, a+1, ..., b-1#define INVFOR(i, a, b) for (lnt i = (b)-1; i >= (a); i--) // b-1, b-2, ..., a#define ALL(a) a.begin(), a.end()#define INF (lnt)1e18#define MOD (lnt)(1e9 + 7) // AtCoderのMODconst std::vector<lnt> vcDIGIT = {48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57};const std::vector<lnt> vcLARGE = {65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90};const std::vector<lnt> vcSMALL = {97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122};#define MAXELM std::max_element#define MINELM std::min_element#define F first#define S second#define LB std::lower_bound#define UB std::upper_bound#define PB push_back#define PF push_front#define EXIT() return 0// 習慣付けの為'int'を一切タイプしない#define MAIN int main// 各アルゴリズムをlntに揃えるtemplate <class InputIterator, class T>lnt inline CNT(const InputIterator &first, const InputIterator &last,const T &value) {return std::count(first, last, value);}template <class InputIterator>lnt inline DIST(const InputIterator &first, const InputIterator &last) {return std::distance(first, last);}template <class T> lnt inline SIZE(const T &sequence) {return (lnt)(sequence.size());}lnt inline STOL(const std::string &str) { return (lnt)std::stoi(str); }template <class T> std::string inline STR(const T &value) {return std::to_string(value);}lnt inline ABS(const lnt &value) { return std::abs(value); }lnt inline MAX(const lnt &value1, const lnt &value2) {return std::max(value1, value2);}lnt inline MIN(const lnt &value1, const lnt &value2) {return std::min(value1, value2);}template <class InputIterator>lnt inline ACC(const InputIterator &first, const InputIterator &last,const lnt &init = 0) {return std::accumulate(first, last, init);}template <class InputIterator>lnt inline SUM(const InputIterator &first, const InputIterator &last) {return std::accumulate(first, last, 0);}template <class InputIterator, class BinaryOperation>lnt inline ACC(const InputIterator &first, const InputIterator last,const lnt init, const BinaryOperation binary_op) {return std::accumulate(first, last, init, binary_op);}// unordered_set,unordered_mapの為のハッシュの拡張template <class T> struct boost_hash {inline std::size_t operator()(const T &val) const {return boost::hash_value(val);}};template <class T> using SET = std::unordered_set<T, boost_hash<T>>;template <class T, class S> using MAP = std::unordered_map<T, S, boost_hash<T>>;// pythonのsetdefaultメソッドtemplate <class T, class S> S &at(MAP<T, S> &map, const T &key, const S &val) {if (map.count(key)) {return map.at(key);}map.emplace(key, val);return map.at(key);}// next_partial_permutation関数template <class BidirectionalIterator>bool next_partial_permutation(BidirectionalIterator first,BidirectionalIterator middle,BidirectionalIterator last) {reverse(middle, last);return next_permutation(first, last);}template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>bool next_partial_permutation(BidirectionalIterator first,BidirectionalIterator middle,BidirectionalIterator last, const Compare comp) {reverse(middle, last, comp);return next_permutation(first, last, comp);}// next_combination関数std::vector<lnt> init_comb(const lnt size) {std::vector<lnt> v;REP(i, size) { v.PB(i); }return v;}std::vector<lnt> init_comb(const lnt size, const lnt first) {std::vector<lnt> v;REP(i, size) { v.PB(i + first); }return v;}bool next_combination(std::vector<lnt> &v, const lnt last) {if (SIZE(v) == 1 and v.at(0) != last - 1) {v.at(0)++;return true;}if (SIZE(v) == 1) {return false;}if (SIZE(v) > 1) {std::vector<lnt> w = v;w.erase(w.begin());if (next_combination(w, last)) {v = std::vector<lnt>(1, v.at(0));v.insert(v.end(), ALL(w));return true;}if (v.at(0) == last - SIZE(v)) {return false;}v = init_comb(SIZE(v), v.at(0) + 1);return true;} elsereturn false;}// n以下の素数列挙std::vector<lnt> Primes(const lnt n) {if (n < 2) {return std::vector<lnt>(0);}std::vector<lnt> vcPri, vcTab(n - 1);for (lnt i = 2; i < n + 1; i++) {vcTab[i - 2] = i;}const lnt nRoot = sqrt(n);while (vcTab[0] <= nRoot) {vcPri.push_back(vcTab[0]);vcTab.erase(vcTab.begin());std::vector<lnt> vcTab_fil;std::copy_if(vcTab.begin(), vcTab.end(), back_inserter(vcTab_fil),[&vcPri](lnt x) { return x % vcPri.back() != 0; });vcTab = vcTab_fil;if (vcTab.empty()) {break;}}vcPri.reserve(vcPri.size() + vcTab.size());vcPri.insert(vcPri.end(), vcTab.begin(), vcTab.end());return vcPri;}// 素数列挙Primes(n)のグローバルリスト化// デフォルトのサイズは0std::vector<lnt> vcPRIMES_PREPARED = Primes(0);//素数列挙Primes(n)のグローバルリスト化におけるリストサイズ指定関数inline void SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_PRIMES(const lnt max_size) {vcPRIMES_PREPARED = Primes(max_size);}// 素因数分解:PrimeDecomp(n)// 2番目の引数にはPrimes(k) (kは十分大 >= floor(sqrt(n))) を入れるMAP<lnt, lnt>PrimeDecomp(const lnt n,const std::vector<lnt> &vcPrimesRoot_n = vcPRIMES_PREPARED) {if (n < 2) {return MAP<lnt, lnt>();}MAP<lnt, lnt> PrimeDecomp;lnt m = n;for (lnt p : vcPrimesRoot_n) {while (m % p == 0) {m /= p;if (PrimeDecomp.count(p)) {PrimeDecomp[p]++;} else {PrimeDecomp.emplace(p, 1);}}}if (m != 1) {PrimeDecomp.emplace(m, 1);}if (vcPrimesRoot_n.empty()) {std::cout << "Warning! The SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_PRIMES function is not called."<< "\n";}return PrimeDecomp;}// 約数列挙:Divisors(n)// 2番目の引数にはPrimes(k) (kは十分大 >= floor(sqrt(n))) を入れるstd::vector<lnt>Divisors(const lnt n,const std::vector<lnt> &vcPrimesRoot_n = vcPRIMES_PREPARED) {std::vector<lnt> vcDiv(1, 1), vcTable;auto mpPD = PrimeDecomp(n, vcPrimesRoot_n);for (auto itrPD = mpPD.begin(); itrPD != mpPD.end(); itrPD++) {lnt nPri = itrPD->first, nMulti = itrPD->second;vcTable.resize(vcDiv.size() * (nMulti + 1));for (lnt i = 0; i < nMulti + 1; i++) {std::transform(vcDiv.begin(), vcDiv.end(),vcTable.begin() + (i * vcDiv.size()),[nPri, i](lnt x) { return x * pow(nPri, i); });}vcDiv = vcTable;}std::sort(vcDiv.begin(), vcDiv.end());if (vcPrimesRoot_n.empty()) {std::cout << "Warning! The SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_PRIMES function is not called."<< "\n";}return vcDiv;}//最大公約数:gcd(n, m)lnt GCD(const lnt n, const lnt m) {lnt nDivided, nDividing;nDivided = MAX(n, m);nDividing = MIN(n, m);while (nDivided % nDividing) {nDivided = nDivided % nDividing;std::swap(nDivided, nDividing);}return nDividing;}// mod2乘lnt inline SQ(const lnt n, const lnt mod = MOD) {return ((n % mod) * (n % mod)) % mod;}// mod冪乗lnt POW(const lnt x, const lnt y, const lnt mod = MOD) {if (x >= 0 and y >= 0) {if (y == 0) {return 1 % mod;}if (y == 1) {return x % mod;}if (y % 2 == 0) {return SQ(POW(x, y / 2, mod), mod);}return SQ(POW(x, y / 2, mod), mod) * (x % mod) % mod;}std::cout << "Warning!"<< "\n";return 0;}// mod 2の冪lnt inline BIT(const lnt i) {if (i >= 0) {return POW(2, i);}std::cout << "Warning!"<< "\n";return 0;}// long long まで許すSQlnt inline LSQ(const lnt n) { return n * n; }// long long まで許すPOWlnt LPOW(const lnt x, const lnt y) {if (x >= 0 and y >= 0) {if (y == 0) {return 1;}if (y == 1) {return x;}if (y % 2 == 0) {return LSQ(LPOW(x, y / 2));}return LSQ(LPOW(x, y / 2)) * x;}std::cout << "Warning!"<< "\n";return 0;}// long longまで許すBITlnt inline LBIT(const lnt i) {if (i >= 0) {return LPOW(2, i);}std::cout << "Warning!"<< "\n";return 0;}// n以下の階乗/mod階乗のリストを������������������成std::vector<lnt> vcFACT(const lnt n, const lnt mod = MOD) {if (n >= 0) {std::vector<lnt> vcFact = {1 % mod};lnt fact = 1 % mod;FOR(k, 1, n + 1) {fact = (fact * (k % mod)) % mod;vcFact.PB(fact);}return vcFact;}std::cout << "Warning!"<< "\n";return std::vector<lnt>(0);}// n以下のmod階乗の逆元のリストを生成(mod:素数を想定)std::vector<lnt> vcINVFACT(const lnt n, const lnt mod = MOD) {std::vector<lnt> vcInvFact;lnt invfact = POW(vcFACT(n, mod).at(n), mod - 2, mod);vcInvFact.PB(invfact);INVFOR(k, 1, n + 1) {invfact = invfact * (k % mod) % mod;vcInvFact.PB(invfact);}std::reverse(ALL(vcInvFact));return vcInvFact;}// mod階乗のリストvcFACT(n, MOD),mod階乗の逆元リストvcINVFACT(n, MOD)の//グローバルリスト化 デフォルトのサイズは0std::vector<lnt> vcMODFACT_PREPARED = vcFACT(0, MOD);std::vector<lnt> vcMODINVFACT_PREPARED = vcINVFACT(0, MOD);// mod階乗リストvcFACT(n, MOD),mod階乗の逆元リストvcINVFACT(n, MOD)の,// グローバルリスト化におけるリストサイズ指定関数inline void SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_MODFACT(const lnt max_size) {vcMODFACT_PREPARED = vcFACT(max_size, MOD);}inline void SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_MODINVFACT(const lnt max_size) {vcMODINVFACT_PREPARED = vcINVFACT(max_size, MOD);}// 階乗// mod > 0.3番目の引数にはvcFACT(m, mod)を入れる// (m >= n:十分大)lnt inline FACT(const lnt n, const lnt mod = MOD,const std::vector<lnt> &vcModFact = vcMODFACT_PREPARED) {if (vcModFact.empty()) {std::cout << "Warning! The SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_PRIMES function is not called."<< "\n";}return vcModFact.at(n);}// 順列の数// mod:素数を想定.4, 5番目の引数にはvcFACT(m1, mod),vcINVFACT(m2, mod)を入れる// (m1 >= n, m2 >= n-k :十分大)lnt PERM(const lnt n, const lnt k, const lnt mod = MOD,const std::vector<lnt> &vcModFact = vcMODFACT_PREPARED,const std::vector<lnt> &vcModInvFact = vcMODINVFACT_PREPARED) {if (k >= 0) {return vcModFact.at(n) * vcModInvFact.at(n - k) % mod;}std::cout << "Warning!"<< "\n";std::cout << "Note that 4th, 5th argument : vcFact(m1, mod), vcFact(m2, mod)."<< "\n";if (vcModFact.empty()) {std::cout << "Warning! The SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_PRIMES function is not called."<< "\n";}if (vcModInvFact.empty()) {std::cout << "Warning! The SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_PRIMES function is not called."<< "\n";}return 0;}//二項係数// mod:素数を想定.4, 5番目の引数にはvcFACT(m1, mod),vcINVFACT(m2, mod)を入れる// (m1 >= n, m2 >= n-k, k :十分大)lnt inline COMB(const lnt n, const lnt k, const lnt mod = MOD,const std::vector<lnt> &vcModFact = vcMODFACT_PREPARED,const std::vector<lnt> &vcModInvFact = vcMODINVFACT_PREPARED) {return PERM(n, k, mod, vcModFact, vcModInvFact) * vcModInvFact.at(k) % mod;}//重複組み合わせの数// mod:素数を想定.4, 5番目の引数にはvcFACT(m1, mod),vcINVFACT(m2,mod)を入れる// (m1 >= n+k-1, m2 >= n-1, k :十分大)lnt inline HCOMB(const lnt n, const lnt k, const lnt mod = MOD,const std::vector<lnt> &vcModFact = vcMODFACT_PREPARED,const std::vector<lnt> &vcModInvFact = vcMODINVFACT_PREPARED) {return COMB(n + k - 1, k, mod, vcModFact, vcModInvFact);}// 非負整数valueのbase進数表示でのposition桁目を表示lnt inline MASK(const lnt value, const lnt position, const lnt base = 10) {if (value >= 0 and base >= 2) {return (value / LPOW(base, position)) % base;}std::cout << "WARNING!"<< "\n";return 0;}// ビットマスクlnt inline BMASK(const lnt value, const lnt position) {return MASK(value, position, 2);}// MASKにおいて,position桁目に数字がない時0ではなくbaseを返すlnt inline DIGIT(const lnt value, const lnt position, const lnt base = 10) {if (value >= 0 and base >= 2) {if (value == 0) {if (position == 0) {return 0;}return base;}if (value < LPOW(base, position)) {return base;}return MASK(value, position, base);}std::cout << "WARNING!"<< "\n";return 0;}// base=2のDIGITlnt inline BDIGIT(const lnt value, const lnt position) {return DIGIT(value, position, 2);}typedef std::pair<lnt, lnt> P;// ポテンシャル付きUnion-Find木template <class T> class UnionFind {private:MAP<T, T> par;MAP<T, lnt> rank;MAP<T, lnt> diff_from_par;MAP<T, lnt> sz;lnt nTree = 0;lnt weight(const T &);public:UnionFind<T>();UnionFind<T>(const SET<T> &);T find(const T &);lnt diff(const T &, const T &);bool unite(const T &, const T &, const lnt = 0);bool equi(const T &x, const T &y) { return find(x) == find(y); }lnt size_at(const T &x) { return sz.at(find(x)); }lnt n_tree() const { return nTree; }};template <class T> UnionFind<T>::UnionFind(const SET<T> &st) {par.reserve(SIZE(st));rank.reserve(SIZE(st));diff_from_par.reserve(SIZE(st));sz.reserve(SIZE(st));for (T x : st) {par.emplace(x, x);rank.emplace(x, 0);diff_from_par.emplace(x, 0);sz.emplace(x, 1);}nTree = SIZE(st);}// 経路圧縮しながらrootを返すtemplate <class T> T UnionFind<T>::find(const T &x) {if (par.at(x) == x) {return x;}T root = find(par.at(x));diff_from_par.at(x) += diff_from_par.at(par.at(x));return par.at(x) = root;}// rootを基準としたポテンシャルtemplate <class T> lnt UnionFind<T>::weight(const T &x) {find(x);return diff_from_par.at(x);}// yを基準としたxのポテンシャルを返す// 異なる木に対するdiff関数は意味を持たないので,警告も出力template <class T> lnt UnionFind<T>::diff(const T &x, const T &y) {if (not equi(x, y)) {std::cout << "Warning! The roots of x and y are not same."<< "\n";}return weight(x) - weight(y);}// diff(x, y) = w となるようにxのtreeとyのtreeを繋ぐ// xのtreeとyのtreeが既に同じで,diff(x, y) ≠ w なら何もせずにfalseを返すtemplate <class T>bool UnionFind<T>::unite(const T &x, const T &y, const lnt w) {T p = find(x);T q = find(y);if (p == q) {if (diff(x, y) == w) {return true;}return false;}lnt v = w + weight(y) - weight(x);if (rank.at(p) > rank.at(q)) {std::swap(p, q);v = -v;}if (rank.at(p) == rank.at(q)) {rank.at(q)++;}par.at(p) = q;diff_from_par.at(p) = v;sz.at(q) += sz.at(p);nTree--;return true;}// UnionFind<lnt>template <> class UnionFind<lnt> {private:MAP<lnt, lnt> par;MAP<lnt, lnt> rank;MAP<lnt, lnt> diff_from_par;MAP<lnt, lnt> sz;lnt nTree = 0;lnt weight(const lnt);public:UnionFind<lnt>();UnionFind<lnt>(const SET<lnt> &);UnionFind<lnt>(const lnt);lnt find(const lnt);lnt diff(const lnt, const lnt);bool unite(const lnt, const lnt, const lnt = 0);bool equi(const lnt x, const lnt y) { return find(x) == find(y); }lnt size_at(const lnt x) { return sz.at(find(x)); }lnt n_tree() const { return nTree; }};UnionFind<lnt>::UnionFind(const SET<lnt> &st) {par.reserve(SIZE(st));rank.reserve(SIZE(st));diff_from_par.reserve(SIZE(st));sz.reserve(SIZE(st));for (lnt x : st) {par.emplace(x, x);rank.emplace(x, 0);diff_from_par.emplace(x, 0);sz.emplace(x, 1);}nTree = SIZE(st);}UnionFind<lnt>::UnionFind(const lnt num) {par.reserve(num);rank.reserve(num);diff_from_par.reserve(num);sz.reserve(num);REP(i, num) {par.emplace(i, i);rank.emplace(i, 0);diff_from_par.emplace(i, 0);sz.emplace(i, 1);}nTree = num;}// 経路圧縮しながらrootを返すlnt UnionFind<lnt>::find(const lnt x) {if (par.at(x) == x) {return x;}lnt root = find(par.at(x));diff_from_par.at(x) += diff_from_par.at(par.at(x));return par.at(x) = root;}// rootを基準としたポテンシャルlnt UnionFind<lnt>::weight(const lnt x) {find(x);return diff_from_par.at(x);}// yを基準としたxのポテンシャルを返す// 異なる木に対するdiff関数は意味を持たないので,��告も出力lnt UnionFind<lnt>::diff(const lnt x, const lnt y) {if (not equi(x, y)) {std::cout << "Warning! The roots of x and y are not same."<< "\n";}return weight(x) - weight(y);}// diff(x, y) = w となるようにxのtreeとyのtreeを繋ぐ// xのtreeとyのtreeが既に同じで,diff(x, y) ≠ w なら何もせずにfalseを返すbool UnionFind<lnt>::unite(const lnt x, const lnt y, const lnt w) {lnt p = find(x);lnt q = find(y);if (p == q) {if (diff(x, y) == w) {return true;}return false;}lnt v = w + weight(y) - weight(x);if (rank.at(p) > rank.at(q)) {std::swap(p, q);v = -v;}if (rank.at(p) == rank.at(q)) {rank.at(q)++;}par.at(p) = q;diff_from_par.at(p) = v;sz.at(q) += sz.at(p);nTree--;return true;}using namespace std;MAIN() {lnt n;cin >> n;vector<vector<lnt>> cd(2);REP(i, 2) {LOOP(n) {lnt x;cin >> x;cd.at(i).PB(x);}}lnt res = 0;vector<lnt> v0 = init_comb(n);do {vector<lnt> v1 = init_comb(n);do {lnt win = 0;REP(i, n) {if (cd.at(0).at(v0.at(i)) > cd.at(1).at(v1.at(i))) {win++;}}if (win > n / 2) {res++;}} while (next_permutation(ALL(v1)));} while (next_permutation(ALL(v0)));SPECIFY_LISTSIZE_MODFACT(n);cout << (double)(res) / (double)(FACT(n) * FACT(n)) << endl;}