
問題 No.817 Coin donation
ユーザー spihillspihill
提出日時 2019-04-20 17:31:04
言語 C++14
(gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0)
実行時間 -
コード長 5,158 bytes
コンパイル時間 1,688 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 175,600 KB
実行使用メモリ 16,000 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-10-01 15:13:46
合計ジャッジ時間 3,277 ms
judge1 / judge5
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 2
other AC * 9 WA * 5
main.cpp:110:34: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
  110 |         inline auto insert(const auto p, const T& t) {v.insert(p, t);}
      |                                  ^~~~
main.cpp:111:34: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
  111 |         inline auto insert(const auto p, auto f, auto l) {v.insert(p, f, l);}
      |                                  ^~~~
main.cpp:111:42: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
  111 |         inline auto insert(const auto p, auto f, auto l) {v.insert(p, f, l);}
      |                                          ^~~~
main.cpp:111:50: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
  111 |         inline auto insert(const auto p, auto f, auto l) {v.insert(p, f, l);}
      |                                                  ^~~~
main.cpp:112:33: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
  112 |         inline auto erase(const auto p) {v.erase(p);}
      |                                 ^~~~
main.cpp:113:33: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
  113 |         inline auto erase(const auto f, const auto s) {v.erase(f, s);}
      |                                 ^~~~
main.cpp:113:47: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
  113 |         inline auto erase(const auto f, const auto s) {v.erase(f, s);}
      |                                               ^~~~
main.cpp:114:34: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
  114 |         inline auto emplace_back(auto t) {v.emplace_back(t);}
      |                                  ^~~~
main.cpp:115:26: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter decla


diff #

#include "bits/stdc++.h"

using ll = long long;

using namespace std;
#define int ll

//0 -> a-1
#define rep(i, a) for (int i = 0; (i) < (int)(a); (i)++)
//a -> b-1
#define reps(i, a, b) for (int i = (int)(a); (i) < (int)(b); (i)++)
//a-1 -> 0
#define rrep(i, a) for (int i = (int)a - 1; (i) >= 0; (i)--)
//a-1 -> b
#define rreps(i, a, b) for (int i = (int)(a)-1; (i) >= (int)(b); (i)--)
#define MP(a, b) make_pair((a), (b))
#define PB(a) push_back((a))
#define all(v) (v).begin(), (v).end()
#define PERM(v) next_permutation(all(v))
(v).erase(unique(all(v)), v.end())*/
#define UNIQUE(v) \
	sort(all(v)); \
	(v).erase(unique(all(v)), v.end())
#define CIN(type, x) \
	type x;          \
	cin >> x
#define YES(f) if ((f)) {cout << "YES" << endl;} else {cout << "NO" << endl;}
#define Yes(f) if ((f)) {cout << "Yes" << endl;} else {cout << "No" << endl;}
#define MINV(v) min_element(all(v))
#define MAXV(v) max_element(all(v))
#define MIN3(a, b, c) min(min(a, b), c)
#define MIN4(a, b, c, d) min(MIN3(a, b, c), d)
#define MIN5(a, b, c, d, e) min(MIN4(a, b, c, d), e)
#define MIN6(a, b, c, d, e, f) min(MIN5(a, b, c, d, e), f)
#define MAX3(a, b, c) max(max(a, b), c)
#define MAX4(a, b, c, d) max(MAX3(a, b, c), d)
#define MAX5(a, b, c, d, e) max(MAX4(a, b, c, d), e)
#define MAX6(a, b, c, d, e, f) max(MAX5(a, b, c, d, e), f)
//b is [a, c)
#define RANGE(a, b, c) ((a) <= (b) && (b) < (c))
//c is [a, e) && d is [b, f)
#define RANGE2D(a, b, c, d, e, f) (RANGE((a), (c), (e)) && RANGE((b), (d), (f)))
#define chmin(a, b) a = min(a, (b))
#define chmin3(a, b, c) a = MIN3(a, (b), (c))
#define chmin4(a, b, c, d) a = MIN4(a, (b), (c), (d))
#define chmin5(a, b, c, d, e) a = MIN5(a, (b), (c), (d), (e))
#define chmin6(a, b, c, d, e, f) a = MIN6(a, (b), (c), (d), (e), (f))
#define chmax(a, b) a = max(a, (b))
#define chmax3(a, b, c) a = MAX3(a, (b), (c))
#define chmax4(a, b, c, d) a = MAX4(a, (b), (c), (d))
#define chmax5(a, b, c, d, e) a = MAX5(a, (b), (c), (d), (e))
#define chmax6(a, b, c, d, e, f) a = MAX6(a, (b), (c), (d), (e), (f))
#define fcout cout << fixed << setprecision(12)
#define RS resize
#define CINV(v, N)             \
	do                         \
	{                          \
		v.RS(N);               \
		rep(i, N) cin >> v[i]; \
	} while (0);

#define RCINV(v, N)             \
	do                          \
	{                           \
		v.RS(N);                \
		rrep(i, N) cin >> v[i]; \
	} while (0);
#define MOD 1000000007

template <class T>
inline T GET()
	T x;
	cin >> x;
	return x;

void init();
void solve();

signed main()

template<class T, char d='\n'>
struct Vector {
	vector<T> v;
	Vector(int sz) : v(sz) {}
	Vector(int sz, T t) : v(sz, t) {}
	Vector() : v(0) {}
	Vector(vector<T> t) : v(t) {}
	inline auto begin() {return v.begin();}
	inline auto end() {return v.end();}
	inline auto rbegin() {return v.rbegin();}
	inline auto rend() {return v.rend();}
	inline int size() {return v.size();}
	inline auto resize(int sz) {v.resize(sz);}
	inline auto resize(int sz, T t) {v.resize(sz, t);}
	inline auto empty() {v.empty();}
	inline auto reserve(int sz) {v.reserve(sz);}
	inline auto push_back(T t) {v.push_back(t);}
	inline auto pop_back() {v.pop_back();}
	inline auto assign(int sz, const T& t) {v.assign(sz, t);}
	inline auto& front() {return v.front();}
	inline auto& back() {return v.back();}
	inline auto insert(const auto p, const T& t) {v.insert(p, t);}
	inline auto insert(const auto p, auto f, auto l) {v.insert(p, f, l);}
	inline auto erase(const auto p) {v.erase(p);}
	inline auto erase(const auto f, const auto s) {v.erase(f, s);}
	inline auto emplace_back(auto t) {v.emplace_back(t);}
	inline auto swap(auto& f) {v.swap(f.v);}
	inline auto clear() {v.clear();}
	inline auto& operator[](size_t pos) {return v[pos];}
	inline auto operator<(const auto& a) {return v < a.v;}
	inline auto operator>(const auto& a) {return a < (*this);}
	inline auto operator>=(const auto& a) {return !((*this) < a);}
	inline auto operator<=(const auto& a) {return !(a < (*this));}
	inline auto operator==(const auto& a) {return !(a < (*this)) && !((*this) < a);}
	inline friend istream& operator>>(istream& lhs, Vector& rhs) {
		for (auto& x : rhs) lhs >> x;
		return lhs;
	inline friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& lhs, Vector& rhs) {
		for (int i = 0; i + 1 < rhs.size(); i++) lhs << rhs[i] << d;
		if (rhs.size()) lhs << rhs.back();
		return lhs;
	inline auto make_accumulate_sum(T init) {
		Vector<T> res;
		for (auto x : v) {
			auto y = res.back();
			res.push_back(y + x);
		return res;

map<int, int> m;
int K;

bool check(int& sum, int& cnt, int& res)
	pair<int, int> r = (*(m.upper_bound(res)));
	if (sum + (r.first - res) * cnt >= K) {
		res += (K - sum) / cnt;
		return true;
	} else {
		sum += (r.first - res) * cnt;
		cnt += r.second;
		res = r.first;
		return false;

void init()
	int N;
	cin >> N >> K;
	rep(i, N) {
		int a, b;
		cin >> a >> b;
	m[-1] = 0;
	int cnt = 0;
	int res = -1;
	int sum = 0;
	while (!check(sum, cnt, res));
	cout << res << endl;

void solve()