
問題 No.826 連絡網
ユーザー mdj982mdj982
提出日時 2019-05-03 21:41:10
言語 C++14
(gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0)
実行時間 20 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 4,846 bytes
コンパイル時間 2,321 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 184,040 KB
実行使用メモリ 8,136 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-11-24 02:15:38
合計ジャッジ時間 3,121 ms
judge2 / judge4
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 2
other AC * 30


diff #

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

using vi = vector<int>; using vvi = vector<vi>; using vvvi = vector<vvi>;
using ll = long long int;
using vll = vector<ll>; using vvll = vector<vll>; using vvvll = vector<vvll>;
using vd = vector<double>; using vvd = vector<vd>; using vvvd = vector<vvd>;
using P = pair<int, int>;
using Pll = pair<ll, ll>;
using cdouble = complex<double>;

const double eps = 1e-9;
const double INFD = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
#define Loop(i, n) for(int i = 0; i < (int)n; i++)
#define Loopll(i, n) for(ll i = 0; i < (ll)n; i++)
#define Loop1(i, n) for(int i = 1; i <= (int)n; i++)
#define Loopll1(i, n) for(ll i = 1; i <= (ll)n; i++)
#define Loopr(i, n) for(int i = (int)n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
#define Looprll(i, n) for(ll i = (ll)n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
#define Loopr1(i, n) for(int i = (int)n; i >= 1; i--)
#define Looprll1(i, n) for(ll i = (ll)n; i >= 1; i--)
#define Foreach(buf, container) for(auto buf : container)
#define Loopdiag(i, j, h, w, sum) for(int i = ((sum) >= (h) ? (h) - 1 : (sum)), j = (sum) - i; i >= 0 && j < (w); i--, j++)
#define Loopdiagr(i, j, h, w, sum) for(int j = ((sum) >= (w) ? (w) - 1 : (sum)), i = (sum) - j; j >= 0 && i < (h); j--, i++)
#define Loopdiagsym(i, j, h, w, gap) for (int i = ((gap) >= 0 ? (gap) : 0), j = i - (gap); i < (h) && j < (w); i++, j++)
#define Loopdiagsymr(i, j, h, w, gap) for (int i = ((gap) > (h) - (w) - 1 ? (h) - 1 : (w) - 1 + (gap)), j = i - (gap); i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j--)
#define Loopitr(itr, container) for(auto itr = container.begin(); itr != container.end(); itr++)
#define printv(vector) Loop(ex_i, vector.size()) { cout << vector[ex_i] << " "; } cout << endl;
#define printmx(matrix) Loop(ex_i, matrix.size()) { Loop(ex_j, matrix[ex_i].size()) { cout << matrix[ex_i][ex_j] << " "; } cout << endl; }
#define quickio() ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
#define bitmanip(m,val) static_cast<bitset<(int)m>>(val)
#define Comp(type_t) bool operator<(const type_t &another) const
#define fst first
#define snd second
bool nearlyeq(double x, double y) { return abs(x - y) < eps; }
bool inrange(ll x, ll t) { return x >= 0 && x < t; }
bool inrange(vll xs, ll t) { Foreach(x, xs) if (!(x >= 0 && x < t)) return false; return true; }
int ceillog2(ll x) { int ret = 0;	x--; while (x > 0) { ret++; x >>= 1; } return ret; }
ll rndf(double x) { return (ll)(x + (x >= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); }
ll floorsqrt(ll x) { ll m = (ll)sqrt((double)x); return m + (m * m <= x ? 0 : -1); }
ll ceilsqrt(ll x) { ll m = (ll)sqrt((double)x); return m + (x <= m * m ? 0 : 1); }
ll rnddiv(ll a, ll b) { return (a / b + (a % b * 2 >= b ? 1 : 0)); }
ll ceildiv(ll a, ll b) { return (a / b + (a % b == 0 ? 0 : 1)); }
ll gcd(ll m, ll n) { if (n == 0) return m; else return gcd(n, m % n); }
ll lcm(ll m, ll n) { return m * n / gcd(m, n); }


ll powll(ll n, ll p) {
	if (p == 0) return 1;
	else if (p == 1) return n;
	else {
		ll ans = powll(n, p / 2);
		ans = ans * ans;
		if (p % 2 == 1) ans = ans * n;
		return ans;

// n = 1.5e7 -> 80 ms
vll list_prime_until(ll n) {
	vll ret;
	vector<bool> a(n + 1, true); // is_prime
	if (a.size() > 0) a[0] = false;
	if (a.size() > 1) a[1] = false;
	Loop(i, n + 1) {
		if (a[i]) {
			ll k = (ll)i * i;
			while (k < n + 1) {
				a[int(k)] = false;
				k += i;
	return ret;

// primes has to be generated by list_prime_until(>=sqrt(n))
vector<Pll> prime_factorize(ll n, const vll &primes) {
	vector<Pll> ret;
	Loop(i, primes.size()) {
		if (n == 1) break;
		while (n % primes[i] == 0) {
			if (ret.size() == 0 || ret.back().fst != primes[i]) {
				ret.push_back({ primes[i], 0 });
			n /= primes[i];
	if (n != 1) ret.push_back({ n, 1 });
	return ret;

vll divisors(const vector<Pll> factors) {
	queue<ll> que;
	Loop(i, factors.size()) {
		ll x = factors[i].fst, d = factors[i].snd;
		vll a(d + 1, 1); Loop1(j, d) a[j] = a[j - 1] * x;
		int m = int(que.size());
		Loop(j, m) {
			ll y = que.front(); que.pop();
			Loop(k, d + 1) que.push(y * a[k]);
	int m = int(que.size());
	vll ret(m);
	Loop(i, m) {
		ret[i] = que.front(); que.pop();
	sort(ret.begin(), ret.end());
	return ret;

int main() {
	ll n, p; cin >> n >> p;
	if (p == 1) {
		cout << 1 << endl;
	else {
		vll primes = list_prime_until(n);
		int m = primes.size();
		vi done(m, 0);
		vector<Pll> factors = prime_factorize(p, primes);
		ll a = factors[0].fst;
		if (a * 2 <= n) a = 2;
		Loop(i, m) {
			if (primes[i] == a) done[i] = 1;
			else if (primes[i] * a <= n) {
				done[i] = 1;
		vi enable(n + 1, 0);
		Loop(i, m) {
			if (done[i]) {
				ll x = primes[i];
				while (x <= n) {
					enable[x] = 1;
					x += primes[i];
		cout << accumulate(enable.begin(), enable.end(), 0) << endl;