問題 | No.654 Air E869120 |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2019-05-17 23:45:39 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 70 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 13,303 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,198 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 139,160 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 66,816 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-09-17 06:03:57 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 4,202 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge1 / judge3 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 5 |
other | AC * 35 |
/*? begin "base.hpp" */ #ifndef __clang__ #pragma GCC optimize ("O3") #endif void solve( /* この関数に問題ごとの処理を書く */ #ifdef GCJ_CASE long long case_id #endif ); #if defined(EBUG) && !defined(ONLINE_JUDGE) #define debug true #else #define NDEBUG #define debug false #endif #include<algorithm> #include<iomanip> #include<iostream> #include<limits> #include<map> #include<numeric> #include<queue> #include<set> #include<type_traits> #include<vector> #ifdef __cpp_lib_execution #include<execution> #endif #include<cassert> #include<climits> #include<cmath> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; using LL=long long; using ULL=unsigned long long; #define int LL #define CS const #define CX constexpr #define IL inline #define RT return #define TL template #define TN typename #define lambda [&] #define times(n,i) uptil(0,n,i) #define rtimes(n,i) downto((n)-1,0,i) #define upto(f,t,i) for(int rabT##i=(t),i=(f);i<=rabT##i;i++) #define uptil(f,t,i) for(int rabT##i=(t),i=(f);i< rabT##i;i++) #define downto(f,t,i) for(int rabT##i=(t),i=(f);i>=rabT##i;i--) #define downtil(f,t,i) for(int rabT##i=(t),i=(f);i> rabT##i;i--) #define iter(v) begin(v),end(v) #define citer(v) cbegin(v),cend(v) #define riter(v) rbegin(v),rend(v) #define criter(v) crbegin(v),crend(v) #define IF(a,b,c) ((a)?(b):(c)) #define BINOP_ASGN(t,u,op) t operator op(CS u&o)CS{RT t(*this)op##=o;} #if debug #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG #define _LIBCPP_DEBUG 2 #define _LIBCPP_DEBUG2 2 #define ln <<endl #else #define ln <<'\n' #endif #define tb <<'\t' #define sp <<' ' #define PARABLE /*? begin "mod.hpp" */ #ifdef MOD #if !defined(FORCE_MOD)&&MOD!=1000000007&&MOD!=1000000009&&MOD!=998244353 #error unknown mod MOD and FORCE_MOD not defined. #endif #else #define MOD 1000000007 #endif /*? begin "power.hpp" */ using int128=__int128; TL<TN T>T power(T x,int n){T rt(1);for(;n;n/=2){if(n%2)rt*=x;x*=x;}RT rt;} int pow_mod(int x,int n,int m){int rt=1;for(;n;n/=2){if(n%2)rt=rt*x%m;x=x*x%m;}RT rt;} int128 pow_mod_64(int128 x,int n,int m){int128 rt=1;for(;n;n/=2){if(n%2)rt=rt*x%m;x=x*x%m;}RT rt;} /*? end "power.hpp" */ IL CX int modulo(int a,int m){RT(a%=m,a>=0?a:a+m);} TL<ULL mod=MOD>class MInt{ /*! https://ei1333.github.io/luzhiled/snippets/other/mod-int.html */ public: int val; CX MInt():val(0){} explicit CX MInt(int v):val(modulo(v,mod)){} MInt&operator+=(CS MInt&m){val+=m.val;if(val>=mod)val-=mod;RT*this;} MInt&operator-=(CS MInt&m){val-=m.val;if(val<0)val+=mod;RT*this;} MInt&operator*=(CS MInt&m){val=val*m.val%mod;RT*this;} MInt&operator/=(CS MInt&m){val=val*m.inv().val%mod;RT*this;} BINOP_ASGN(MInt,MInt,+) BINOP_ASGN(MInt,MInt,-) BINOP_ASGN(MInt,MInt,*) BINOP_ASGN(MInt,MInt,/) MInt operator-()CS{MInt m;m.val=val?mod-val:0;RT m;} bool operator==(CS MInt&m)CS{RT val==m.val;} bool operator!=(CS MInt&m)CS{RT val!=m.val;} //MInt pow(int n)CS{MInt x(*this),rt(1);while(n){if(n%2)rt*=x;x*=x;n/=2;}RT rt;} MInt pow(int n)CS{RT power(*this,n);} MInt inv()CS{int a=val,b=mod,x=1,y=0,t;while(b){t=a/b;swap(b,a-=t*b);swap(y,x-=t*y);}RT(MInt)x;} friend ostream&operator<<(ostream&o,CS MInt<mod>&m){RT o<<m.val;} friend istream&operator>>(istream&i,MInt<mod>&m){int v;i>>v;m=MInt<mod>(v);RT i;} }; using mint=MInt<>; constexpr mint operator"" _m(ULL n){RT mint(n);} constexpr MInt<998244353>operator"" _m998244353(ULL n){RT MInt<998244353>(n);} constexpr MInt<1000000007>operator"" _m1e9_7(ULL n){RT MInt<1000000007>(n);} constexpr MInt<1000000009>operator"" _m1e9_9(ULL n){RT MInt<1000000009>(n);} //#pragma rab:gsub \b(\d+)m\b mint(\1) /*? end "mod.hpp" */ /*? begin "typedefs.hpp" */ struct unit{}; using int128=__int128; using LD=long double; TL<TN T>using vec=vector<T>; TL<TN T>using vvec=vec<vec<T>>; TL<TN T>using vvvec=vec<vvec<T>>; TL<TN T>using vvvvec=vec<vvvec<T>>; //#pragma rab typedefs.dynamic using WI = vvec<int>; using VI = vec<int>; using VPII = vec<pair<int, int>>; /*? end "typedefs.hpp" */ /*? begin "alias.hpp" */ #define PB push_back #define foldl accumulate #define scanl partial_sum /*? end "alias.hpp" */ /*? begin "util.hpp" */ TL<TN T>IL bool amax(T&v,CS T&a){RT v<a&&(v=a,true);} TL<TN T>IL bool amin(T&v,CS T&a){RT v>a&&(v=a,true);} #ifndef __cpp_lib_exchange_function #define exchange exchange_RAB TL<TN T,TN U=T>IL T exchange(T& t, U&& u){T x=move(t);t=forward<U>(u);RT x;} #endif #ifndef __cpp_lib_clamp #define clamp clamp_RAB TL<TN T>IL CX CS T&clamp(CS T&a,CS T&mn,CS T&mx){RT a<mn?mn:a>mx?mx:a;} #endif TL<TN T>IL int size_RAB(T t){RT t.size();} #define size size_RAB TL<TN V>IL void uniq_after_sort(V&v){v.erase(unique(iter(v)),v.end());} TL<TN V>IL void sort_and_uniq(V&v){sort(iter(v));v.erase(unique(iter(v)),v.end());} TL<TN V,TN K>IL auto leftmost_ge(CS V&v,CS K&k){RT v.lower_bound(k);} TL<TN V,TN K>IL auto leftmost_gt(CS V&v,CS K&k){RT v.upper_bound(k);} namespace rab{ TL<TN V,TN W>IL void append(V&v,CS W&w){copy(PARABLE citer(w),back_inserter(v));} TL<TN V>IL auto flatten(CS V&xss,int reserve_size=0)->TN V::value_type{ decltype(flatten(xss))ret; ret.reserve(reserve_size); for(CS auto&xs:xss)append(ret,xs); ret.shrink_to_fit(); RT move(ret); } TL<TN I>IL bool is_in(I x,I l,I r){RT l<=x&&x<r;} TL<TN T>IL T fetch(CS T&d,CS vec<T>&v,int i){RT 0<=i&&i<size(v)?v[i]:d;} TL<TN T>IL T fetch(CS T&d,CS vvec<T>&v,int i,int j){ RT 0<=i&&i<size(v)&&0<=j&&j<size(v[i])?v[i][j]:d; } // TL<TN T,TN U,TN...I>IL T fetch(CS T&d,CS vec<vec<U>>&v,int i,I...j){ // RT 0<=i&&i<size(v)?fetch(d,v[i],j...):d; // } TL<TN T>struct Compressed{int size;map<T,int>zip;vec<T>unzip;}; TL<TN T>IL Compressed<T>compressed(vec<T>v){ sort_and_uniq(v);map<T,int>zip;times(size(v),i)zip[v[i]]=i;RT{size(v),zip,move(v)}; } TL<TN T>struct CompressedSrc{int size;map<T,int>zip;vec<T>unzip;WI src;}; TL<TN T>IL CompressedSrc<T>compressed_src(CS vec<T>&v){ auto c=compressed(v);VI src(c.size);times(size(v),i)src[c.zip[v[i]]].PB(i);RT{c.size,c.zip,c.unzip,src}; } struct identity{TL<TN U>U operator()(U&&v)CS{RT v;}}; } /*? end "util.hpp" */ /*? begin "debug.hpp" */ TL<class T> IL istream&operator>>(istream&s,vec<T>&v){for(auto&&p:v)s>>p;RT s;} TL<class T,class S> IL ostream&operator<<(ostream&s,CS pair<T,S>&p){RT s<<"("<<p.first<<","<<p.second<<")";} TL<class T> IL ostream&operator<<(ostream&,CS vec<T>&); TL<class T,class S> IL ostream&operator<<(ostream&,CS map<T,S>&); #define DEFINE_ITER_OUTPUT(s,x,sep){int i=0;for(CS auto&x##0_elem:x){if(i++)s<<sep;s<<x##0_elem;}RT s;} TL<class T> IL ostream&operator<<(ostream&s,CS vec<T>&v)DEFINE_ITER_OUTPUT(s,v,' ') TL<class T,class S> IL ostream&operator<<(ostream&s,CS map<T,S>&m)DEFINE_ITER_OUTPUT(s,m,' ') TL<class T> IL ostream&operator<<(ostream&s,CS vec<vec<T>>&w)DEFINE_ITER_OUTPUT(s,w,'\n') TL<class T,class S> IL ostream&operator<<(ostream&s,CS vec<map<T,S>>&v)DEFINE_ITER_OUTPUT(s,v,'\n') /*? end "debug.hpp" */ signed main(){ {if(debug)cerr<<"MOD: "<<(MOD)ln;} if(!debug)cin.tie(0),cerr.tie(0),ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cout<<fixed<<setprecision(20); cerr<<fixed<<setprecision(20); #ifdef GCJ_CASE int T;cin>>T; times(T,t){cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": ";solve(t);} #else solve(); #endif return 0; } /*? end "base.hpp" */ /*? begin "graph.hpp" */ /*? begin "uf.hpp" */ template<class T = int, class Adder = plus<T>, class Inverser = negate<T>> class UnionFind { /* ポテンシャル付きUnionFind (find: path compression, merge: union by size) FUNC: merge: 既にマージされていたならfalse, 今回マージ処理を行ったならtrueを返す. TIME: new, clear: O(n). root, merge, is_same: 償却O(a(n)); ただしaはアッカーマン関数の逆関数. TMPL: T: ポテンシャルの型 Adder: ポテンシャルの和演算 (群の演算) Inverser: ポテンシャルの逆元関数 例: UnionFind<int, bit_xor<int>, identity<int>> */ /*! http://noshi91.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/05/30/191943 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure https://qiita.com/drken/items/cce6fc5c579051e64fab */ int n, *parents, *sizes; T *pot_diffs; bool to_delete; Adder adder; Inverser inverser; public: explicit UnionFind(int n, bool to_delete = false): n(n), parents(new int[n]), sizes(new int[n]), pot_diffs(new T[n]), to_delete(to_delete) { clear(); } void clear() { times(n, i) parents[i] = i; /* roots */ fill(sizes, sizes + n, 1); fill(pot_diffs, pot_diffs + n, 0); } ~UnionFind(){if(to_delete){delete[]parents;delete[]sizes;delete[]pot_diffs;}} int size() { return n; } int root(int i) { int p = parents[i]; if(p == i) return i; /* `i` is a root */ int r = root(p); /* and pot_diffs[p] := diff from root */ pot_diffs[i] += pot_diffs[p]; parents[i] = r; return r; } bool is_same(int i,int j){RT root(i)==root(j);} bool is_all_same(){int r=root(0);uptil(1,n,i)if(root(i)!=r)RT 0;RT 1;} bool merge(int i, int j, T pdiff = 0) { i = root(i); j = root(j); if(i == j) return false; /* already merged */ if(sizes[i] > sizes[j]) { swap(i, j); pdiff = inverser(pdiff); } /* now sizes[i] <= sizes[j] */ parents[i] = j; sizes[j] += sizes[i]; pot_diffs[i] = pdiff; return true; } T diff(int i, int j) { root(i); /* pot_diffs[i] := diff from root */ root(j); /* pot_diffs[j] := diff from root */ return adder(pot_diffs[i], inverser(pot_diffs[j])); } }; using unionfind=UnionFind<>; /*? end "uf.hpp" */ template<class EdgeVal> struct Edge { int from; int to; EdgeVal weight; Edge(int from, int to, EdgeVal weight): from(from), to(to), weight(weight) {} IL bool operator==(CS Edge&e)CS{RT weight==e.weight&&from==e.from&&to==e.to;} IL bool operator<(CS Edge&e)CS{RT weight<e.weight||(weight==e.weight&&(from<e.from||(from==e.from&&to<e.to)));} IL bool operator<=(CS Edge&e)CS{RT this==e||this<e;} IL bool operator>(CS Edge&e)CS{RT e<this;} IL bool operator>=(CS Edge&e)CS{RT e<=this;} }; template<class VtxVal, class EdgeVal> class Graph { using VoidWithoutEdgeVal=TN enable_if<is_default_constructible<EdgeVal>::value,void>::type; protected: int nv_, nde_; unionfind uf; public: vec<VtxVal> vs; vvec<Edge<EdgeVal>> edges; Graph(int nv): nv_(nv), nde_(0), uf(nv), vs(nv), edges(nv) {} IL int nv()CS{RT nv_;} IL int nde()CS{RT nde_;} IL int nue()CS{RT nde_/2;} IL void add_dedge(int i, int j, const EdgeVal& val) { if(!rab::is_in(i, 0LL, nv_) || !rab::is_in(j, 0LL, nv_)) { cerr << "invalid index: (" << i << ", " << j << ") for Graph(nv = " << nv_ << ")" ln; exit(1); } edges[i].emplace_back(i, j, val); ++nde_; } IL VoidWithoutEdgeVal add_dedge(int i, int j) { add_dedge(i, j, EdgeVal()); } IL void add_uedge(int i, int j, const EdgeVal& val) { add_dedge(i, j, val); add_dedge(j, i, val); } IL VoidWithoutEdgeVal add_uedge(int i, int j) { add_uedge(i, j, EdgeVal()); } IL bool is_connected(){ uf.clear(); for(CS auto&es:edges)for(CS auto&e:es)uf.merge(e.from,e.to); RT uf.is_all_same(); } }; /*? end "graph.hpp" */ /*? begin "flow.hpp" */ /*!Arihon,https://tubo28.me/algorithm/dinic/*/ TL<TN F,TN V,TN E,TN CapFn=rab::identity> /*F:通常int,CapFn:E->F*/ struct dinic{int n,s,t;VI level,prog,que; WI edges;/*both direction*/ vvec<F>cap,flow; dinic(CS Graph<V,E>&g,CS CapFn&capfn=rab::identity()): n(g.nv()),s(-1),t(-1),level(n),prog(n),que(n+1),edges(n),cap(n,VI(n)),flow(n,VI(n)) {times(n,i){for(auto&e:g.edges[i]){F c=capfn(e.weight); cap[i][e.to]+=c;cap[e.to][i]+=c;flow[e.to][i]+=c;edges[i].PB(e.to); edges[e.to].PB(i); }}} F exec(int s,int t){this->s=s;this->t=t;F mf=0; while(update_level(),level[t]>0){fill(iter(prog),0);mf+=find_paths(s,numeric_limits<F>::max()/*inf*/); } RT mf; } void update_level(){int ql=0,qr=0;fill(iter(level),-1);level[s]=0; que[qr++]=s;while(ql!=qr/*queue is not empty*/){int v=que[ql++]; if(v==t)break; for(CS int&d:edges[v]){if(level[d]<0&&cap[v][d]!=flow[v][d]){level[d]=level[v]+1; que[qr++]=d; }}}} F find_paths(int v,int limit){if(v==t)RT limit;F diff=0; for(;prog[v]<size(edges[v]);++prog[v]){int d=edges[v][prog[v]]; if(cap[v][d]!=flow[v][d]&&level[v]<level[d]){F df=find_paths(d,min(limit,cap[v][d]-flow[v][d])); flow[v][d]+=df;flow[d][v]-=df;diff+=df;limit-=df;if(limit==0)break; }} RT diff;}}; /*? end "flow.hpp" */ void solve() { // NMDM(-U-VPQW) /* <foxy.memo-area> */ int N;int M;int D;cin>>N;cin>>M;cin>>D;VI U(M);VI V(M);VI P(M);VI Q(M);VI W(M); times(M,Ri_0){cin>>U[Ri_0];--U[Ri_0];cin>>V[Ri_0];--V[Ri_0];cin>>P[Ri_0];cin>>Q[ Ri_0];cin>>W[Ri_0];} /* </foxy.memo-area> */ VPII vs; vs.reserve(M * 2); times(M, i) { vs.PB({U[i], P[i]}); vs.PB({V[i], Q[i] + D}); } auto cp = rab::compressed(vs); Graph<unit, int> g(cp.size); times(M, i) { g.add_dedge(cp.zip[{U[i], P[i]}], cp.zip[{V[i], Q[i] + D}], W[i]); } times(cp.size - 1, i) { if(cp.unzip[i].first == cp.unzip[i + 1].first) { g.add_dedge(i, i + 1, 1ll << 50); } } if(debug) { for(auto &es : g.edges) { for(auto &e : es) { cout << "(" << e.from sp << e.to sp << e.weight << ")" tb; } cout ln; } } dinic<int, unit, int> d(g); cout << d.exec(0, cp.size - 1) ln; }