
問題 No.245 貫け!
ユーザー ともき
提出日時 2015-07-18 12:30:17
言語 Scala(Beta)
実行時間 -
コード長 6,140 bytes
コンパイル時間 7,415 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 238,960 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-11-14 19:06:26
合計ジャッジ時間 7,766 ms
judge2 / judge3

-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:26:34 ---------------------------------------
26 |      def abs()  = Math.sqrt(this.norm)
   |                             ^^^^^^^^^
   |              method norm in class Point must be called with () argument
   | longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain`
-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:28:29 ---------------------------------------
28 |      def lengthAsVector() = abs
   |                             ^^^
   |               method abs in class Point must be called with () argument
   | longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain`
-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:27:48 ---------------------------------------
27 |      def distanceTo(that: Point) = (that-this).lengthAsVector
   |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   |    method lengthAsVector in class Point must be called with () argument
   | longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain`
-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:117:83 --------------------------------------
117 |      def distanceTo(that: Point)     = Math.abs(((a-that) cross (b-that)) / (a-b).abs)
    |                                                                             ^^^^^^^^^
    |             method abs in class Point must be called with () argument
    | longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain`
-- Warning: Main.scala:112:55 ---------


diff #

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
import scala.annotation.tailrec
// PriorityQueue[Long]()(scala.math.Ordering.Long.reverse)
package net.pushl {
package number {
// Prime (Prime.scala)
// Number (Number.scala)
package string {
// RollingHash (RollingHash.scala)
object EnRich {
implicit class AString(val self: String) extends AnyVal {
def splitToIntArray = self.split(" ").map(_.toInt)
package geometry {
// can be used as vector from zero point
class Point(val y: Double, val x: Double) extends Ordered[Point] {
// normally, Euclidean norm is abs, but it has high cost.
val EPS = 1e-7 // TODO: make it private final
def norm() = x*x + y*y
def abs() = Math.sqrt(this.norm)
def distanceTo(that: Point) = (that-this).lengthAsVector
def lengthAsVector() = abs
// rotate by theta (-pi,+pi)
// TODO: validate rotate
def rotate(theta: Double) = {
val cos_theta = Math.cos(theta)
val sin_theta = Math.sin(theta)
Point(x*cos_theta-y*sin_theta, x*sin_theta+y*cos_theta)
// TODO: validate these.
// : ab = |a||b| cosθ
// = ax*bx + ay*by
def dot(that: Point) =
this.x*that.x + this.y+that.y
// () |a x b| = |a||b|sinθ
// a b()
def cross(that: Point) =
this.x*that.y - this.y*that.x
// FIXME: it is square area.
def compare(that: Point) : Int = {
val xdiff = Math.abs(this.x-that.x)
val ydiff = Math.abs(this.y-that.y)
if(xdiff <= EPS && ydiff <= EPS) 0
else if(xdiff <= EPS && this.y < that.y) -1
else if(xdiff <= EPS && this.y > that.y) +1
else if(this.x < that.x) -1
else +1
def +(that: Point) = Point(this.y+that.y,this.x+that.x)
def -(that: Point) = this + (-that)
def unary_+ = this
def unary_- = Point(-this.y,-this.x)
def /(that: Double)= this*(1/that)
def *(that: Double)= Point(this.y*that,this.x*that)
def canEqual(that: Any) = that.isInstanceOf[Point]
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: Point => that.canEqual(this) && (this.compare(that) == 0)
case _ => false
override def toString() = s"($y, $x)"
// TODO: validate hashcode.
override def hashCode() = {
val prime = 41
val ax = Math.round(x+EPS) min Math.round(x-EPS)
val ay = Math.round(y+EPS) min Math.round(y-EPS)
prime * ax.hashCode + ay.hashCode
object Point {
def zero() = this(0,0)
def apply(y: Double, x: Double) = new Point(y, x)
class Segment(val a: Point, val b: Point) {
val EPS = 1e-7 // TODO: make it private final
// TODO: test this
// def isIntersected(that: Segment) = {
// val this_a_x = a.x
// val this_b_x = b.x
// val this_upper_y = (a.y) max (b.y)
// val this_lower_y = (a.y) min (b.y)
// val that_a_x = that.a.x
// val that_b_x = that.b.x
// val that_upper_y = (that.a.y) max (that.b.y)
// val that_lower_y = (that.a.y) min (that.b.y)
// val no_chance = (this_b_x + EPS < that_a_x) ||
// (that_b_x + EPS < this_a_x) ||
// (that_upper_y + EPS < this_lower_y) ||
// (this_upper_y + EPS < that_lower_y)
// !no_chance &&
// (((b-a) cross (that.a-a)) *
// ((b-a) cross (that.b-a)) < EPS) &&
// (((that.b-that.a) cross (a -that.a)) *
// ((that.b-that.a) cross (b-that.a)) < EPS)
// }
override def toString() = s"S: $a -- $b"
object Segment {
def apply(p1: Point, p2: Point) = new Segment(p1,p2)
class Line(val a: Point, val b: Point) {
val EPS = 1e-7
def isParallelTo(that: Line) = Math.abs((a-b) cross (that.a - that.b)) < EPS
def isIntersectedTo(that: Line) = !isParallelTo(that)
def isIntersectedTo(that: Segment) = onThisLine(that.a) || onThisLine(that.b) ||
(toClockWise(that.a) != toClockWise(that.b))
def distanceTo(that: Point) = Math.abs(((a-that) cross (b-that)) / (a-b).abs)
def onThisLine(that : Point) = distanceTo(that) < EPS
def toClockWise(that : Point) = if(onThisLine(that))
sys.error("Before clockwise, check on this line")
((b-that) cross (a-that)) > 0
override def toString() = s"L:-- $a -- $b --"
object Line {
def apply(p1: Point, p2: Point) = if(p1 == p2)
sys.error("Start and end of Line should be different")
new Line(p1,p2)
import net.pushl.EnRich._
import net.pushl.geometry._
object Main {
def solve(segments: Vector[Segment]) : Int = {
segments.flatMap((s1) =>
segments.flatMap((s2) => {
val cand = List(s1.a,s1.b,s2.a,s2.b)
cand.flatMap((c1) =>
cand.map((c2) =>
if(c1 == c2) 0
else segments.count(Line(c1,c2).isIntersectedTo(_))))
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
val n = readLine.toInt
val segments = (1 to n).map(_ => {
val (a,b,c,d) = {
val abcd = readLine.splitToIntArray