問題 | No.885 アマリクエリ |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2019-09-13 22:55:09 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 786 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 4,697 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,731 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 177,312 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 44,416 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-07-04 10:14:38 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 5,089 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge1 / judge5 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 3 |
other | AC * 19 |
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using lint = long long; template<class T = int> using V = vector<T>; template<class T = int> using VV = V< V<T> >; template<class Z> Z rng(Z a, Z b) { static mt19937 mt(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); return uniform_int_distribution<Z>(a, b - 1)(mt); } namespace RBSTMap { constexpr int lim = 1 << 20; using Key = int; auto comp = greater<Key>(); using T = int; constexpr T e = 0; T op(const T& a, const T& b) { return a + b; } T op(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c) { return op(op(a, b), c); } struct Node; using Tree = Node*; struct Node { Tree lch, rch; int sz, h; Key key; T val, acc = e; }; Tree nil = new Node(); Tree update(Tree t) { t->sz = t->lch->sz + 1 + t->rch->sz; t->h = max(t->lch->h, t->rch->h) + 1; t->acc = op(t->lch->acc, t->val, t->rch->acc); return t; } Node pool[lim]; Tree make(const Key& k, const T& v, Tree l, Tree r) { static int p = 0; assert(p < lim); Tree t = pool + p++; t->lch = l, t->rch = r; t->key = k, t->val = v; return update(t); } Tree merge(Tree l, Tree r) { if (l == nil) return r; if (r == nil) return l; if (rng(0, l->sz + r->sz) < l->sz) { l->rch = merge(l->rch, r); return update(l); } else { r->lch = merge(l, r->lch); return update(r); } } Tree merge(Tree l, Tree m, Tree r) { return merge(merge(l, m), r); } pair<Tree, Tree> lower_split(Tree t, const Key& k) { if (t == nil) return {nil, nil}; if (comp(t->key, k)) { Tree r; tie(t->rch, r) = lower_split(t->rch, k); return {update(t), r}; } else { Tree l; tie(l, t->lch) = lower_split(t->lch, k); return {l, update(t)}; } } pair<Tree, Tree> upper_split(Tree t, const Key& k) { if (t == nil) return {nil, nil}; if (comp(k, t->key)) { Tree l; tie(l, t->lch) = upper_split(t->lch, k); return {l, update(t)}; } else { Tree r; tie(t->rch, r) = upper_split(t->rch, k); return {update(t), r}; } } tuple<Tree, Tree, Tree> split(Tree t, const Key& k) { Tree l, m, r; tie(l, r) = lower_split(t, k); tie(m, r) = upper_split(r, k); return make_tuple(l, m, r); } void insert(Tree& t, const Key& k, const T& v) { if (!rng(0, t->sz + 1)) { Tree l, r; tie(l, ignore, r) = split(t, k); t = make(k, v, l, r); return; } if (comp(k, t->key)) { insert(t->lch, k, v); } else if (comp(t->key, k)) { insert(t->rch, k, v); } else { t->key = k, t->val = v; } t = update(t); } void erase(Tree& t, const Key& k) { if (t == nil) return; if (comp(k, t->key)) { erase(t->lch, k); t = update(t); } else if (comp(t->key, k)) { erase(t->rch, k); t = update(t); } else { t = merge(t->lch, t->rch); } } int lower_bound(Tree t, const Key& k) { if (t == nil) return 0; if (comp(t->key, k)) return t->lch->sz + 1 + lower_bound(t->rch, k); return lower_bound(t->lch, k); } int upper_bound(Tree t, const Key& k) { if (t == nil) return 0; if (comp(k, t->key)) return upper_bound(t->lch, k); return t->lch->sz + 1 + upper_bound(t->rch, k); } int count(Tree t, const Key& k) { return upper_bound(t, k) - lower_bound(t, k); } pair<Key, T> get(Tree t, int i) { assert(0 <= i and i < t->sz); if (i == t->lch->sz) return {t->key, t->val}; if (i < t->lch->sz) return get(t->lch, i); return get(t->rch, i - t->lch->sz - 1); } T at(Tree& t, const Key& k) { if (!count(t, k)) { insert(t, k, e); return e; } return get(t, lower_bound(t, k)).second; } T acc(Tree t, int l, int r) { if (l <= 0 and t->sz <= r) return t->acc; T resl = l < t->lch->sz ? acc(t->lch, l, r) : e; T resr = t->lch->sz + 1 < r ? acc(t->rch, l - t->lch->sz - 1, r - t->lch->sz - 1) : e; T resm = l <= t->lch->sz and t->lch->sz < r ? t->val : e; return op(resl, resm, resr); } } int main() { cin.tie(nullptr); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int n; cin >> n; auto mp = RBSTMap::nil; while (n--) { int a; cin >> a; insert(mp, a, at(mp, a) + 1); } lint res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mp->sz; ++i) { auto e = get(mp, i); res += (lint)e.first * e.second; } int m; cin >> m; while (m--) { int x; cin >> x; while (true) { auto e = get(mp, 0); if (e.first < x) break; erase(mp, e.first); insert(mp, e.first % x, at(mp, e.first % x) + e.second); res -= (lint)(e.first - e.first % x) * e.second; } cout << res << '\n'; } }