問題 | No.391 CODING WAR |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2019-10-08 22:47:15 |
言語 | Common Lisp (sbcl 2.5.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 138 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 5,573 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,446 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 41,984 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 27,136 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-07 19:53:01 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 2,753 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge3 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 4 |
other | AC * 16 |
; compiling file "/home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp" (written 07 NOV 2024 07:52:57 PM): ; file: /home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp ; in: DEFUN INITIALIZE-BINOM ; (MOD (* (AREF *INV* I) (AREF *FACT-INV* (- I 1))) +BINOM-MOD+) ; ; note: forced to do inline (unsigned-byte 64) arithmetic (cost 6) ; unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 1) because: ; The result is a (VALUES ; (OR (INTEGER 1000000007 18446744064127207545) ; (INTEGER 0 0)) ; &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM &OPTIONAL). ; in: DEFUN MAIN ; (INCFMOD RES ; (IF (EVENP I) ; DELTA ; (- +MOD+ DELTA))) ; --> SETQ THE (LAMBDA (X Y) (MOD (+ X Y) +MOD+)) SB-C::%FUNCALL MOD ; ==> ; 1 ; ; note: unable to ; optimize ; due to type uncertainty: ; The first argument is a REAL, not a SINGLE-FLOAT. ; ; note: unable to ; optimize ; due to type uncertainty: ; The first argument is a REAL, not a DOUBLE-FLOAT. ; ; note: unable to ; optimize ; due to type uncertainty: ; The first argument is a REAL, not a INTEGER. ; ; note: unable to ; convert division by 2^k to shift ; due to type uncertainty: ; The first argument is a REAL, not a INTEGER. ; (POWER-MOD (- M I) N +MOD+) ; --> BLOCK LABELS RECUR THE PROGN BLOCK COND IF IF RECUR MOD ; ==> ; 1 ; ; note: forced to do */UNSIGNED=>INTEGER (cost 10) ; unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 2) because: ; The result is a (VALUES (MOD 21267647932558653957237540927630737410) ; &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM &OPTIONAL). ; unable to do inline (signed-byte 64) arithmetic (cost 4) because: ; The result is a (VALUES (MOD 21267647932558653957237540927630737410) ; &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES (SIGNED-BYTE 64) ; &OPTIONAL). ; --> BLOCK LABELS RECUR THE PROGN BLOCK COND IF IF THE MOD
;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (sb-int:defconstant-eqx OPT #+swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)) #-swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)) #'equal) #+swank (ql:quickload '(:cl-debug-print :fiveam) :silent t) #-swank (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\> (lambda (s c p) (declare (ignore c p)) (read s nil nil t)))) #+swank (cl-syntax:use-syntax cl-debug-print:debug-print-syntax) #-swank (disable-debugger) ; for CS Academy ;; BEGIN_INSERTED_CONTENTS ;;; ;;; Binomial coefficient with mod ;;; build: O(n) ;;; query: O(1) ;;; ;; TODO: non-global handling (defconstant +binom-size+ 110000) (defconstant +binom-mod+ #.(+ (expt 10 9) 7)) (declaim ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*)) *fact* *fact-inv* *inv*)) (defparameter *fact* (make-array +binom-size+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)) "table of factorials") (defparameter *fact-inv* (make-array +binom-size+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)) "table of inverses of factorials") (defparameter *inv* (make-array +binom-size+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)) "table of inverses of non-negative integers") (defun initialize-binom () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (setf (aref *fact* 0) 1 (aref *fact* 1) 1 (aref *fact-inv* 0) 1 (aref *fact-inv* 1) 1 (aref *inv* 1) 1) (loop for i from 2 below +binom-size+ do (setf (aref *fact* i) (mod (* i (aref *fact* (- i 1))) +binom-mod+) (aref *inv* i) (- +binom-mod+ (mod (* (aref *inv* (rem +binom-mod+ i)) (floor +binom-mod+ i)) +binom-mod+)) (aref *fact-inv* i) (mod (* (aref *inv* i) (aref *fact-inv* (- i 1))) +binom-mod+)))) (initialize-binom) (declaim (inline binom)) (defun binom (n k) "Returns nCk." (if (or (< n k) (< n 0) (< k 0)) 0 (mod (* (aref *fact* n) (mod (* (aref *fact-inv* k) (aref *fact-inv* (- n k))) +binom-mod+)) +binom-mod+))) (declaim (inline perm)) (defun perm (n k) "Returns nPk." (if (or (< n k) (< n 0) (< k 0)) 0 (mod (* (aref *fact* n) (aref *fact-inv* (- n k))) +binom-mod+))) ;; TODO: compiler macro or source-transform (declaim (inline multinomial)) (defun multinomial (&rest ks) "Returns the multinomial coefficient K!/k_1!k_2!...k_n! for K = k_1 + k_2 + ... + k_n. K must be equal to or smaller than MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM. (multinomial) returns 1." (let ((sum 0) (result 1)) (declare ((integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum) result sum)) (dolist (k ks) (incf sum k) (setq result (mod (* result (aref *fact-inv* k)) +binom-mod+))) (mod (* result (aref *fact* sum)) +binom-mod+))) ;;; ;;; Arithmetic operations with static modulus ;;; (defmacro define-mod-operations (divisor) `(progn (defun mod* (&rest args) (reduce (lambda (x y) (mod (* x y) ,divisor)) args)) (sb-c:define-source-transform mod* (&rest args) (if (null args) 1 (reduce (lambda (x y) `(mod (* ,x ,y) ,',divisor)) args))) (defun mod+ (&rest args) (reduce (lambda (x y) (mod (+ x y) ,divisor)) args)) (sb-c:define-source-transform mod+ (&rest args) (if (null args) 0 (reduce (lambda (x y) `(mod (+ ,x ,y) ,',divisor)) args))) (define-modify-macro incfmod (delta) (lambda (x y) (mod (+ x y) ,divisor))) (define-modify-macro decfmod (delta) (lambda (x y) (mod (- x y) ,divisor))) (define-modify-macro mulfmod (multiplier) (lambda (x y) (mod (* x y) ,divisor))))) (declaim (inline power-mod)) (defun power-mod (base power modulus) "BASE := integer POWER, MODULUS := non-negative fixnum" (declare ((integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum) modulus power) (integer base)) (labels ((recur (x p) (declare ((integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum) x p) (values (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum))) (cond ((zerop p) 1) ((evenp p) (recur (mod (* x x) modulus) (ash p -1))) (t (mod (* x (recur x (- p 1))) modulus))))) (recur (mod base modulus) power))) (defmacro dbg (&rest forms) #+swank (if (= (length forms) 1) `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',(car forms) ,(car forms)) `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',forms `(,,@forms))) #-swank (declare (ignore forms))) (defmacro define-int-types (&rest bits) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(deftype ,(intern (format nil "UINT~A" b)) () '(unsigned-byte ,b))) bits) ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(deftype ,(intern (format nil "INT~A" b)) () '(signed-byte ,b))) bits))) (define-int-types 2 4 7 8 15 16 31 32 62 63 64) (declaim (inline println)) (defun println (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)) (prog1 (princ obj stream) (terpri stream)))) (defconstant +mod+ 1000000007) ;;; ;;; Body ;;; (define-mod-operations +mod+) (defun main () (declare #.OPT) (let* ((n (read)) (m (read)) (res 0)) (declare (uint31 res n m)) (dotimes (i (+ m 1)) (let ((delta (mod* (binom m i) (power-mod (- m i) n +mod+)))) (incfmod res (if (evenp i) delta (- +mod+ delta))))) (println res))) #-swank (main)