
問題 No.922 東北きりきざむたん
ユーザー satanic
提出日時 2019-11-08 22:01:39
言語 C++14
(gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0)
実行時間 165 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 8,913 bytes
コンパイル時間 1,826 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 142,496 KB
実行使用メモリ 42,492 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-09-15 01:29:14
合計ジャッジ時間 5,405 ms
judge5 / judge4
ファイルパターン 結果
sample AC * 4
other AC * 26


diff #

// need
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
// data structure
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
//#include <deque>
#include <valarray>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <array>
// etc
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
#include <numeric>
#include <fstream>
// input
#define INIT std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);std::cin.tie(0);
#define VAR(type, ...)type __VA_ARGS__;MACRO_VAR_Scan(__VA_ARGS__);
template<typename T> void MACRO_VAR_Scan(T& t) { std::cin >> t; }
template<typename First, typename...Rest>void MACRO_VAR_Scan(First& first, Rest& ...rest) { std::cin >> first; MACRO_VAR_Scan(rest...); }
#define VEC_ROW(type, n, ...)std::vector<type> __VA_ARGS__;MACRO_VEC_ROW_Init(n, __VA_ARGS__); for(int w_=0; w_<n; ++w_){MACRO_VEC_ROW_Scan(w_,
template<typename T> void MACRO_VEC_ROW_Init(int n, T& t) { t.resize(n); }
template<typename First, typename...Rest>void MACRO_VEC_ROW_Init(int n, First& first, Rest& ...rest) { first.resize(n); MACRO_VEC_ROW_Init(n, rest
    ...); }
template<typename T> void MACRO_VEC_ROW_Scan(int p, T& t) { std::cin >> t[p]; }
template<typename First, typename...Rest>void MACRO_VEC_ROW_Scan(int p, First& first, Rest& ...rest) { std::cin >> first[p]; MACRO_VEC_ROW_Scan(p,
    rest...); }
#define VEC(type, c, n) std::vector<type> c(n);for(auto& i:c)std::cin>>i;
#define MAT(type, c, m, n) std::vector<std::vector<type>> c(m, std::vector<type>(n));for(auto& R:c)for(auto& w:R)std::cin>>w;
// output
template<typename T>void MACRO_OUT(const T t) { std::cout << t; }
template<typename First, typename...Rest>void MACRO_OUT(const First first, const Rest...rest) { std::cout << first << " "; MACRO_OUT(rest...); }
#define OUT(...) MACRO_OUT(__VA_ARGS__);
#define FOUT(n, dist) std::cout<<std::fixed<<std::setprecision(n)<<(dist);
#define SOUT(n, c, dist) std::cout<<std::setw(n)<<std::setfill(c)<<(dist);
#define SP std::cout<<" ";
#define TAB std::cout<<"\t";
#define BR std::cout<<"\n";
#define SPBR(w, n) std::cout<<(w + 1 == n ? '\n' : ' ');
#define ENDL std::cout<<std::endl;
#define FLUSH std::cout<<std::flush;
#define SHOW(dist) {std::cerr << #dist << "\t: " << (dist) << "\n";}
#define SHOWVECTOR(v) {std::cerr << #v << "\t: ";for(const auto& xxx : v){std::cerr << xxx << " ";}std::cerr << "\n";}
#define SHOWVECTOR2(v) {std::cerr << #v << "\t:\n";for(const auto& xxx : v){for(const auto& yyy : xxx){std::cerr << yyy << " ";}std::cerr << "\n";}}
#define SHOWQUEUE(a) {auto tmp(a);std::cerr << #a << "\t: ";while(!tmp.empty()){std::cerr << tmp.front() << " ";tmp.pop();}std::cerr << "\n";}
#define SHOWSTACK(a) {auto tmp(a);std::cerr << #a << "\t: ";while(!tmp.empty()){std::cerr << tmp.top() << " ";tmp.pop();}std::cerr << "\n";}
// utility
#define ALL(a) (a).begin(),(a).end()
#define FOR(w, a, n) for(int w=(a);w<(n);++w)
#define RFOR(w, a, n) for(int w=(n)-1;w>=(a);--w)
#define REP(w, n) for(int w=0;w<int(n);++w)
#define RREP(w, n) for(int w=int(n)-1;w>=0;--w)
#define IN(a, x, b) (a<=x && x<b)
template<class T> inline T CHMAX(T & a, const T b) { return a = (a < b) ? b : a; }
template<class T> inline T CHMIN(T& a, const T b) { return a = (a > b) ? b : a; }
// test
template<class T> using V = std::vector<T>;
template<class T> using VV = V<V<T>>;
template<typename S, typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::pair<S, T> p) {
os << "(" << p.first << ", " << p.second << ")"; return os;
// type/const
#define int ll
using ll = long long;
using ull = unsigned long long;
using ld = long double;
using PAIR = std::pair<int, int>;
using PAIRLL = std::pair<ll, ll>;
constexpr int INFINT = (1 << 30) - 1; // 1.07x10^ 9
constexpr int INFINT_LIM = (1LL << 31) - 1; // 2.15x10^ 9
constexpr ll INFLL = 1LL << 60; // 1.15x10^18
constexpr ll INFLL_LIM = (1LL << 62) - 1 + (1LL << 62); // 9.22x10^18
constexpr double EPS = 1e-10;
constexpr int MOD = 998244353;
constexpr double PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279;
template<class T, size_t N> void FILL(T(&a)[N], const T & val) { for (auto& x : a) x = val; }
template<class ARY, size_t N, size_t M, class T> void FILL(ARY(&a)[N][M], const T & val) { for (auto& b : a) FILL(b, val); }
template<class T> void FILL(std::vector<T> & a, const T & val) { for (auto& x : a) x = val; }
template<class ARY, class T> void FILL(std::vector<std::vector<ARY>> & a, const T & val) { for (auto& b : a) FILL(b, val); }
// ------------>8------------------------------------->8------------
class UnionFind {
std::vector<int> par;
std::vector<int> siz;
UnionFind(int sz_) : par(sz_), siz(sz_, 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < sz_; ++i) par[i] = i;
void init(int sz_) {
siz.resize(sz_, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < sz_; ++i) par[i] = i;
int find(int x) {
while (par[x] != x) x = par[x] = par[par[x]];
return x;
void unite(int x, int y) {
x = find(x);
y = find(y);
if (x == y) return;
if (siz[x] < siz[y]) std::swap(x, y);
siz[x] += siz[y];
par[y] = x;
bool same(int x, int y) {
return find(x) == find(y);
int size(int x) {
return siz[find(x)];
// write [ LCA lca(g, root); ] when using this snippet.
class LCA {
const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph; // graph's list expression
int root;
int n; // the number of nodes
int log2n; // = floor(log2(n)) + 1
std::vector<std::vector<int>> parent; // parent[x][v] = a parent(above 2^x) of v (nonexistence -> -1)
std::vector<int> depth; // the depth of each node
LCA(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int root) :
graph(graph), root(root), n(graph.size()),
log2n(std::floor(std::log2(n) + 1)),
parent(log2n, std::vector<int>(n, 0)), depth(n, 0)
// Check the depth of each node(node "v" -> parent is "p", depth is "d")
void dfs(int v, int p, int d) {
std::stack<int> stack;
parent[0][v] = p;
depth[v] = d;
while (!stack.empty()) {
int now = stack.top(); stack.pop();
for (int i = 0; i < graph[now].size(); ++i) {
int to = graph[now][i];
if (to == parent[0][now]) continue;
parent[0][to] = now;
depth[to] = depth[now] + 1;
stack.push(to); // Check each child of v
// Initialize
void init() {
// Initialize "parent[0]" and "depth"
dfs(root, -1, 0);
// Initialize "parent"
for (int k = 0; k < log2n - 1; ++k) {
for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
if (parent[k][v] < 0) { // If parent above 2^k of v is nonexistence
parent[k + 1][v] = -1;
else {
parent[k + 1][v] = parent[k][parent[k][v]];
// Find LCA of (u, v)
int lca(int u, int v) {
// go up parent while depth of u and v is same
if (depth[u] > depth[v]) std::swap(u, v);
for (int k = 0; k < log2n; ++k) {
if ((depth[v] - depth[u]) >> k & 1) {
v = parent[k][v]; // go up to 2^k if k-th binary is 1
if (u == v) return u; // this case is that v is in u's subtree
// Find LCA by binary searching
for (int k = log2n - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
if (parent[k][u] != parent[k][v]) {
u = parent[k][u];
v = parent[k][v];
return parent[0][u];
signed main() {
VAR(int, n, m, q);
VEC_ROW(int, m, a, b);
VEC_ROW(int, q, qa, qb);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> g(n);
UnionFind uf(n);
REP(i, m) {
--a[i]; --b[i];
uf.unite(a[i], b[i]);
auto G(g);
V<int> roots;
REP(i, n) {
if (uf.find(i) == i) {
LCA lca(G, n);
V<int> depthG(n + 1, INFINT);
depthG[n] = 0;
auto rec = [&](auto && f, int v, int par) -> void {
for (auto& to : G[v]) if (to != par) {
depthG[to] = depthG[v] + 1;
f(f, to, v);
rec(rec, n, -1);
V<int> w(n, 0);
int ans = 0;
REP(i, q) {
--qa[i]; --qb[i];
if (uf.same(qa[i], qb[i])) {
ans += depthG[qa[i]] + depthG[qb[i]] - 2 * depthG[lca.lca(qa[i], qb[i])];
else {
V<int> cnt(n, 0);
V<int> dp(n, 0);
for (const auto& root : roots) {
auto rec = [&](auto && f, int v, int par) -> void {
cnt[v] = w[v];
dp[v] = 0;
for (auto& to : g[v]) if (to != par) {
f(f, to, v);
cnt[v] += cnt[to];
dp[v] += dp[to] + cnt[to];
rec(rec, root, -1);
int tans = INFLL;
auto rec = [&](auto && f, int v, int par, int pcnt, int psum) -> void {
CHMIN(tans, dp[v] + psum);
for (auto& to : g[v]) if (to != par) {
f(f, to, v, pcnt + cnt[v] - cnt[to], psum + pcnt + (dp[v] - dp[to] - cnt[to]) + (cnt[v] - cnt[to]));
rec(rec, root, -1, 0, 0);
ans += tans;
return 0;