
問題 No.922 東北きりきざむたん
ユーザー sansaquasansaqua
提出日時 2019-11-08 22:54:12
言語 Common Lisp
(sbcl 2.5.0)
実行時間 -
コード長 9,896 bytes
コンパイル時間 1,111 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 47,360 KB
実行使用メモリ 46,464 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-09-15 02:02:38
合計ジャッジ時間 4,516 ms
judge1 / judge4


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 WA -
testcase_01 WA -
testcase_02 AC 19 ms
25,216 KB
testcase_03 AC 18 ms
25,216 KB
testcase_04 WA -
testcase_05 WA -
testcase_06 WA -
testcase_07 WA -
testcase_08 WA -
testcase_09 WA -
testcase_10 WA -
testcase_11 WA -
testcase_12 WA -
testcase_13 WA -
testcase_14 WA -
testcase_15 WA -
testcase_16 WA -
testcase_17 WA -
testcase_18 WA -
testcase_19 WA -
testcase_20 WA -
testcase_21 WA -
testcase_22 WA -
testcase_23 WA -
testcase_24 WA -
testcase_25 WA -
testcase_26 WA -
testcase_27 WA -
testcase_28 AC 70 ms
37,376 KB
testcase_29 WA -
; compiling file "/home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp" (written 15 SEP 2024 02:02:33 AM):

; file: /home/judge/data/code/Main.lisp
;   The variable AS is defined but never used.

;   The variable BS is defined but never used.
; compilation unit finished
;   caught 2 STYLE-WARNING conditions

; wrote /home/judge/data/code/Main.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.171


diff #

(unless (member :child-sbcl *features*)
(run-program *runtime-pathname*
`("--control-stack-size" "128MB"
"--noinform" "--disable-ldb" "--lose-on-corruption" "--end-runtime-options"
"--eval" "(push :child-sbcl *features*)"
"--script" ,(namestring *load-pathname*))
:output t :error t :input t))))
;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(sb-int:defconstant-eqx OPT
#+swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 2))
#-swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))
#+swank (ql:quickload '(:cl-debug-print :fiveam) :silent t)
#-swank (set-dispatch-macro-character
#\# #\> (lambda (s c p) (declare (ignore c p)) (read s nil nil t))))
#+swank (cl-syntax:use-syntax cl-debug-print:debug-print-syntax)
#-swank (disable-debugger) ; for CS Academy
;;; Disjoint set by Union-Find algorithm
(defstruct (disjoint-set
(:constructor make-disjoint-set
(size &aux (data (make-array size :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element -1))))
(:conc-name ds-))
(data nil :type (simple-array fixnum (*))))
(declaim (ftype (function * (values (mod #.array-total-size-limit) &optional)) ds-root))
(defun ds-root (disjoint-set x)
"Returns the root of X."
(declare (optimize (speed 3))
((mod #.array-total-size-limit) x))
(let ((data (ds-data disjoint-set)))
(if (< (aref data x) 0)
(setf (aref data x)
(ds-root disjoint-set (aref data x))))))
(declaim (inline ds-unite!))
(defun ds-unite! (disjoint-set x1 x2)
"Destructively unites X1 and X2 and returns true iff X1 and X2 become
connected for the first time."
(let ((root1 (ds-root disjoint-set x1))
(root2 (ds-root disjoint-set x2)))
(unless (= root1 root2)
(let ((data (ds-data disjoint-set)))
;; ensure the size of root1 >= the size of root2
(when (> (aref data root1) (aref data root2))
(rotatef root1 root2))
(incf (aref data root1) (aref data root2))
(setf (aref data root2) root1)))))
(declaim (inline ds-connected-p))
(defun ds-connected-p (disjoint-set x1 x2)
"Returns true iff X1 and X2 have the same root."
(= (ds-root disjoint-set x1) (ds-root disjoint-set x2)))
(declaim (inline ds-size))
(defun ds-size (disjoint-set x)
"Returns the size of the connected component to which X belongs."
(- (aref (ds-data disjoint-set)
(ds-root disjoint-set x))))
(declaim (ftype (function * (values fixnum &optional)) read-fixnum))
(defun read-fixnum (&optional (in *standard-input*))
(macrolet ((%read-byte ()
`(the (unsigned-byte 8)
#+swank (char-code (read-char in nil #\Nul))
#-swank (sb-impl::ansi-stream-read-byte in nil #.(char-code #\Nul) nil))))
(let* ((minus nil)
(result (loop (let ((byte (%read-byte)))
(cond ((<= 48 byte 57)
(return (- byte 48)))
((zerop byte) ; #\Nul
(error "Read EOF or #\Nul."))
((= byte #.(char-code #\-))
(setf minus t)))))))
(declare ((integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum) result))
(let* ((byte (%read-byte)))
(if (<= 48 byte 57)
(setq result (+ (- byte 48)
(* 10 (the (integer 0 #.(floor most-positive-fixnum 10)) result))))
(return (if minus (- result) result))))))))
(defmacro dbg (&rest forms)
(if (= (length forms) 1)
`(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',(car forms) ,(car forms))
`(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',forms `(,,@forms)))
#-swank (declare (ignore forms)))
(defmacro define-int-types (&rest bits)
,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(deftype ,(intern (format nil "UINT~A" b)) () '(unsigned-byte ,b))) bits)
,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(deftype ,(intern (format nil "INT~A" b)) () '(signed-byte ,b))) bits)))
(define-int-types 2 4 7 8 15 16 31 32 62 63 64)
(declaim (inline println))
(defun println (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*))
(let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
(prog1 (princ obj stream) (terpri stream))))
(defconstant +mod+ 1000000007)
;;; Body
(defconstant +inf+ #xffffffff)
(define-modify-macro minf (new-value) min)
(defun main ()
(let* ((n (read))
(m (read))
(q (read))
(graph (make-array n :element-type 'list :initial-element nil))
(as (make-array q :element-type 'uint31))
(bs (make-array q :element-type 'uint31))
(dset (make-disjoint-set n))
(weights (make-array n :element-type 'uint31 :initial-element 0))
(sums (make-array n :element-type 'uint32 :initial-element 0))
(flows (make-array n :element-type 'uint32 :initial-element 0))
(result (make-array n :element-type 'uint32 :initial-element 0)))
(dotimes (i m)
(let ((u (- (read-fixnum) 1))
(v (- (read-fixnum) 1)))
(push u (aref graph v))
(push v (aref graph u))
(ds-unite! dset u v)))
(dotimes (i q)
(let ((a (- (read-fixnum) 1))
(b (- (read-fixnum) 1)))
(unless (ds-connected-p dset a b)
(incf (aref weights a))
(incf (aref weights b)))))
(labels ((dfs (v parent)
(let ((value 0)
(flow 0))
(dolist (child (aref graph v))
(unless (= child parent)
(dfs child v)
(incf flow (+ (aref weights child)
(aref flows child)))
(incf value (+ (aref weights child)
(aref sums child)
(aref flows child)))))
(setf (aref sums v) value
(aref flows v) flow)))
(dfs2 (v parent)
(dbg v parent sums flows)
(let ((value 0)
(flow 0))
(dolist (child (aref graph v))
(incf value (+ (aref weights child)
(aref sums child)
(aref flows child)))
(incf flow (+ (aref weights child)
(aref flows child))))
(setf (aref result v) value)
(setf (aref sums v) value)
(setf (aref flows v) flow))
(dolist (child (aref graph v))
(unless (= child parent)
(let ((current-sum (aref sums v))
(current-flow (aref flows v)))
(decf (aref sums v) (+ (aref weights child)
(aref flows child)
(aref sums child)))
(decf (aref flows v) (+ (aref weights child)
(aref flows child)))
(dfs2 child v)
(setf (aref sums v) current-sum)
(setf (aref flows v) current-flow))))))
(dotimes (v n)
(when (= (ds-root dset v) v)
(dfs v -1)))
(dbg sums flows)
(dotimes (v n)
(when (= (ds-root dset v) v)
(dfs2 v -1)))
(let ((processed (make-hash-table)))
(dotimes (v n)
(let* ((root (ds-root dset v))
(value (aref result root)))
(if (gethash root processed)
(minf (gethash root processed) value)
(setf (gethash root processed) value))))
(println (loop for x being each hash-value of processed
sum x))))))
#-swank (main)
;;; Test and benchmark
(defun io-equal (in-string out-string &key (function #'main) (test #'equal))
"Passes IN-STRING to *STANDARD-INPUT*, executes FUNCTION, and returns true if
the string output to *STANDARD-OUTPUT* is equal to OUT-STRING."
(labels ((ensure-last-lf (s)
(if (eql (uiop:last-char s) #\Linefeed)
(uiop:strcat s uiop:+lf+))))
(funcall test
(ensure-last-lf out-string)
(with-output-to-string (out)
(let ((*standard-output* out))
(with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (ensure-last-lf in-string))
(funcall function)))))))
(defun get-clipbrd ()
(with-output-to-string (out)
(run-program "C:/msys64/usr/bin/cat.exe" '("/dev/clipboard") :output out)))
#+swank (defparameter *this-pathname* (uiop:current-lisp-file-pathname))
#+swank (defparameter *dat-pathname* (uiop:merge-pathnames* "test.dat" *this-pathname*))
(defun run (&optional thing (out *standard-output*))
"THING := null | string | symbol | pathname
null: run #'MAIN using the text on clipboard as input.
string: run #'MAIN using the string as input.
symbol: alias of FIVEAM:RUN!.
pathname: run #'MAIN using the text file as input."
(let ((*standard-output* out))
(etypecase thing
(with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (delete #\Return (get-clipbrd)))
(with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (delete #\Return thing))
(symbol (5am:run! thing))
(with-open-file (*standard-input* thing)
(defun gen-dat ()
(uiop:with-output-file (out *dat-pathname* :if-exists :supersede)
(format out "")))
(defun bench (&optional (out (make-broadcast-stream)))
(time (run *dat-pathname* out)))