問題 | No.274 The Wall |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2019-12-09 23:34:07 |
言語 | C++11 (gcc 13.3.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 12,266 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,171 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 101,716 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2025-01-25 17:58:27 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 2,004 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge1 / judge2 |
main.cpp:19:16: error: ‘uint64_t’ does not name a type 19 | using QWORD = uint64_t; | ^~~~~~~~ main.cpp:17:1: note: ‘uint64_t’ is defined in header ‘<cstdint>’; did you forget to ‘#include <cstdint>’? 16 | #include <list> +++ |+#include <cstdint> 17 | using namespace std; main.cpp:21:16: error: ‘uint32_t’ does not name a type 21 | using DWORD = uint32_t; | ^~~~~~~~ main.cpp:21:16: note: ‘uint32_t’ is defined in header ‘<cstdint>’; did you forget to ‘#include <cstdint>’? main.cpp:23:16: error: ‘uint16_t’ does not name a type 23 | using WORD = uint16_t; | ^~~~~~~~ main.cpp:23:16: note: ‘uint16_t’ is defined in header ‘<cstdint>’; did you forget to ‘#include <cstdint>’? main.cpp:25:16: error: ‘uint8_t’ does not name a type 25 | using BYTE = uint8_t; | ^~~~~~~ main.cpp:25:16: note: ‘uint8_t’ is defined in header ‘<cstdint>’; did you forget to ‘#include <cstdint>’? main.cpp:50:15: error: ‘QWORD’ does not name a type; did you mean ‘SWORD’? 50 | static inline QWORD MAX(QWORD a, QWORD b) { return a > b ? a : b; } | ^~~~~ | SWORD main.cpp:51:15: error: ‘DWORD’ does not name a type; did you mean ‘SWORD’? 51 | static inline DWORD MAX(DWORD a, DWORD b) { return a > b ? a : b; } | ^~~~~ | SWORD main.cpp:54:15: error: ‘QWORD’ does not name a type; did you mean ‘SWORD’? 54 | static inline QWORD MIN(QWORD a, QWORD b) { return a < b ? a : b; } | ^~~~~ | SWORD main.cpp:55:15: error: ‘DWORD’ does not name a type; did you mean ‘SWORD’? 55 | static inline DWORD MIN(DWORD a, DWORD b) { return a < b ? a : b; } | ^~~~~ | SWORD main.cpp: In function ‘DOUBLE inputFP()’: main.cpp:146:5: error: ‘DWORD’ was not decl
#pragma GCC optimize ("O3")#include <iostream>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <math.h>#include <map>#include <unordered_map>#include <set>#include <unordered_set>#include <queue>#include <set>#include <algorithm>#include <numeric>#include <list>using namespace std;using QWORD = uint64_t;using SQWORD = int64_t;using DWORD = uint32_t;using SDWORD = int32_t;using WORD = uint16_t;using SWORD = int16_t;using BYTE = uint8_t;using SBYTE = int8_t;using DOUBLE = double;using FLOAT = float;#define MIN_SDWORD (-2147483648)#define MAX_SDWORD (2147483647)#define MIN_SBYTE (-128)#define MAX_SBYTE (127)#define MIN_SQWORD (0x8000000000000000)#define MAX_SQWORD (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)#define MAX_QWORD (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)#define MAX_DWORD (0xFFFFFFFF)#define MAX_WORD (0xFFFF)#define MAX_BYTE (0xFF)#define MAX_DOUBLE (1.0e+308)#define DOUBLE_EPS (1.0e-12)#define MIN_DOUBLE_N (-1.0e+308)#define ArrayLength(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))static inline DOUBLE MAX(DOUBLE a, DOUBLE b) { return a > b ? a : b; }static inline QWORD MAX(QWORD a, QWORD b) { return a > b ? a : b; }static inline DWORD MAX(DWORD a, DWORD b) { return a > b ? a : b; }static inline SDWORD MAX(SDWORD a, SDWORD b) { return a > b ? a : b; }static inline DOUBLE MIN(DOUBLE a, DOUBLE b) { return a < b ? a : b; }static inline QWORD MIN(QWORD a, QWORD b) { return a < b ? a : b; }static inline DWORD MIN(DWORD a, DWORD b) { return a < b ? a : b; }static inline SDWORD MIN(SDWORD a, SDWORD b) { return a < b ? a : b; }#define BYTE_BITS (8)#define WORD_BITS (16)#define DWORD_BITS (32)#define QWORD_BITS (64)static inline void inputStringSpSeparated(char *pcStr){char *pcCur = pcStr;for (;;) {char c = getchar();if (('\n' == c) || (EOF == c) || (' ' == c)) {break;}*pcCur = c;pcCur++;}*pcCur = '\0';}static inline void inputString(char *pcStr){char *pcCur = pcStr;for (;;) {char c = getchar();if (('\n' == c) || (EOF == c)) {break;}*pcCur = c;pcCur++;}*pcCur = '\0';}static inline SQWORD inputSQWORD(void){SQWORD sqNumber = 0;SQWORD sqMultiplier = 1;bool bRead = false;for (;;) {char c = getchar();if (!bRead) {if ('-' == c) {sqMultiplier = -1;}}if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) {sqNumber *= 10LL;sqNumber += (SQWORD)(c - '0');bRead = true;} else {if (bRead) {return sqNumber * sqMultiplier;}}}}static inline SDWORD inputSDWORD(void){SDWORD lNumber = 0;SDWORD lMultiplier = 1;bool bRead = false;for (;;) {char c = getchar();if (!bRead) {if ('-' == c) {lMultiplier = -1;}}if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) {lNumber *= 10;lNumber += (c - '0');bRead = true;} else {if (bRead) {return lNumber * lMultiplier;}}}}static inline DOUBLE inputFP(void){DOUBLE dInt = 0.0;DOUBLE dFrac = 0.0;DOUBLE dMultiplier = 1.0;DWORD dwFpCnt = 0;DOUBLE *pdCur = &dInt;bool bRead = false;for (;;) {char c = getchar();if (!bRead) {if ('-' == c) {dMultiplier = -1;}}if ('.' == c) {pdCur = &dFrac;} else if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) {(*pdCur) *= 10;(*pdCur) += (DOUBLE)(c - '0');bRead = true;if (pdCur == &dFrac) {dwFpCnt++;}} else {if (bRead) {return dMultiplier * (dInt + dFrac / (pow((DOUBLE)10.0 , (DOUBLE)dwFpCnt)));}}}}/*----------------------------------------------*//*** mod による操作ライブラリ*/#define ANS_MOD (1000000007)class MODINT {static SQWORD MOD;SQWORD m_x;public:MODINT(SQWORD val) {m_x = (val % MOD + MOD) % MOD;};MODINT() {m_x = 0;}static void Init(SQWORD sqMod) {MOD = sqMod;}MODINT& operator+= (const MODINT a){m_x = (m_x + a.m_x) % MOD;return *this;};MODINT& operator-= (const MODINT a){m_x = (m_x - a.m_x + MOD) % MOD;return *this;};MODINT& operator*= (const MODINT a){m_x = (m_x * a.m_x) % MOD;return *this;};MODINT pow(SQWORD t) const {if (!t) return 1;MODINT a = pow(t>>1);a *= a;if (t&1) a *= *this;return a;}MODINT operator+ (const MODINT a) const {MODINT res(*this);return (res += a);}MODINT operator- (const MODINT a) const {MODINT res(*this);return (res -= a);}MODINT operator* (const MODINT a) const {MODINT res(*this);return (res *= a);}MODINT operator/ (const MODINT a) const {MODINT res(*this);return (res /= a);}/* 逆元 */MODINT inv() const {return pow(MOD-2);}/* 除算 */MODINT& operator/=(const MODINT a) {return (*this) *= a.inv();}/* 整数版 */MODINT& operator+= (const SQWORD a) {*this += MODINT(a); return *this;};MODINT& operator-= (const SQWORD a) {*this -= MODINT(a); return *this;};MODINT& operator*= (const SQWORD a) {*this *= MODINT(a); return *this;};MODINT& operator/= (const SQWORD a) {*this /= MODINT(a); return *this;};SQWORD getVal() { return m_x; };};SQWORD MODINT::MOD = ANS_MOD;/*----------------------------------------------*//*----------------------------------------------*/struct EDGE_ST {SQWORD sqTo;EDGE_ST(SQWORD to) {sqTo = to;};};#define N_MAX_NODES (100000)#define MAX_LOG_NODES (20)class SCC_Graph {vector<vector<EDGE_ST>> vvstEdge;vector<vector<EDGE_ST>> vvstRevEdge;vector<SQWORD> vsqInOrderFwd;SQWORD sqNumNode;vector<SQWORD> vsqOrder;vector<SQWORD> vsqComp;void dfs(SQWORD sqNode, vector<bool> &vbIsVisited){if (vbIsVisited[sqNode]) {return;}vbIsVisited[sqNode] = true;for (auto e: vvstEdge[sqNode]) {dfs(e.sqTo, vbIsVisited);}vsqOrder.emplace_back(sqNode);}void rdfs(SQWORD sqNode, SQWORD sqCnt, vector<vector<SQWORD>> &rnodes){if (vsqComp[sqNode] != -1) {return;}vsqComp[sqNode] = sqCnt;rnodes[sqCnt].push_back(sqNode);for(auto to : vvstRevEdge[sqNode]) {rdfs(to.sqTo, sqCnt, rnodes);}}public:SCC_Graph(SQWORD sqN) {sqNumNode = sqN;vvstEdge.resize(sqNumNode + 1, vector<EDGE_ST>{});vvstRevEdge.resize(sqNumNode + 1, vector<EDGE_ST>{});vsqComp.resize(sqNumNode + 1, -1);}void RegistEdge(SQWORD sqA, SQWORD sqB){vvstEdge[sqA].emplace_back(sqB);vvstRevEdge[sqB].emplace_back(sqA);}SQWORD operator[](SQWORD k) {return vsqComp[k];}/*** t: 強連結成分を、1から番号を振りなおしたグラフ* rnodes: 強連結成分からもとのグラフへの逆引きテーブル。** 強連結成分のグラフも、ノード番号は1はじまりとしてるので注意。*/void Build(vector<vector<EDGE_ST>> &t,vector<vector<SQWORD>> &rnodes){vector<bool> vIsVisitedFwd(sqNumNode, false);vector<bool> vIsVisitedRev(sqNumNode, false);rnodes.resize(sqNumNode + 1);t.resize(sqNumNode + 1);for (SQWORD sqStart = 1; sqStart < sqNumNode + 1; sqStart++) {dfs(sqStart, vIsVisitedFwd);}reverse(vsqOrder.begin(), vsqOrder.end());SQWORD ptr = 1;for (auto rStart: vsqOrder) {if (vsqComp[rStart] == -1) {rdfs(rStart, ptr, rnodes);ptr++;}}rnodes.resize(ptr);t.resize(ptr);for(SQWORD sqNode = 1; sqNode < sqNumNode + 1; sqNode++) {for(auto &to : vvstEdge[sqNode]) {SQWORD sqX = vsqComp[sqNode], sqY = vsqComp[to.sqTo];if (sqX != sqY) {t[sqX].push_back(EDGE_ST{sqY});}}}}};/*----------------------------------------------*//*----------------------------------------------*/#define N_MAX_BITS (60)struct COLOR_RANGE {SQWORD sqL;SQWORD sqR;};static bool IsWallOnNml(const COLOR_RANGE &c,SQWORD sqM,SQWORD sqPos){// printf(" tst [%lld %lld] %lld\n", c.sqL, c.sqR, sqPos);if ((c.sqL <= sqPos) && (sqPos <= c.sqR)) {return true;}return false;}static bool IsWallOnRev(const COLOR_RANGE &c,SQWORD sqM,SQWORD sqPos){SQWORD sqRevL = (sqM - 1) - c.sqR;SQWORD sqRevR = (sqM - 1) - c.sqL;// printf(" revtst [%lld %lld][%lld %lld] %lld\n", c.sqR, c.sqL, sqRevL, sqRevR, sqPos);if ((sqRevL <= sqPos) && (sqPos <= sqRevR)) {return true;}return false;}int main(void){SQWORD sqN = inputSQWORD();SQWORD sqM = inputSQWORD();vector<COLOR_RANGE> vstColorRange;SQWORD sqSum = 0;for (SQWORD sqIdx = 0; sqIdx < sqN; sqIdx++) {SQWORD sqL = inputSQWORD();SQWORD sqR = inputSQWORD();vstColorRange.emplace_back(COLOR_RANGE{sqL, sqR});sqSum += (sqR - sqL + 1);}if (sqM < sqSum) {printf("NO\n");return 0;}/*** 2_SATのグラフを作る* Rj : j番目のブロックがそのままの場合TRUE、反転する場合FALSE** 各列について、* 色がついている列の状態(反転・非反転)* 色がついている状態の全ての反転を論理式で並べる。** グラフの頂点番号* 2*j : Rj* 2*j+1: not Rj*/vector<vector<bool>> vvEdgeMatrix(sqN * 2, vector<bool>(sqN * 2, false));for (SQWORD sqCol = 0; sqCol < sqM; sqCol++) {vector<SQWORD> vsqConds;for (SQWORD sqRow = 0; sqRow < sqN; sqRow++) {if (IsWallOnNml(vstColorRange[sqRow], sqM, sqCol)) {vsqConds.emplace_back(sqRow * 2);}if (IsWallOnRev(vstColorRange[sqRow], sqM, sqCol)) {vsqConds.emplace_back(sqRow * 2 + 1);}}SQWORD sqCondNum = vsqConds.size();for (SQWORD sqIdxI = 0; sqIdxI < sqCondNum - 1; sqIdxI++) {for (SQWORD sqIdxJ = sqIdxI + 1; sqIdxJ < sqCondNum; sqIdxJ++) {SQWORD sqNode1 = vsqConds[sqIdxI];SQWORD sqNode2 = vsqConds[sqIdxJ];SQWORD sqNotNode1 = (sqNode1 % 2) ? sqNode1 - 1 : sqNode1 + 1;SQWORD sqNotNode2 = (sqNode2 % 2) ? sqNode2 - 1 : sqNode2 + 1;/* p1 or p2 <========> not p1 -> p2 , not p2 -> p1 */// printf("%lld:%lld\n", sqNotNode1, sqNode2);// printf("%lld:%lld\n", sqNotNode2, sqNode1);vvEdgeMatrix[sqNotNode1][sqNode2] = true;vvEdgeMatrix[sqNotNode2][sqNode1] = true;}}}SCC_Graph scc(sqN * 2);for (SQWORD sqIdxF = 0; sqIdxF < sqN * 2; sqIdxF++) {for (SQWORD sqIdxT = 0; sqIdxT < sqN * 2; sqIdxT++) {if (vvEdgeMatrix[sqIdxF][sqIdxT]) {scc.RegistEdge(sqIdxT + 1, sqIdxF + 1); /* 1 -indexed */}}}vector<vector<EDGE_ST>> vvstCompEdge;vector<vector<SQWORD>> vvCompNodes;scc.Build(vvstCompEdge, vvCompNodes);for (SQWORD sqIdx = 0; sqIdx < sqN; sqIdx++) {if (scc[sqIdx * 2 + 1] == scc[sqIdx * 2 + 2]) {printf("NO\n");return 0;}}printf("YES\n");return 0;}