
ユーザー te-shte-sh
提出日時 2020-02-19 14:33:14
言語 D
(dmd 2.106.1)
実行時間 -
コード長 6,655 bytes
コンパイル時間 469 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 137,700 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-11-14 22:07:33
合計ジャッジ時間 868 ms
judge1 / judge4

Main.d(179): Deprecation: function `Main.IO!(makeGlobal, makeGlobal).IO.put!("{}", ModInt!(1000000009, true)).put.putMain!(c, ModInt!(1000000009, true)).putMain` function requires a dual-context, which is deprecated
Main.d-mixin-167(167):        instantiated from here: `putMain!(c, ModInt!(1000000009, true))`
Main.d(14):        instantiated from here: `put!("{}", ModInt!(1000000009, true))`
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/dmd/include/dlang/dmd/std/format/internal/write.d(143): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `obj` of type `const(ModInt!(1000000009, true))` to `int`
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/dmd/include/dlang/dmd/std/format/write.d(1239): Error: template instance `std.format.internal.write.formatValueImpl!(LockingTextWriter, ModInt!(1000000009, true), char)` error instantiating
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/dmd/include/dlang/dmd/std/format/write.d(632):        instantiated from here: `formatValue!(LockingTextWriter, ModInt!(1000000009, true), char)`
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/dmd/include/dlang/dmd/std/stdio.d(1759):        instantiated from here: `formattedWrite!(LockingTextWriter, char, ModInt!(1000000009, true))`
Main.d(194):        instantiated from here: `write!(ModInt!(1000000009, true))`
Main.d(182):        ... (1 instantiations, -v to show) ...
Main.d-mixin-167(167):        instantiated from here: `putMain!(c, ModInt!(1000000009, true))`
Main.d(14):        instantiated from here: `put!("{}", ModInt!(1000000009, true))`


diff #

// URL: https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/189

import std.algorithm, std.array, std.container, std.math, std.range, std.typecons, std.string;

version(unittest) {} else
void main()
  string M, D; io.getV(M, D);

  auto m = M.map!(c => cast(int)c-'0').array, d = D.map!(c => cast(int)c-'0').array;

  auto dpm = calc(m), dpd = calc(d), r = mint(0);
  foreach (i; 1..min(m.length, d.length)*9+1) r += dpm[i]*dpd[i];

auto calc(int[] a)
  auto n = a.length, dp = new mint[][][](n+1, n*9+1, 2);
  dp[0][0][0] = 1;

  foreach (i, ai; a)
    foreach (j; 0..n*9+1)
      foreach (k; 0..2) {
        auto md = k==0 ? ai : 9;
        foreach (d; 0..md+1) {
          if (j+d <= n*9)
            dp[i+1][j+d][k == 0 && d == ai ? 0 : 1] += dp[i][j][k];

  return dp[$-1].map!(dpi => dpi.sum).array;

const mod = 10^^9+9;
alias mint = ModInt!(mod, true);
auto lowerBoundBy(alias conv = "a", alias comp = "a<b", R, T)(R a, T v)
{ return a.sortedTuple!(conv, comp).lowerBound(tuple(a.front, v)).map!"a[0]"; }

auto upperBoundBy(alias conv = "a", alias comp = "a<b", R, T)(R a, T v)
{ return a.sortedTuple!(conv, comp).upperBound(tuple(a.front, v)).map!"a[0]"; }

auto sortedTuple(alias conv = "a", alias comp = "a<b", R)(R a)
  import std.functional;
  alias convFun = unaryFun!conv, compFun = binaryFun!comp;
  return a.map!(e => tuple(e, convFun(e))).assumeSorted!((a, b) => compFun(a[1], b[1]));

pure T isqrt(T)(T n)
  static if (is(T == int)) auto max = 46341;
  else static if (is(T == long)) auto max = 3037000500L;
  return iota(T(0), max).lowerBoundBy!("a^^2", "a<=b")(n).back;

pure T icbrt(T)(T n)
  static if (is(T == int)) auto max = 1291;
  else static if (is(T == long)) auto max = 2097152L;
  return iota(T(0), max).lowerBoundBy!("a^^3", "a<=b")(n).back;

pure T powr(alias pred = "a*b", T, U)(T a, U n, T one)
  import std.functional;
  alias predFun = binaryFun!pred;
  if (n == 0) return one;
  auto r = one;
  for (; n > 0; n >>= 1) { if (n&1) r = predFun(r, a); a = predFun(a, a); }
  return r;
pure T powr(alias pred = "a*b", T, U)(T a, U n) { return powr!(pred, T, U)(a, n, T(1)); }

pure T extGcd(T)(T a, T b, out T x, out T y)
  auto g = a; x = 1; y = 0;
  if (b) { g = extGcd(b, a%b, y, x); y -= a/b*x; }
  return g;

struct ModInt(int m, bool pos = false)
  @property pure static init() { return M(0); }
  @property pure int value() { return i; }
  @property void value(int v) { i = nm(v); }
  alias value this;

  pure this(T)(T v = 0) if (isIntegral!T) { i = nm(v); }
  pure ref M opAssign(T)(T v) if (isIntegral!T) { i = nm(v); return this; }
  pure ref M opAssign(M v) { i = v.i; return this; }

  static if (!pos) pure M opUnary(string op: "-")() { return M(-i); }

  static if (m < int.max / 2) {
    pure M opBinary(string op, T)(T r) if ((op=="+"||!pos&&op=="-")&&isIntegral!T)
    { return M(mixin("i"~op~"r")); }
    ref M opOpAssign(string op, T)(T r) if ((op=="+"||!pos&&op=="-")&&isIntegral!T)
    { i = nm(mixin("i"~op~"r")); return this; }
  } else {
    pure M opBinary(string op, T)(T r) if ((op=="+"||!pos&&op=="-")&&isIntegral!T)
    { return M(mixin("l"~op~"r")); }
    ref M opOpAssign(string op, T)(T r) if ((op=="+"||!pos&&op=="-")&&isIntegral!T)
    { i = nm(mixin("l"~op~"r")); return this; }
  pure M opBinary(string op: "*", T)(T r) if (isIntegral!T) { return M(l*r); }
  ref M opOpAssign(string op: "*", T)(T r) if (isIntegral!T) { i = nm(l*r); return this; }

  pure M opBinary(string op)(M r) if (op=="+"||!pos&&op=="-"||op=="*")
  { return opBinary!op(r.i); }
  ref M opOpAssign(string op)(M r) if (op=="+"||!pos&&op=="-"||op=="*")
  { return opOpAssign!op(r.i); }

  pure M opBinary(string op: "^^", T)(T n) if (isIntegral!T) { return this.powr(n); }

  static if (!pos) {
    pure M opBinary(string op: "/")(M r) { return M(l*r.inv.i); }
    ref M opOpAssign(string op: "/")(M r) { i = nm(l*r.inv.i); return this; }

    pure M opBinary(string op: "/", T)(T r) if (isIntegral!T) { return opBinary!op(M(r)); }
    ref M opOpAssign(string op: "/", T)(T r) if (isIntegral!T) { return opOpAssign!op(M(r)); }

    pure M inv() { int x = i, a, b; extGcd(x, m, a, b); return M(a); }

    import std.traits;
    alias M = ModInt!(m, pos);
    version(BigEndian) union { long l; struct { int i2; int i; } } else union { long l; int i; }
    pure int nm(T)(T v) if (isIntegral!T)
    { static if (pos) return cast(int)(v%m); else return cast(int)((v%m+m)%m); }

auto io = IO!()();
import std.stdio;
struct IO(alias IN = stdin, alias OUT = stdout)
  import std.conv, std.format, std.meta, std.traits, core.stdc.stdlib;

  auto getV(T...)(ref T v) { foreach (ref w; v) get(w); }
  auto getA(T)(size_t n, ref T v) if (hasAssignableElements!T)
  { v = new T(n); foreach (ref w; v) get(w); }
  auto getC(T...)(size_t n, ref T v)
  if (allSatisfy!(hasAssignableElements, T))
    foreach (ref w; v) w = new typeof(w)(n);
    foreach (i; 0..n) foreach (ref w; v) get(w[i]);
  auto getM(T)(size_t r, size_t c, ref T v)
  if (hasAssignableElements!T && hasAssignableElements!(ElementType!T))
  { v = new T(r); foreach (ref w; v) getA(c, w); }
  template getS(E...)
    auto getS(T)(size_t n, ref T v)
    { v = new T(n); foreach (ref w; v) foreach (e; E) mixin("get(w."~e~");"); }

  const struct PutConf
    bool newline = true, flush, exit;
    string floatFormat = "%.10f", delimiter = " ";

  auto put(alias conf = "{}", T...)(T v)
  { mixin("const PutConf c = "~conf~"; putMain!c(v);"); }
  auto putB(alias conf = "{}", S, T)(bool c, S t, T f)
  { if (c) put!conf(t); else put!conf(f); }
  auto putRaw(T...)(T v) { OUT.write(v); OUT.writeln; }

    dchar[] buf;
    auto sp = (new dchar[](0)).splitter;
    void nextLine() { IN.readln(buf); sp = buf.splitter; }
    auto get(T)(ref T v) { if (sp.empty) nextLine(); v = sp.front.to!T; sp.popFront(); }

    auto putMain(PutConf c, T...)(T v)
      foreach (i, w; v) {
        if (i < v.length-1) OUT.write(c.delimiter);
      static if (c.newline) OUT.writeln;
      static if (c.flush) OUT.flush();
      static if (c.exit) exit(0);
    auto putOne(PutConf c, T)(T v)
      static if (isInputRange!T && !isSomeString!T) putRange!c(v);
      else static if (isFloatingPoint!T) OUT.write(format(c.floatFormat, v));
      else static if (hasMember!(T, "fprint")) v.fprint(OUT);
      else OUT.write(v);
    auto putRange(PutConf c, T)(T v)
      auto w = v;
      while (!w.empty) {
        putOne!c(w.front); w.popFront();
        if (!w.empty) OUT.write(c.delimiter);