問題 | No.231 めぐるはめぐる (1) |
ユーザー | ともき |
提出日時 | 2015-08-25 14:18:10 |
言語 | Scala(Beta) (3.4.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 6,808 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 7,466 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 258,664 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-14 19:10:01 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 8,027 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge2 / judge1 |
[31m[31m-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:22:12 ---------------------------------------[0m[0m [31m22 |[0m [33mval[0m [36mn[0m = nextInt [31m[31m |[0m ^^^^^^^[0m [31m |[0m [33mmethod[0m [35mnextInt[0m in [33mclass[0m [35mMyConsole[0m must be called with () argument [31m |[0m [31m |[0m longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain` [31m[31m-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:24:37 ---------------------------------------[0m[0m [31m24 |[0m [33mval[0m g,d = nextInt [31m[31m |[0m ^^^^^^^[0m [31m |[0m [33mmethod[0m [35mnextInt[0m in [33mclass[0m [35mMyConsole[0m must be called with () argument [31m |[0m [31m |[0m longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain` [31m[31m-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:70:70 ---------------------------------------[0m[0m [31m70 |[0m [33mdef[0m [36mreadIntVector[0m() : [35mVector[0m[[35mInt[0m] = parseLineToVector(() => nextInt) [31m[31m |[0m ^^^^^^^[0m [31m |[0m [33mmethod[0m [35mnextInt[0m in [33mclass[0m [35mMyConsole[0m must be called with () argument [31m |[0m [31m |[0m longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain` [31m[31m-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:71:70 ---------------------------------------[0m[0m [31m71 |[0m [33mdef[0m [36mreadLongVector[0m() : [35mVector[0m[[35mLong[0m] = parseLineToVector(() => nextLong) [31m[31m |[0m ^^^^^^^^[0m [31m |[0m [33mmethod[0m [35mnextLong[0m in [33mclass[0m [35mMyConsole[0m must be called with () argument [31m |[0m [31m |[0m longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain` [31m[31m-- [E100] Syntax Error: Main.scala:72:70 ----------------------------
import scala.annotation.tailrec import net.pushl.io.MyConsole // Document: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/#package // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- case class Dungeon(val g: Int, val d: Int) class Solver(val stdio: MyConsole){ import stdio._ // shadow Console.~ def calc(dl: Dungeon) : Int = dl match { case Dungeon(g,d) => g - 30000*d } def solve(dl: List[Dungeon]) : Option[List[Int]] = { val m = dl.zipWithIndex.sortBy({case (d,i) => -calc(d)}) val ans = (1 to (dl.length min 6)).reverse.map(i => { val duni = Stream.continually(m.take(i).toStream).flatten.take(6).toList val score = duni.map({case (d,i) => calc(d)}).sum (duni.map(_._2), score) }) ans.find(i => i._2 >= 3000000).map(_._1.map(_+1)) } def main() : Unit = { val n = nextInt val d = (1 to n).map(_ => { val g,d = nextInt Dungeon(g,d) }).toList val a = solve(d) val sa = a match { case None => "NO" case Some(l) => "YES\n" + l.mkString("\n") } println(sa) } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- object Main { def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = { val console = new MyConsole(Console.in, Console.out, Console.err) val solver = new Solver(console) solver.main() console.flush() } } package net.pushl.io { import java.io.{BufferedReader, PrintWriter, PrintStream, PushbackReader} class MyConsole(val in: BufferedReader, val _out: PrintStream, val err: PrintStream) { // PrintWriter do not flush automatically val out = new PrintWriter(_out,false) // If argument is null, there are ambiguous which function will be called def print(obj: Any) = out.print(if(obj == null) "null" else obj.toString) def println() = out.println() def println(obj: Any) = out.println(obj) def printf(text: String, args: Any*) = out.printf(text.format(args : _*)) // NOTE: YOU MUST FLUSH BEFORE END OF MAIN def flush() = out.flush() def debugln(obj: Any) = err.println("\u001b[36m" + obj + "\u001b[0m") def readIntVector() : Vector[Int] = parseLineToVector(() => nextInt) def readLongVector() : Vector[Long] = parseLineToVector(() => nextLong) def readStringVector() : Vector[String] = parseLineToVector(() => nextString) def nextInt() : Int = nextLong().toInt def nextBigInt() : BigInt = BigInt(nextString()) def nextBigDecimal( ) : BigDecimal = BigDecimal(nextString()) def nextDouble() : Double = nextString().toDouble def nextLong() : Long = { if(!goNextValuable()) throw new NoSuchElementException("Reading long failed") val sgn = if(peek == '-') -1l else 1 if(sgn == -1l) ignore(read()) if(peek < '0' || '9' < peek) throw new NumberFormatException(s"readLong found only '-' or no number") @tailrec def readLong(next: Int, cur: Long) : Long = if('0' <= next && next <= '9'){ ignore(read()) // is equal to next readLong(peek, cur*10 + next-'0') } else if(isEnd(next) || isSpaceOrControl(next)) sgn*cur else throw new NumberFormatException(s"readLong found strange byte $next") val res = readLong(peek,0) skipTrailingSpaces() res } def nextString() : String = { if(!goNextValuable()) throw new NoSuchElementException("Reading String failed") val builder = new StringBuilder @tailrec def appendCode(next: Int) : String = { if(isEnd(next) || isSpaceOrControl(next)){ builder.toString }else{ builder.append(read().toChar) // here we skip. appendCode(peek) } } val res = appendCode(peek) skipTrailingSpaces() res } // TODO: refactoring to marge nextString def readLine() : String = { if(isEnd(peek)) throw new NoSuchElementException("Reading Line failed") skipNewline() val builder = new StringBuilder @tailrec def appendCode(next: Int) : String = { if(isEnd(next) || isNewLine(next)){ builder.toString }else{ builder.append(next.toChar) appendCode(read()) } } appendCode(read()) } // helpers private def ignore[T](x: => T) : Unit = { x; () } private[this] var peeked: Option[Int] = None private[this] var is_first = true protected def read() = { val res = peeked match { case None => in.read() case Some(a) => { peeked = None; a } } is_first = false res } private def peek() = peeked match { case None => { val res = in.read() peeked = Some(res) res } case Some(a) => a } private def isEnd(c: Int) = c == -1 private def isCR(c: Int) = c == 13 private def isLF(c: Int) = c == 10 private def isNewLine(c: Int) = isLF(c) || isCR(c) private def isThereReadable() = !isEnd(peek) private def isSpaceOrControl(c: Int) = (0 <= c && c <= 32) || c == 127 @tailrec final private def goNextNotSpaceNorControl() : Unit = if(isSpaceOrControl(peek)){ ignore(read()) goNextNotSpaceNorControl() } final private def skipTrailingSpaces() : Unit = { @tailrec def skipTrailingSpacesAux() : Unit = { if(!isNewLine(peek) && isSpaceOrControl(peek)){ ignore(read()) skipTrailingSpacesAux() } } skipTrailingSpacesAux() } final private def skipNewline() : Unit = if(!is_first){ if(isCR(peek)) ignore(read()) if(isLF(peek)) ignore(read()) } private def goNextValuable() : Boolean = { goNextNotSpaceNorControl() isThereReadable() } private def parseLineToVector[X](parser: () => X) : Vector[X] = { import scala.collection.immutable.VectorBuilder val vb = new VectorBuilder[X]() skipNewline() @tailrec def parseLineToVectorAux() : Vector[X] = if(isNewLine(peek) || isEnd(peek)) { vb.result }else{ vb += parser() parseLineToVectorAux() } parseLineToVectorAux() } } }