問題 | No.900 aδδitivee |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2020-04-06 03:18:45 |
言語 | C++14 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 558 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 18,216 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 2,556 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 207,424 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 60,944 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-07-05 04:31:05 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 16,407 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge2 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 2 |
other | AC * 27 |
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;using ll = long long;#define ALL(obj) (obj).begin(),(obj).end()#define SPEED cin.tie(0);ios::sync_with_stdio(false);template<class T> using PQ = priority_queue<T>;template<class T> using PQR = priority_queue<T,vector<T>,greater<T>>;constexpr long long MOD = (long long)1e9 + 7;constexpr long long MOD2 = 998244353;constexpr long long HIGHINF = (long long)1e18;constexpr long long LOWINF = (long long)1e15;constexpr long double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433L;template <class T> vector<T> multivector(size_t N,T init){return vector<T>(N,init);}template <class... T> auto multivector(size_t N,T... t){return vector<decltype(multivector(t...))>(N,multivector(t...));}template <class T> void corner(bool flg, T hoge) {if (flg) {cout << hoge << endl; exit(0);}}template <class T, class U>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const map<T, U>&obj) {o << "{"; for (auto &x : obj) o << " {" << x.first << " : " << x.second << "}" << ","; o << " }"; return o;}template <class T>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const set<T>&obj) {o << "{"; for (auto itr = obj.begin(); itr != obj.end(); ++itr) o << (itr != obj.begin() ? ", " : "") << *itr; o << "}"; return o;}template <class T>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const multiset<T>&obj) {o << "{"; for (auto itr = obj.begin(); itr != obj.end(); ++itr) o << (itr != obj.begin() ? ", " : "") << *itr; o << "}"; return o;}template <class T>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const vector<T>&obj) {o << "{"; for (int i = 0; i < (int)obj.size(); ++i)o << (i > 0 ? ", " : "")<< obj[i]; o << "}"; return o;}template <class T, class U>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const pair<T, U>&obj) {o << "{" << obj.first << ", " << obj.second << "}"; return o;}template <template <class tmp> class T, class U> ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const T<U> &obj) {o << "{"; for (auto itr = obj.begin(); itr != obj.end(); ++itr)o << (itr != obj.begin() ? ", " : "") << *itr; o << "}"; return o;}void print(void) {cout << endl;}template <class Head> void print(Head&& head) {cout << head;print();}template <class Head, class... Tail> void print(Head&& head, Tail&&... tail) {cout << head << " ";print(forward<Tail>(tail)...);}template <class T> void chmax(T& a, const T b){a=max(a,b);}template <class T> void chmin(T& a, const T b){a=min(a,b);}void YN(bool flg) {cout << (flg ? "YES" : "NO") << endl;}void Yn(bool flg) {cout << (flg ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;}void yn(bool flg) {cout << (flg ? "yes" : "no") << endl;}template<class Operator> class Tree {Operator Op;using typeDist = decltype(Op.unitDist);size_t num;size_t ord;public:vector<vector<pair<size_t,typeDist>>> edge;vector<size_t> depth;vector<size_t> order;vector<size_t> reorder;vector<typeDist> dist;vector<pair<size_t,typeDist>> parent;vector<vector<pair<size_t,typeDist>>> child;vector<array<pair<size_t,typeDist>,Operator::bit>> ancestor;vector<size_t> size;vector<vector<size_t>> descendant;vector<size_t> head;vector<size_t> hldorder;vector<size_t> eulertour;vector<pair<size_t,size_t>> eulertourrange;Tree(const int num):num(num),edge(num),depth(num,-1),order(num),dist(num){}//O(1) anytimevoid makeEdge(const int& from, const int& to, const typeDist w = 1) {edge[from].push_back({to,w});}//O(N) anytimevoid makeDepth(const int root) {depth[root] = 0;dist[root] = Op.unitDist;ord = 0;dfs1(root);order[ord++] = root;reverse_copy(order.begin(),order.end(),back_inserter(reorder));}//O(N) anytimevoid makeDepth(void) {ord = 0;for(size_t root = 0; root < num; ++root) {if(depth[root] != -1) continue;depth[root] = 0;dist[root] = Op.unitDist;dfs1(root);order[ord++] = root;}reverse_copy(order.begin(),order.end(),back_inserter(reorder));}//for makeDepthvoid dfs1(int curr, int prev = -1){for(auto& e:edge[curr]){int next = e.first;if(next==prev) continue;depth[next] = depth[curr] + 1;dist[next] = Op.funcDist(dist[curr],e.second);dfs1(next,curr);order[ord++] = next;}}//O(N) after makeDepthvoid makeParent(void) {parent.resize(num,make_pair(num,Op.unitDist));for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) for (auto& e : edge[i]) if (depth[i] > depth[e.first]) parent[i] = e;}//O(N) after makeDepthvoid makeChild(void) {child.resize(num);for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) for (auto& e : edge[i]) if (depth[i] < depth[e.first]) child[i].push_back(e);}//O(NlogN) after makeDepth and makeParentvoid makeAncestor(void) {ancestor.resize(num);for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) ancestor[i][0] = (parent[i].first!=num?parent[i]:make_pair(i,Op.unitLca));for (size_t j = 1; j < Operator::bit; ++j) {for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {size_t k = ancestor[i][j - 1].first;ancestor[i][j] = Op.funcLca(ancestor[k][j - 1],ancestor[i][j - 1]);}}}//O(logN) after makeAncestor//return {lca,lca_dist} l and r must be connectedpair<size_t,typeDist> lca(size_t l, size_t r) {if (depth[l] < depth[r]) swap(l, r);int diff = depth[l] - depth[r];auto ancl = make_pair(l,Op.unitLca);auto ancr = make_pair(r,Op.unitLca);for (int j = 0; j < Operator::bit; ++j) {if (diff & (1 << j)) {ancl = Op.funcLca(ancestor[ancl.first][j],ancl);}}if(ancl.first==ancr.first) return ancl;for (int j = Operator::bit - 1; 0 <= j; --j) {if(ancestor[ancl.first][j].first!=ancestor[ancr.first][j].first) {ancl = Op.funcLca(ancestor[ancl.first][j],ancl);ancr = Op.funcLca(ancestor[ancr.first][j],ancr);}}ancl = Op.funcLca(ancestor[ancl.first][0],ancl);ancr = Op.funcLca(ancestor[ancr.first][0],ancr);return Op.funcLca(ancl,ancr);}//O(N) anytimeint diameter(void){makeDepth(0);int tmp = max_element(depth.begin(), depth.end()) - depth.begin();makeDepth(tmp);return *max_element(depth.begin(), depth.end());}//O(N^2) after makeDepth (include self)void makeDescendant(void) {descendant.resize(num);for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) descendant[i].push_back(i);for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) for (auto& e : edge[order[i]]) if (depth[order[i]] < depth[e.first]) for(auto k: descendant[e.first])descendant[order[i]].push_back(k);}//O(N) after makeChildvoid makeSize(void) {size.resize(num,1);for (size_t i:order) for (auto e : child[i]) size[i] += size[e.first];}//(N) after makeDepth and makeChildtemplate<class typeReroot> vector<typeReroot> rerooting(vector<typeReroot> rerootdp,vector<typeReroot> rerootparent) {for(size_t pa:order) for(auto& e:child[pa]) rerootdp[pa] = Op.funcReroot(rerootdp[pa],rerootdp[e.first]);for(size_t pa:reorder) {if(depth[pa]) rerootdp[pa] = Op.funcReroot(rerootdp[pa],rerootparent[pa]);size_t m = child[pa].size();for(int j = 0; j < m && depth[pa]; ++j){size_t ch = child[pa][j].first;rerootparent[ch] = Op.funcReroot(rerootparent[ch],rerootparent[pa]);}if(m <= 1) continue;vector<typeReroot> l(m),r(m);for(int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {size_t ch = child[pa][j].first;l[j] = rerootdp[ch];r[j] = rerootdp[ch];}for(int j = 1; j+1 < m; ++j) l[j] = Op.funcRerootMerge(l[j],l[j-1]);for(int j = m-2; 0 <=j; --j) r[j] = Op.funcRerootMerge(r[j],r[j+1]);size_t chl = child[pa].front().first;size_t chr = child[pa].back().first;rerootparent[chl] = Op.funcReroot(rerootparent[chl],r[1]);rerootparent[chr] = Op.funcReroot(rerootparent[chr],l[m-2]);for(int j = 1; j+1 < m; ++j) {size_t ch = child[pa][j].first;rerootparent[ch] = Op.funcReroot(rerootparent[ch],l[j-1]);rerootparent[ch] = Op.funcReroot(rerootparent[ch],r[j+1]);}}return rerootdp;}//O(N) after makeDepth,makeParent,makeChildvoid heavyLightDecomposition(){head.resize(num);hldorder.resize(num);iota(head.begin(),head.end(),0);for(size_t& pa:reorder) {pair<size_t,size_t> maxi = {0,num};for(auto& e:child[pa]) maxi = max(maxi,{size[e.first],e.first});if(maxi.first) head[maxi.second] = head[pa];}stack<size_t> st;size_t cnt = 0;for(size_t& top:reorder){if(head[top]!=top) continue;st.push(top);while(st.size()){size_t pa = st.top();st.pop();hldorder[pa] = cnt++;for(auto& e:child[pa]) if(head[e.first]==head[pa]) st.push(e.first);}}}//after hld type 0: vertex, 1: edgevector<pair<size_t,size_t>> path(size_t u,size_t v,int type = 0) {vector<pair<size_t,size_t>> path;while(1){if(hldorder[u]>hldorder[v]) swap(u,v);if(head[u]!=head[v]) {path.push_back({hldorder[head[v]],hldorder[v]});v=parent[head[v]].first;}else {path.push_back({hldorder[u],hldorder[v]});break;}}reverse(path.begin(),path.end());if(type) path.front().first++;return path;}size_t hldLca(size_t u,size_t v){while(1){if(hldorder[u]>hldorder[v]) swap(u,v);if(head[u]==head[v]) return u;v=parent[head[v]].first;}}//O(N) after makeChild and makeParentvoid makeEulerTour(void){dfs2(reorder.front());eulertourrange.resize(num);for(int i = 0; i < eulertour.size(); ++i) eulertourrange[eulertour[i]].second = i;for(int i = eulertour.size()-1; 0 <= i; --i) eulertourrange[eulertour[i]].first = i;return;}//for makeEulerTourvoid dfs2(int from, int prev = -1){eulertour.push_back(from);for(auto& e:child[from]){int to = e.first;dfs2(to,from);eulertour.push_back(from);}}};//depth,dist//https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc126/tasks/abc126_d//child//https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc133/tasks/abc133_e//lca//https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc014/tasks/abc014_4//weighted lca//https://atcoder.jp/contests/code-thanks-festival-2017-open/tasks/code_thanks_festival_2017_h//https://atcoder.jp/contests/cf16-tournament-round1-open/tasks/asaporo_c//diameter//https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc033/tasks/agc033_c//descendant//https://atcoder.jp/contests/code-thanks-festival-2018/tasks/code_thanks_festival_2018_f//rerooting//https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/922//size//https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/872//eulerTour//https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/900//hld//https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/399//https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/650template<class typeDist> struct treeOperator{static const size_t bit = 20;typeDist unitDist = 0;typeDist unitLca = 0;typeDist funcDist(const typeDist& parent,const typeDist& w){return parent+w;}pair<size_t,typeDist> funcLca(const pair<size_t,typeDist>& l,const pair<size_t,typeDist>& r){return make_pair(l.first,l.second+r.second);}template<class typeReroot> typeReroot funcReroot(const typeReroot& l,const typeReroot& r) {return {l.first+r.first+r.second,l.second+r.second};}template<class typeReroot> typeReroot funcRerootMerge(const typeReroot& l,const typeReroot& r) {return {l.first+r.first,l.second+r.second};}};template<class Operator> class LazySegmentTree {Operator Op;using typeNode = decltype(Op.unitNode);using typeLazy = decltype(Op.unitLazy);size_t num;size_t length;size_t height;vector<typeNode> node;vector<typeLazy> lazy;vector<pair<size_t,size_t>> range;public://unitで初期化LazySegmentTree(const size_t num) : num(num) {for (length = 1,height = 0; length < num; length *= 2, height++);node.resize(2 * length, Op.unitNode);lazy.resize(2 * length, Op.unitLazy);for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) node[i + length] = Op.unitNode;for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) node[i] = Op.funcNode(node[(i<<1)+0],node[(i<<1)+1]);range.resize(2 * length);for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) range[i+length] = make_pair(i,i+1);for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) range[i] = make_pair(range[(i<<1)+0].first,range[(i<<1)+1].second);}// //同じinitで初期化LazySegmentTree(const size_t num, const typeNode init) : num(num) {for (length = 1,height = 0; length < num; length *= 2, height++);node.resize(2 * length, Op.unitNode);lazy.resize(2 * length, Op.unitLazy);for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) node[i + length] = init;for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) node[i] = Op.funcNode(node[(i<<1)+0],node[(i<<1)+1]);range.resize(2 * length);for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) range[i+length] = make_pair(i,i+1);for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) range[i] = make_pair(range[(i<<1)+0].first,range[(i<<1)+1].second);}//vectorで初期化LazySegmentTree(const vector<typeNode>& vec) : num(vec.size()) {for (length = 1,height = 0; length < vec.size(); length *= 2, height++);node.resize(2 * length, Op.unitNode);lazy.resize(2 * length, Op.unitLazy);for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) node[i + length] = vec[i];for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) node[i] = Op.funcNode(node[(i<<1)+0],node[(i<<1)+1]);range.resize(2 * length);for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) range[i+length] = make_pair(i,i+1);for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) range[i] = make_pair(range[(i<<1)+0].first,range[(i<<1)+1].second);}void propagate(int k) {if(lazy[k] == Op.unitLazy) return;node[k] = Op.funcMerge(node[k],lazy[k],range[k].second-range[k].first);if(k < length) lazy[2*k+0] = Op.funcLazy(lazy[2*k+0],lazy[k]);if(k < length) lazy[2*k+1] = Op.funcLazy(lazy[2*k+1],lazy[k]);lazy[k] = Op.unitLazy;}//update [a,b)void update(int a, int b, typeLazy x) {int l = a + length, r = b + length - 1;for (int i = height; 0 < i; --i) propagate(l >> i), propagate(r >> i);for(r++; l < r; l >>=1, r >>=1) {if(l&1) lazy[l] = Op.funcLazy(lazy[l],x), propagate(l),l++;if(r&1) --r,lazy[r] = Op.funcLazy(lazy[r],x), propagate(r);}l = a + length, r = b + length - 1;while ((l>>=1),(r>>=1),l) {if(lazy[l] == Op.unitLazy) node[l] = Op.funcNode(Op.funcMerge(node[(l<<1)+0],lazy[(l<<1)+0],range[(l<<1)+0].second-range[(l<<1)+0].first),Op.funcMerge(node[(l<<1)+1],lazy[(l<<1)+1],range[(l<<1)+1].second-range[(l<<1)+1].first));if(lazy[r] == Op.unitLazy) node[r] = Op.funcNode(Op.funcMerge(node[(r<<1)+0],lazy[(r<<1)+0],range[(r<<1)+0].second-range[(r<<1)+0].first),Op.funcMerge(node[(r<<1)+1],lazy[(r<<1)+1],range[(r<<1)+1].second-range[(r<<1)+1].first));}}//get [a,b)typeNode get(int a, int b) {int l = a + length, r = b + length - 1;for (int i = height; 0 < i; --i) propagate(l >> i), propagate(r >> i);typeNode vl = Op.unitNode, vr = Op.unitNode;for(r++; l < r; l >>=1, r >>=1) {if(l&1) vl = Op.funcNode(vl,Op.funcMerge(node[l],lazy[l],range[l].second-range[l].first)),l++;if(r&1) r--,vr = Op.funcNode(Op.funcMerge(node[r],lazy[r],range[r].second-range[r].first),vr);}return Op.funcNode(vl,vr);}//return [0,length]int PrefixBinarySearch(typeNode var) {int l = length, r = 2*length - 1;for (int i = height; 0 < i; --i) propagate(l >> i), propagate(r >> i);if(!Op.funcCheck(node[1],var)) return num;typeNode ret = Op.unitNode;size_t idx = 2;for(; idx < 2*length; idx<<=1){if(!Op.funcCheck(Op.funcNode(ret,Op.funcMerge(node[idx],lazy[idx],range[idx].second-range[idx].first)),var)) {ret = Op.funcNode(ret,Op.funcMerge(node[idx],lazy[idx],range[idx].second-range[idx].first));idx++;}}return min((idx>>1) - length,num);}//range[l,r) return [l,r]int BinarySearch(size_t l, size_t r, typeNode var) {if (l < 0 || length <= l || r < 0 || length < r) return -1;for (int i = height; 0 < i; --i) propagate((l+length) >> i), propagate((r+length-1) >> i);typeNode ret = Op.unitNode;size_t off = l;for(size_t idx = l+length; idx < 2*length && off < r; ){if(range[idx].second<=r && !Op.funcCheck(Op.funcNode(ret,Op.funcMerge(node[idx],lazy[idx],range[idx].second-range[idx].first)),var)) {ret = Op.funcNode(ret,Op.funcMerge(node[idx],lazy[idx],range[idx].second-range[idx].first));off = range[idx++].second;if(!(idx&1)) idx >>= 1;}else{idx <<=1;}}return off;}void print(){// cout << "node" << endl;// for(int i = 1,j = 1; i < 2*length; ++i) {// cout << node[i] << " ";// if(i==((1<<j)-1) && ++j) cout << endl;// }// cout << "lazy" << endl;// for(int i = 1,j = 1; i < 2*length; ++i) {// cout << lazy[i] << " ";// if(i==((1<<j)-1) && ++j) cout << endl;// }cout << "vector" << endl;cout << "{ " << get(0,1);for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) cout << ", " << get(i,i+1);cout << " }" << endl;}};//node:総和 lazy:加算template<class typeNode, class typeLazy> struct nodeSumLazyAdd {typeNode unitNode = {0,0};typeLazy unitLazy = 0;typeNode funcNode(typeNode l,typeNode r){return {l.first+r.first,l.second+r.second};}typeLazy funcLazy(typeLazy l,typeLazy r){return l+r;}typeNode funcMerge(typeNode l,typeLazy r,int len){return {l.first+l.second*r,l.second};}bool funcCheck(typeNode nodeVal,typeNode var){return var <= nodeVal;}// LazySegmentTree<nodeSumLazyPlus<ll,ll>> Seg(N,0);};int main() {int N; cin >> N;Tree<treeOperator<ll>> tree(N);map<pair<ll,ll>,ll> mp;for(int i = 0; i < N-1; ++i) {int u,v,w; cin >> u >> v >> w;tree.makeEdge(u,v,w);tree.makeEdge(v,u,w);mp[{u,v}] = mp[{v,u}] = w;}tree.makeDepth();tree.makeChild();tree.makeEulerTour();int M = tree.eulertour.size();vector<pair<ll,ll>> A(M,{0,0});for(int i = 1; i < M; ++i) {int l = tree.eulertour[i-1],r = tree.eulertour[i];int sgn = (tree.depth[l]<tree.depth[r]?1:-1);A[i] = {sgn*mp[{l,r}],sgn};}LazySegmentTree<nodeSumLazyAdd<pair<ll,ll>,ll>> seg(A);int Q; cin >> Q;for(int i = 0; i < Q; ++i) {int q; cin >> q;if(q==1){int a; cin >> a;ll x; cin >> x;seg.update(tree.eulertourrange[a].first+1,tree.eulertourrange[a].second+1,x);}else{int b; cin >> b;cout << seg.get(0,tree.eulertourrange[b].first+1).first << endl;}}return 0;}