
問題 No.1030 だんしんぐぱーりない
ユーザー b2563125b2563125
提出日時 2020-04-17 22:25:06
言語 C++14
(gcc 12.3.0 + boost 1.83.0)
実行時間 651 ms / 2,000 ms
コード長 6,988 bytes
コンパイル時間 1,902 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 129,920 KB
実行使用メモリ 36,556 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-10-03 13:56:03
合計ジャッジ時間 15,239 ms
judge1 / judge3


入力 結果 実行時間
testcase_00 AC 3 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_01 AC 3 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_02 AC 3 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_03 AC 3 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_04 AC 3 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_05 AC 371 ms
32,700 KB
testcase_06 AC 359 ms
24,868 KB
testcase_07 AC 223 ms
13,440 KB
testcase_08 AC 224 ms
15,912 KB
testcase_09 AC 333 ms
32,240 KB
testcase_10 AC 144 ms
9,088 KB
testcase_11 AC 387 ms
18,456 KB
testcase_12 AC 259 ms
30,592 KB
testcase_13 AC 263 ms
26,756 KB
testcase_14 AC 419 ms
25,688 KB
testcase_15 AC 167 ms
6,820 KB
testcase_16 AC 303 ms
23,468 KB
testcase_17 AC 292 ms
34,060 KB
testcase_18 AC 429 ms
26,716 KB
testcase_19 AC 208 ms
12,544 KB
testcase_20 AC 258 ms
20,240 KB
testcase_21 AC 274 ms
24,872 KB
testcase_22 AC 235 ms
21,016 KB
testcase_23 AC 335 ms
18,532 KB
testcase_24 AC 364 ms
9,856 KB
testcase_25 AC 319 ms
17,392 KB
testcase_26 AC 163 ms
7,040 KB
testcase_27 AC 228 ms
6,912 KB
testcase_28 AC 347 ms
23,592 KB
testcase_29 AC 184 ms
29,976 KB
testcase_30 AC 202 ms
21,832 KB
testcase_31 AC 237 ms
19,340 KB
testcase_32 AC 341 ms
24,972 KB
testcase_33 AC 398 ms
30,580 KB
testcase_34 AC 143 ms
9,856 KB
testcase_35 AC 651 ms
36,480 KB
testcase_36 AC 583 ms
36,556 KB
testcase_37 AC 574 ms
36,428 KB
testcase_38 AC 619 ms
36,556 KB
testcase_39 AC 602 ms
36,552 KB
testcase_40 AC 3 ms
6,816 KB
testcase_41 AC 3 ms
6,816 KB
main.cpp:19: warning: "M_PI" redefined
   19 | #define M_PI 3.141592653589793238
In file included from /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gcc@12/12.3.0/include/c++/12/cmath:45,
                 from main.cpp:14:
/usr/include/math.h:1151: note: this is the location of the previous definition
 1151 | # define M_PI           3.14159265358979323846  /* pi */


diff #

#include <numeric>
#include <array>
#include <complex>
#define M_PI 3.141592653589793238
using namespace std;
long long p9 = 998244353;
long long p1 = 1000000007;
#define upperbound(v,val) upper_bound(v.begin(),v.end(),val)-v.begin()
#define lowerbound(v,val) lower_bound(v.begin(),v.end(),val)-v.begin()
#define int long long
#define ll long long
#define vel vector<ll>
#define vvel vector<vel>
#define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
#define sor(v) sort(v.begin(),v.end())
#define mmax(a,b) a=max(a,b)
#define mmin(a,b) a=min(a,b)
#define mkp(a,b) make_pair(a,b)
#define pin pair<ll,ll>
#define qin pair<pin,int>
#define V vector
#define Endl endl
#define veb vector<bool>
#define fcout cout << fixed << setprecision(15)
#define rev(s) reverse(s.begin(),s.end())
#define lower(h,val) (lower_bound(h.begin(),h.end(),val)-h.begin())
#define upper(h,val) (upper_bound(h.begin(),h.end(),val)-h.begin())
#define vveb V<veb>
#define omajinai cin.tie(0);ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
#define endl "\n"
#define pb push_back
#define all(v) v.begin(),v.end()
vel kai;
vel inv_kai;
vel inv;
int root(int x, vel& pa) {
	if (pa[x] == -1) { return x; }
	int ans = root(pa[x], pa); pa[x] = ans;
	return ans;
bool mar(int x, int y, vel& pa) {
	x = root(x, pa);
	y = root(y, pa);
	if (x != y) { pa[x] = y; }
	return (x != y);
int gcd(int x, int y) {
	if (x < y) { return gcd(y, x); }
	if (y == 0) { return x; }
	return gcd(y, x % y);
int lcm(ll x, ll y) {
	x = abs(x); y = abs(y);
	return x * (y / gcd(x, y));
long long modinv(long long a, long long m) {
	long long b = m, u = 1, v = 0;
	while (b) {
		long long t = a / b;
		a -= t * b; swap(a, b);
		u -= t * v; swap(u, v);
	u %= m;
	if (u < 0) u += m;
	return u;
void make_inv(int max_inv, int p) {
	inv = vel(max_inv + 1, 1);
	for (int i = 2; i <= max_inv; i++) {
		inv[i] = p - ((p / i) * inv[p % i]) % p;
void make_kai(int max_kai, int p) {
	kai = vel(max_kai + 1, 1);
	inv_kai = kai;
	make_inv(max_kai, p);
	rep(i, max_kai) {
		kai[i + 1] = kai[i] * (i + 1); kai[i + 1] %= p;
		inv_kai[i + 1] = inv_kai[i] * inv[i + 1]; inv_kai[i + 1] %= p;
int com(int n, int r,int p) {
	if ((n < 0) || (r < 0) || (r > n)) { return 0; }
	int ans = (kai[n] * inv_kai[r]) % p;
	return (ans * inv_kai[n - r]) % p;
int per(int n, int r,int p) {
	if ((n < 0) || (r < 0) || (r > n)) { return 0; }
	return (kai[n] * inv_kai[n - r]) % p;
vel uni(vel x) {
	if (x.size() == 0) { return x; }
	int n = x.size();
	vel ans(1, x[0]);
	for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
		if (x[j - 1] != x[j]) { ans.push_back(x[j]); }
	x = ans;
	return x;
vel dijk(V<V<pin>>& way, int st, int inf) {
	int n = way.size();
	vel dist(n, inf); dist[st] = 0;
	priority_queue<pin, vector<pin>, greater<pin>> pq;
	pq.push(mkp(0, st));
	veb is_checked(n, false);
	while (!pq.empty()) {
		pin x = pq.top(); pq.pop();
		int pot = x.second;
		if (!is_checked[pot]) {
			is_checked[pot] = true;
			for (auto y : way[pot]) {
				int nex_dist = x.first + y.second;
				int nex_pot = y.first;
				if (dist[nex_pot] > nex_dist) {
					dist[nex_pot] = nex_dist;
					pq.push(mkp(nex_dist, y.first));
	return dist;
V<V<pin>> way;
void make_tree(vvel& chi, vel& par,vel &dep,int n) {
	way = V<V<pin>>(n);
	rep(i, n - 1) {
		int a, b; cin >> a >> b; a--; b--;
		way[a].push_back(mkp(b, 1));
		way[b].push_back(mkp(a, 1));
	vel dist = dijk(way,0, n + 1);
	par = vel(n, -1);
	chi = vvel(n);
	rep(i, n) {
		for (auto nex : way[i]) {
			int pot = nex.first;
			if (dist[pot] > dist[i]) { chi[i].push_back(pot); }
			else { par[i] = pot; }
	dep = dist;
void pri(vel& v) {
	if (v.size() == 0) { return; }
	cout << v[0];
	rep(i, v.size() - 1) { cout << " " << v[i + 1]; }
	cout << endl;
int modpow(int a, int n, int p) {
	if (n == 0) { return 1; }
	int m = n / 2;
	int x = modpow(a, n / 2, p);
	x *= x; x %= p;
	if (n % 2 == 1) { x *= a; x %= p; }
	return x;
vel dx = { 0,0,-1,1 };
vel dy = { 1,-1,0,0 };
vel sl(vel& g, int x) {
	vel ans;
	auto itr = upper_bound(all(g), x);
	if (itr != g.end()) { ans.push_back(*itr); }
	if (itr != g.begin()) { itr--; ans.push_back(*itr); }
	return ans;
#define sq(n) ((n)*(n))
vvel disj_min(vel& v) {
	int n = v.size();
	vvel ret(22, vel(n));
	ret[0] = v;
	rep(i, 21) {
		rep(j, n) {
			int nex = j + (1 << i);
			if (nex < n) {
				ret[i + 1][j] = min(ret[i][j], ret[i][nex]);
			else {
				ret[i + 1][j] = ret[i][j];
	return ret;
vvel disj_max(vel& v) {
	int n = v.size();
	vvel ret(22, vel(n));
	ret[0] = v;
	rep(i, 21) {
		rep(j, n) {
			int nex = j + (1 << i);
			if (nex < n) {
				ret[i + 1][j] = max(ret[i][j], ret[i][nex]);
			else {
				ret[i + 1][j] = ret[i][j];
	return ret;
int find_min(vvel& dv, int l, int r) {
	int i = 21;
	while (l + (1 << i) > r) {
	return min(dv[i][l], dv[i][r - (1 << i)]);
int find_max(vvel& dv, int l, int r) {
	int i = 21;
	while (l + (1 << i) > r) {
	return max(dv[i][l], dv[i][r - (1 << i)]);
/*void pri(vel& v) {
	if (v.size() == 0) { return; }
	cout << v[0];
	rep(i, v.size() - 1) { cout << " " << v[i + 1]; }
	cout << endl;
vvel dbl(vel& v) {
	vvel ans(20, vel(v));
	int n = v.size();
	rep(i, 19) {
		rep(j, n) {
			ans[i + 1][j] = ans[i][ans[i][j]];
	return ans;
int lca(int s, int t, int diff, vvel& pa) {
	if (diff < 0) { return lca(t, s, -diff, pa); }
	rep(i, 19) {
		if ((diff & (1 << i)) != 0) {
			s = pa[i][s];
	for (int i = 19; i >= 0; i--) {
		if (pa[i][s] != pa[i][t]) {
			s = pa[i][s];
			t = pa[i][t];
	if (s != t) {
		s = pa[0][s];
	return s;
vvel dpa;
vel dist;
int qlc(int a, int b) {
	if (a == -1) { return b; }
	if (b == -1) { return a; }
	return lca(a, b, dist[a] - dist[b], dpa);
int sz = 1 << 17;
vel seg(sz * 2,-1);
void cha(int i,int val) {
	i += sz;
	seg[i] = val;
	i /= 2;
	while (i != 0) {
		seg[i] = qlc(seg[2 * i], seg[2 * i + 1]); i /= 2;
int gt(int l, int r) {
	int x = -1;
	l += sz; r += sz;
	while (l < r) {
		if (l & 1) { x = qlc(x, seg[l++]); }
		if (r & 1) { x = qlc(x, seg[--r]); }
		l /= 2; r /= 2;
	return x;
void solve(int i,vvel &chi,vel &pa, vel& c) {
	if (pa[i] != -1) { mmax(c[i], c[pa[i]]); }
	for (auto x : chi[i]) { solve(x, chi, pa, c); }
signed main() {
	int n, k, q; cin >> n >> k >> q;
	vel c(n);
	rep(i, n) { cin >> c[i]; }
	vel a(k);
	rep(i, k) { cin >> a[i]; a[i]--; }
	vel pa; vvel chi;
	make_tree(chi, pa, dist, n); pa[0] = 0;
	dpa = dbl(pa);
	solve(0,chi,pa, c);
	rep(i, k) {
		cha(i, a[i]);
	rep(i, q) {
		int t; cin >> t;
		if (t == 1) {
			int x, y; cin >> x >> y; x--; y--;
			a[x] = y;
			cha(x, a[x]);
		else {
			int l, r; cin >> l >> r;
			cout << c[gt(l, r)] << endl;
	return 0;