
問題 No.1039 Project Euler でやれ
ユーザー maspy
提出日時 2020-04-24 22:17:31
言語 Python3
(3.13.1 + numpy 2.2.1 + scipy 1.14.1)
実行時間 -
コード長 1,958 bytes
コンパイル時間 181 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 12,672 KB
実行使用メモリ 44,004 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-10-15 03:01:31
合計ジャッジ時間 12,444 ms
judge4 / judge3
ファイルパターン 結果
sample RE * 2
other RE * 18


diff #

import sys
read = sys.stdin.buffer.read
readline = sys.stdin.buffer.readline
readlines = sys.stdin.buffer.readlines
import numpy as np
from functools import lru_cache

MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7

U = 10 ** 3 + 10
is_prime = np.zeros(U, np.bool)
is_prime[2] = 1
is_prime[3::2] = 1
for p in range(3, U, 2):
    if p * p >= U:
    if is_prime[p]:
        is_prime[p * p:: p + p] = 0
primes = np.where(is_prime)[0]

def cumprod(A, MOD=MOD):
    L = len(A)
    Lsq = int(L**.5 + 1)
    A = np.resize(A, Lsq**2).reshape(Lsq, Lsq)
    for n in range(1, Lsq):
        A[:, n] *= A[:, n - 1]
        A[:, n] %= MOD
    for n in range(1, Lsq):
        A[n] *= A[n - 1, -1]
        A[n] %= MOD
    return A.ravel()[:L]

def make_fact(U, MOD=MOD):
    x = np.arange(U, dtype=np.int64)
    x[0] = 1
    fact = cumprod(x, MOD)
    fact.flags.writeable = False
    return fact

def factor(M):
    pf = primes[M % primes == 0]
    for p in pf:
        e = 0
        while M % p == 0:
            M //= p
            e += 1
        yield (int(p), e)
    if M > 1:
        yield (M, 1)

def GL(p, n):
    # count the element of GL(n,F_p)
    x = 1
    for i in range(n):
        x *= (p ** n - p ** i)
    return x % MOD

def Aut(p, e, partition):
    # count Aut(prod Z/p^{n_i})
    k = len(partition)
    x = p ** e
    return GL(p, k) * pow(p, (e - k) * k, MOD) % MOD

def make_partitions(N, largest=None):
    if N == 0:
        yield []
    if largest is None:
        largest = N
    if largest > N:
        largest = N
    for i in range(largest, 0, -1):
        for p in make_partitions(N - i, i):
            yield p + [i]

def compute_p_part(p, e):
    # sum(1 / Aut)
    x = 0
    for par in make_partitions(e):
        aut = Aut(p, e, par)
        x += pow(aut, MOD - 2, MOD)
    return x

M = int(read())
fact = make_fact(M + 10)
x = fact[M]

for p, e in factor(M):
    x *= compute_p_part(p, e)
    x %= MOD