問題 | No.1036 Make One With GCD 2 |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2020-04-25 19:15:36 |
言語 | Rust (1.83.0 + proconio) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 16,992 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 14,580 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 382,512 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-14 22:28:13 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 17,449 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge1 / judge5 |
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `lib` --> src/main.rs:284:11 | 284 | use lib::algebra::structures::Monoid; | ^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `lib` For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0433`. error: could not compile `main` (bin "main") due to 1 previous error
// The main code is at the very bottom.#[allow(unused_imports)]use {lib::byte::ByteChar,std::cell::{Cell, RefCell},std::cmp::{self,Ordering::{self, *},Reverse,},std::collections::*,std::convert::identity,std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter},std::io::prelude::*,std::iter::{self, FromIterator},std::marker::PhantomData,std::mem,std::num::Wrapping,std::ops::{Range, RangeFrom, RangeInclusive, RangeTo, RangeToInclusive},std::process,std::rc::Rc,std::thread,std::time::{Duration, Instant},std::{char, f32, f64, i128, i16, i32, i64, i8, isize, str, u128, u16, u32, u64, u8, usize},};#[allow(unused_imports)]#[macro_use]pub mod lib {pub mod algebra {pub mod structures {pub use self::associative_magma::*;pub use self::magma::*;pub use self::monoid::*;pub use self::semigroup::*;pub use self::unital_magma::*;mod associative_magma {use super::Magma;pub trait AssociativeMagma: Magma {}impl AssociativeMagma for () {}impl<T> AssociativeMagma for Option<T> where T: AssociativeMagma {}}mod magma {pub trait Magma: Clone {fn op(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self;fn op_assign_right(&mut self, rhs: &Self) {*self = self.op(rhs);}fn op_assign_left(&mut self, lhs: &Self) {*self = lhs.op(self);}}impl Magma for () {#[allow(clippy::unused_unit)]fn op(&self, _rhs: &Self) -> Self {()}}impl<T> Magma for Option<T>whereT: Magma,{fn op(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {match (self, rhs) {(Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) => Some(lhs.op(rhs)),(Some(x), None) | (None, Some(x)) => Some(x.clone()),(None, None) => None,}}}}mod monoid {use super::{AssociativeMagma, UnitalMagma};pub trait Monoid: AssociativeMagma + UnitalMagma {}impl<T: AssociativeMagma + UnitalMagma> Monoid for T {}}mod semigroup {use super::AssociativeMagma;pub trait Semigroup: AssociativeMagma {}impl<T: AssociativeMagma> Semigroup for T {}}mod unital_magma {use super::Magma;pub trait UnitalMagma: Magma {fn identity() -> Self;}impl UnitalMagma for () {#[allow(clippy::unused_unit)]fn identity() -> Self {()}}impl<T> UnitalMagma for Option<T>whereT: Magma,{fn identity() -> Self {None}}}}}pub mod byte {pub use self::byte_char::*;mod byte_char {use std::error::Error;use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};use std::str::FromStr;#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]#[repr(transparent)]pub struct ByteChar(pub u8);impl Debug for ByteChar {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "b'{}'", self.0 as char)}}impl Display for ByteChar {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "{}", self.0 as char)}}impl FromStr for ByteChar {type Err = ParseByteCharError;fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<ByteChar, ParseByteCharError> {match s.as_bytes().len() {1 => Ok(ByteChar(s.as_bytes()[0])),0 => Err(ParseByteCharErrorKind::EmptyStr.into()),_ => Err(ParseByteCharErrorKind::TooManyBytes.into()),}}}#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]pub struct ParseByteCharError {kind: ParseByteCharErrorKind,}impl Display for ParseByteCharError {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {f.write_str(match self.kind {ParseByteCharErrorKind::EmptyStr => "empty string",ParseByteCharErrorKind::TooManyBytes => "too many bytes",})}}impl Error for ParseByteCharError {}#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]enum ParseByteCharErrorKind {EmptyStr,TooManyBytes,}impl From<ParseByteCharErrorKind> for ParseByteCharError {fn from(kind: ParseByteCharErrorKind) -> ParseByteCharError {ParseByteCharError { kind }}}}}pub mod io {pub use self::scanner::*;mod scanner {use std::io::{self, BufRead};use std::iter;use std::str::FromStr;#[derive(Debug)]pub struct Scanner<R> {reader: R,buf: String,pos: usize,}impl<R: BufRead> Scanner<R> {pub fn new(reader: R) -> Self {Scanner {reader: reader,buf: String::new(),pos: 0,}}pub fn next(&mut self) -> io::Result<&str> {let start = loop {match self.rest().find(|c| c != ' ') {Some(i) => break i,None => self.fill_buf()?,}};self.pos += start;let len = self.rest().find(' ').unwrap_or(self.rest().len());let s = &self.buf[self.pos..][..len]; // self.rest()[..len]self.pos += len;Ok(s)}pub fn parse_next<T>(&mut self) -> io::Result<Result<T, T::Err>>whereT: FromStr,{Ok(self.next()?.parse())}pub fn parse_next_n<T>(&mut self, n: usize) -> io::Result<Result<Vec<T>, T::Err>>whereT: FromStr,{iter::repeat_with(|| self.parse_next()).take(n).collect()}pub fn map_next_bytes<T, F>(&mut self, mut f: F) -> io::Result<Vec<T>>whereF: FnMut(u8) -> T,{Ok(self.next()?.bytes().map(&mut f).collect())}pub fn map_next_bytes_n<T, F>(&mut self, n: usize, mut f: F) -> io::Result<Vec<Vec<T>>>whereF: FnMut(u8) -> T,{iter::repeat_with(|| self.map_next_bytes(&mut f)).take(n).collect()}fn rest(&self) -> &str {&self.buf[self.pos..]}fn fill_buf(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {self.buf.clear();self.pos = 0;let read = self.reader.read_line(&mut self.buf)?;if read == 0 {return Err(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into());}if *self.buf.as_bytes().last().unwrap() == b'\n' {self.buf.pop();}Ok(())}}}}pub mod sequences {pub use self::segment_tree::SegmentTree;pub mod segment_tree {use super::*;use lib::algebra::structures::Monoid;use std::collections::VecDeque;use std::iter::{self, FromIterator};use std::mem;use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Range};#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]pub struct SegmentTree<T> {vec: Vec<T>,// virtual length, which is power of twobase_len: usize,// avaliable lengthlen: usize,}impl<M: Monoid> FromIterator<M> for SegmentTree<M> {fn from_iter<I>(iter: I) -> SelfwhereI: IntoIterator<Item = M>,{let iter = iter.into_iter();let min_len = iter.size_hint().0;let (min_base_len, min_vec_len) = Self::extend_len(min_len);let mut deque = VecDeque::with_capacity(min_vec_len);if min_base_len > 1 {// inner nodesdeque.extend(iter::repeat(M::identity()).take(min_base_len - 1));}// leaf nodesdeque.extend(iter);let len = deque.len() - min_base_len.saturating_sub(1);let (base_len, _) = Self::extend_len(len);if base_len > min_base_len {for identity in iter::repeat(M::identity()).take(base_len - min_base_len) {deque.push_front(identity);}// for buggy iterator} else if min_base_len > base_len {deque.drain(..min_base_len - base_len);}let mut tree = SegmentTree {vec: deque.into(),base_len,len,};for node in (1..base_len).rev() {tree.recalc(node);}tree}}impl<M: Monoid> SegmentTree<M> {pub fn new(len: usize) -> Self {let (base_len, vec_len) = Self::extend_len(len);let vec = if vec_len == 0 {vec![]} else {vec![M::identity(); vec_len]};SegmentTree { vec, base_len, len }}pub fn len(&self) -> usize {self.len}pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> &M {assert_index(index, self.len());self.node(self.node_index(index))}pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> GetMut<M> {assert_index(index, self.len());GetMut {node: self.node_index(index),tree: self,}}pub fn fold(&self, index: Range<usize>) -> M {assert_index_range(&index, self.len());let mut start = self.node_index(index.start);let mut end = self.node_index(index.end);let mut lacc = M::identity();let mut racc = M::identity();while start < end {if start & 1 == 1 {lacc.op_assign_right(self.node(start));// [ 010 ] [ 011 ]// [ 100 ] [ 101 ] [ 110 ] [ 111 ]// * --> *start += 1;}if end & 1 == 1 {// [ 010 ] [ 011 ]// [ 100 ] [ 101 ] [ 110 ] [ 111 ]// * <-- *end -= 1;racc.op_assign_left(self.node(end));}// move to parentsstart >>= 1;end >>= 1;}lacc.op(&racc)}// (base_len, vec_len)fn extend_len(len: usize) -> (usize, usize) {if len == 0 {(0, 0)} else {len.checked_next_power_of_two().and_then(|base_len| {(base_len - 1).checked_add(len).map(|vec_len| (base_len, vec_len))}).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("length too large: {:?}", len))}}fn node_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {self.base_len + index}fn recalc(&mut self, node: usize) {let l = node << 1;let r = (node << 1) | 1;// inclusivelet last = self.vec.len();debug_assert_eq!(last, self.node_index(self.len() - 1));if l <= last {*self.node_mut(node) = if r <= last {self.node(l).op(&self.node(r))} else {self.node(l).clone()};}}fn rebuild(&mut self, mut node: usize) {#[allow(clippy::while_immutable_condition)]while {node >>= 1;node > 0} {self.recalc(node);}}fn node(&self, node: usize) -> &M {&self.vec[node - 1]}fn node_mut(&mut self, node: usize) -> &mut M {&mut self.vec[node - 1]}}pub struct GetMut<'a, M: 'a + Monoid> {tree: &'a mut SegmentTree<M>,node: usize,}impl<'a, M: Monoid> Drop for GetMut<'a, M> {fn drop(&mut self) {self.tree.rebuild(self.node);}}impl<'a, M: Monoid> Deref for GetMut<'a, M> {type Target = M;fn deref(&self) -> &M {self.tree.node(self.node)}}impl<'a, M: Monoid> DerefMut for GetMut<'a, M> {fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut M {self.tree.node_mut(self.node)}}}use std::ops::{Range, RangeTo};macro_rules! assert_index {($cond:expr, $index:expr, $len:expr) => {assert!($cond,"index out of bounds: the len is {:?} but the index is {:?}",$len, $index)};}fn assert_index(index: usize, len: usize) {assert_index!(index < len, index, len);}fn assert_index_range(index: &Range<usize>, len: usize) {assert!(index.start <= index.end,"range start is greater than range end: {:?}",index);assert_index!(index.end <= len, index, len);}}}const CUSTOM_STACK_SIZE_MIB: Option<usize> = None;const INTERACTIVE: bool = false;fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {match CUSTOM_STACK_SIZE_MIB {Some(stack_size_mib) => std::thread::Builder::new().name("run_solver".to_owned()).stack_size(stack_size_mib * 1024 * 1024).spawn(run_solver)?.join().unwrap(),None => run_solver(),}}fn run_solver() -> std::io::Result<()> {let stdin = std::io::stdin();let reader = stdin.lock();let stdout = std::io::stdout();let writer = stdout.lock();macro_rules! with_wrapper {($($wrapper:expr)?) => {{let mut writer = $($wrapper)?(writer);solve(reader, &mut writer)?;writer.flush()}};}if cfg!(debug_assertions) {with_wrapper!()} else if INTERACTIVE {with_wrapper!(std::io::LineWriter::new)} else {with_wrapper!(std::io::BufWriter::new)}}fn solve<R, W>(reader: R, mut writer: W) -> std::io::Result<()>whereR: BufRead,W: Write,{let mut _scanner = lib::io::Scanner::new(reader);#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! scan {($T:ty) => {_scanner.parse_next::<$T>()?.unwrap()};($($T:ty),+) => {($(scan!($T)),+)};($T:ty; $n:expr) => {_scanner.parse_next_n::<$T>($n)?.unwrap()};($($T:ty),+; $n:expr) => {iter::repeat_with(|| -> std::io::Result<_> { Ok(($(scan!($T)),+)) }).take($n).collect::<std::io::Result<Vec<_>>>()?};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! scan_bytes_map {($f:expr) => {_scanner.map_next_bytes($f)?};($f:expr; $n:expr) => {_scanner.map_next_bytes_n($n, $f)?};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! print {($($arg:tt)*) => {write!(writer, $($arg)*)?};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! println {($($arg:tt)*) => {writeln!(writer, $($arg)*)?};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! eprint {($($arg:tt)*) => {if cfg!(debug_assertions) {std::eprint!($($arg)*)}};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! eprintln {($($arg:tt)*) => {if cfg!(debug_assertions) {std::eprintln!($($arg)*)}};}#[allow(unused_macros)]macro_rules! dbg {($($arg:tt)*) => {if cfg!(debug_assertions) {std::dbg!($($arg)*)} else {($($arg)*)}};}{fn gcd(mut x: u64, mut y: u64) -> u64 {if x == 0 || y == 0 {return cmp::max(x, y);}let k = {let a = x.trailing_zeros();let b = y.trailing_zeros();x >>= a;y >>= b;cmp::min(a, b)};while x != y {if x < y {mem::swap(&mut x, &mut y);}x -= y;x >>= x.trailing_zeros();}x << k}use lib::algebra::structures::*;use lib::sequences::SegmentTree;#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]pub struct Gcd(u64);impl Magma for Gcd {fn op(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {Gcd(gcd(self.0, rhs.0))}}impl AssociativeMagma for Gcd {}impl UnitalMagma for Gcd {fn identity() -> Self {Gcd(0)}}let n = scan!(usize);let a = scan!(u64; n);let segtree = SegmentTree::<Gcd>::from_iter(a.iter().copied().map(Gcd));let mut cnt = 0;{let mut l = 0;let mut r = 1;while l < n {while r < n && segtree.fold(l..r).0 != 1 {r += 1;}if r == n && segtree.fold(l..r).0 != 1 {break;}let m = 1 + n - r;cnt += m;while {l += 1;l < r && segtree.fold(l..r).0 == 1} {cnt += m;}}}println!("{}", cnt);}Ok(())}