問題 | No.1036 Make One With GCD 2 |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2020-04-25 21:27:30 |
言語 | C++17 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 20,074 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,611 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 124,236 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2025-01-10 01:39:37 |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge1 / judge3 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 4 |
other | AC * 28 WA * 13 |
#include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <bitset> #include <cassert> #include <complex> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <deque> #include <functional> #include <map> #include <initializer_list> #include <iostream> #include <random> #include <queue> #include <string> #include <set> #include <stack> #include <tuple> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> #include <vector> template <typename S, typename T> inline bool chmin(S& a, const T b){ if(b < a){ a = b; return true; } return false; } template <typename S, typename T> inline bool chmax(S& a, const T b){ if(a < b){ a = b; return true; } return false; } template <typename T> inline bool bitUP(const T state, const unsigned int k) { return (state >> k) & 1; } inline bool isIn(int x, int y, int H, int W){ return 0 <= x and x < H and 0 <= y and y < W; } inline auto isInTheGrid(const int H, const int W){ return std::bind(isIn, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, H, W); } namespace MyInputAndOutput{ // 入力関係 (cin) class user_input{ private: static constexpr unsigned int sizeOfAscii = 128; bool isBlankChar[sizeOfAscii]; /* < definition of getchar > reference MacOS : https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man3/getchar.3.html Windows : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/getchar-nolock-getwchar-nolock?view=vs-2019 Linux : https://linux.die.net/man/3/unlocked_stdio Ubuntu : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man3/getchar_unlocked.3posix.html */ #if defined(__APPLE__) #define DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER getchar_unlocked #elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #define DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER _getchar_nolock #elif defined(__linux) #if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 1 || _XOPEN_SOURCE || _POSIX_SOURCE || _BSD_SOURCE || _SVID_SOURCE #define DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER getchar_unlocked #else #define DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER getchar #endif #else #define DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER getchar #endif // 符号あり整数を getchar で読み込んで構成する (もし, 0 ~ 9 以外の文字が含まれると困る) template <typename Tp> inline void charToInteger(Tp& val) const { val = 0; int c; while(true){ c = DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER(); if(c == EOF) return; if('-' or (not isBlankChar[c])) break; } if(c == '-'){ while(true){ c = DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER(); if(c < '0' or c > '9') break; val = 10 * val + c - '0'; } val = -val; } else{ if(c < '0' or c > '9') return; do{ val = 10 * val + c - '0'; c = DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER(); } while('0' <= c and c <= '9'); } } // 符号なし整数を getchar で読み込んで構成する (もし, 符号付きだとバグる) template <typename Tp> inline void charToUnsignedInteger(Tp& val) const { val = 0; int c; while(true){ c = DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER(); if(c == EOF) return; if(not isBlankChar[c]) break; } if(c < '0' or c > '9') return; do{ val = 10 * val + c - '0'; c = DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER(); } while(not (c == EOF or isBlankChar[c])); } public: constexpr user_input(void) : isBlankChar(){ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeOfAscii; ++i) isBlankChar[i] = false; isBlankChar[int('\n')] = true; isBlankChar[int('\t')] = true; isBlankChar[int(' ')] = true; isBlankChar[int('\v')] = true; } inline const user_input& operator >> (int& int_arg) const { charToInteger<int>(int_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (long long int& llint_arg) const { charToInteger<long long int>(llint_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (unsigned int& uint_arg) const { charToUnsignedInteger<unsigned int>(uint_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (unsigned long long int& ullint_arg) const { charToUnsignedInteger<unsigned long long int>(ullint_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (unsigned long& ulint_arg) const { charToUnsignedInteger<unsigned long>(ulint_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (float& float_arg) const { scanf("%f", &float_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (double& double_arg) const { scanf("%lf", &double_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (long double& ldouble_arg) const { scanf("%Lf", &ldouble_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (char* str_arg) const { scanf("%s", str_arg); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (char& char_arg) const { do{ if((char_arg = DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER()) == EOF) return *this; } while(isBlankChar[int(char_arg)]); return *this; } inline const user_input& operator >> (std::string& str_arg) const { str_arg.erase(); int c; while(true){ c = DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER(); if(c == EOF) return *this; if(not isBlankChar[c]) break; } constexpr unsigned int buffer_size = 128; char buffer_input[buffer_size]; unsigned int buffer_length = 0; do{ buffer_input[buffer_length++] = c; if(buffer_length == buffer_size){ buffer_length = 0; str_arg.append(buffer_input, buffer_size); } c = DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER(); } while(c != EOF and (not isBlankChar[c]) ); str_arg.append(buffer_input, buffer_length); return *this; } template <typename S, typename T> inline const user_input& operator >>(std::pair<S, T>& pair_arg) const{ (*this) >> pair_arg.first >> pair_arg.second; return *this; } template <typename T> inline const user_input& operator >>(std::vector<T>& vec) const { for(T& ele : vec) (*this) >> ele; return *this; } // getchar の define の解除 #undef DAGGER_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED_DAGGER }; constexpr user_input cin; void ends(void) {putchar('\0'); } void endl(void) {putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout);} void flush(void) {fflush(stdout);} constexpr char eol = '\n'; // 出力関係 (cout) class user_output{ public: constexpr user_output(void){} inline const user_output& operator << (const int int_arg) const{ printf("%d", int_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const unsigned int uint_arg) const{ printf("%u", uint_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const long long int llint_arg) const { printf("%lld", llint_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const unsigned long long int ullint_arg) const { printf("%llu", ullint_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const unsigned long ulint_arg) const { printf("%lu", ulint_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const float flt_arg) const { printf("%.16f", flt_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const double ld_arg) const { printf("%.16lf", ld_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const long double ld_arg) const { printf("%.16Lf", ld_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const char char_arg) const { putchar(char_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const unsigned char uchar_arg) const { putchar(uchar_arg); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const char* str_arg) const { fputs(str_arg, stdout); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (const std::string& str_arg) const { fputs(str_arg.c_str(), stdout); return *this; } inline const user_output& operator << (void(* const func_arg)(void)) const { func_arg(); return *this; } template <typename S, typename T> inline const user_output& operator <<(const std::pair<S, T>& pair_arg) const{ (*this) << pair_arg.first << ' ' << pair_arg.second; return *this; } template <typename Tp_name> inline const user_output& operator << (const std::vector<Tp_name>& vec) const { const size_t size_of_vec = vec.size(); if(size_of_vec <= 0) return *this; (*this) << vec[0]; for(size_t index = 1; index < size_of_vec; ++index) (*this) << ' ' << vec[index]; return *this; } }; constexpr user_output cout; // その他出力関数 template <typename Integer = unsigned long long int> void binary_output(const Integer value, const unsigned int length = 64){ char out[length + 1]; for(unsigned int i = 0, j = length - 1; i < length; ++i, --j) out[j] = ((value >> i) & 1) ? '1' : '0'; out[length] = '\0'; puts(out); } template <typename InputType> void print(InputType first, InputType last, const char separate_c = ' ', const char end_c = '\n'){ InputType it = first; while(true){ MyInputAndOutput::cout << *it; if(++it == last){MyInputAndOutput::cout << end_c; return;} MyInputAndOutput::cout << separate_c; } } }; namespace MIO = MyInputAndOutput; namespace MyStandardLibrary{ // z-algorithm template <class T> std::vector<unsigned int> z_algorithm(const T &str) { const size_t n = str.size(); std::vector<unsigned int> resOfCP(n); resOfCP[0] = n; int i = 1, j = 0; while (i < n) { while (i + j < n and str[j] == str[i + j]) ++j; resOfCP[i] = j; if (j == 0) { ++i; continue;} int k = 1; while (i + k < n and k + resOfCP[k] < j) resOfCP[i + k] = resOfCP[k], ++k; i += k; j -= k; } return resOfCP; } // 累乗を求める関数 : 指数部は非負整数 unsigned int power(unsigned int a, unsigned long long int n, const unsigned int mod_number = 1000000007){ unsigned int res = 1; while(n){ if(n & 1) res = (unsigned long long int)(res) * a % mod_number; a = (unsigned long long int)(a) * a % mod_number; n >>= 1; } return res; } // 転倒数を求める関数 : 任意の Ai に対し, Ai ∈ [0, bound) であることを仮定している : O(Nlog{bound}) unsigned long long int tentou(const std::vector<unsigned int>& A, const unsigned int bound){ const unsigned int n = A.size(); if(n <= 30){ // ある程度小さい時はナイーブの方が早い unsigned long long int res = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) for(unsigned int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) if(A[i] > A[j]) ++res; return res; } std::vector<unsigned int> fenwick(bound + 1, 0); unsigned long long int res = (unsigned long long int)(n) * (n - 1) >> 1; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ for(unsigned int x = A[i] ; x ; x -= x & (-x)) res -= fenwick[x]; for(unsigned int x = A[i] + 1; x <= bound; x += x & (-x)) ++fenwick[x]; } return res; } // modintクラス : 法 modulous はコンパイル時定数 template <const unsigned int modulous> class modInt{ private: static unsigned int power(unsigned int a, unsigned int n){ unsigned int res = 1; while(n){ if(n & 1) res = (unsigned long long int)(res) * a % modulous; a = (unsigned long long int)(a) * a % modulous; n >>= 1; } return res; } static unsigned int inverse(const unsigned int n_val){ return power(n_val, modulous - 2); } static unsigned int inverse_euclidean(unsigned int a){ unsigned int b = modulous; long long int u = 1, v = 0; while(b){ const unsigned int t = a / b; std::swap(a -= t * b, b); std::swap(u -= t * v, v); } return (u < 0) ? u + modulous : u; } public: unsigned int val; constexpr modInt(void):val(){} template <typename Integer> constexpr modInt(const Integer n_val):val(){ if(n_val < 0){ const unsigned int tmp_val = (-n_val) % modulous; val = (tmp_val) ? modulous - tmp_val : 0; } else{ val = n_val % modulous; } } constexpr modInt& operator += (const modInt& other){ if((val += other.val) >= modulous) val -= modulous; return *this; } constexpr modInt& operator -= (const modInt& other){ if(val < other.val) val += modulous - other.val; else val -= other.val; return *this; } constexpr modInt& operator *= (const modInt& other){ val = static_cast<unsigned long long int>(val) * other.val % modulous; return *this; } constexpr modInt& operator /= (const modInt& other){ val = static_cast<unsigned long long int>(val) * inverse_euclidean(other.val) % modulous; return *this; } constexpr modInt operator + (const modInt& other) const { return modInt(*this) += other; } constexpr modInt operator - (const modInt& other) const { return modInt(*this) -= other; } constexpr modInt operator * (const modInt& other) const { return modInt(*this) *= other; } constexpr modInt operator / (const modInt& other) const { return modInt(*this) /= other; } constexpr modInt& operator ++ (void){ if(++val == modulous) val = 0; return *this; } constexpr modInt& operator -- (void){ if(!(val--)) val = modulous - 1; return *this; } constexpr bool operator == (const modInt& other) const { return val == other.val; } constexpr bool operator != (const modInt& other) const { return val != other.val; } constexpr modInt operator - (void) const { return modInt(val ? modulous - val : 0); } friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const modInt& modint_val){ os << modint_val.val; return os; } }; }; namespace MSL = MyStandardLibrary; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // グリッド上の縦横移動 constexpr std::array<std::pair<int, int>, 4> dxdy = { { {1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1} } }; // 型エイリアス using unint = unsigned int; using lli = long long int; using ulli = unsigned long long int; using pii = std::pair<int, int>; #define REP(i, n) for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ using MIO::cin; using MIO::cout; using MIO::eol; // @ 要約 | スパーステーブル // => 変更のない, 冪等性の成り立つ演算( max, min, gcd ... ) に関して, 前処理を行ってクエリを高速に処理するデータ構造 /// => 計算量 : 構築 O(NlogN), クエリ O(1) or O(loglog N) // @ 引数 | monodit_idempotent // -> 要件 : 冪等性 a^k = a を満たすような演算 operator() が定義されていること // : using value_type = (データ型) が定義されていること (publicで) template <class monoid_idempotent> class SparseTable{ private: using element_t = typename monoid_idempotent::value_type; // データの型 const unsigned int length; // 配列の長さ (データ長 n) const unsigned int log_len; // 2^k ≤ length となる最大の k const unsigned int alloc_len; // 確保するデータの長さ = length * (k + 1) std::allocator<element_t> alloc; // アロケータ element_t* data; // 確保したデータの先頭を指すポインタ // @ 2^k ≤ x なる最大の 整数 k を返す関数 static unsigned int getMSB(unsigned int x) noexcept { #ifdef __has_builtin return 31 - __builtin_clz(x); #else unsigned int res = 0; if(x >> 16){x >>= 16; res += 16;} if(x >> 8) {x >>= 8; res += 8;} if(x >> 4) {x >>= 4; res += 4;} if(x >> 2) {x >>= 2; res += 2;} return res + (x >> 1); #endif } static unsigned int set_log_len(const unsigned int n){ unsigned int res = 0; while((1U << res++) < n); return res - 1; } // @ 要約 : イテレーターを受け取って初期化を行うコンストラクタの補助関数 (メモリの解放等も行う) // @ 注釈 : length, log_len, alloc_len などの値が既に決定していると仮定する template <class InputIterator> void initialize(InputIterator first_itr, InputIterator last_itr){ data = alloc.allocate(alloc_len); std::copy(first_itr, last_itr, data); for(unsigned int prev_len = 1, prev_head = 0; prev_len< length; prev_len <<= 1){ unsigned int i = prev_head, j = prev_head + prev_len, k = (prev_head += length); for(; j < prev_head; ++i, ++j, ++k) data[k] = monoid_idempotent()(data[i], data[j]); std::copy(data + i, data + j, data + k); } } public: // コンストラク by std::vector SparseTable(const std::vector<element_t>& A): length(A.size()), log_len(set_log_len(length)), alloc_len(length * (log_len + 1)){ initialize(A.cbegin(), A.cend()); } ~SparseTable(void){ alloc.deallocate(data, alloc_len); } // @ 区間 [l, r) (0-indexed) の値 ∑ f(ai) の 計算結果を返す関数s element_t query(const unsigned int l, const unsigned int r) const { #if true assert(l < r); #endif const unsigned int msb_bit = getMSB(r - l); const unsigned int pointer = length * msb_bit; return monoid_idempotent()(data[pointer + l], data[pointer + r - (1U << msb_bit)]); } }; class Michel{ public: using value_type = unsigned int; inline value_type operator()(value_type a, value_type b){ while(b) std::swap(a %= b, b); return a; } }; int main(void){ unsigned int n; cin >> n; std::vector<unsigned int> A(n); cin >> A; SparseTable<Michel> ST(A); unsigned long long int res = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ unsigned int l = i, r = n + 1; while(r - l > 1){ const unsigned int t = (l + r) >> 1; if(ST.query(i, t) == 1) r = t; else l = t; } res += n - l; } cout << res << eol; return 0; }