問題 | No.1065 電柱 / Pole (Easy) |
ユーザー |
提出日時 | 2020-05-29 22:07:22 |
言語 | C#(csc) (csc 3.9.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | - |
コード長 | 9,582 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 5,042 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 118,476 KB |
実行使用メモリ | 513,208 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2024-11-06 04:58:08 |
合計ジャッジ時間 | 6,250 ms |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge5 / judge4 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 2 |
other | RE * 7 MLE * 1 -- * 38 |
Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 3.9.0-6.21124.20 (db94f4cc) Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System;using System.IO;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace AtCoder.Contest.C{static class Program{public static void Main(string[] args){var sw = new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput()) { AutoFlush = false };Console.SetOut(sw);var cin = new Scanner();int n = cin.NextInt();int m = cin.NextInt();int x = cin.NextInt() - 1;int y = cin.NextInt() - 1;var dijk = new Dijkstra(n);var p = new List<int>();var q = new List<int>();for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){p.Add(cin.NextInt());q.Add(cin.NextInt());}for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){var pp = cin.NextInt() - 1;var qq = cin.NextInt() - 1;dijk.AddPath(pp, qq,Math.Sqrt((p[pp] - p[qq]) * (p[pp] - p[qq]) + (q[pp] - q[qq]) * (q[pp] - q[qq])));}if (p[x] == p[y] && q[x] == q[y]) Console.WriteLine(0);else Console.WriteLine(dijk.GetMinCost(x, y));Console.Out.Flush();}}/// <summary>/// Get min cost between two points/// </summary>public class Dijkstra{private int maxIndex = -1;private const int INF = Int32.MaxValue;private double[,] _edgeArray;/// <summary>/// Dijkstra, get min cost between two points/// should not contain negatie cost path/// </summary>/// <param name="size">max index of vertices</param>public Dijkstra(int size){maxIndex = size + 1;_edgeArray = new double[maxIndex, maxIndex];for (int i = 0; i < _edgeArray.GetLength(0); i++){for (int j = 0; j < _edgeArray.GetLength(1); j++){_edgeArray[i, j] = INF;if (i == j) _edgeArray[i, j] = 0;}}}// Add a path(no direction) with its costpublic void AddPath(int s, int t, double cost){_edgeArray[s, t] = Math.Min(_edgeArray[s, t], cost);_edgeArray[t, s] = _edgeArray[s, t];}//Get the min cost between s and t//return Int32.MaxValue if no pathpublic double GetMinCost(int s, int t){double[] cost = new double[maxIndex];for (int i = 0; i < cost.Length; i++) cost[i] = INF;cost[s] = 0;var priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<Pair<double, int>>(maxIndex);priorityQueue.Push(new Pair<double, int>(0, s));while (priorityQueue.Count() > 0){var costDestinationPair = priorityQueue.Pop();if (cost[costDestinationPair.Second] < costDestinationPair.First) continue;for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++){double newCostToi = _edgeArray[costDestinationPair.Second, i] == INF ? INF :costDestinationPair.First + _edgeArray[costDestinationPair.Second, i];if (newCostToi < cost[i]){cost[i] = newCostToi;priorityQueue.Push(new Pair<double, int>(newCostToi, i));}}}return cost[t];}}public class Pair<T, U> : IComparable, IEquatable<Pair<T, U>> where T : IComparable<T>, IEquatable<T> where U : IComparable<U>, IEquatable<U>{public T First { get; set; }public U Second { get; set; }public Pair(T first, U second){First = first;Second = second;}public int CompareTo(object obj){Pair<T, U> castedObj = (Pair<T, U>)obj;int x = First.CompareTo(castedObj.First);if (x != 0) return x;else return Second.CompareTo(castedObj.Second);}public static bool operator ==(Pair<T, U> x, Pair<T, U> y) => x.CompareTo(y) == 0;public static bool operator !=(Pair<T, U> x, Pair<T, U> y) => x.CompareTo(y) != 0;public static bool operator <(Pair<T, U> x, Pair<T, U> y) => x.CompareTo(y) == 1;public static bool operator >(Pair<T, U> x, Pair<T, U> y) => x.CompareTo(y) == -1;public static bool operator <=(Pair<T, U> x, Pair<T, U> y) => x.CompareTo(y) > 0;public static bool operator >=(Pair<T, U> x, Pair<T, U> y) => x.CompareTo(y) < 0;public bool Equals(Pair<T, U> x) => First.Equals(x.First) && Second.Equals(x.Second);public override bool Equals(object obj){return obj is Pair<T, U> pair &&EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(First, pair.First) &&EqualityComparer<U>.Default.Equals(Second, pair.Second);}public override int GetHashCode(){unchecked{var hashCode = 405212230;hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer<T>.Default.GetHashCode(First);hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer<U>.Default.GetHashCode(Second);return hashCode;}}}public class PriorityQueue<T> where T : IComparable{private IComparer<T> _comparer = null;private int _type = 0;private T[] _heap;private int _sz = 0;private int _count = 0;/// <summary>/// Priority Queue with custom comparer/// </summary>public PriorityQueue(int maxSize, IComparer<T> comparer){_heap = new T[maxSize];_comparer = comparer;}/// <summary>/// Priority queue/// </summary>/// <param name="maxSize">max size</param>/// <param name="type">0: asc, 1:desc</param>public PriorityQueue(int maxSize, int type = 0){_heap = new T[maxSize];_type = type;}private int Compare(T x, T y){if (_comparer != null) return _comparer.Compare(x, y);return _type == 0 ? x.CompareTo(y) : y.CompareTo(x);}public void Push(T x){_count++;//node numbervar i = _sz++;while (i > 0){//parent node numbervar p = (i - 1) / 2;if (Compare(_heap[p], x) <= 0) break;_heap[i] = _heap[p];i = p;}_heap[i] = x;}public T Pop(){_count--;T ret = _heap[0];T x = _heap[--_sz];int i = 0;while (i * 2 + 1 < _sz){//childrenint a = i * 2 + 1;int b = i * 2 + 2;if (b < _sz && Compare(_heap[b], _heap[a]) < 0) a = b;if (Compare(_heap[a], x) >= 0) break;_heap[i] = _heap[a];i = a;}_heap[i] = x;return ret;}public int Count(){return _count;}public T Peek(){return _heap[0];}public bool Contains(T x){for (int i = 0; i < _sz; i++) if (x.Equals(_heap[i])) return true;return false;}public void Clear(){while (this.Count() > 0) this.Pop();}public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator(){var ret = new List<T>();while (this.Count() > 0){ret.Add(this.Pop());}foreach (var r in ret){this.Push(r);yield return r;}}public T[] ToArray(){T[] array = new T[_sz];int i = 0;foreach (var r in this){array[i++] = r;}return array;}}class Scanner{string[] s;int i;char[] cs = new char[] { ' ' };public Scanner(){s = new string[0];i = 0;}public string Next(){if (i < s.Length) return s[i++];string st = Console.ReadLine();while (st == "") st = Console.ReadLine();s = st.Split(cs, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);if (s.Length == 0) return Next();i = 0;return s[i++];}public int NextInt(){return int.Parse(Next());}public int[] ArrayInt(int N, int add = 0){int[] Array = new int[N];for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){Array[i] = NextInt() + add;}return Array;}public long NextLong(){return long.Parse(Next());}public long[] ArrayLong(int N, long add = 0){long[] Array = new long[N];for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){Array[i] = NextLong() + add;}return Array;}public double NextDouble(){return double.Parse(Next());}public double[] ArrayDouble(int N, double add = 0){double[] Array = new double[N];for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){Array[i] = NextDouble() + add;}return Array;}}}