問題 | No.1099 Range Square Sum |
ユーザー |
![]() |
提出日時 | 2020-06-26 23:07:34 |
言語 | C++17 (gcc 13.3.0 + boost 1.87.0) |
結果 |
実行時間 | 491 ms / 2,000 ms |
コード長 | 10,134 bytes |
コンパイル時間 | 1,763 ms |
コンパイル使用メモリ | 148,548 KB |
最終ジャッジ日時 | 2025-01-11 12:06:56 |
ジャッジサーバーID (参考情報) |
judge4 / judge5 |
ファイルパターン | 結果 |
sample | AC * 1 |
other | AC * 30 |
#include <limits>#include <initializer_list>#include <utility>#include <bitset>#include <tuple>#include <type_traits>#include <functional>#include <string>#include <array>#include <deque>#include <list>#include <queue>#include <stack>#include <vector>#include <map>#include <set>#include <unordered_map>#include <unordered_set>#include <iterator>#include <algorithm>#include <complex>#include <random>#include <numeric>#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <sstream>#include <regex>#include <cassert>#include <cstddef>#ifdef CPP17#include <variant>#endif#define endl codeforces#define ALL(v) std::begin(v), std::end(v)#define ALLR(v) std::rbegin(v), std::rend(v)using ll = std::int64_t;using ull = std::uint64_t;using pii = std::pair<int, int>;using tii = std::tuple<int, int, int>;using pll = std::pair<ll, ll>;using tll = std::tuple<ll, ll, ll>;using size_type = ssize_t;template <typename T> using vec = std::vector<T>;template <typename T> using vvec = vec<vec<T>>;template <typename T> const T& var_min(const T &t) { return t; }template <typename T> const T& var_max(const T &t) { return t; }template <typename T, typename... Tail> const T& var_min(const T &t, const Tail&... tail) { return std::min(t, var_min(tail...)); }template <typename T, typename... Tail> const T& var_max(const T &t, const Tail&... tail) { return std::max(t, var_max(tail...)); }template <typename T, typename... Tail> void chmin(T &t, const Tail&... tail) { t = var_min(t, tail...); }template <typename T, typename... Tail> void chmax(T &t, const Tail&... tail) { t = var_max(t, tail...); }template <typename T, std::size_t Head, std::size_t... Tail>struct multi_dim_array { using type = std::array<typename multi_dim_array<T, Tail...>::type, Head>; };template <typename T, std::size_t Head>struct multi_dim_array<T, Head> { using type = std::array<T, Head>; };template <typename T, std::size_t... Args> using mdarray = typename multi_dim_array<T, Args...>::type;#ifdef CPP17template <typename T, typename F, typename... Args>void fill_seq(T &t, F f, Args... args) {if constexpr (std::is_invocable<F, Args...>::value) {t = f(args...);} else {for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) fill_seq(t[i], f, args..., i);}}#endiftemplate <typename T> vec<T> make_v(size_type sz) { return vec<T>(sz); }template <typename T, typename... Tail>auto make_v(size_type hs, Tail&&... ts) {auto v = std::move(make_v<T>(std::forward<Tail>(ts)...));return vec<decltype(v)>(hs, v);}namespace init__ {struct InitIO {InitIO() { std::cin.tie(nullptr); std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(30); }} init_io;}namespace utility {template <typename T>using validate_integer = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, ll>::type;template <typename T>auto popcount(T n) -> validate_integer<T> {return __builtin_popcount(n);}// 0 indexedtemplate <typename T>auto msb(T n) -> validate_integer<T> {return 64 - __builtin_clzll(n) - 1;}template <typename T>constexpr auto ceil_pow2(T s) -> validate_integer<T> {ll ret = 1;while (ret < s) ret *= 2;return ret;}}namespace utility {struct has_id_ele {template <typename T>auto operator ()(T &&t) -> decltype(T(), std::true_type()) { return std::true_type(); }std::false_type operator ()(...) { return std::false_type(); }};struct has_merge {template <typename T>auto operator ()(T &&t) -> decltype(T::merge(std::declval<T>(), std::declval<T>()), std::true_type()) { return std::true_type(); }std::false_type operator ()(...) { return std::false_type(); }};struct has_apply {template <typename M, typename Op>auto operator ()(M &&m, Op &&op) -> decltype(m.apply(op), std::true_type()) { return std::true_type(); }std::false_type operator ()(...) { return std::false_type(); }};template <typename F, typename... Args>using callable = std::is_same<typename std::invoke_result<F, Args...>::type, std::true_type>;template <typename M>using is_monoid = std::conjunction<callable<has_id_ele, M>, callable<has_merge, M>>;template <typename M, typename Op>using enable_apply = callable<has_apply, M, Op>;}namespace segtree {template <typename M, typename Op>class LazySegmentTree {static_assert(utility::is_monoid<M>::value, "M must be monoid.");static_assert(utility::is_monoid<Op>::value, "Op must be monoid.");static_assert(utility::enable_apply<M, Op>::value, "Op is not operator of M.");struct segment {M m;Op op;bool has_lazy;segment(M m = M()) : m(m), op(Op()), has_lazy(false) { }void update_op(Op o) {m.apply(o);op = Op::merge(op, o);has_lazy = true;}void init_op() {op = Op();has_lazy = false;}};size_type height;void push(size_type idx) {auto &s = segs[idx];if (!s.has_lazy) return;for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {auto cidx = 2 * idx + i;if (segs.size() <= cidx) break;auto &cs = segs[cidx];cs.update_op(s.op);}s.init_op();}void propagate_from_top(size_type idx) {for (int i = height; 1 <= i; i--) push(idx >> i);}void update_from_bottom(size_type idx) {while (true) {auto pidx = idx / 2;if (pidx == 0) break;size_type c0 = 2 * pidx + 0,c1 = 2 * pidx + 1;push(c0); push(c1);segs[pidx].m = M::merge(segs[c0].m, segs[c1].m);idx = pidx;}}size_type get_endpoint_seg(size_type i) {i += size();return i / (i & -i);}public:vec<segment> segs;template <typename F>LazySegmentTree(F f, size_type sz) {size_type sz2 = utility::ceil_pow2(sz);segs.resize(sz2 * 2);height = utility::msb(sz2);for (size_type i = 0; i < sz; i++) segs[i + sz2] = f(i);for (size_type i = sz2 - 1; 1 <= i; i--) segs[i] = M::merge(segs[2 * i].m, segs[2 * i + 1].m);}template <typename T>LazySegmentTree(const vec<T> &v): LazySegmentTree([&](size_type i) { return v[i]; }, v.size()) { }size_type size() const {return segs.size() / 2;}template <typename T>void update_query(size_type ql, size_type qr, const T &t) {Op op(t);auto l0 = get_endpoint_seg(ql);auto r0 = get_endpoint_seg(qr);propagate_from_top(l0);propagate_from_top(r0);size_type lnode = ql + size(), rnode = qr + size();while (lnode < rnode) {if (lnode & 1) {segs[lnode].update_op(op);push(lnode);lnode++;}if (rnode & 1) {rnode--;segs[rnode].update_op(op);push(rnode);}lnode /= 2;rnode /= 2;}update_from_bottom(l0);update_from_bottom(r0);}M get_query(ll ql, ll qr) {auto ret = M();auto l0 = get_endpoint_seg(ql);auto r0 = get_endpoint_seg(qr);propagate_from_top(l0);propagate_from_top(r0);size_type lnode = ql + size(), rnode = qr + size();while (lnode < rnode) {if (lnode & 1) {push(lnode);ret = M::merge(segs[lnode].m, ret);lnode++;}if (rnode & 1) {rnode--;push(rnode);ret = M::merge(ret, segs[rnode].m);}lnode /= 2;rnode /= 2;}return ret;}};}using i128 = __int128_t;std::istream& operator >>(std::istream &is, i128 &n) {std::string s;std::cin >> s;n = 0;bool minus = false;for (char c : s) {if (c == '-') {minus = true;continue;}n = n * 10 + (c - '0');}if (minus) n *= -1;return is;}std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os, i128 n) {char buf[50] = { };int idx = 0;bool minus = false;if (n < 0) {minus = true;buf[idx++] = '-';n *= -1;}for (; n; n /= 10, idx++) buf[idx] = static_cast<char>('0' + (n % 10));std::reverse(buf + minus, buf + idx);std::cout << buf;return os;}const i128 inf = 5e15;struct Op {i128 v;Op(i128 v) : v(v) { }Op() : Op(0) { }static Op merge(Op a, Op b) {return Op(a.v + b.v);}};struct M {i128 sum, msum, l, r;M(i128 sum, i128 msum, i128 l, i128 r) : sum(sum), msum(msum), l(l), r(r) { }M() : M(0, 0, inf, -inf) { }static M merge(M a, M b) {i128 sum = a.sum + b.sum;i128 msum = a.sum * b.sum * 2 + a.msum + b.msum;i128 l = std::min(a.l, b.l);i128 r = std::max(a.r, b.r);return M(sum, msum, l, r);}void apply(Op o) {if (l == inf) return;i128 cnt = r - l;msum += o.v * o.v * cnt * (cnt - 1);msum += sum * (cnt - 1) * 2 * o.v;sum += cnt * o.v;}};int main() {i128 n;std::cin >> n;vec<i128> av(n);for (i128 &e : av) std::cin >> e;i128 q;std::cin >> q;segtree::LazySegmentTree<M, Op> segs([&](i128 i) { return M(av[i], 0, i, i + 1); }, n);while (q--) {i128 t, l, r;std::cin >> t >> l >> r;l--;if (t == 1) {i128 x;std::cin >> x;segs.update_query(l, r, Op(x));} else {auto m = segs.get_query(l, r);i128 sum = m.sum, msum = m.msum;std::cout << sum * sum - msum << "\n";}#if 0{for(i128 i=0;i<n;i++)segs.get_query(i,i+1);auto &tmp = segs.segs;}#endif}return 0;}