
問題 No.135 とりあえず1次元の問題
ユーザー こまるこまる
提出日時 2020-11-22 01:36:26
言語 Haskell
実行時間 -
コード長 18,866 bytes
コンパイル時間 491 ms
コンパイル使用メモリ 166,656 KB
最終ジャッジ日時 2024-11-14 23:55:01
合計ジャッジ時間 890 ms
judge3 / judge4

Loaded package environment from /home/judge/.ghc/x86_64-linux-9.8.2/environments/default
[1 of 2] Compiling Main             ( Main.hs, Main.o )

Main.hs:60:1: error: [GHC-87110]
    Could not load module ‘Data.IntMap.Strict’.
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-0.6.8’.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
60 | import           Data.IntMap.Strict                (IntMap)
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Main.hs:61:1: error: [GHC-87110]
    Could not load module ‘Data.IntMap.Strict’.
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-0.6.8’.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
61 | import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict                as IntMap
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Main.hs:62:1: error: [GHC-87110]
    Could not load module ‘Data.IntSet’.
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-0.6.8’.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
62 | import           Data.IntSet                       (IntSet)
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Main.hs:63:1: error: [GHC-87110]
    Could not load module ‘Data.IntSet’.
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-0.6.8’.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
63 | import qualified Data.IntSet                       as IntSet
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Main.hs:64:1: error: [GHC-87110]
    Could not load module ‘Data.Map’.
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-0.6.8’.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
64 | import           Data.Map                          (Map)
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Main.hs:65:1: error: [GHC-87110]
    Could not load module ‘Data.Map’.
    It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-0.6.8’.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for


diff #

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Cont
import           Control.Monad.Fix
import           Control.Monad.ST
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.Bits
import           Data.Bool
import           Data.Char
import           Data.Coerce
import qualified Data.Foldable                     as F
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.List                         as L
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.STRef
import           Data.Word
import           GHC.Exts
import           System.CPUTime
import           System.IO
import           Unsafe.Coerce
import qualified Data.ByteString                   as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder           as BSB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8             as BSC8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy              as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8        as BSLC8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short             as BSS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe            as BSU
import qualified Data.Vector                       as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as VFSM
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic               as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable       as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable               as VM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed               as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable       as VUM
import           Data.IntMap.Strict                (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict                as IntMap
import           Data.IntSet                       (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet                       as IntSet
import           Data.Map                          (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                          as Map
import           Data.Set                          (Set)
import qualified Data.Set                          as Set
import qualified GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals         as GMP
import qualified GHC.Integer.Logarithms.Internals  as LOG

main :: IO ()
main = do
  m <- readLn :: IO Int
  print =<< solver m . radixSortInt =<< seqInput m

solver :: Int -> VU.Vector Int -> IO Int
solver m xs = do
  ret <- VUM.replicate 1 (1000001 :: Int)
  rev (m - 1) $ \i -> do
    k <- VUM.unsafeRead ret 0
    let j = xs VU.! (i + 1) - xs VU.! i 
    when (j /= 0 && k > j)  $ VUM.unsafeWrite ret 0 j
  y <- VUM.unsafeRead ret 0
  return $ if y == 1000001 then 0 else y

radixSort64 :: VU.Vector Word64 -> VU.Vector Word64
radixSort64 vword = F.foldl' step vword ([0,16,32,48] :: [Int])
    mask k x = fromIntegral $ x .>>. k .&. 0xffff
    step v k = VU.create $ do
      pref <- VU.unsafeThaw
            . VU.prescanl' (+) 0
            . VU.unsafeAccumulate (+) (VU.replicate 0x10000 0)
            $ VU.map ((, 1) . mask k) v
      res <- VUM.unsafeNew $ VU.length v
      VU.forM_ v $ \x -> do
        let !masked = mask k x
        i <- VUM.unsafeRead pref masked
        VUM.unsafeWrite pref masked $ i + 1
        VUM.unsafeWrite res i x
      return res
{-# INLINE radixSort64 #-}

radixSort :: (VU.Unbox a, Word64Encode a) => VU.Vector a -> VU.Vector a
radixSort = VU.map decode64 . radixSort64 . VU.map encode64
{-# INLINE radixSort #-}

radixSortInt :: VU.Vector Int -> VU.Vector Int
radixSortInt = unsafeCoerce . radixSort64 . unsafeCoerce

radixSortNonNegative :: (VU.Unbox a, Word64Encode a) => VU.Vector a -> VU.Vector a
radixSortNonNegative = VU.map decodeNonNegative64 . radixSort64 . VU.map encodeNonNegative64
{-# INLINE radixSortNonNegative #-}

radixSort32 :: VU.Vector Word32 -> VU.Vector Word32
radixSort32 vec = F.foldl' step vec ([0, 16] :: [Int])
    mask k x = fromIntegral $ x .>>. k .&. 0xffff
    step v k = VU.create $ do
      pref <- VU.unsafeThaw
            . VU.prescanl' (+) 0
            . VU.unsafeAccumulate (+) (VU.replicate 0x10000 0)
            $ VU.map ((, 1) . mask k) v
      res <- VUM.unsafeNew $ VU.length v
      VU.forM_ v $ \x -> do
        let !masked = mask k x
        i <- VUM.unsafeRead pref masked
        VUM.unsafeWrite pref masked $ i + 1
        VUM.unsafeWrite res i x
      return res
{-# INLINE radixSort32 #-}

compress :: VU.Vector Int -> VU.Vector Int
compress vec = VU.create $ do
  mvec <- VUM.unsafeNew (VU.length vec)
  VU.mapM_ (\(i, x) -> VUM.unsafeWrite mvec (x .&. 0xffffffff) i) . VU.postscanl' (\(!i, !x) y ->
        if x .>>. 32 == y .>>. 32
          then (i, y)
          else (i + 1, y)
      ) (-1, -1)
    . radixSortInt
    $ VU.imap (\i x -> x .<<. 32 .|. i) vec
  return mvec
{-# INLINE compress #-}

class Word64Encode a where
  encode64 :: a -> Word64
  decode64 :: Word64 -> a
  encodeNonNegative64 :: a -> Word64
  encodeNonNegative64 = encode64
  decodeNonNegative64 :: Word64 -> a
  decodeNonNegative64 = decode64

instance Word64Encode Int where
  encode64 x = unsafeCoerce $ x + 0x3fffffffffffffff
  decode64 x = unsafeCoerce x - 0x3fffffffffffffff
  encodeNonNegative64 = unsafeCoerce
  decodeNonNegative64 = unsafeCoerce

instance Word64Encode (Int, Int) where
  encode64 (x, y) = unsafeCoerce
    $ (x + 0x3fffffff) .<<. 31 .|. (y + 0x3fffffff)
  decode64 xy = unsafeCoerce (x, y)
      !x = xy .>>. 31 - 0x3fffffff
      !y = (xy .&. 0x7fffffff) - 0x3fffffff
  encodeNonNegative64 (x, y) = unsafeCoerce $ x .<<. 31 .|. y
  decodeNonNegative64 xy     = unsafeCoerce (x, y)
      !x = xy .>>. 31
      !y = xy .&. 0x7fffffff

instance Word64Encode (Int, Int, Int) where
  encode64 (x, y, z) = unsafeCoerce $ ((x + 0xfffff) .<<. 21 .|. (y + 0xfffff)) .<<. 21 .|. (z + 0xfffff)
  decode64 xyz = unsafeCoerce (x, y, z)
      !x = xyz .>>. 42 - 0xfffff
      !y = (xyz .>>. 21 .&. 0x1fffff) - 0xfffff
      !z = xyz .&. 0x1fffff - 0xfffff
  encodeNonNegative64 (x, y, z) = unsafeCoerce $ (x .<<. 21 .|. y) .<<. 21 .|. z
  decodeNonNegative64 xyz = unsafeCoerce (x, y, z)
      !x = xyz .>>. 42
      !y = xyz .>>. 21 .&. 0x1fffff
      !z = xyz .&. 0x1fffff

fi :: Int -> Integer
fi = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE fi #-}

fI :: Integer -> Int
fI = fromInteger
{-# INLINE fI #-}

powModInt :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
powModInt a b c = fI $ GMP.powModInteger (fi a) (fi b) (fi c)
{-# INLINE powModInt #-}

recipModInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
recipModInt a m = fI $ GMP.recipModInteger (fi a) (fi m)
{-# INLINE recipModInt #-}

infixl 8 .<<., .>>., .>>>.
infixl 6 .^.

(.<<.) :: Bits b => b -> Int -> b
(.<<.) = unsafeShiftL
{-# INLINE (.<<.) #-}

(.>>.) :: Bits b => b -> Int -> b
(.>>.) = unsafeShiftR
{-# INLINE (.>>.) #-}

(.>>>.) :: Int -> Int -> Int
(.>>>.) (I# x#) (I# i#) = I# (uncheckedIShiftRL# x# i#)
{-# INLINE (.>>>.) #-}

(.^.) :: Bits b => b -> b -> b
(.^.)  = xor
{-# INLINE (.^.)  #-}

clz :: FiniteBits fb => fb -> Int
clz = countLeadingZeros
{-# INLINE clz #-}

ctz :: FiniteBits fb => fb -> Int
ctz = countTrailingZeros
{-# INLINE ctz #-}

encode32x2 :: Int -> Int -> Int
encode32x2 x y = x .<<. 32 .|. y
{-# INLINE encode32x2 #-}

decode32x2 :: Int -> (Int, Int)
decode32x2 xy =
    let !x = xy .>>>. 32
        !y = xy .&. 0xffffffff
    in (x, y)
{-# INLINE decode32x2 #-}

ceilPow2 :: Int -> Int
ceilPow2 n
  | n > 1     = (-1) .>>>. clz (n - 1) + 1
  | otherwise = 1
{-# INLINE ceilPow2 #-}

floorPow2 :: Int -> Int
floorPow2 n
  | n >= 1    = 1 .<<. (63 - clz n)
  | otherwise = 0
{-# INLINE floorPow2 #-}

bitReverse :: Int -> Int
  = unsafeCoerce
  . step 32 0xffffffff00000000 0x00000000ffffffff
  . step 16 0xffff0000ffff0000 0x0000ffff0000ffff
  . step 08 0xff00ff00ff00ff00 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff
  . step 04 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
  . step 02 0xcccccccccccccccc 0x3333333333333333
  . step 01 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0x5555555555555555
  . unsafeCoerce
    step :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
    step i ml mr = \ !x -> (x .&. ml) .>>. i .|. (x .&. mr) .<<. i
    {-# INLINE step #-}

rep :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rep n = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamG 0 (n - 1) const 0 (+) 1)
{-# INLINE rep #-}

rep' :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rep' n = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamG 0 n const 0 (+) 1)
{-# INLINE rep' #-}

rep1 :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rep1 n = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamG 1 (n - 1) const 0 (+) 1)
{-# INLINE rep1 #-}

rep1' :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rep1' n = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamG 1 n const 0 (+) 1)
{-# INLINE rep1' #-}

rev :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rev n = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamRG (n - 1) 0 const 0 (-) 1)
{-# INLINE rev #-}

rev' :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rev' n = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamRG n 0 const 0 (-) 1)
{-# INLINE rev' #-}

rev1 :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rev1 n = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamRG (n - 1) 1 const 0 (-) 1)
{-# INLINE rev1 #-}

rev1' :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rev1' n = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamRG n 1 const 0 (-) 1)
{-# INLINE rev1' #-}

range :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
range l r = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamG l r const 0 (+) 1)
{-# INLINE range #-}

rangeR :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
rangeR r l = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamRG r l const 0 (-) 1)
{-# INLINE rangeR #-}

forP :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
forP p = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamG 2 p (^) 2 (+) 1)
{-# INLINE forP #-}

forG :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
forG l r f p g d = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamG l r f p g d)
{-# INLINE forG #-}

forRG :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
forRG r l f p g d = flip VFSM.mapM_ (streamRG r l f p g d)
{-# INLINE forRG #-}

streamG :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> VFSM.Stream m Int
streamG !l !r !f !p !g !d = VFSM.Stream step l
    step x
      | f x p <= r = return $ VFSM.Yield x (g x d)
      | otherwise  = return VFSM.Done
    {-# INLINE [0] step #-}
{-# INLINE [1] streamG #-}

streamRG :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> VFSM.Stream m Int
streamRG !r !l !f !p !g !d = VFSM.Stream step r
    step x
      | f x p >= l = return $ VFSM.Yield x (g x d)
      | otherwise  = return VFSM.Done
    {-# INLINE [0] step #-}
{-# INLINE [1] streamRG #-}

withBreakIO :: ((r -> ContT r IO b) -> ContT r IO r) -> IO r
withBreakIO = flip runContT pure . callCC
{-# INLINE withBreakIO #-}

withBreakST :: ((r -> ContT r (ST s) b) -> ContT r (ST s) r) -> (ST s) r
withBreakST = flip runContT pure . callCC
{-# INLINE withBreakST #-}

type CParser a = StateT BSC8.ByteString Maybe a
runCParser :: CParser a -> BSC8.ByteString -> Maybe (a, BSC8.ByteString)
runCParser = runStateT
{-# INLINE runCParser #-}
int :: CParser Int
int = coerce $ BSC8.readInt . BSC8.dropWhile isSpace
{-# INLINE int #-}
int1 :: CParser Int
int1 = fmap (subtract 1) int
{-# INLINE int1 #-}
char :: CParser Char
char = coerce BSC8.uncons
{-# INLINE char #-}
byte :: CParser Word8
byte = coerce BS.uncons
{-# INLINE byte #-}
skipSpaces :: CParser ()
skipSpaces = modify' (BSC8.dropWhile isSpace)
{-# INLINE skipSpaces #-}
seqInput :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector Int)
seqInput n = VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser int) <$> BSC8.getLine
{-# INLINE seqInput #-}
parseN1 :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector Int)
parseN1 n = VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser int) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseN1 #-}
parseN2 :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector (Int, Int))
parseN2 n = VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser $ (,) <$> int <*> int) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseN2 #-}
parseN3 :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector (Int, Int, Int))
parseN3 n = VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser $ (,,) <$> int <*> int <*> int) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseN3 #-}
parseN4 :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector (Int, Int, Int, Int))
parseN4 n = VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser $ (,,,) <$> int <*> int <*> int <*> int) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseN4 #-}
parseN5 :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int))
parseN5 n = VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser $ (,,,,) <$> int <*> int <*> int <*> int <*> int) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseN5 #-}
parseANBN :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector Int, VU.Vector Int)
parseANBN n = VU.unzip . VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser $ (,) <$> int <*> int) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseANBN #-}
parseANBNCN :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector Int, VU.Vector Int, VU.Vector Int)
parseANBNCN n = VU.unzip3 . VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser $ (,,) <$> int <*> int <*> int) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseANBNCN #-}

type Query3 = (Int, Int, Int)
query3Parser :: CParser Query3
query3Parser = do
  t <- char
  case t of
    '0' -> (,,) 0 <$> int <*> int
    _   -> (,,) 1 <$> int <*> pure 0
parseQ3 :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector Query3)
parseQ3 n = VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser query3Parser) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseQ3 #-}

type Query5 = (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
query5Parser :: CParser Query5
query5Parser = do
  t <- char
  case t of
    '0' -> (,,,,) 0 <$> int <*> int <*> int    <*> int
    _   -> (,,,,) 1 <$> int <*> int <*> pure 0 <*> pure 0
parseQ5 :: Int -> IO (VU.Vector Query5)
parseQ5 n = VU.unfoldrN n (runCParser query5Parser) <$> BSC8.getContents
{-# INLINE parseQ5 #-}

readInt :: BSC8.ByteString -> Int
readInt = fst . fromJust . BSC8.readInt
{-# INLINE readInt #-}
getInt :: IO Int
getInt = readInt <$> BSC8.getLine
{-# INLINE getInt #-}
readIntList :: BSC8.ByteString -> [Int]
readIntList = map readInt . BSC8.words
{-# INLINE readIntList #-}
getIntList :: IO [Int]
getIntList = readIntList <$> BSC8.getLine
{-# INLINE getIntList #-}
readInteger :: BSC8.ByteString -> Integer
readInteger = fst . fromJust . BSC8.readInteger
{-# INLINE readInteger #-}
getInteger :: IO Integer
getInteger = readInteger <$> BSC8.getLine
{-# INLINE getInteger #-}
readIntegerList :: BSC8.ByteString -> [Integer]
readIntegerList = map readInteger . BSC8.words
{-# INLINE readIntegerList #-}
getIntegerList :: IO [Integer]
getIntegerList = readIntegerList <$> BSC8.getLine
{-# INLINE getIntegerList #-}

class ShowAsBuilder a where
  showAsBuilder :: a -> BSB.Builder
  default showAsBuilder :: (Show a) => a -> BSB.Builder
  showAsBuilder = BSB.string8 . show

instance ShowAsBuilder Int where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.intDec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Int8 where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.int8Dec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Int16 where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.int16Dec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Int32 where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.int32Dec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Int64 where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.int64Dec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Word8 where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.word8Dec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Word16 where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.word16Dec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Word32 where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.word32Dec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Word64 where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.word64Dec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Integer where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.integerDec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Float where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.floatDec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}
instance ShowAsBuilder Double where
  showAsBuilder = BSB.doubleDec
  {-# INLINE showAsBuilder #-}

instance (ShowAsBuilder a, VG.Vector v a) => ShowAsBuilder (v a) where
  showAsBuilder = v2BSpcSep

putBuilder :: BSB.Builder -> IO ()
putBuilder = BSB.hPutBuilder stdout
{-# INLINE putBuilder #-}

printVecInLines :: (VG.Vector v a, ShowAsBuilder a) => v a -> IO ()
printVecInLines = putBuilder . v2BLines
{-# INLINE printVecInLines #-}

printVecInSpcSepLn :: (VG.Vector v a, ShowAsBuilder a) => v a -> IO ()
printVecInSpcSepLn = putBuilder . v2BSpcSepLn
{-# INLINE printVecInSpcSepLn #-}

v2BSpcSepLn :: (VG.Vector v a, ShowAsBuilder a) => v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BSpcSepLn = v2BSpcSepLnWith showAsBuilder
{-# INLINE v2BSpcSepLn #-}

v2BSpcSep :: (VG.Vector v a, ShowAsBuilder a) => v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BSpcSep = v2BSpcSepWith showAsBuilder
{-# INLINE v2BSpcSep #-}

v2BConcat:: (VG.Vector v a, ShowAsBuilder a) => v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BConcat = v2BConcatWith showAsBuilder
{-# INLINE v2BConcat #-}

v2BLines:: (VG.Vector v a, ShowAsBuilder a) => v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BLines = v2BLinesWith showAsBuilder
{-# INLINE v2BLines #-}

v2BSpcSepLnWith :: VG.Vector v a => (a -> BSB.Builder) -> v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BSpcSepLnWith = v2BSpcSepPostfWith "\n"
{-# INLINE v2BSpcSepLnWith #-}

v2BSpcSepWith :: VG.Vector v a => (a -> BSB.Builder) -> v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BSpcSepWith = v2BSpcSepPostfWith ""
{-# INLINE v2BSpcSepWith #-}

v2BConcatWith :: VG.Vector v a => (a -> BSB.Builder) -> v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BConcatWith showFct = VG.foldr ((<>) . showFct) mempty
{-# INLINE v2BConcatWith #-}

v2BLinesWith :: VG.Vector v a => (a -> BSB.Builder) -> v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BLinesWith showFct = VG.foldr (\a -> (showFct a <>) . (BSB.char7 '\n' <>)) mempty
{-# INLINE v2BLinesWith #-}

v2BSpcSepPostf :: (VG.Vector v a, ShowAsBuilder a) => BS.ByteString -> v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BSpcSepPostf = (`v2BSpcSepPostfWith` showAsBuilder)
{-# INLINE v2BSpcSepPostf #-}

v2BSpcSepPostfWith :: VG.Vector v a => BS.ByteString -> (a -> BSB.Builder) -> v a -> BSB.Builder
v2BSpcSepPostfWith = vecToBuilder "" " "
{-# INLINE v2BSpcSepPostfWith #-}

vecToBuilder :: VG.Vector v a => BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> (a -> BSB.Builder) -> v a -> BSB.Builder
vecToBuilder !prefix !separator !postfix = vecToBuilder_ (BSB.byteString prefix) (BSB.byteString separator) (BSB.byteString postfix)
{-# INLINE vecToBuilder #-}

vecToBuilder_ :: VG.Vector v a => BSB.Builder -> BSB.Builder -> BSB.Builder -> (a -> BSB.Builder) -> v a -> BSB.Builder
vecToBuilder_ !prefix !separator !postfix showFct vec = prefix <> VG.foldr (\a rest !prefx -> prefx <> (showFct a <> rest separator)) (const postfix) vec mempty
{-# INLINE vecToBuilder_ #-}